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maybe it would be worth counting chars within the container until point of selection and after?
function get_textarea_selection(textarea) {
	return textarea.value.substring( textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd );
i.e 53 chars from the start, 40 from the end
but i'm not using a textarea
also, why are you not using a textarea?
because of your fancy formatting?
haha yeah
so contentEditable div?
I'm doing direct input into the dom via a handling function with the keycode as the param then parsing through depending on what keycode it is and wether shift is being helf etc
not fun
why in the fuck are you doing it that way?!
not even funny?
like wow dude
because then I can do fancy html/css/js within it without it coming out like text
the textbody it is being loaded via local sql
but rather it is append and emptying with html content
i tried it with contenteditable originally
like i was pretty keen on it
but i ran into a tonne of issues
what you're doing now is a beast and should be killed... immediately.
you'll run into more with the way you're going about it.
you're re-inventing like 6 wheels and a couple knobs.
I know
hi-jacking the browser to do things it doesn't want you to do.
I'm reinventing the keyboard
I like it that way
also, I've already done all the text input
all characters support
single function
very hacky
if this is for school. you might get marks for creativity. if this is for work/$$ then I hope you got paid up front.
this is for school/myself
@rlemon are u up for some constructive debating ?
I wouldn't even bother for a client
i'd just textarea the fuck out them haha
id just say heres TinyMCE have fun bros.
ok well then don't take offense. you're taking the wrong approach. There are many online editors out there for you to reference, and most of them suck. but they all share the one underlying principal which is: Use one of the browsers standard input methods.
thatll be $300 please.
tinyMCE is not even even
@Abhishek about?
A node.js program
it sucks
there, constructive ?
@rlemon, I know what you mean but I really do want to make this work since i've come this far
@rlemon you pissed ?
@rlemon also I hopefully want to release it as an opensource input method
@MagicDev lol. ok... you'll learn the hard way... 80% done - hit a wall because the design was flawed - have to start over... would you not prefer to realize you're mistake 60% through?
@rlemon haha I'll do it one way or the other, i don't give up easily ;)
@MagicDev there are already many of them. :P not to burst your bubble, if you wanna write it for learning purposes by all means... but be aware the philosophy is flawed.
Turns out webAudio cannot save its own product -_-
the processed audio :<
@Abhishek lol dude i'm a troll. if I were pissed i'd be raging at you like I do andrewjackson or harrybeasant
@rlemon there are already too many of them, and everything i do is for learning purposes; epeen projects are never worth it.
soo i went ahead and wrote a small mp3 Decoder for node.js [ well just used the libLame ]
now i want to ask
would it be good if i do something like this ::
Buffer audio to client side and let the client play
and as the client plays it sends a packet containing event updates
like seeking etc
to server and sends only the mic input to server
which processes this data and then flushes to a shoutcast ?
would this method be good ?
honestly i'm the wrong person to ask :P
never dealt with streaming data before.
idk who to ask (XD)
game dev?
if @Loktar is free we can do a small experiment
@rlemon sounds good :-)
im free, just working on my own node app
@Abhishek game dev guys tend to stream their mw3 'battles'
but who is a game dev here ?
@Loktar k np i will just use DOM for that
no one that I know of
wow rlemon
@Abhishek do you use IRC at all?
200 points to gryffindor
Hardly =.=
ah, theres an amazing channel #bbg on freenode
tons of game devs
My version of that is like 34756 times more messy,
mostly JS/canvas stuff
@MagicDev look at the top - i didn't write it.
haha, 200 points for finding it regardless
but that is my point from the beginning. these things have been done and done over again. The most perform-ant solution is likely online. If you don't want to C&P it then you can analyze it and re-write your own in your own style.
or do what I do. Pull some script to use as part of a larger project... work with the script for a few weeks... decide that there are limitations you just can't live with and re-write the script based on the predecessor
I know what you mean
the world looks much nicer standing on the shoulders of giants :P
and from up here i can spit on noobs.
but, this is more of a educational project for me; especially for practise with larger webapp building and things I haven't had too much practise with lik regex and alot of corners of js i haven't been to yet haha
@MagicDev then I strongly suggest you heed my advice on the input method.
you're method would be great for a canvas game or something similar which does not allow for native input
like it's not useless, just being used for the wrong application.
you'll be doing a lot of processing to prettify the damn thing :P do you really want the additional overhead to handle every input as well?
not to mention how much additional code that has to be?
haha well I've already done the handling
I just need to add selection
and then i'm set
also what about my french canadian keyboard with different input methods / characters
canadians have different keyboards?
we can if we wan't a french keyboard
i'm sure americans have spanish keyboards.
I could do that
variable function loadup
script for english handling
script for mexican handling
script for afro-swahili handling
but you see now you have to go above and beyond to handle all of this
not realllyyyy
I just substitute in
yes really
but you have to check for it
or have the user input it
user input
give em a lil flag to click on
basically now you're adding 10 more steps because you decided you didn't want to use contentEditable.
choose their own flag
I don't have to add that
"I could use contentEditable... but I would rather add 25KB more code to the project. to handle all keyboard entry"
this isn't meant to be a non-english webapp
read my last comment to see why your being silly. then i'm done :P
LOL @rlemon I hate the commercial for that stupid keyboard
or one similar anyway..
right side Entree does not look readable IMO
You can't focus on elements within contentEditable though
what do you mean focus?
i click on it
yeah but you need to click on it
which is a minus
and say you have an input element within the content editable
you can't .focus() it
works for me
do you even try these things before you go making wild claims :P
haha I did!
I don't remember exactly what my issue was
but it was something to do with focusing on elements
within the contentEditable
well either way. there it is. :P
meh w/e
you'll see :P.
shakes iron fists
now back to battling codeIgniter in the hopes that it'll be speedier than my self-written microframework attempt
@MagicDev oxidizes glove ... go shake your rust somewhere else.
Someone always wants to invite me to LinkedIn but I don't care.
but then you're linkedout
@rlemon, throws soviet flavour at you
whats the easiest javascript/jquery way to count up?
count up ?
wait what ???
if u wanna count elements in an array try arr.length
as in example pls
from like 1 to anything
no like a countdown
for loop ?
but a countup
blocking or non-blocking ?
as in u wanna count like forever ?
or just about a few digits ?
ah then use setInterval
from like 5 or 100
for( var i = 5 ; i < 101 ; i ++ ) {

