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@Trasiva done
http://dummi.io/ - A website for whipping up generic json data for testing.
hm, could come in handy
Nice @trasiva
oh, actually not really, just got these presets there
Oh, I didn't make it, I just stumbled across it.
@Trasiva I know...
I stumbled over one a while ago where you could define the data a bit better
It's for testing and validating your JSON stuff works, obviously you'll want real life data before you go live with it.
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of eslint@>=1.6.0 <4.0.0 but none was installed.
what tries npm to tell me here when I try to install eslint?
the eslint-loader does not include eslint?
@corvid pure Demagoguery!
We roll our own crypto
“Still life with various Unix shells”
haha, those are great
alright, have a great weekend everyone!
> unix shells
god dammit
later bro lol
> “12-week web dev bootcamp graduation”
Couldn't stop laughing at that one
@corvid Lol link? I bet it's funny but I'm in a conf and half the photos have painted asses... Which is cool, but the people behind me are probably pretty confused.
lol codeschool !ftw
some good lighting shaders on that one.
> “Lead Angular Expert after announcement about moving the project to React.js”
I nearly died lmao
what am I doing wrong if "npm start" can't find the command which should get executed in "scripts { start" section?
while it works if I just paste the very same line into my bash
it's just npm start
if that's not it, what's the command?
yes.. typo
just an ordinary call to webpack
npm start will exit on status 1
hm. mine works with just: scripts: { start: 'webpack' }
if I just execute "webpack" in the bash it just works
no other error message?
@SterlingArcher you mean hot
almost looks like npm start can't find/execute the binary
@Mosho triggered
check out her nightmare cover
by a7x
@jAndy how about other commands?
@SterlingArcher obligatory
@jAndy try npm run start instead
@Luggage I lied... webpack as single command actually works, webpack-dev-server is causing the trouble
aha! the truth comes out
if I execute "webpack-dev-server --inline --hot --port 80 --host myhostname" in the scripts it throws:
God I love this song
    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'webpack/bin/config-yargs'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:440:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:388:25)
but if I execute the webpack-dev-server line just in my bash it works
> Haskell meetup
@SterlingArcher I just found a bad I should have always known but never did until now
nuh-uh, no way
@KendallFrey LOL
!!youtube artillery khomaniac
@Mosho Something went on fire; status 403
don't think power/thrash is your style
but I'm in love
@KendallFrey yeah, I doubt more than 2 people would go the same haskell meetup. 4 is just way too many.
@Mosho yeah, too thrashy for me (but good!)
youtube.com/watch?v=CGqP5LDa6GU I'm more about this @Mosho
yeah I know what you like wink
off to the gym then
Get dem gainz brah
anyone here like the new Nails? youtube.com/…
That sounds like Cannibal Corpse from Ace Ventura lol
Duuuude tis Friday m8's @rlemon @FlorianMargaine
@SterlingArcher haha
@SterlingArcher freyed.ca
@SterlingArcher except any metal head will tell you that CC is brutal death, and nails is grind/hardcore
I own that domain, but I have nothing good to put behind it
What a shitty TLD
Oh snap I completely forgot I got absolutely trashed at a blackjack table in Vegas with a Canadian named Ken
We bro'd out hard
You're just jealous your country doesn't have a TLD
@SterlingArcher THAT WAS YOU???
lol he had a golf hat on lol and smoked freaking native american cigs
@Trasiva god I hate you
It's like a combination of me and Lemon
@SterlingArcher That's a straight up fucking lie and you know it.
@Trasiva what... how...
really, how did you do that
@KendallFrey scroll down on the HTML frame you waffle
fuck, I am a waffle
I fell for that old one
Lemon got me really good with that trick last year I think
I write such good clickbait, I should work for Buzzfeed.
I am not here
You did not see that
This is not the Friday you're looking for
I got the idea from Lemon, I just wrote my own this time.
Well, I wrote it a while ago, I just forked it so it had a new url, lol.
Still not as good as mine was though
@SterlingArcher, are you referring to American Spirits?
Apr 1 at 13:09, by Sterling Archer
@KendallFrey Oh nice, haha.
@SterlingArcher The one about the couple that didn't know what a blowjob was
@AdrianM. yes, those thank you
@SterlingArcher Jesus christ. I'm not going to get anything done now.
