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oh god, i hate regular expressions :/
right, but it could hijack the chat
it's a specialized topic
cupcake ipsum
what would be a good regex to find all strings starting with "img/ ?
haha it's so goood
need to replace the image - folder in my build - script
i've been using
/[^img\/]/ i was right
> Whenever a theory appears to you as the only possible one, take this as a sign that you have neither understood the theory nor the problem which it was intended to solve.
whats beginning
ergo, tell us the problem in depth so we/I can prove that a regular expression is unnecessary
@MattMcDonald I always find it helpful to know the solution I'm asking for, as well as the suggested alternative which may or may not be better.
my usual replacement of lorem ipsum
regex is needed in some cases... so picking up tid bits here and there is good.
"wikipedia article of the day"
regexps are messy at the same time
ohh hell ya. I avoid at all costs.
quickExpr = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/
you know where I pulled that from
anyways, I'm off to continue my desperate job hunt
google search that line and you get a mess of bug reports
hm, i'm having a buildscript here for a specific server-configuration. All i have to do is replace all occurencies of "img/" in the html and "../img/" in the css file
would just (img/) do the trick, i don't know...
seems too simple :D
@rlemon as a single file copied from the jsfiddle it will change font once and stop. As separate files pulling in the jquery from google and the css in the head it does nothing. the Jsfiddle allows for multiple clicks to resize
@MattMcDonald still, the linter is not a runtime it doesn't keep track of what variables contain
.replace(/^img\//g, "../img/");
thanks, will give it a try
@Dreamling what the hell are you talking about?
@GNi33: use vim, :%s/img\//..\/img\//g
"@Dreamling pi.rlemon.com/paste/… should work as is"
@GNi33 got my flags wrong
@rlemon and for replacing "../img" i'd have to escape the dots, right?
uhhh no
it's a string you're replacing with
not a regex
yes, i know that
@Dreamling he meant to say open the link and copy paste the code as is
ohh to reverse it... yea
@abhishek I did
but i don't have to replace img/ with ../img, I have to replace them with something completely different
do this for me
@abhishek and as a single file it only lets me click to change the text once
replace img/ in the html - file
replace ../img in the css - file
if you are using firefox open firebug
else open the console for chrome
and inspect the page from the very start
firebug is open
k ?
like what happens when u click once
put console.log('clicked'); in your event handlers
@rlemon :D
classChangermedium not defined
Uncaught ReferenceError: classChangermedium is not defined
Uncaught ReferenceError: classChangerlarge is not defined
looking at your code.... I don't see where it is defined :P
brilliant event
ugh. ok. well i fixed that now ;)
@Dreamling put your focus in the textarea on the chat and hit up to edit your last message
just a tip (see!)
@rlemon shall i try to do what she made with a small css :$
no, let her finish.
then make the small one
okay :-)
she needs to learn.
spend 4 hours doing something that can be done in 5 minutes... without jQuery... and you'll figure out what is causing all the crap on the internet today pretty fast.
not saying your is crap :P
jQuery is
@rlemon +1
10 years later you will say CSS is
but you are going about that the wrong way :) just a tip. CSS is the way to go here
@Abhishek no because there is nothing aside from jQuery trying to abstract CSS and adding proprietary selectors.
no, and like i mentioned before, the current solution is injecting style="font-size:65%" directly into the body tag, which keeps me from changing things via the css file
i'm trying to add a class="whatever" into the body tag instead, so I can make those changes in the css file, AND exclude or alter the changes by element
so, say, the progress bar doesn't need to get bigger text or whatever
@rlemon i was joking
btw css4 selector
the $
@Dreamling: it's indeed the right way :)
omg that will make tabs , accordions , etc purely css and totally sementic
I've seen a little bit about css4, I thought it was javascript :p
sweet, now my effin build system screwed itself up... dafuq?
@florian I'm more comfortable with CSS, but working with legacy stuff here.
@Dreamling i know :-)
the font 65% is breaking all sorts of things that could be finessed with css
<button onclick="document.getElementByTagName('body')[0].className = 'font-large';">Large</button><button onclick="document.getElementByTagName('body')[0].className = 'font-medium';">Medium</button><button onclick="document.getElementByTagName('body')[0].className = 'font-small';">Small</button>
ooo looky there
inline js is bad
but i'm lazy
going back
to making my layout for my broadcaster -_-
i probably need something lulz
un normalize the css jsfiddle.net/rlemon/XPGC8/1
@Dreamling you can use data-zoom (or something data-? ) to set it
and in your css body[data-zoom=medium] { }
or you can rely on the fact that all modern (and not so modern) browsers have internal zoom functions.
or there is also a css3 zoom css3.com/css-zoom
zoom is a possibility
@Dreamling if you are going to use css3 anywayse]
dont use zoom (angel)
use scale [if the content is text only]
by tests it performs better then zoom for some ***** up reason
and now the trouble ticket has been assigned to someone else. :( /stress
@Loktar can a Qt webkit app
work without the ugly window borders ?
RT @jamespearce: ...and here's how and why we built Ringmark: https://developers.facebook.com/html5/blog/post/2012/04/04/the-methodology-behind-ringmark/
I'm pretty ninja.
Evening, Octavian. Octavian Damiean. Milk. Shaken, not stirred.
@Abhishek I think
im not 100% positive though, but I imagine you can make it borderless
I think i found it out in MSDN (XD)
if thats getting compiled with C++ i know what to do :-)
windows.h ftw!
Q: Looking for QT styling with borderless window Tutorial or how to

user63898Hello all im new to qt c++ i downloaded the latest windows version dome some tutorials and its great i saw some styling options that the qt framework has and its great , but now i need to build my application that its main windows (form) it designed/skinned with image without the rectangle bord...

