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Of course I know who Wayne Gretzky is, he has a stupid hot daughter too.
Man I am not ready for vegas. I can be tipsy on 2 beers these days
Before the flaggers get to it...
I just like... don't drink. I used to drink everyday... now I gym everyday and I don't want to drink
Tomorrow is going to be very bad
I need to eat a lot beforehand
@SterlingArcher Well, alcohol is empty calories usually anyways.
That's initially why I stopped drinking. Then slowly I just didn't want to
Make sure you put a gatorade and some aspirin by your bed.
i'm trying to do nodejs http.request to another server. it is taking massive long time and not working in the end
but it is just taking really looooooong time and not working in the end...
i tried using ip addresses instead of localhost and still to no avail
note the node version and age of the question
go for the latest docs and check if you have any options / configurations you need to be aware of
setting up travis CI on a project
I'm at 3 failed pushes
how many will I need?
place your bets!
I'm sorry, but is anyone going to take that woman seriously holding her smg like that?
like what?
4 failed pushes
in the exact same way as the guy behind her?
The buttstock is way up on her shoulder. It's gonna slide back the second she holds the trigger.
you think an mp5 has that much kick?
and that they go full auto?
Not even remotely. Guy's got it tucked in firmly against his shoulder, looking down the sights properly. She's just all kiddywhompus with it.
Looks more like an ACP-9 than an MP-5
Actually, take that back, it is an MP-5
MP-5s have full auto, on top of which, it's not the fact that one or two rounds have much kick, it's the collective.
I bet it's still effective at shooting unarmed people.
They're going after three active gunmen.
police issue are full auto, you think? I really don't know
That's a police officer, which is why I wasn't taking her seriously.
5th push worked \o/
Oh yea, I'm pretty sure with they'll give 'em full auto in this case.
@FlorianMargaine liked shared
halp, i cant script in java
the military doesn't even give out full auto m16s anymore, right?
@tereško use elixir
M16s? No, but that's an assault rifle, not a submachine gun.
I have a project, which needs a different configuration for development and production environment ... so .. emm .. how should I implement it
Two totally different classes of weaponry.
@tereško totally unreasonable
how different of a configuration?
if you're just talking different data sources and email service, that could be done a few ways
I need to pass Basic Auth header in the development environment for FetchAPI (because I am accessing it remotely)
Now they're labeling it a terror attack.
@Trasiva you dont have enough rep to talk politics in the SO chat
@tereško Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what I am and am not allowed to speak on in this room?
@Trasiva I am someone who has read the motherfucking rules: javascriptroom.github.io/rules
@Trasiva you already forgot that?
Considering I've been a regular in this room for the last...what, year, year and a half I'm fully aware of the rules. On top of which my discussion in no way shape or form was political. It was a conversation of current events.
@Trasiva considering that @tereško is also a regular, you're kind of ridiculous.
Can't we all just..... code along?
so ... the "different settings for Fetch API" thing
my dad is a computer
(I am not looking for magic solution but for directions on how to approach this)
@tereško always pass a list of headers, and make the list of headers dependent on the environment?
too soon, but idc
Does anyone here use TypeScript, and if so do you know how to create a custom registry? For example dt~ refers to the DefinitelyTyped github repo, but what if I wanted to create a registry internal to my company?
@FlorianMargaine well, yes .. hence my original question
8 mins ago, by tereško
I have a project, which needs a different configuration for development and production environment ... so .. emm .. how should I implement it
I know how we do this in PHP, but frontend JS is not server-aware
@tereško are you looking for libraries managing different configurations per environment?
well, do you have a build system for your JS?
I am looking for ideas how to organize this
@FlorianMargaine webpack
webpack probably can define values depending on the environment?
does it have ability to produce different "result" based on environment?
<- sucks at webpack ... I am honestly surprised I got it working in first place
@FlorianMargaine So I'm ridiculous because he tries to tell me that I'm not allowed to speak on current events that potentially might involve two other room regulars because my 'rep is too low'?
@Trasiva 283 is ridiculous, get more rep
I don't care about the argument :)
@FlorianMargaine I suppose, just means taking time after work to answer some questions. I'm not allowed to while at work, haha.
@tereško you shouldn't argument with rep …
I have earned more rep by answering "why should I choose jQuery?" question with "because you dont know javascript"
Attacks reported in Munich...
@Neil Yea, I was just talking about that earlier. Pinged Badger and Copy, but nothing from 'em.
I didn't see, sorry
Nothing to apologize for.
@tereško I want to see that :-D
@bwoebi it was removed (the entire question)... lemme see if I can find it
@tereško Ah okay… I've searched your most upvoted answers and couldn't find it… why don't we seen them as 10k rep users in these lists… bah…
@tereško Well, that's a bit more elegantly worded :-)
Boys, put it away. No one cares about rep, and both of you are being kinda silly
ok .. back to reading about webpack
@tereško use gulp
@SterlingArcher Their joystick control is orgasmic.
!!afk Punting babies for rep.
@bobjomes you need to understand that ajax doesn't work that way
(i think) you are assuming it is working the way a websocket would function
is it <div ui-view = "state"> or <div ui-view name = "state"> ??
(angular ui-router)
neither versions work for me.
shouldn't i always be able to access my localhost server via my ip address?
this just stopped! i don't know what went wrong
@JoeSaad That depends on a lot of things you haven't mentioned.
@KendallFrey like what?
This makes not a dang bit of sense, but here goes:
I am on xenial. I am using `spawn` to start a docker container that is on jessie. Inside of that container, node is listening for `SIGHUP`. I send `SIGHUP` to the spawned process and node inside the process doesn't pick it up. Here's where things get wonky. If I signal `HUP` to the spawned process, the `SIGHUP` listener will fire, but my host node process crashed because it doesn't like `HUP`.
    throw new Error('Unknown signal: ' + sig);
Error: Unknown signal: HUP
So, it's either 1. Send SIGHUP and it not be picked up or 2. Send HUP and have it "work", but crash the parent process.
@JoeSaad For starters, which IP "my ip" is referring to
@m59 @m59: does the process you want to send SIGHUP have pid 1 within its container?
I almost lost my password database 0.o
@deltab appears so
root 1 0.7 0.6 940920 38208 console Ssl+ 23:16 0:00 node /usr/bin/startup
btw, everything works and my tests pass depending on what image I'm inheriting FROM.
If I do FROM node:6 then install nginx with apt-get, it's all good. What sucks is that ends up being nginx 1.6.
I can't figure out what the relevant difference between distros is.
pid 1 has special-cased signal handling, so that could be the problem
as in, one distro might do it differently than the other?
does the other image run it as a subprocess of pid 1?
@deltab This is pid1 in the container. All I'm doing is intercepting SIGHUP so I can do something before passing it to nginx
seems like that would be easy
If you want to try it out (working), you can just change the dockerfile to
FROM node:6
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx
and npm test will all pass
Why is it that everyone but me that's trying to make a pokemongo api is able to grab the ticket off the login post request
I don't get it
I am to the point where I am literally copying other people's code and I can't get this mofo to work
is there a way to have json config in the frontend JS?
the following lines of code can burn, forever, in hell
var j = request.jar();
request = request.defaults({ jar: j });

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