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works for arrays... ({}).toString.apply([]) === '[object Array]'
Yeah, I tested that.
@FlorianMargaine Can you give the name of the best book of Javascript?
Do you think it's working cross-browser?
@Oleg: no reason why it wouldn't, but I guess you should test in IE6
@Tomirammstein: javascript the good parts is a must-read. You have to read it, then forget everything about this book as you start to understand how things work
I will. Thanks!
@Oleg: btw, I guess a little utility function should reduce the size of your checks :p
@FlorianMargaine But isn't Advanced JavaScript
Advanced : Object Oriented
I know, I'm so stupid :p
I don't get what you mean
the javascript the good parts really is a good book that any javascript developer should read
Well, then i'll read it
Thanks :)
There are also Crockford's videos on YouTube where he's talking about JavaScript.
One or two of his "lectures" at Yahoo I believe.
A good introduction to the language. At least they helped me :)
anyone remember @Incognito's blog address? IIRC it was something like cowbell but google's not helpful ._.
yup, looking for "google tech talk javascript" on youtube can be very helpful
@Oleg: tell me if it works on IE6 btw
@FlorianMargaine Does php allow to see where it stopped when you interrupt the script?
I wish it did ._.
maybe xdebug can
I'll look for some stack trace
As for IE6 - I'm too lazy to install it on my home pc. Will try at work tomorrow.
Damn, 2:22 AM
Will go see some js-colored dreams.
@FlorianMargaine Thanks for your help with testing for "object"!
np, anytime!
@Oleg: be careful about the check tho, because it will really look for "object", thus ({}).toString.apply(jQuery) will give [object Function]
@FlorianMargaine Yep, I'm aware of that, thanks. I really needed a check for pure {}.
then borrow the toString from a bare {} :) toString from other objects such as arrays don't work really well
it even works with undefined... [object Undefined]
Will try... after sleep :) Now me.sleep();
2 hours later…
Hey guys, is JavaScript a Procedural Language?
yeah neither of the links really answered my question
i'm just looking for a yes or no :S
well the wiki doesn't mention it so im guna say no =/
2 hours later…
HI i have some questions
@Tomirammstein ..Go ahead..lemme see if i will be to answer them. :)
Question of the day: If you set a key to a variable like test[5] .... does this count as a data dictionary ? And there for "not" allocate memory for 0 to 5 ? Or does it act like an array an allocates memory for an array of the size of 5 ?
If the answer is - it allocates the memory, how would you make a data dictionary in JS?
< gone to bed ping me if you know the answer guys :)
hai, just here to drop this off
toodles <3
@FlorianMargaine cowbelljs.blogspot.com
hey guys
I have a problem here can check this out stackoverflow.com/questions/10051232/…?
Q: jQuery plugin methods

Dileep DilI am new to jQuery plugin creation and created a plugin for my project [Tumblr style tagging]. [I know there are so many plugins available but i want to create myself :D] here it goes (function($) { $.fn.Tagger = function () { this.each(function() { ...

Please take a look.Thank you.
3 hours later…
posted on April 07, 2012

If you’re already using jQuery and you need an EventEmitter you may as well use jQuery’s event system instead of building your own. Here’s something I used in a recent project: (function(jQuery) {   jQuery.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;   function EventEmitter() {}   EventEmitter.prototype = { _JQInit: function&#

Q: Is there a way to set the order of wp_footer hooked functions?

PeterI was wondering if we can set the order of a function hooked to wp_footer(), I created a function that echos: <script> ajsfunction(); </script> and I also enqueued the js file of this function and printed it in the footer but the above is being printed before linking to the js fil...

2 hours later…
Anyone know why this doesn't work in a userscript?: chat.meta.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/931572#931572
Q: Generate advance graph in php

Ashwini AgarwalI want to generate graph in php. Is it possible to generate another graph on clicking any coloumn of the first graph? If it is possible please suggest me how?

A: why are namespaces considered bad practice?