doh thats easy
hmm okay cheers
i tried this,
function GetCount(){

        for( var i = 5 ; i < 101 ; i ++ ) {
"<div id='days'><span></span>" + i +"<div id='days_text'></div></div>";


                setTimeout("GetCount()", 1000);
would that work?
No, it wouldn't.
"<div id='days'><span></span>" + i +"<div id='days_text'></div></div>";
What is that line even doing?
I'm guessing you meant to assign that to a variable called out
Also, as everyone will tell you, avoid using .innerHTML
Eff'ing trolls.
I was about to ask what in the hell you guys were talking about then I looked at the room roster.
Harry does not ask questions... he posts requirements then pisses you off by not listening for 20 minutes until you give up trying to teach him something and write his code for him to shut him up.
his 'project' is an amalgamation of SO users hard work and Harry's not so unique idea.
what is it? (the project i mean)
Un-ignored me again?
I wouldn't be such a hater if he applied anything we're telling him. He's incompetent in the sense that he does not even try to understand the code you're writing. He pastes it into his source and expects it to just work.
Just leave me on you ignore list lemon
yesterday, by Raynos
@HarryBeasant have you tried acquiring competence?
I cant even see what he's jammering about now.. I got you ignored.
Future help for @HarryBeasant should include (and only include) links to reference guides on language specific basics.
We all had to learn it, you should too.
@HarryBeasant you are the only person i can link this w3schools.com i know all others will oppose this but I doubt u can understand MDN
</rage><smoke />
try doing w3schools tutorials and then try Mozilla Developer Network ones
will take a time but u will do awesome -_-
@Abhishek he probably is already w3schools certified.
that is too funny
although i'm sure you're just sick and tired of dealing with it
I get very irritated when people come in here and just expect you to fix their code when it is clear they have no fucking clue what they're doing.
@MagicDev like you're taking the wrong approach to a problem. that annoys me, but I can at least respect the fact that you're trying something...
learn from your mistakes
so it's acceptable (as long as it's not client facing... then I would be like "dude. dafuq")
but Harry just comes in and is all
haha yeah I know
I wouldn't bother regardless if it was a client
and hahahahahaha
@MagicDev having not seen your code ( I will give you the benefit of the doubt and ), i'll assume it's good. you'll find your input handling will be awesome for other applications.. just not this one :P I wouldn't use a tire iron to dig a fence hole.
I wouldn't come in here asking for a solution, that's what so is for; rather come here for pointers in the right direction on specific issues/problems
ok i need that smoke now.
also my code is pretty horrendous as is, i'm kindof crash coursing my handling script until i've covered everything to it before i clean it up and make it pretty
best logo/company name i've ever seen!
lol wtf
is that Jesus?
Q: "Print this post"

ManishearthAnswer to this meta question. Adds a "print" link to individual posts. Does not do any stripping down of markup, the post is preserved as-is. The rest of the page is eaten by the jQuery monster. Installation Click here to install. Will only work in Chrome or FireFox(FF requires Greasemonkey) ...

