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you can always adopt it
just sign here...
nah, but making it more galaxy like would help
@towc it already is reeally nice, but i think with a stronger (nicer) font it'd be reeeally nice
think so too :/
but can't think of anything
yeah fonts are the hardest thing
maybe look at Hoefler? knockout is a nice font, expensive though
first that came to mine
I want to parse text and make links in text clickable?
I know its a regexpression but that's about all I know to tackle this... :(
@JustinKaz regexr.com
i'm using linkify :)
now to get hashtags to work
There is no standard for hashtags, so good luck with that
great is was working now its giving me an error - didn't change the code or nothing :(!
@JustinKaz I haven't verified this but i think its for hashtags gist.github.com/emirpprime/3c0ad682d4392d02000b
is anyone here good with angularjs? specifically ui-router
what about it
so I have a bit of a problem. And i'm actually looking for a design solution here
I have a bunch of html pages with nav bars but the nav bars ALL have different css styles
I want one nav bar for all my pages but using a specific nav bar breaks the css for the other pages
This doesn't sound like a ui-router question...
On each view would I be able to add a specific class to the div?
@taco (index):143 Uncaught ReferenceError: preg_replace is not defined
so on state('home') I want the ui-view to have the class "home-section"
@Zirak Nice, thanks! I was waiting for all the episodes to come out initially, and then I just forgot about it
@JustinKaz that might be a wordpress function. write your own or find one
I'll check it out soon, though
(the div with ui-view)
@user125535 The ui router is a router. That sounds more like something Angular would have to do
That's about all I can help with. Not really a pro
ok thanks i'll take a look
@JustinKaz oh sorry dude, that snippet is php
you just need the regex, not the code
regex isn't working :(
Anybody familiar with some long polling Comet programming solutions for a simple messaging system?
and adapting the php code wasn't hard... but I should've known with the $
Yeah it looks like that regex only matches #pLpN lol
@JustinKaz see regexr.com/3ds9i ... if you hover over the regex, it explains it
I created the regexpr but the code isnt working :(
@JustinKaz Use a regex literal instead of a string (/@([A-Z*a-z*0-9*]\.*\_*)*/g instead of "@([A-Z*a-z*0-9*]\.*\_*)*")
@KendallFrey Yep already updated, here's the latest version jsfiddle.net/pzzhrbxk/4
still not working :(
No, you have to use a regex literal instead of a string, not inside a string
in other words remove the quotes for the regex part
Also, go back to using a replacement string, not a function
it works
"<a class="tweet-action" href="https://twitter.com/search?q=#yo">#yo</a>"
I'm pretty sure that's broken
also the wrong url
wow hits everywhere
Thanks :-}
bong hits?
cya guys im out
oh god
this regex is more broken than I realized
I think you were trying to do /@([\w.]*)/g
I'm not sure that . is valid in usernames or hashtags though
I've made some edits, see if you like them: jsfiddle.net/pzzhrbxk/6
it's not but it is in instagram... aparently
it's awesome thanks!
now to convert the emojis from odd outlines to pretty images
can someone review this ?
3 hours later…
hahaha, love the chat title! XD
Pokemon Style Exception handling (chat title) hahaha
@CY5 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
webpack cannot find local modules :-/
Error: Cannot find module "./asyncStore"
the file exists :S
webpack is piece of absolute crap
@Zirak oh look you are alive!
hi awal
@Awal Oh hey, you're alive.
@Abhishrek see if node finds it
that happened to me once when I had a /build folder and after cleaning it that file failed to build
or something
in any case, it's probably your fault, not webpack's
face it
Ah.. I'm out of reviews.
I'm out of patience
It's a loosing battle
Might as well give up
"Hey guise, GUISE! Did you know we can, like, pass functions as arguments?"
@Luggage hopefully, something along the line of all those images of happy successful people in jacuzzis.
Some of the docs there, assume you are just starting out with JavaScript.. or programming in general..
@Mosho ofcourse it did
also webpack with multiple webpacks in gulpfile
was eating errors :-/
i spent 3 hours trying to make webpack work
ended up using gulp + browserify :-|
use jspm? :D
@Mosho can't
its a very peculiar environment configuration
I have to watch and start a node.js server
with a few "nuances"
and the frontend is in react
maybe I am biased for browserify vOv
browserify is old news I think
not that there's anything wrong with it
@Mosho Still the most popular though
I'd like to recommend hjs-webpack, makes it a lot easier to deal with
provided of course, their defaults work for you
Wait.. there is already a topic for callbacks explaining it.. stackoverflow.com/documentation/proposed/changes/44366 why do I even bother..
49 mins ago, by ivarni
It's a loosing battle
At least, we have 9 ways to say Hello World..
also, y u no onebox comments on docs chat?