Raynosnamespaces themself are bad because it's an unncessary concept. Having objects with properties and methods is acceptable. Rather then having namespaces you should favour multiple "file local" tokens. Meaning that each file / "module" should be wrapped in a closure and you should have access to ...

I tell people the truth, they no listen
What? That the cake is a lie?
Do any browsers support CSS image("blah.png") yet?
Do you mean setting an image source through CSS?
@AndyE wait what ?
content:url('blah.png') ? [well thats for ::after ]
@AndyE There are two kinds of images: content and style. CSS is generally only meant to deal with style, so specifying content is a bit of an overstep. As Abhishe mentioned though, it is possible. Generally though you'd just specify a background. This has the added bonus that images loaded through css are non-blocking. The downside is that the image is not treated as part of the content of the page, with all that entails.
@Abhishek, @user973810, you are both mistaken. I'm referring to the resource value, image(), e.g. background-image: image("test.png")
He is actually talking about the image() function which is a working draft at the moment.
my bad
Ninjad you! :)
i saw that
later (XD)
but yeah i was confussled
if javascript
audio decoding is possible so can be encoding
@FlorianMargaine wanna help ?
about your audio stuff? I have no idea :/
i am trying to port liblame -> jsLame
nice one :)
got a github link?
btw I guess you've read this already?
as well as this ?
@FlorianMargaine yes
I dont have to read it -_-
i have to encode it into user defined bitrate
and then send it to a shoutcast server
[well that will be easy with web-sockets]
[if not just write a small node.js ] proxy
you know about transloadit ?
uh wait
if you send it to a nodejs proxy, why not do it on the server with lame?
so you mean sending RAW PCM data to server ?
and encoding it on server ? - serious ?
why not? is it that resource-heavy?
so it will be resource-heavy on the client too
no not that way
its more bandwidth hungry
try converting a 4mb mp3 into PCM .wav
with realtime broadcasting that aint an option :P
wait you're using .wav?
why so stupid?
-_- doh
leave it :D
I guess so :)
Thing is
for real-time broadcasting, can't lame do asynchronous converting?
mp3 is highly compressed as compared to raw data
yes it can :-)
meaning it sends chunk of datas little by little
so your server can handle this :/
yes (x
and there is a nice port of libLame for node.js
well more of bindings
btw @FlorianMargaine codecs.ofmlabs.org
I don't get what you want to do that is so hard then ._.
I want 'encoding' on client
i will show when done ^_^
btw @Amaan how did your exams go ?
hello gang... I'm pissed at my boss. He want's a fword menu page to direct the client directly to the place he should go. But that page he wants does not work for mobile...
How can I make a "pop-up" menu that shade the background.
bah will find on google ... thanks
like, a lightbox?
you know like when you open a picture in fb
well look for "lightbox javascript" on google you'll get plenty of results
@FlorianMargaine -_-
but it's just absolute positionning a div with a semi-transparent background
@Abhishek ?
@FlorianMargaine i was about to say "He wants to learn , not use jQueryMobile / some JS library"
just looking at it and it is mainly css
well, a lightbox is a subject that's quite well covered over on google...
@Delarn: yup, the JS part is only about hiding/showing the div
You know what, my boss, being an AH, is not looking atthe daily updates I am making.
so yesterday he told me, where is my menu page...
Ass hole
if you have problems with your boss, you should talk about it with him
working in this kind of environment is generally no good
start looking for another job if you really think he's an asshole and can't do anything about it
told him it was not compatible mobile, he told me to make it compatible
Sounds "Like a boss"
Finishing his website and going to do just that. can't leave until I finish this...
you're right :)
well, gotta go guys
@FlorianMargaine have a good day :-)
so since I am using twitter bootstrap I am making him is forking menu page with a lightbox.
@Delarn :-)
check that awesome page out [lolz]
jquery ... always crapzorz of funny ! ;)
thought it might help ya ^^
btw bootstrap itself is written on the top of jQuery
I know but my boss want that crap site compatible mobile. I need to learn a lot of stuff... and he doesn't let me learn them
I have to finish his site for the end of april
and I am working 20hrs a week for him
so I am making him a good looking but crappy site
drop us the link :-)
will not
sorry miss read
oups let me upload the latest version
so I have to make the lightbox menu to pop-up before the index open.
but well going to check out how to do just that
they are dropping the -webkit-
Hey guys does any1 one know how do I change the meta tags on the page as per the content on my page ?
I have this FBInstant Search teckzone.in/fbinstant
So if I search for Katy perry for eg.
I get the URL bookmarkable like
and if some 1 share the content on the FB
I want the meta tags dynamically changed suitable
I had to use the onload in the body tag ... crap
your "question" is missing the question part
I am trying to switch to another text, if I click again the button, and the button si clicked one more time, then revert back to the text...
Fixed, thank you guys
@rlemon guess wut :3
chicken butt?
@OctavianDamiean so I've decided today to give the splitter another go
@rlemon the "audio" project
turning into a port of encoder for liblame
in js
[and now its on a point where i am going to have to learn loads off stuff :< ]
lame_encode_buffer_sample_t(lame_internal_flags * gfc,
                            int nsamples, unsigned char *mp3buf, const int mp3buf_size)
    SessionConfig_t const *const cfg = &gfc->cfg;
    EncStateVar_t *const esv = &gfc->sv_enc;
    int     pcm_samples_per_frame = 576 * cfg->mode_gr;
    int     mp3size = 0, ret, i, ch, mf_needed;
    int     mp3out;
    sample_t *mfbuf[2];
    sample_t *in_buffer[2];