anyways brb
oh cool
i need to make my gf's idea a reality without hastles :-)
another random demo
I need to start including code snippets.. and make a full game already
Oh my god they jump!
haha yeah
my other demo they just punch/get selected
^ selection punching
purpose of that is just to stress test a bit
Oy, that is a bit creepy.
@Abhishek yeah gh pages seems slow for me
Like the scene in The Bourne Supremacy at the train station.
@Loktar .. wanna add a chaingun ?
so i can splat em (plz)
Got you, now imma track you. :D
lol yeah I should
Q: Are the I and J registers special in DCPU-16?

Mr SpeakerDCPU-16 includes 8 general registers named A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I and J. It's a bit of a programmer "trope" to use I and J for loop counters. In DCPU-16, are I and J specialized registers, that should only be used in loops - or do they all end up the same colour in the end?

that didn't take long
I might go to this
one of the first dev things ive seen offered in my area
finally moving to my new place tomorrow :)
and since azure supports node, it might be worthwhile.. and its free!
@IvoWetzel awesome grats
I was persuaded this'd work :( jsfiddle.net/Ralt/qnNyL/1
Hello All
Just jumping in for a quick question
anyone interested in sharing some knowledge?
Dont eat the yellow snow
im creating a mini mobile website, just a few pages. Creating it with media queries so that it will display well on tablets and even computers that should stumble upon the site.

On one page I will need to display tabbed information and wanted an opinion on what I needed to use for this
^ you can have that one for free
thanks :)
i dont need jquery mobile just for this
i need to keep it as light as possible
so could you plz recommend what I use to handle this?
I was thinking of jQuery Tools, just downloading their tabs plugin
well tbh if you don't want to do the 'code by hand' way - Twitter Bootstrap + jQuery
Bootstrap has kerning issues - open the css and remove the 'text-rendering: whatever' and you're good to go.
excuse the stupid question but im really more of a graphics guy...
Do I still need to include the jQuery library for this?
and by 'code by hand' do you mean not using jQuery at all and simply rolling up my own javascript?
if I include the jQuery library, I can write my own lil function to handle the tabs, but isnt there problems with jQuery and mobile phones???
@rlemon what do you mean with kerning issues? I haven't noticed anything
Windows... some kerning issues.
top === kerning issues
bottom === no issues (after a refresh)
text-rendering is flaky
Dunno, looking at computed styles it already seems that text-rendering is set to auto
Dunno, I see optimizelegibility
do you have some older version of bootstrap?
it's auto on their official site + my copy
hrmm.. strange. I have v2.0.1
o wait it's just for header elements
regardless - my kerning issues are not just seen by me. others have seen them . It's hard to reproduce because the browser seems to get smart to it and fix the issue
but then a session / instance later it's broken.
I never really looked into it much. removed the CSS rule and all is copacetic on my end.
yea I guess I'll remove it as well
no reason for it anyway :P
just ask your question...
Hi, i want to minimize this code
A: Excesive process

Andrew CroxallDOM manipulation is a computationally expensive process where many iterations are concerned, because each one causes a DOM re-paint. Any time you find yourself doing this in a many-iteration context, it's better to prepare your elements as a string and then do a single insert. So: var newEls = ...

