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yes, the comments
@Maurice Thank you?
oh, nevermind. Thought you are the guy who asked.
I am just confused as to what was being asked.. that is standard behavior...
He has three divs: "content". One "content" div has 33% width - results in 99% width. That's it.
Yea... but why is he confused that long text takes up more room... isnt that just, well, obvious?
Feel free to take any and all resources away from Documentation to save Teams. — m69 Aug 3 at 0:52
@ivarni overhead? You can't actually do half the build without them. Using raw npm scripts is an antipattern, we've had conversations about it here before.
I'm not sure why npm scripts are a thing
especially npm test
@Ryan What do you mean? I just use them. No more grunt/gulp crap...
nobody is
npm takes forever to start up, why would I want to run everything through it
@Neal I just use tap test
npm is slow, unstable, and the scripts are just untestable code stuffed in the very wrong place
(for example)
webpack can do most things, unless you need to run actual tests, then you need gulp
make is also a good choice, in general
@Ryan Mainly if you dont intall things like tag globally and want to use locally installed modules
@Neal node_modules/.bin/tap
@ssube Nope. no need for gulp to run any tests. karma ftw!
@Neal so then you have to run npm to run webpack and karma?
@Ryan Yea... but then you have to type that out. npm scripts gives you the alias :-)
@Neal just write a node script that does the same
It's faster
@Neal ^Rtest in zsh
npm scripts are shell (not necessarily bash even) that you can't test and have to escape
@ssube "test": "karma start",
it's code in the config file, which is bad enough on its own
@Neal and that relies on a hidden global dependency, hooray
@ssube What global dependency?
karma being installed globally
nope. does not have to be
npm scripts run the local versions
Pretty sure it does?
That sounds off somehow
for it to be on the path, it needs to be global
@Ryan if it did then none of my tests would run on jenkins, but they do :-)
Okay, I'm gonna test it
and there's no way to tell what shell it's going to run under since there's no shebang
@ssube npm scripts run on the path of node_modules/.bin, then global
@ssube no
@littlepootis Thank you :-)
By golly, it's as @Neal says
regardless of whether it fixes (/breaks) the path for you, you're still putting code into an escaped JSON file
which is an absolutely horrible idea
you may as well keep the code in your database or refer to svn changesets for each function
@ssube Write small, portable scripts then?
@Ryan ding ding ding :-)
@Ryan ever seen a decent-size project's gulpfile?
All of my build is in my package.json
there's no way to replicate that in bash without a lot of tricky stuff
@ssube Not all projects are decent-size
"scripts": {
  "build": "cp -R server/. lib/server && babel server --out-dir lib/server && npm run dll && npm run compile",
  "buildMini": "NODE_ENV=production npm run build",
  "packageProd": "npm run build && node lib/server/server.js",
  "prod": "NODE_ENV=production npm run packageProd",
  "predev": "npm run dll",
  "dev": "NODE_ENV=development nodemon --exec babel-node server/server.js",
  "compile": "webpack",
  "dll": "webpack --config webpack.config.dll.js",
  "pretest": "npm run dll",
  "test": "karma start",
I wrote a "built tool" in python.
So simple :-)
plus having multiple scripts means intermediate files, which gulp exists to fix
@ssube I wrote that ^ in bash before.
Ported to python because x-platform issues.
but… those would be better put in a Makefile
@ssube gulp just gets confusing and convoluted...
@Neal so simple?
@Ryan Make is horrible
@Loktar so simple
That is more convoluted than a gulp file.
@Neal not really. It's pretty straight forward.
@Loktar How so?
@littlepootis Yeah, but at least it won’t delay your scripts by 3 seconds
python or node don't either :)
@Loktar all is locally runnable, with gulp in order to replicate without gulp you have to know everything it is doing etc etc
Maybe just write a set of functions that you can source
@littlepootis the syntax is ugly (but it's the same bash script as npm) but it can actually do deps
@ssube It's not the syntax that's bad about make
@Neal you don't ever need to replicate the build script without the build script, though
@ssube deps are an adv., yeah
@Neal that's absolutely horrible. Look at how much duplication you have.