    if (gfc->class_id != LAME_ID)
        return -3;

    if (nsamples == 0)
        return 0;
intrestingly js requires only porting that nd a few more functions ... rest s already in the webAudio api
anyone good with css,html,and common sense wanna take a look ? ^
any of you guys see my question last night ?
hey guys, I waqs wondering, can we force a website to load on landscape view on a smartphone?
err* was
@rlemon: for the header problem, jsfiddle.net/3mKRF/1
Don't tell me how, just tell me if it is possible !
absolute positionning an element makes it absolute... so keep it off the page div and margin-top the page div, you're good to go
i think its based on the browser u use on the smartphone @Delarn
sorry... i forgot to mention no scrollbars.
I always forget to search in the forum before getting here and ask ...
if you set a key to a variable like this:
name[6] - will JS assign memory only to key 6 or will it assign memory up to the size of [6]?
assign memory to key 6
@rlemon it's the return of the stupid menu page my boss wanted but I'm lightboxing it this time.
but not 0-5
does it do the same for arrays aswell ?
@Delarn where do you work if you dont mine me asking?
I'm probably just stupid.
@Dave ohh, that is an array no?
I don't really understand what you want to do Robert.
well i was hoping it would be a data dictionary
@OctavianDamiean hrmm.... lemmy paper and sharpie it.
i was told if you make an array and start at : var array[10000] = 1; itll assign memory to all 10000 even if 10000 are not assigned
or at least thats how it does it in C
@rlemon for a company called veloduo in Montreal. They hired me as a student. So I thought it was going to be a nice job where I could learn ... but I think, I'll finish that site and give them my letter ...
I can't stand liars and they are doing just that
ok let u1 do it's magic and i'll have a pic for you @OctavianDamiean
@Dave read the docs, but i'm pretty sure in JS it should assign memory only to key 10000 since js does not require you to define the size of an array
try it
var arr = [];
arr[2] = "foo";
best site to read the JS docs?
browser vendor of choice
w3 IMO
so its browser specific ?
DOM is
so is the JS parser
@rlemon anyway I am going to see. The boss is not looking at the progress and when I show him what I've done it's not like we talked about, and when I tell him that it's not compatible for mobile device he says make it work before the end of april.
the kind of thing I don't like ...
it be nice to see how much memory is assigned in console.log i could measure it then
A JavaScript engine is specialized computer software which interprets and executes JavaScript (or ECMAScript). Although there are several uses for a JavaScript engine, it is most commonly used in web browsers. History Before the second browser war in 2008-2009, the JavaScript engine (also termed JavaScript interpreter or JavaScript implementation) was known as simply an interpreter that read and executed JavaScript source code. The first JavaScript engine was created by Brendan Eich at Netscape Communications Corporation for the Netscape Navigator web browser. The engine, code named Spi...
@OctavianDamiean here
look at this
/me is ashitty coder and needs the container the splitters are in to have 100%*100%
muahahahaha tables
screw it ill ask the community :P
saves trawling many documents
90d rotation... it could screw it up bad tho ...
if its website - cater for two layouts
depending on rotation
infact same for an app
Dave I know that, but the stupid menu that my boss wants is not working in portrait on devices.
@rlemon: without javascript I don't see how you would solve the top margin of 40px ._. jsfiddle.net/3mKRF/2
that is, if you want no scrollbar
3 mins ago, by rlemon
I may do something tho... a stackable menu when on smartphone ...
with the visible-phone class to my lightbox for sp
be back later
@rlemon Tables are bad for layouts.
encase you guys were curious: stackoverflow.com/questions/10055873/…
@OctavianDamiean there are some edge cases tho
@OctavianDamiean i don't really agree with that about tables as long as u use %
@Dave: that's not about it
try reducing the window with a table... even with % it sucks
can't say ive noticed
admittedly i dont use tables :P
@OctavianDamiean but that is what i'm trying to do without tables
well I have for tabular datas... it just sucks
Absolute positioned elements is kinda the way.
Talking about Responsive web design , are we ?
Hi everyone !
hello omeid
I am with @OctavianDamiean on this one.
tables are just bad for layout.
because they are just not meant for that.
12:05..... too early for beer?
@rlemon not if you are having a hangover.
@rlemon its never too early for a beer or a nap , or a lady on yer lap ;-)
ok and I wasn't for using tables .. I am just trying to show @OctavianDamiean what I want the outcome to be
I got you.
looks like it :D
@OmeidHerat no hangover - but a beer some lunch and some Deadliest Warrior... bb in a few.
Q: Does chaining jQuery selectors have any negative effects?