@rlemon lolz
@rlemon so hows PI going ?
working on pi3
add HTML5 features
I love there CSS :-)
user accounts
@rlemon gr8 :D
who's css?
ads or ads free ?
ads on some pages.
small ads.
i'm not a big fan of ads but If i'm moving this to a better host then i'll need to pay for it :P
that and depending on how many people use it i'll need a hella lota storage.
m hmm :P
true that brother
why not try 000webhost.com ?'they have paid packages at really insanely low rates
so i'll allow user galleries and such.. maybe toss a small banner ad on the bottom or side of that.
i'm gonna go with a canadian company
with unlimited disk space
support my local guys
;-) i will be coming canada soon though :D :D
Q: What programming languages are 'general purpose' and 'domain specific'?

IntegralistI've read a few posts on SO about different DSL's and GP languages but I'm still a bit confused as to how you define a programming language to be one or the other. My understanding so far (and hopefully you can clarify) is as follows: Languages such as PHP, HTML, CSS are domain specific because...

@Abhishek: disk space is cheap, RAM isn't
proc either.
ram is pretty cheap, 16gb for like 100€
@FlorianMargaine i have used there hosting , a long while ago ..
it was easily handling about 100 clients on forever open blocking PHP
@Esailija: I mean for hosting providers
http requests
[just for the hell of testing]
cool, I once had a free account at 000webhost too, never had a use for it :/
i've had MANY free accounts with them
so that host is not as low quality as u think
@rlemon same
ohh but it is lower quality than I am looking for.
26 minute round trip
k cya and gl
@rlemon You're looking for a host?
~26 years old and still go home to poop.
i bbl too [ after reading Quantum Physic ]
@OctavianDamiean in passing yes. no $$ for it atm, but I will be soon.
@rlemon lol
@FlorianMargaine have a good day :-)
thanks, you too
its midnight , but thanks :)
it's 6pm here
btw, can't talk with you, I have to end my resume :(
:-o thanks for reminding i hav to make one tooo
mine's almost finished in french
I'm copying @Loktar's resume :D
not exactly, but keeping the same mood
@FlorianMargaine awesome :)
that means mine doesn't totally suck then lol
I drew inspiration from a few websites
like smashingmagazine.com
theres a bunch more articles like that, some people have some really awesome ones
yeah I haven't really looked much into it, having one is enough :p
I'll show you when I'll get to save it in a correct format :D
11 messages moved to CSS
Thanks, I got it
should i buy hingnikar.com ?
for my blog
what does that mean?
what's hing nikar? your name?
hingnikar is my last name :P
buy it then :)
On my way :D
it'll get you some [email protected] email address, which is just professional
anyways bbl time to mess with node.js
tootallnate.net/nodejs-on-ios <- geez thats really bad ass
btw @rlemon I found some use for your FragBuilder: mobile webapps. Using as less bandwidth as possible is a must on mobiles, and transfering json instead of html saves bytes :)
@Abhishek: that's really super useless also :D
thats why i said bad ass
bad ass !== badass
@FlorianMargaine Sweet! if you got any projects you want 'showcased' on the site lemmy know
@rlemon: you'd be glad to, heh? :p
am checking out , haXe
with that said i'm also working on gist.github.com/2313580
anybody has any acid burns with haXe ?
I have an ongoing project that should use it, I'll let you know when it'll be ready
@rlemon you're missing some outliers for attributes
that is the kinda working reverse function
@FlorianMargaine nice!
@MattMcDonald yea it's not at all polished.
@rlemon: which'd be good for the exact same reason :)
problem is I don't know all of the cases, so I kinda rely on you guys pointing out where i've done wrong.
@Loktar: thanks!
@Loktar if u are free i need some canvas help some time :-)
im free now
one such outlier is float (cssFloat and styleFloat)
Well @Loktar [pls dont scream] but um can we try to write a community video app in Node.js using canvas ?
@Abhishek hmm what do you mean? Because if its what I think then Id say sure
like an app to do minor edits to videos?
like cutting sections, ect?
oh man hell yeah
using canvas & video
Ive always thought the internet needed something like that
I do that at my job
me too :-)
have to cut clips from random vids
im like wtf there needs to be a site to do this
But btw that will be all client based
what about rerendering the video?
how about adding a bit of realtime-ness and multiclientness to it :P
that would have to be serverside right?
[can we move this to a private conf ? ]
and that'd be epic if we can
Can u make a room ?
do you guys think this is aswsome marynaaleksandrova.info/labs/happy-easter
i brb in 5 with coffee
@didxga: that's no canvas ;_;
css3 animation
posted on April 09, 2012 by Thomas Fuchs

Zepto.js, the semicolon-free edition! That’s right, we removed all trailing semicolons from the source and tests. They were never needed anyway. Completely new documentation site We’ve relaunched the ZeptoJS.com website to be a single-page documentation site—it works great on desktop browsers and as a home screen bookmark on iPads. New methods: clone prop $.isPlainObject $.inArray [...]

great then :D
I thought it was all js animations, which I found very fast, but not impressive
the internet's most useless site this side of LinkedIn sold for 1,000,000,000

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