Wait.. some one added dynamic elements back again..... the..
patch.dev.js:102React Hot Loader: App in /Users/abhis/work/auth0/auth0-stripe/src/client/index.js will not hot reload correctly because index.js uses <App /> during module definition. For hot reloading to work, move App into a separate file and import it from index.js.
wow ^ thats a wonderful error log :-)
hi guys I'm having a trouble in hasclass function in jquery can you please help me heres my fiddle jsfiddle.net/smurf16/c8m98aea
You don't have a problem with hasClass you have a problem with toggleClass
Inspect the DOM and you'll see your inputs don't have the class you wanted them to have
Personally I'd try addClass instead
I'm trying to style placeholder text with vendor prefixes (I know they're not in the spec but hey, they're there so why not?) but can anyone tell me why they don't seem to respect the line-height?
i need a quirky value that will both be greater and less than 10 for some sort of programming puzzle.
x < 10 && x > 10 should return true
@keune That's.... kind of... not possible...
A number can't be both greater and smaller than 10...
it doesn't have to be a number, that's the point
@keune Anything you'd put in the place of "x" will be converted to a Number
So either it becomes an actual number, in which case, it's impossible, or it becomes NaN, which is false for both expressions.
@MadaraUchiha :))))
!!>var state = 9.5, x = {get valueOf(){return state++}}; console.log([x < 10, x > 10])
@JanDvorak false
@JanDvorak "undefined" Logged: [false,false]
!!>var state = 9.5, x = {get valueOf(){return state++}}; console.log(x, x)
@JanDvorak "undefined" Logged: {"valueOf":10.5}
@JanDvorak "undefined" Logged: {"valueOf":10.5},{"valueOf":12.5}
!!>var state = 9.5, x = {valueOf: function(){return state++}}; x < 10 && x > 10
@JanDvorak "undefined" Logged: [true,true]
@JanDvorak true
@keune, @MadaraUchiha
don't forget it's converted to a number twice - and the conversion doesn't have to go the same way in both cases
thanks @JanDvorak i was aware it would have to do something with valueOf
good idea indeed!
But yeah, normal numbers won't do
it's for a stupid code challenge, it doesn't need to make sense anyway :)
Then make it x > 10 && !(x > 10) :-D
or 2*b && !(2*b), just to accuse Shakespeare from false dichotomy
1 hour later…
can anyone recommend a good small router for a SPA?
nothing I see seems maintained except RR
for a single-page application?
You can always dispatch with a giant switch statement
and the code won't even be longer
yeah but parameters
history API
ain't nobody got time fo dat
@Mosho sup?
I literally spent half my day trying to make sure you and Sahar have a bigger desk :/
You do, by the way, but holy fuck that was tiring
Air condition working good
Because R&D had 4 small tables and QA had 4 small tables
60*120, only slightly bigger than what you have now
Now you have 70*140 which fits three screens or 2 really nicely, and no one can stare at your screen
Where are you working?
just need bootke deliveries
There are tons of more down to earth places there
@JanDvorak we're moving offices
I'm trying to figure out how to structure some stuff - still lots of ordering to do
Where I'm working I have a table that can easily fit one screen, and I don't even fully utilise a two-screen setup.
east europe?
no hate :P
Central Europe
What brought you to your conclusion?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm afraid I won't be able to attend your meetup
Despite being the one who requested that you did the Async Iterators talk again :(
@MadaraUchiha lame
At least it would be recorded and actually published this time round though...
@Trasiva no, but thanks for asking
@BadgerCat Trasiva is afk: Punting babies for rep.
@JanDvorak the poverty conditions :D
hi is anyone here familiar with smooch.io?
I'm wondering how they made it so if you add a line of javascript to your code, it adds their chat screen to your website
@MadaraUchiha you're lame for not coming
Just wanted to make sure you know
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm well aware.
Where do I start... When a link is clicked on my website I want it to redirect user once the link has been loaded
@Mosho do you want to see an SS of the poverty I'm in :P?
@BadgerCat Your Snapchat was hilarious
Couldn't respond though because the app keeps crashing for me
@SomeGuy do you know what it was?
@SterlingArcher Happy birthday!
@SomeGuy thanks buddy! <3
@SterlingArcher happy birthday bae!
@SterlingArcher Did you do anything fun? :D
Badger you doll <3
Lol I got super drunk golfing last night and almost lost 4 clubs
so you lost 3?
I broke my hybrid but that's unrelated :(
1 hour later…
@SterlingArcher how many? :D
1 hour later…
philipwalton.com/articles/… Excellent read about setting up cross-browser unit testing
How do I overlap 2 images that's positioned in the center of a div in CSS?
@FilipDupanović That exists!? Perfect thanks a lot! That pretty much solves everything
Anyone here try Unity Script ?
If so, is it worth looking into over three.js
only getting results related to Unity... is that supposed to be it?
React fellows: Is there any danger in overriding setState for a component (while maintaining the call to super.getState()?
The usecase is to have setState return a Promise as opposed to accepting a callback argument.
any ideas how to get rid of this Request header field Access-Control-Allow-Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.
@FilipDupanović "Unity uses a custom JavaScript variant also known as UnityScript which it historically and still today commonly (but inconsistently) refers to as "JavaScript," including as you note in its own script documentation."
