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[0] could return undefined
if you call defined(undefined, false, '', 0, 1)
Good Morning/Evening/Afternoon @FlorianMargaine
the idea is that calling that ^ will return false
k :)
@Abhishek: evening here! how are you doing?
Doing quite fine
done with id3 tagging , media library , 30% of lame.js
document.getElementById('progress').style.width = '800px';
How could i set a colour in there too
wait a f**** minute
I tried document.getElementById('progress').style.width = '800px' + .style.color="grey";
@HarryBeasant: var p = document.getElementById('progress'); p.style.width = '800px'; p.style.color = 'grey';
no built-in way for multiple statements at once
i just wanted to say .. why arnt u just simply using %
> /* Apologies but jQuery is just here for making this faster */
didnt quite got times (D)
i wanted to say use %
how is the code any faster? js would take just as many lines to write
@FlorianMargaine , i was not as fluent with vanilla.js
at the time of writing that as much i was with jQuery
btw as per progressBar is concerped
@HarryBeasant should just make something like this
- typing please wait -
This node.js wallpaper is awesome.
  HTML :: <div class="progressBar" data-min="0" data-max="200"><div class="value"></div></div>

  JS ::
   /* A simple progress bar , use <progress> for sake of kittens */
  function progessBar( id ) {
    var barNode =  document.getElementById(id);
    var max = barNode.getAttribute('data-max') || 100;
    var min = barNode.getAttribute('data-min')  || 0;
    var valueNode = bar.children[0];
    var value = 0;
    this.changeValue = function( newValue) {  value = newValue; valueNode.style.width = ((value - min)*(100/max))+'%'; }
right ?
crap XD
btw your code must be a little part of a bigger codebase
this.getValue ?
his progressbar
or you should show some API usage example :p
he can figure them out .. comon!
but I think your thing is overengineered
its simple
[atleast i think]
for what a progressbar should posses
oh I get it
I'd just use el.style.width = percentage + '%'
dunno why you'd need getValue
*i felt there might be some alien use for it *
Is there anyway of adding style (padding) to this? document.getElementById('progress').innerHTML = iPercentComplete.toString() + '%';
stop using innerHTML FFS
because that returns itself inside of the progress bar
<div id="progress" class="uploadpc">&nbsp;</div>
inside here
you'll see how to do what you want.
if you stop using innerHTML
Whats is the alternate?
depends on your use.
document.getElementById('progress').textContent = iPercentComplete.toString() + '%';
that works.
That work?
syntax doesn't recognise it
That new?
iPercentComplete.toString ?
works though
why on the bloody earth ?
But i still need to give is padding
iPercent + '%';
does the same!
@HarryBeasant: why don't you apply the padding on the element?
This is the progress bar
#progress {
	padding: 7px;


	background: #4CBB17;
i tried giving it a class
.uploadpc {
	font-family: sans-serif;
	vertical-align : middle;
	text-align: center;

font-family and font size both work with the text
Just no aligning methods
Its probably something really small and stupid =L
even padding in the div wont move the text
tip for the wise: ignore vendor prefixes
@OctavianDamiean nodejs wallpaper?
it's on the repo now too
@vzwick Yup. nodejs.org/logos
It looks pretty good.
awesome thanks
@MattMcDonald I would appreciate more browsers :P
what's the point of testing others?
it's going to work in pet browsers
saf 4
oh true saf 3.1 works so saf 4 works
safari overwrites the existing install
so I can only do one per system
AH I see
ie7 and ie8 are interesting
I want to see whether slice will work
I should add a vm for each
Q: Add custom metadata or config to package.json, is it valid?

Lance PollardI have seen (don't remember where, but here's something from joyent on it) a package.json file with custom keys starting with an underscore: { "name": "application-name" , "version": "0.0.1" , "private": true , "dependencies": { "express": "2.4.7" , "jade": ">= 0.0.1" } ...