As cigarettes go, they're darn tootin'. I recommend refraining, of course.
@KendallFrey someone should make a chrome extension for that. Every link to YouTube goes to black friday instead.
That's, uh, exactly what I did.
Except it was every link, not just youtube
I convinced a number of people to install it
it was so goddamn glorious
I hope it only did that on fridays?
Then yes. Glorious.
I released it on Wednesday I think
Come Friday morning, mayhem
@KendallFrey you lured us with your Canadian wiles
My favourite part was when rlemon posted a legit link, and @SterlingArcher yelled at him because he thought rlemon had tricked him
I was livid lol I had so much to do that day and I couldn't open a single link for 20 minutes
you're lucky you already had chat open and didn't need a link to get here
> "Could I ask you another question?"
"Of course you can."
"I don't have a penis for my husband's mouth. What is he supposed to do?"
Oh. My. God.
the best is at the very end
> I just turned 18 and went off to college in the big city. I go to the nearest local porn store because they have a huge XXX Arcade sign on the side.
I go in all excited to the back room to try out this XXX arcade.
It was not X-rated mortal combat or Zelda. I was so disappointed. My roommates made fun of me for weeks.
That's my cue for lunch lol
!!afk food
Is there such a thing as a USB wifi dongle that has storage?
As in, it's a wifi dongle, and a usb drive
you're mixing concerns there.
I'm lacking usb ports
any angular guy?
@whyguy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Oh I guess usb dongles exist
I'm acute guy, does that count?
i can't get boostrap popover working in angular
do you know why?
i can't use ng-click in popover
Do you have an error perchance?
Maybe a use case, or code
i just installed ui.bootstrap
and i have this one:
Is there a better way to give a browser tab focus than alert?
Since win.focus() doesn't work in Chrome
that's bad
Hence I ask for a better alternative ;)
why would I want my browser to be able to force tab focus?
crazy malicious potential.
I know, but alert steals focus
it also blocks and has a built in way to avoid malice
You can just stop a page from creating dialogs.
so it's already possible in the most annoying way imaginable
you used to be able to make the window flash, but they took that out of recent OSes
you can change the fav icon
play some audio
I don't think you can alert when the tab isn't active anymore can you?
fav icon is a nice subtle cue but still visible
Cause that would be a huge pita
Hmm, favicon might be a nice alternative
you should be able to switch to an animated icon
did you guys see the video of the climber supposedly saying he climbed trump tower just to talk to trump about a business or something opportunity
I saw a picture and the headline. I wasn't interested beyond that.
anyone could help me get ui.boostrap.popover running on angularjs?
ugh.. I'd rather unclog toilets.
Hah! It's funny because I just spent two weeks doing that to our Bing Maps code.
I reduced it by 60%, and I'm still not happy with it.
@Trasiva can you fix bing search by any chance
@William I don't work for MS, so no.
are you a consultant then?
I meant my Bing maps code at work.
As in all the bullshit JS code I needed to write in order to use their map on our site.
i'm an idiot i understand
I spent yesterday fixing up my dependencies for size and setting up pre-gziping for static files (that part was easy)
I got my full site to about a 750k d/l. I think I can get it lower.
@FlorianMargaine Link's dead remoteprez.margaine.com (You've linked it here github.com/ralt/remoteprez)
@SomeGuy yeah, not surprising
Why's that?
because it's an old and abandoned project
I haven't looked at it since I set it up
and it was probably hosted on my old VPS, which is dead now
Anyone have any experience with nodejs here?
Ah. I was just linking a friend to it since he asked about how to control his slides from his phone
@orlandomarinella many of us
Any idea how to properly send an image file using the httprequest module? Things light on fire why I try.
when, that is.
Hi everybody
Hi, Dr. Nick!
Dr. Nick ?
I've been on this chat less than 10 seconds and I'm already lost...
@orlandomarinella get a buffer of the file contents, set the right mime types
Guys, look at this question:
Q: How do I write a named arrow function in ES2015?

jhammI have a function that I am trying to convert to the new arrow syntax in ES6. It is a named function: function sayHello(name) { console.log(name + ' says hello'); } Is there a way to give it a name without: var sayHello = (name) => { console.log(name + ' says hello'); } Obviously, ...