@ssube With gulp if I want to change one thing it gets confusing (in my opinion) to each their own. this is vim vs emacs all over again ;-)
Pretty much the only good makefile is one that's portable (i.e. not locked to GNU Make)
Noone will win
and projects outgrow that very quickly
@Neal gulpfiles are just code, so you can (and if you haven't written a bunch of them, probably do) write bad ones
you can also write very good ones
the underlying technology is objectively good, largely because it doesn't create temp files all over the place (which all the other options have to do)
> the underlying technology is objectively good
objection: javascript actually sucks
@littlepootis vinyl and the way gulp wraps it
@Ryan so do computers
@ssube Yea. I have just had too much bad experiences with bad gulp/grunt files... decided to go in a new direction...
@Neal that's fair
my most terse (and largely unnecessary) gulp file so far is github.com/ssube/noicejs/blob/master/gulpfile.js
@ssube see? Why the heck do you now need gulp-babel and gulp-mocha? extra dependency hell :-(
how can I remove all empty entries in an array that is from a split function? I currently have
return: info.replace('BLCLI> ').split('\n').filter(function(n){ return n.length > 0; })
But this just replaces the empty ones with undefined :-S
info is a long sentence
@Neal I don't, although it does make the globs friendlier (otherwise I'd have to use a fairly complex find).
@ssube :-( dependency hell. Might as well add on some guy.
and hot pockets while your at it ;-P
hey guys
@blankHead guy*
@Neal but I also have one with coverage that would actually be impossible in bash: gist.github.com/ssube/…
@Neal Because text pipes are lackluster
@Neal and if your gulpfile starts accumulating dependencies, gulp-load-plugins can load all of your gulp plugins for you :D
the test coverage step can't be done without one node process living the whole time
@ssube what line am I looking at?
I am stuck up on an issue for a long time
can someone please help me out with the sam
Mmm found my error, replace had a missing argument which filled the undefined, also replaced filter with (String)
@ssube I have coverage covered by karma
Q: Angularjs:-Slick not working for dynamic data in responsive design(Bootstrap)

blankHeadI am trying to implement a slick carousel in which we can display images of various friends. The issue I am facing is that when I am working on slick on desktop it is working fine, but as soon as I move into mobile mode/mobile screen the slick carousel breaks. I am not sure whether it is the pro...

@blankHead can you post a small example that reproduces the issue?
@Neal for es6?
@ssube Yep.
with babel in the middle
@ssube si
it doeshappen even in plunker because it is taking a fixed width there
I am trying to implement dynamically
but then karma is just your long-running process that handles that instead of gulp
@ssube maybe. true. but then i dont have to have different things doing different things
@Neal but I want different things doing different things, because if they each do one thing, they can do it well.
that's why React actually work and Angular is lost in a mess of class provider semantics
@ssube Just wanted to know which has a better future react or angular
@Neal huh, that's going to be useful when I set up the browser build for this project
@blankHead you can debate that for a long time. Angular is more popular in the enterprise JS side, such as it is (when you have too much VC and want to be fancy) but React is more widely popular, especially for small stuff.
for building a website
with nodejs
well none of those requirements add any extra info to really change the facts
> For a zoo
> Non profit
> In Alabama
you should get animals
oh, wait, you should get the locals and lock them up
Well Animals and Angular
so I guess React it is
@blankHead it's the third fact that's important
zoo and non-profit both point to animals, but in alabama, the only animal you can find is a possum so you're better off using the locals as zoo attractions
if you're writing a website with nodejs for work (and you work at a Java shop), then Angular is the obvious choice because it is Java
This is the Bonita exhibit
holy crap how long does node 6.3.1 compile.....
26 minutes ongoing
> You can see here the Bubba in its natural habitat and wifebeater, frying up some butter for dinner.
@jAndy are you building v8?
does it?
I just downloaded the node source 6.3.1
Download Current version: v6.3.1 (includes npm 3.10.3)
@ssube As ugly as they are, they're actually pretty cool animals. On top of one of the only ones typically completely immune to rabies.