hi @Raynos :)
¿Can you help me @Florian?
your question is already answered
Mmm, no :s
github.com/rlemon/FragBuilder.js all the help you need ;)
i'm such a whore
Perfect, thanks a lot friend
it's not a cut and paste solution, but it avoids innerHTML and other such silliness
Yes, but this is a very good code
I like
rlemon how is it easier to write that monstrous json instead of its html counterpart
@Esailija: I like this way to write templates
@Esailija how are you going to properly generate you document fragment off the stringy counterpart?
the DOM equivalent: pastebin.com/ze26f02z
or are you just going to inject the heap using innerHTML
LMAO because that is nicer to look at
me like me like
Y U NO USE pi.rlemon.com
well you have multiple options
DOM code, innerHTML, templates, data binding, some kind of weird json structures
if you're creating that many nodes via the DOM, you have a big problem
back to my original purpose - client side templating...
although I don't agree with it. it happens and a solution was needed.
theres nothing wrong with creating nodes :p
creating big fragments indicates a design problem
There isn't a design problem
Consume less than create a new element
Excuse my English, i'm from Argentina :p
Gah ... cat jumped on my keyboard ...
lol so crazy, Im looking up node stuff and Im like oh cool an answer, and its @Raynos. Has happened like 3 times today.
have you not seen the leader board :P
no actually
haha nice
wow nice
this is the one im highest on
I need to answer more questions..
not that high :(
i know :?
but then its difficult
the high people get a few couple of hundred vote answers for the tag
Simon Sarris is like a bird of prey, swooping in with great answers
@rlemon here is a comparison of all the 5 ways to do client side templating jsfiddle.net/xBNEd
that I know of
also someone can fill in databinding
see imo JSON formatting or templating engine would be the easiest to read/write
JSON is among the most verbose of them
it's also the one with most custom syntax
dom methods and html are standardised
while the json templating systems all use different kind
but it's easy to understand.
unless you have no idea what JSON is
but then again what do templating engines do? mustaches arn't standard are they :P
yeah but at least you can get the html out of them without knowing anything
a designer could write the html with placeholder data
true.. I guess it comes down to the developer and his/her preferred method
he can then hand it to you where you replace the placeholder data with template language x syntax
but yeah if you are having traditional webpage you can just render it on server side
yea and this wouldn't be useful in that case. :P
FragBuilder also accepts straight HTMLStrings
then it falls to method #3
yeah but do those speeds really matter? you don't need to rerender your UI 18,000 times a second
with that attitude I may as well include jQuery because it's only 35 more KB
heck, lets all use document.all
the lowest speed is 33000 though
but speed doesn't matter there
all i'm saying is that it's fast. it's easy to read and write, it's compatible (as much as i've tested)
it's not for @Esailija, that's cool. but I'm sure it's useful to someone
well yeah it could be since there are people using Pure as well
I personally don't like templating engines. at all. wouldn't even touch one. But I know they're popular and for good reason.
yes but I gave some reasons and explanations
it's not just personal disliking
lol fair enough
just see it as an alternative rather than a solution and we're all happy.
btw if you want my html to dom converter for lols it's here :D jsfiddle.net/mFNud/7
Q: Review my JavaScript cookie library

dotwebI wrote a small JavaScript libary that aims to simplify JavaScript cookies. You can find the code on Github: https://github.com/js-coder/cookie.js I tested it in various browsers and it seems to work everywhere. It's not a lot of code so I'll insert it here as well: (function (undefined) { ...

Q: What is the proper jargon to refer to a variable wrapped inside a function closure?

Rice Flour CookiesIn JavaScript, there is no such thing as a "private" variable. In order to achieve encapsulation and information hiding in JavaScript, I can wrap a variable inside a function closure, like so: var counter = (function() { var i = 0; var fn = {}; fn.increment = function() { i++; }...

I didn't even know until today that CSS transitions is still a draft
no wonder the web is a mess
finally done
@rlemon is this all in node?
backend is php
because I just finished my image uploader in node like 30 mins ago
ah ok
lolz I uploaded a .dll
:? I uploaded an .html
nice converts to .txt
I was like hmm.. could I upload an html and then view it
Wrapping in CDATA can save some trouble
Man, being a Lemon is the pits
ok guys stop trying to break my shit. it's obviously not checking things properly. :P
actually wait... it shouldn't let you do that :P
I do check mime types on the server side.
you check them like with $_FILE['type'] ?
@rlemon I wonder how long it takes to build with node :D
@Raynos the server side.. probably not long. I just never used node
and even now i'm trying to cheap out by using a upload class I found online :S
it claims to check the mime types... but apparently it just converts unaccepted types to .txt
it's sad to say i have to reference en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emoticons to understand what people are saying with all of these emoticons.
mm tasty
i'm hungry
The question is : Why cookies in javascript?
Its better make cookies with php
More secure
@MattMcDonald makes perfect sense
because javascript needs cookies.
And if the user doesn't have javascript working in her browser (...)
Guide to web Design:
step 1: Write your page to function without javascript OR css
step 2: make your page BEAUTIFUL with css
step 3: make your page super cool and funky with progressive enhancements using CSS and JS
step 4: ?
step 5: profit!
@Tomirammstein do you like having to relog every time you visit a site after closing your browser session?
@rlemon It depends what you're building and what your target audience is
Guide to web Development:
step 0: Make your HTTP API work without HTML
step 1: Write your page to function without javascript OR css
step 2: make your page BEAUTIFUL with css
step 3: make your page super cool and funky with progressive enhancements using CSS and JS
step 4: ?
step 5: profit!
Sorry I forgot we're programmers and lists are 0 indexed
I just needed confirmation that QS(A) used the CSS engine
it's so depressing
of course it uses the css engine
your being a scrub
gEBI also uses the CSS engine
yea doggy - no more stupid upload library and it works.
this is why I fucking hate libs. people include them (i'm a culprit) because they are too lazy to write the code themselves. and then you have no idea what it's doing behind the scenes you just have to trust it and hope to god you're using it like the author intended.

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