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< ? :
how can i get src value from string variable
@Mr_Green Math.ceil(x/30)*30?
if anyone have idea or clue
ur question sense not make please phrase re
i am getting iframe from user input in text..
now i want to get src of that iframe from the value of textbox input
hope you get little sense now
how do you get an iframe from an input field?
<input type='text' placeholder='enter iframe...'>
like this @littlepootis
We have differing opinions on what an iframe is.
expecting user's input will be something like this @littlepootis
<iframe src="http://www.w3schools.com"></iframe>
@rlemon wtf
@littlepootis yes it is the best page to learn jquery
@SagarNaliyapara Is that XSS-AS-A-FEATURE?
I am trying to load a js library with javascript using following code.

var script = document.createElement("script");
script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
script.setAttribute("src", "js/webcam.js");
after page load, when i open view source, I don't see this script element
Can anyone help me with this code?
Yeah, don't touch w3schools
@OliverSalzburg nice :D
@KhalidHussain Looks fine.
You don't need to set the "type" attribute.
@littlepootis thank you, i am going to try without type..
13 messages moved to bin
I've managed to commit more than I wanted. Should I learn to always git stash before switching brain contexts?
you'll need something to manage all those stashes
Maybe you should make .git a git repository
Kidding, I don't know what you should do
unleash the stash Kraken gitkraken.com
-1 animated video background
looping and big
slow to download, too (> 100 seconds) #firstworldproblems
don't judge a PDF by it's hypertext document >.>
Stuck at "a few seconds remaining"
hey guys.
> The downright luxurious
so, not for me
want to ask your opinions as to which is better?
let KingJoffery = (function() {
	function KingJoffery(name, age, id) {}
	KingJoffery.prototype.makeDecision = function() {
		console.log("I pardon you");
	KingJoffery.prototype.decision = function() {
	return KingJoffery;
// ==================== WHICH IS BETTER ==================
function KingJoffery1() {}
KingJoffery1.prototype.makeDecision = function() {
	console.log("I pardon youuuuuuuuu");
KingJoffery1.prototype.decision = function() {
regards to creating classes
@JanDvorak i don't mind video backgrounds but this one is so distracting
@Marcus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Ming they both suck. sorry.
hi all
lol. why u say that @littlepootis
its a standard implementation of classes
@Ming both are questionable...
i have query on cors from Angular js
@littlepootis You in doc-review room?
 "common"  : {
                "Authorization" : "basic" + mobiliser  secret;
@cswl yep
care to clarify? @Marcus
here i am setting username and password in header
> Promises are asynchronous, which means that the main thread continues to execute normally while the promise is being resolved. (stackoverflow.com/documentation/javascript/231/…)
what kind of people write this crap
        $timeout(function () {
          $rootScope.loading = true;

          config.headers = {
            "timeout" : Timeout,
            "common"  : {
                "Authorization" : "basic" + mobiliser  secret;
is this the correct one
@JanDvorak only have a single stash here, but you can imagine how easy it'd be to track dozens imgur.com/LJjZKsz
game over if you switch machines, though :(
@Ming Why not ES6?
@Marcus you mean rocket syntax?
rocket syntax?
=> (some people are content with short rockets)
You'll lose this.
1 message moved to Trash can
@Marcus Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
class Polygon {
  constructor(height, width) {
    this.height = height;
    this.width = width;
sth like this
class KingJoffery {
  constructor(name, age, id) {}

  function makeDecision() {}
  function decision() {}
@Marcus i see. yes. that too is good. But i was more concerned on the design pattern of classes
one is a IIFE. another is a more traditional implementation. similar to yours except without the es6 sugar
@Martinloc Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FilipDupanović thanks. is that implementation literally the same as the IIFE?
with modules you don't utilize IIFE anymore
I am trying to implement the solution from this code to JS
(the right one of course)
Q: set a password for an email account with two restrictions, It has to contain at least one uppercase character and it cannot contain any digits

BashirI want to know, where is my code is not correct? anybody can help? because my Score for this code was 12% out of 100% -------------------the question------------- You would like to set a password for an email account. However, there are two restrictions on the format of the password. It has to ...