Raynoscommented: The problem isn't with jQuery's chaining. It's with jQuery itself, it's flawed and incurs a performance penalty that's an order of magnitude on average.

show some love to jQuery bashing
1 hour later…
Q: Script having trouble recognizing URLs with "#" being employed by AJAX?

marctainI currently use AJAX in my theme to load the main content. I want the menu to be hilighted on the current page. The script I'm using for AJAX puts a "#" in the URL .. (ex: http://localhost/#/bio/) The problem is, the script I use to hilight the current menu item won't work because it matches the...

@rlemon , is this still relevant ?
@Raynos Hint: performance isn't everything. There are plenty of times when it makes sense to use something like (C)Python despite it normally being an order-of-magnitude (or two) slower than C.
It is almost never wrong to use Python.
@tereško yea I took a nap instead of solving it.
@rlemon , full height layout ?
@rlemon , try to pick this layout apart laptop.azazul.operaunite.com/webserver/content/l-6
(if you can access it)
content does not assume 100% height
i'm making a jsFiddle clone
thats BS
What's BS?
b stands for "bull"
I know what BS stands for I wanted to know what you meant was bullshit.
2 mins ago, by rlemon
content does not assume 100% height
it doesnt
to teresko BS === the truth
No. The truth is that there is no spoon.
it works... change #layout height from auto to 100%, and set the content height to 100%
what !?!??!
what the hell are you talking about ?!?!
@teresko the point is inside the content area i'm going to be putting an element with 100% height and 100% width.
I need the container to have a set height and width
I'd set that container with an absolute position. Attached to the top, right and bottom.
Know what I mean?
Gah ... I kinda hate my laptop. 12" is just not enough to develop on.
I'm just going to toss a bolded wat and wait for clarification
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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