It's sad: a wrong answer has been accepted
@DenysSéguret yay I actually knew that :D
There should be a way for the community to at least add a warning that the accepted answer is wrong on a popular question...
I'd say raise a meta.. but you'd get "Upvote it and comment" and downvotes for sure
@ssube: Already trying that. Piping the image contents directly to the url fails on the server end, for some reason.
Could you all upvote this comment so that it stands out ?
Warning: A wrong answer has been accepted for that question. A more correct answer can be found below, though. — Denys Séguret 19 secs ago
@orlandomarinella what's your code look like, getting any error messages in the console?
@DenysSéguret edit the answer to add a disclaimer
@FlorianMargaine I don't think that's an accepted practice
(in fact I've seen that condemned on meta)
@DenysSéguret done
@FlorianMargaine that's how you start a fight
@DenysSéguret I've seen it done multiple times.
@DenysSéguret you should link the correct answer in your comment
fs.createReadStream('./img/150150.gif').pipe(request.put('https://example.com/a‌​pi/images').on('error', err => {throw err})).on('error', err => {throw err});
@ssube you're right. done
@SterlingArcher Nuked it.
Step 1: Load the gun
Step 2: Point at your face
Step 3: Masturbate
@Luggage Look up Kasper Knight.
That's a very nice squirrel.
@ssube how does it.. work?
@ssube fun one
@littlepootis look at the source
html is VERY lax
and most image formats have sections|blobs|howarethosethingsnamedalready?
Dunno. Images are derp.
@DenysSéguret comments?
It took me 1 week to find out that blob wasn't enabled in CFAdmin at my last job, and it was truncating my blobbed image inputs
the html is in a jpeg comment and most of the jpeg is in an html comment
I see magic bytes.
the commentation of the two means that it can be used as a page or img
I see nothing else.
@ssube that's a solution but in many formats you may embed your own user defined segments
@DenysSéguret oh, you mean metadata
@SterlingArcher That's why it was your last job ? radical...
!!afk baby back
Belatedly, @ssube, no error messages, no.
@orlandomarinella I'm not sure what's wrong with your code.
Are you sure .put can be used as a stream callback?
@ssube you free for Butcher and the Boar after work?
CV Please Too broad.
That's my problem. And, yeah, I'm fairly sure.
On npm, the devs provide request.get('http://google.com/img.png').pipe(request.put('http://mysite.com/im‌​g.png')) as an example.
The API I'm trying to touch has a mound of jquery and stuff that doesn't quite work in node.
Rather, they provide that in examples.
@SterlingArcher Which flag? There's like..two I can think of off hand.
Too broad?
Ummm do you not have "close because typographical error" on your flag list?
@ndugger I'm not actually downtown today, so I'm probably going to pass on that.
@SterlingArcher Nope
@ssube alright
They're capturing their image (assumedly) from a page with a .onload, then passing that and making into a blob (which node doesn't support), then wrapping all that in an ajax request.
Ohhh, it's under off-topic.
Which node also deosn't support.
Well, JQuery.
@KevinB Demon Hunters can understand Demonic...and they didn't clean up the old demonic language.
AKA: Everything's on fire.
Maybe do less drugs
That'll only make it worse.
There's a better way of doing this. Use a class selector, iterate, grab the source and call your function with the id. This will allow you to expand beyond hardcoded boundaires — Sterling Archer 31 secs ago
All those comments.. not one better methodology solution
@SterlingArcher He's gonna have a real problem pointing out what went wrong there.
You didn't
+1 you filthy crackwhore
Hey, that's an insult to crackwhores.
I mean, yeah
> “Programmer finds 1395 conflicts after ‘git merge develop master’, three days before deadline”
(for the lazy but interested esthete: that's from Gustave Courbet)
yeah yeah
> “Frontend developers approach newly released JS framework”
(for the lazy but interested esthete: I have absolutely no idea, never saw this one)
> Michele Cammarano
google sends a 250 page PDF and a 1 hour lecture as "prep material" for a 15 minute interview :|
Guy in the center looks like Michael Cera.
In fact it does, a code for code reply is the best way to learn from your mistakes. — Bekim Bacaj 50 secs ago
Oh for fucks sake

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