@ApathyBear If you want to compile for multiple platforms, do consider
Hmm, three.js is browser only?
I'm I doing this right? I', trying to loop through all the spans with jQuery $('#hours a span')[i].html(times[i]);
is .throttle(time) in rx.js something like inverse of .debounce(time)?
while .debounce(time) will emit last item that happens within timespan, throttle will emit first one?
@Tarson what does your DOM look like
I'd choose C# unity over unityscript though
@MadaraUchiha should be perfectly safe, calls to Component.prototype.setState are instrumented by you, the programmer
@FilipDupanović Cool
@JanDvorak y?
@ApathyBear Because MS paid him lots of money
@ApathyBear I'm sorry, can you repeat that in words?
@JanDvorak You're doing it again...
@Srle Correct
@Tarson Use$.each
Shots fired @JanDvorak :(
u dnt speek internet???
@MadaraUchiha ok, I'll look into it
^ u dun speak *
@MadaraUchiha I wasn't entirely sure if he meant "why". But if ignoring him is preferable...
@ApathyBear no h dusnt.
^ nop he dun *
k f it y spk @ all
@FilipDupanović You're clearly the expert.
Now you are getting it!
let's just stick to English, it's standardized :P
Nice idea, but I've already been burnt several times for proposing it
@ApathyBear if you try asking him again, you'll find him very resourceful
OK, new proposal: should I reply in textspeak to those who speak in textspeak, now that it's no longer allowed to mention to them it's not exactly nice?
@MadaraUchiha If I'm not mistaking jQuery each is like a for loop, I already have it iterating I just need it to but it in the span element.
@JanDvorak It's ok to mention that it's not nice. Just make sure to stay nice while doing it.
@Tarson You're iterating wrong though.
I'm not great at being nice but I'll be sure to keep trying
You're querying the DOM in each iteration, that's a big no-no.
@MadaraUchiha alright so after doing it the correct way should this:$('#hours a span')[i].html(times[i]); work?
Haha, @JanDvorak is great. I took no offense at all. Besides it's more fun when he lets you bleed a bit.
So, why choose C# over unityscript? Fewer languages to learn. Unityscript != javascript
@Tarson that wouldn't be fast if you do it every frame
not even the searching part, but parsing HTML sixty times per second isn't the best idea.
Thanks @JanDvorak
Remember though: performance only matters if you notice it. My $50 cellphone probably can parse a 2k-char piece of HTML thirty times a second.
I won't even be able to pinpoint you as the cause of my battery life dropping to half or so.
Fira Code - Monospaced font with programming ligatures (w/ever that means) github.com/tonsky/FiraCode
ligatures = special glyphs for combinations of characters
OK, I like this font
I dunno how I feel about it, honestly.
I might not like it after trying it out, I don't know.
please, can you share that URL again where you can type in a sentence in English and then it describes the function of each word (verb, adjective, etc.)
Not 100% accurate though
"pay what you like as long as it's $5/mo" isn't really "pay what you like" as much as it is "$5/mo"
That www ligature is ... weird
I've downloaded the font. What file format do I want to install? I'm on Win10
I don't even know what EOT is
Can anyone tell me how to access a the value of a key on an object thats something like "data[email]"
@Alan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak "End of Text" usually
@Alan Huh?
This time it was Embedded OpenType
pretty much a smaller webfont format that only works in IE
Hey @MadaraUchiha, its very strange, I'm using Mailchimp webhooks, the payload of a post request has an object like {type: 'something', data[email]: '[email protected]'} , I cant work out how to get the value of data[email]
How do I get the src of an image when I've given it an id="mainImage" and onclick runs a function:
var src = $('mainImage').attr('src');
but all that's shown is "undefined"? Why wouldn't it give me the src of the image?
@Alan Ah, I see
@betarunex 'mainImage' will attempt to find the <mainImage> element.
@MadaraUchiha I keep forgetting that stupid # sign... Thanks.
Amazing @MadaraUchiha , I spent ages trying every combination I could think of, except that. Thanks very much!
in Atom, is there a way when closing a file via ctrl+w for it to go back to the previous file? rather than the file to left of the current file
Sublime has this behaviour and it's nice
Happy Birthday @SterlingArcher
Eating corn feels like such a waste of time :/
It is. It comes right out your butt
it helps with digestive problems tho
and it tastes good?
Yeah, I suppose it does. And it's cheap.
I have digestive problems. My internals are falling apart. I'm sure you all wanted to know that. :d I prefer leafy greens, but then I have iron overload too :<
I never considered corn... what benefits would there be over something like concentrated fiber?
Hmm they have corn fiber. Might try that over psyllium
Sounds like Taco needs a refactoring.
I'm badly DNA coded
how .buffer() works together with .throttle() in rx.js?
.buffer(() => return stream.throttle(500)), based on what .buffer() will group when .throttle() emit just one item? it will group more different items from different throttle durations?
same question apply for .buffer() together with .debounce()
What kind of JS options exist to compress CSV files client side?
@rism umm, i don't think you want to go down that route

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