Did I screw up?
@Raynos IE 7 is the same as IE 6
I'll have to clone the vm again to do IE 8
slice exists in both IE 6 and IE 7, but tossing childNodes to call errs
yeah it errs for both NodeLists and HTMLCollections
IE doesn't like it when you call Array methods on DOM objects
9 is OK with it, I think 8 is too.
yeah the earlier versions are even pickier
Hi guys, I need to write a table sort by cols. Can you help me with algorithm?
And small notice, I can use jQuery 1.7+
columns in HTML tables are really for styling purposes only
I wanna click on a col header and sort all rows )
What exactly is the problem?
what you can do is iterate over table cells
and count the colSpan property for each
@OctavianDamiean algorithm ;-)
So on what do you want to sort the rows?
help vortex identified
@OctavianDamiean numerical / alphabetical
basically, you'd have to identify the cells for "column" x
then put them in an array and sort them
@MattMcDonald yep
What Matt said.
How is the table data supplied?
then what you do is replace the nodes for each cell with the nodes of the corresponding cell
instead of adding/removing
this is a space-saver, particularly when speaking of reflows
Ok, go to try it
"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"
 comment: {
          required: true
there's the error
lavish me with praise Cthulhu
title="use this"
Q: Scripts Casing Flash Intro Animation To Stop

ubiqueWhen my Flash website loads, it freezes halfway through the initial animation for 2-3 seconds and then continues. This obviously doesn't look great and I can't figure out what is causing it. Am thinking it is one of the scripts in index.html causing the issue and have tried all sorts of ways to c...

2 hours later…
A: How do I properly import jQuery plugins to Node.JS?

RaynosYou don't. You don't use jQuery on the server, ever. It has no place there, you don't have a DOM on the server and jQuery itself is a mediocre library to start with. If you really want to use a "jQuery plugin" in node, you rewrite the plugin as a standalone module without a jQuery dependency. ...

Help a brother out
> u shud echo
A: jqueryui autocomplete doesn't work in php

Parv Sharmaaccording to the jquery documentation here http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/ it states that the result either can be a name value pair or just an array or strings.. so instead u shud echo smthing like this. echo '["abc","def"]';

>> q.q jQuery programmer
@Incognito how do we actaully battle spread of misinformation
A: Add custom metadata or config to package.json, is it valid?

Octavian DamieanGiven the nature of JSON and this statement from the Nodejitsu documentation I don't see anything wrong with that. Node itself is only aware of two fields in the package.json: { "name" : "barebones", "version" : "0.0.0", } There is NPM which also cares about a couple of fields l...

Is this answer just wrong or does nobody know?
A: Detect when Scroll reaches the limit of the page [ without jQuery ]

ampersandcommented: as I said: 'tested in chrome 18, safari 5.0.2 and ff 11.0'. please test it in ie8 and let us know what you find.

@Raynos Grow the culture: Demonstrate the issue with existing culture change, find people who will help (good people, not just anyone), design a vision of the future with them, create a sense of urgency, communicate the previous stages with as many people as you can and use repetition a lot, actually do things, pat everyone on the back for a job well done.
In that order specifically.
I see
@OctavianDamiean if you want an answer, go on #node.js and ask isaacs
Change management is a structured approach to shifting/transitioning individuals, teams, and organisations from a current state to a desired future state. It is an organisational process aimed at helping employees to accept and embrace changes in their current business environment. In project management, change management refers to a project management process where changes to a project are formally introduced and approved. Kotter defines change management as the utilization of basic structures and tools to control any organizational change effort. Change management's goal is to mini...
Not sure if I should really do that. I might end up being eaten alive. Kinda like us sending newbies to teresko with jQuery questions. :D
You don't try to troll me right?
w00t. Badges.
Now to let my bounty answers roll in.
@OctavianDamiean ...
isaacs is a normal guy, he cool
he authored npm
just ask him
Good good. :)
hello guys. Anyone living in US, please invite me to personal chat, need some help. tnx in advance
Thanks. Just wanted to check.
@epic_syntax lolno
Dear sir, I am wealthy Nigerian prince.
Isaacs seems to be offline if his IRC name is Isaacs.
Gonna ask him tomorrow or something.
hes the room owner :P
What's his IRC handle?
oh hes not there
then ask someone else, anyone
or read the npm source
1 am. reading source is definitely not an option. I'll just ask into the channel. :P
@OctavianDamiean looking at the source code
Any non-overloaded custom name is valid
its just not future proof
prefixing with _ should make it future proof
Makes sense.
btw, npm source code is complex
its the kind of thing I found scary 3 months ago
I dont recommend traversing it unless you have to :P
Package managers tend to be beasts.
Hah, fun thing is, my first answer to that question was in a comment and there I had mentioned the underscore thing. In the actual answer I left that out, I should probably edit that in .
isaacs coding style is also confusing
A: Whats the best way to use CoffeeScript and Node.js together when writing a javascript library?