@jAndy if you are, it could take anywhere from 2-36 hours, depending on if you're running a pair of Xeons or an old intel
@Trasiva they're just shitty mutant raccoons, so that explains why they're immune to wasteland diseases :D
@ssube I mean, they do eat a metric shit ton of ticks too.
looks like it does...
@Trasiva huh, I might need to get one for the back yard.
@ssube ;-) Happy to help!
(sorry for the delayed response, I was in standup @ssube)
It's the internet, I expect nudes more than timely responses (but if I get both, well that's just peachy).
Hmmmm... == is equal but not ness the same type. Did you mean to use ===? — Neal 6 secs ago
@ssube ;-)
I am using ng-message in Angular1. If I keep the key pressed I can see several "instances" of a single ng-message. Why would this happen?
@ssube lol.. "impossible in bash", What do you think the nyc is doing in the the posttest? You don't need grulp for anything, though I get that you obviously like it. A lot.
@ivarni Thanks :-)
@ivarni lol, did you read it? It's hooking require, so...
Anyway, I didn't mean to stomp on any fantoes
My setup does the exact same thing as yours
You like yours, I like mine. It's fine, really.
@Waterscroll If you keep what key pressed?
@OliverSalzburg It is an text input for a date with ui-mask. I have some custom validations. If I type an invalid date and keep the key pressed for the last digit pressed.
@Waterscroll I would assume it's an issue with ui-mask
@OliverSalzburg It is my lunch break now. Going to investigate more after. The funny thing is that ng-messages are supposed to based on a key value pair, so I was expecting just one error message per error, not several for just one.
@MadaraUchiha the amazing thing is that we all have that on our computer, most likely
Any idea who that's supposed to be?
I think it's Guy Fieri, cause of how it looks dumb
@BenjaminGruenbaum played with mobx-react-devtools? It's simple, but something I really wanted knockout to do.
@Luggage I did, but didn't find it super useful
It replaced this link medium.com/friendship-dot-js/…
that's the context
@Trasiva Guy Fieri
@tereško looks like Madara and Florian managed to look after you, thanks guys ^^
@BenjaminGruenbaum 404
Also, yeah, I know the context :P
I figured he was trolling from the clickbait alone
@Luggage haha!
I am ashamed I still have some dependencies handled by bower in my project. :(
you should be
you're making a zombie carry your beer
Maybe after I get this report BS done today, I can work on that.
I don't get the zombie reference.
unless it's just a general reference to the state of the bower project
@BenjaminGruenbaum #left-pad
bower is dead (actually)
right, ok.
@ssube not according to bower themselves
@Neal it's not maintained anymore
What do they know? They made bower.
their readme was the most-recently-changed file and it doesn't even load all its images
@ssube hmmmm
hmm ill just install bower with npm. one sec.
Hi, I'm having problems rendering info in an array using angularjs, the problem is that if I push an item it doesn't render but then if I push another item, it renders the first one, if I push another one it renders the first one and the second one but not the third, and so on, any ideas?
are you sure you are pushing what you think you are to the array?
Sounds like he is, but something isn't getting notified. I don't know angular, but the whole "renders the second to last change" really feels like that.
Yeah, I see the info getting pushed on the console
@Trasiva thanks, but that's not the issue
So, there's this old XP machine with 2gb ram at college. I need to get Bash with coreutils and general gnu stuff running on it somehow so that I could teach Linux foo to my mates.
What do I do?
Preferrably a way that doesn't involve installing stuff.
if you can't run linux on that be ashamed.
live cd?
Should I just boot off my usb
@littlepootis portable copy of git bash
usb or cd, yeah. but... make sure you don't get burned for it
like the one in cmder.net
heh that is a nice windows one
@littlepootis install cygwin
@tereško that is not a nice windows one
aslo cmder
@ssube what do you mean?
just got one of those, loooove it
git bash has most of the main utils, but they're actual windows builds instead of terrible cygwin hack jobs
can mount up to 5 HD images at once
and multiple ISOs
it's mingw vs the crazy shit cygwin does
cd drive emulator, so handy
That would actually be pretty great.
@ssube he said taht he need to teach his friend linux and not git
@Loktar looks nice!