could you give me a hint on how to proceed
I am fairly new to the language
@FilipDupanović so best to just utilize es6 classes right? forget IIFE's
@Ming Yes, but keep compatibility in mind
@Marcus alright. got it. thanks
@Martinloc regular expression would allow you to check easily
@Neil could you give me an example?
so what @Marcus said; for the time being, you might be transforming them to ES5 and one of the existing module formats (CommonJS, AMD, UMD), in which case your sources will be wrapped in a IIFE, to maintain backwards compatibility
I am not really good at programming and every time I ask a question people just downote me to oblivium :D
tomorrow, you'll drop that in preference for <script type="module">
either way, you won't have to edit your sources
@Martinloc there are plenty of regular expression tutorials out there
I'm giving a talk in 3 hours
Try. If you don't understand something, just ask here
And @MadaraUchiha isn't coming although he asked for it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good Luck :)
and class is pretty cool because it's an expression and extends accepts values as well, so you can do lots of fun stuff for reuse (apply decorators or extend from a function that returns a mix of multiple classes)
Don't tease me about it, I feel bad enough about it as it is
That's not how teasing works
Harder daddy!
Is that how it works?
@Martinloc also please note that checking clientside is important, but it is not secure, so you will also need to check serverside
@BenjaminGruenbaum we still have to see your talk where you endorsed me for PHP :P
@MadaraUchiha he was scolding you...
@CSᵠ Harder!
@AwalGarg I think it's the same talk he's giving out today
The reason I asked him to give that same talk is because this meetup group has a good history of recording and publishing the talks
Although, now that I think of it, it wouldn't be much help to me unless he delivers the talk in English (cc @BenjaminGruenbaum)
There is a guest from Google giving one of the other talks, I'm sure his Hebrew is rusty at best.
@MadaraUchiha @BenjaminGruenbaum btw what's up with the promise docs? They are messed up and I thought you two would have taken the lead :P
This is a great excuse for giving my talk in English
@AwalGarg I wanted to help initially and posted in meta that they suck, I was told to gtfo and ask elsewhere so I gave up
@BenjaminGruenbaum Awesome
@BenjaminGruenbaum Wut?
Q: Documentation beta content

Benjamin GruenbaumHey I just got my documentation invite. First of all, I want to thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback. Me and another user are the only gold badge owners in the promise badge in StackOverflow - with the help of another user and some other active ones we have been putting a lot of wor...

@BenjaminGruenbaum Good luck!
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am probably gonna give up too. I don't see much good
(not that I am an actual big contributor yet :P)
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, given that the site they listed no longer exists
And the comments pointing there deleted
I'd say you're back in business
Honestly it was such a hassle last time I don't feel like dealing with it
SO docs isn't full of smart people, it's full of optimists and some smart people.
I've got too much stuff going on to get involved with the petty stuff, I'll edit it in a few months when things have settled.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's how it's marketed
Don't care about rep and don't want to get my time wasted
I would hate to see SO docs fail though, I really appreciate the idea and the hardwork being done on the platform by SO devs
"Feel like you aren't ready to ask/answer? Why not try contributing to the docs?"
@MadaraUchiha that's a recipe for time waste
@AwalGarg I don't really see the big point, but it'll shape eventually and when it settles and there is no drama to be had
I'll put some time and write some stuff for Node and also for promises.
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, 8 years back no one would have seen the big point in a new QA site either :P
Not true, 8 years ago SO seemed like a great idea.
I agree with what you are saying in general though - I just want to be proven wrong.
Docs can be a good idea too, but they should give core teams of libraries superuser access and autonomy.
I can't get Git kraken to push to a private repository I contribute to
And then allow those people to assign contributors and make every other contribution proofread.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's a very good idea, actually. Giving some kind of "Tag Dashboard" to these users with a sophisticated control panel to customize stuff and control examples etc.
I'm fine with editing a single markdown honestly.
does Kraken only work with public repos?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sounds like Wikipedia in a nutshell
Not saying that's a bad idea
@JanDvorak works with private ones, I push to GCE
so... my boss pointed me to this, he thinks it could be interesting and would look very good on a CV mictorino.it/web
Does the repo owner have to authorize Kraken?
if you're using SSH, maybe you're default key isn't the one you need, so set the correct one manually; otherwise, you can either configure .netrc (gist.github.com/technoweenie/1072829) or pass the credentials manually every time
too bad they use unrelated bootstrap stiles and use gifs on their homepage
not to mention it's microsoft
no, repo owner doesn't have to do anything special, Git Kraken will use the same clients to connect to the repo, based on the protocol you picked
it's like they haven't actually coded anything, not even a drag and drop thing. They put toghether a bunch of random libraries and modified some text and inserted image urls
Manual login worked. Automated auth via Github integration didn't. Will investigate the link you gave.
The SSH key Kraken uses was generated by Kraken.
hmm, odd it didn't work flawlessly
sunken Kraken
Github did recognize the key.
super weird
guys iI am trying to write a regex that allows to use both numbers and dashed
with a minim of 6 digits

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