RaynosNo, don't do it. The JavaScript community will hate you for publishing an open source javascript library who's source code is written in CoffeeScript <aside> CoffeeScript is a horrible language </aside> Seriously though You will lose popularity because people outright refuse to u...

Help me explain people should not be writing libraries in coffeescript
@Raynos What's the problem with it?
it fragments the community
I and many others refuse to read / patch / use modules written in coffeescript
Any other reasons?
I refuse to write coffeescript on principle
thats mainly it
It is utterly useless.
Well theres the opinionated coffeescript is a piece of shit that needs to die
@OctavianDamiean You have to qualify things like that when you want to convince people.
the main point is it fragments the community
and will only be used by other nerds that like coffeescript
There is a good article on that on tutsplus.
@Raynos Are there any downsides to running all your JS code with node?
It is more like a compilation of interviews.
Could anyone possibly help me make a twitter style follow button. Not the one that they post on other sites but the one they use on there site. where you can hover
@Incognito what do you mean?
@Raynos Sorry, I meant running all your coffee script inside node. Other than community.
that what
what hes trying to say is "can I use node-style commonJS in the browser"
to which the answer is yes, use a js -> js compiler that supports commonJS
But... why?
so you can use require
for your module loading
What did you mean with your comment? :)
Oh right, the main field ...
So the main field is actually the only field that node really cares about.
Well, name and main.
I'm trying to create a fallback for older versions of Firefox that do not support WebGL. I have tried creating a software rasterizer in Flash that would emulate a GPU, however, I found this approach to be quite slow. Any advice?
I'm trying to teach a course in WebGL, except our district does not allow us to upgrade our student's browsers, or install any plug-ins.
@OctavianDamiean version too, and dependencies
and private flag
and devDependencies
and etc etc
Well that is NPM.
I have also looked into a number of existing Flash rasterizers such as Away3D, and tried integrating this with JavaScript, and faced the same performance issues, as software rasterization is not nearly as fast as a hardware GPU, but I'd think there would be some optimal way to do it that I haven't realized yet.
why would you package.json without npm
@IDWMaster your doomed
The best idea is JebGL
OK. Thanks!
I hope your course allows java
Yes, it does
@IDWMaster the bigger problem with webgl is older devices
However, it does not allow any 3rd party native libraries to be loaded
my laptop on linux will not run webgl
Because of this.
because its old, and the graphics drivers just dont work
a webgl course requires modern hardware and modern browsers
@OctavianDamiean meh just use index.js
Well, I agree but I'm trying to find out what Node and NPM really cares about in the package.json for that answer. :)
@IDWMaster I highly recommend the "grow some balls and tell your university to play by your rules" approach
@Raynos Unfortunately; our district doesn't have the funding that it requires to upgrade to the latest browsers.
For some reason our IT department claims it would cost them large sums of money that we don't have.
ignore your IT department
and either use chrome or chromeframe
just install applications on the machines
I should be able to install Chrome without admin privileges
you can also install chromeframe without admin privliges to upgrade IE to chrome
@Raynos There are technical restrictions in place to restrict the installation of add-ons to IE
I see
It's restricted via Group Policy
have you tried glaring at your IT department
I have sent them a number of e-mails, and have been told that they simply cannot afford to upgrade our browsers.
Taking the keyboard and slapping your IT guy with it should help.
Violence isn't usually the best solution to these types of problems.
They can't afford to upgrade?
@OctavianDamiean Yes.
They can't afford to upgrade to a free browser?
@OctavianDamiean I don't understand their logic either.
I dont like deailing with people like that
I dont have the bullshit tolerance for it
I'd slap him with the keyboard and swing the mouse.
Do you have any experience in education?
I study
I know technology
I dont teach very well
I don't teach at all.
Anyways; I tried three.js as well, and it's performance was even worse than my software rasterizer.
So it looks like right now I'm stuck with a .2 FPS framerate.
three.js shouldnt be slow

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