@tereško git comes with common 'unix' tools. That is wha tis being suggested
@tereško I'm teaching ~120 peeps
grep, vim, openssh, many others
@littlepootis technically you can also install a CLI-only distro on VirtualBox
And I just need basic linux command line stuff.
you probably want real linux for real teaching.
you're only missing the actual linux kernel stuff with git bash
a tiny (maybe alpine) VM and vmware player/vbox is also a good choice
but you do need to install the VM host and you might not have enough hardware
install something like barebones Arch on VBox and it should be ok
give it like 128-256MB ram in the config
@Luggage why?
i don't know.
that's my point
vagrant is about as useful as actual vagrants
Something/someone to blame problems on?
good for stealing and eating your cat, not good for setting up VMs :P
i have an attribute called name in a json file, i am calling it using 2 techniques and both are returning undefined:
Anyone knows what this problem is about?
make it BYO linux.
json.name is undefined
@ElieSaad What is json?
json is the json file name, just for testing
var json = "someFile.json"; ?
How are you reading it?
I can read the json file normally, i am using ajax call to get the file.
but when i call a certain attribute, i get undefined.
There's something wrong with the way you're retrieving it.
console.log() the root variable that you think contains the data and see what is there.
                type: "GET",
                url: getJsonFile,    //the url
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (json) {
the entire thing
@littlepootis I have read it is equivalent to getJson(), so what should i fix/do? or what do i search for?
@tereško is the technique i am using old, or ...? If you have time I would love to understand this.
well .. read the entire page and that ask your questions
what you are using now is a jQuery wrapper around the old style API
I am asking about this :P
Thank you.
@ElieSaad also, be advised that jquery is not not mandatory for using "AJAX". It's only providing a bit more user-friendly wrapper around the browsers XmlHttpRequest object (which is in the process of becoming obsolete)
@tereško I think I have a lot of fixing to do then. Why is it becoming obsolete? what is its downside?
I just got that as a :shipit: on a PR
@ElieSaad It's complicated.
lil poot, can you help me?
@Downgoat hey downgoat
i want to add a property for each object in an array
@JoeSaad iterate?
i want to use map filter reduce ?
is that possible?
1 message moved to Trash can
@NathanJones Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
array.map(elem => {
  elem.newProp = newVal;
  return elem;
@JoeSaad cc
thanks a million
@JoeSaad anything is possible if you can dream
@NathanJones map should never have side effects
How does capricasix detect code?
cv-pls (no code, syntax error): stackoverflow.com/questions/38857215/…
haha caprica tell me if THAT is unformatted code XD
typed 7 characters, got syntax error, quit job as programmer
@ssube oh, my bad. i was thinking js was call-by-value, apparently that's not right...
someArray.forEach(elem => elem.newProp = newValue); //forEach can have side effects
anybody use hapi?
I use poppy.
haven't heard of that one
trying to figure out why the file handler's not working
just started a pluralsight tutorial and it's already failing
I think they stripped static file handling out of the core, probably some extra bit of config / plugin somewhere, but I can't find much on it
maybe cause pluralsight is one of those mediocre tutorial for tons of money places?
as opposed to where?
I've got a bit of a problem where MathJax seems to bump text around on my page as it renders a certain <div> tag's contents for me. Does anyone think they can suggest a way to stop it affecting the rest?
Here's an example. Note I'd like the second line to sit farther down the page and not bump around.
make sure you edit to un-box that img before it's permanate
you need to put the mathjax bit into a container that has a fixed size, I think
then stick the top one in a div with a min-height
make sure the fixed size is bigger than the formula (using min-height) and it won't jump around as much
un-box the image?
hit Up, add some text after the url (like a period) and hit enter
There's not much to the document. It's here if anyone wants to see.
So a fixed height for both?
fixed or minimum height for the formula
Is it possible to give the first half the page height, and the second the other half?
As a maximum.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ping
@NathanJones I tried it on a simple array and it worked great.. when i tried it on .map(res=> res.json()).yourmethod, it didn't work
I am using jQuery validate and when none of the fields are selected it throws the error whereas when one field is selected, other blank fields don't through the error.
here is the link http://realityfootball4all.com/survey.html

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