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yea, I use that the most.
@Luggage Like a tree from top to bottom with everything's scope and relationship to each other?
/me googled cfdump
Check out React's Perf library
Won't quite do what you want but you can see the relationships
Just an output of an object and all it's children
and, hopefully, turn arrays that have similar objects into tables, etc. just to visualize complex objects
anything that can be serialized into JSON
@Luggage JSON.stringify(obj).replace(/([{}])/g, '\n$1')
Beats were on sale. If I don't like them, I'm gonna return them but there's a limited market for good wireless workout headphones :(
so they're not part of that market anyways?
We're getting 200 wings from bdubbs for lunch, for ~13 people... that's a lot of wings...
i want some :|
I'm going to undo my nutrition with today's lunch
@ndugger 8wpp?
omg, that's 15.38461538461538wpp D:
Some people aren't even eating, so, let's say that realistically, we're splitting it between 10 people
You could eat the lunch you brought from home
factor out the 60% of each wing that is bone and gristle
@Meredith we get free lunch every wednesday. I don't bring lunch on these days
usually it's not terrible for you
a chicken wing is 3 oz
today is an exception
that's 20oz of meat per person
or a good solid american handful
the meat isn't the problem
the meat is never the problem
in any case, I'm hungry as shit and am gonna devour so much chicken.
don't tell jordan
@ndugger Shame in 30 minutes.
Hi guys
A small is 10 wings
Have fun
I'm aware
I am sometimes confused regarding use of directives
I could still eat 20 wings and be under my daily limit of ~1800
my dinner will have to be rice cakes and sadness
As your doctor, I do not advise it.
As your advisor, I do not doctor it.
As your lawyer, I recommend you take this acid.
As someone who knows you only in chat, I advise it, and I also advise you to film it for glory.
As somebody from the Buffalo area, I support these actions
> They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat."
As a person, I'm a person
@VeronicaDeane :D
Does anybody knows when to use directives??
@Learning Angular directives?
@Learning all the time.
@VeronicaDeane First time reading this?
Yes angular js directives
hey guys. im having problems installing babel with npm v 3
is this common?
error message npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents:
I am confused regarding when to use directives
@MadaraUchiha yep
@ndugger I KNEW IT: citypages.com/news/…
@Learning Seriously, though, I use them when I have reused interface items
@Ming yes
That's a warning not an error :|
@Ming "WARN" just ignore it
warnings are fine :D
yes. but babel does not install
So, if there's a common bit of interface that could be in several spots around the app, I use a directive.
@rlemon thanks prod :|
after i run npm install babel-cli
Why the hell does every single package use a package that's OS specific?!
typing babel in console does not recognise it
@MadaraUchiha npm uses it, iirc
@ssube I drive like a Texan these days... I'm not proud of it...
@ssube npm doesn't warn you about it every time you install
It's libraries that list it under optional dep
npm install babel-cli --suppess-warnings
hello, is anyone here proficient in angularjs and nodejs with ejs?
@ndugger I was in baltimore during january and didn't use a turn single once and nobody stopped in the middle of an intersection and omg it was so nice
@Ming should fix it :D
not that. the warnings are fine. but i cant run the babel command
install it globally
eventhough installed with npm install babel-cli
that puts it in node_modules, and won't be on the cli
but im in the local folder. should work no?
@ssube People that don't use their signals are filthy plebs.
it isn't in your /bin
@rlemon the docs say run tis command
`npm install --save-dev babel-cli
@ndugger or live on the east coast
does not mention anything else.
where turn signals are never used
Everyone that lives on the east coast are filthy plebs
@Ming okay. cool
still need to use the global flag if you want to run babel on the cli
or put it into a npm "script"
that can find the module fine
Don't install babel globally, you have to install every plugin globally..
@SterlingArcher new car? atcm.co/S2PVDP/19625951
@cswl wat
@cswl no you don't
Mustang? Dude no
@cswl fuck are you smoking
Mustangs are the new sweet 16 present for your daughter
@Jhawins lol, "used 2001 oops I ran over a crowd"
@SterlingArcher I thought the TT was popular now?
Okay, last time it couldn't find my locally installed plugins.. :|
@ssube old ones. The new TTs are fast and expensive
@Jhawins look into Pontiac GTOs bro
@SterlingArcher they are neither
Those 6 liters are insane
Pontiac has some fast cars, for being a brand that comes with its own cinderblocks
Or was that eslint.. I don't remember.. :D
@SterlingArcher you're fast
i know :D
@rlemon global install worked. thanks :)
in bed
im curious why must it be global though?
15 secs ago, by Sterling Archer
i know :D
@Ming only global modules get added to the path
@ssube is there any workaround for local modules instead?
npm "scripts"
what are you working around?
local install of babel.
@rlemon thanks. will check that.
"scripts" : {
  "babel" : "babel stuff...."

npm run-script babel
Yeah.. sorry.. it was eslint.. also I haven't installed babel globally..
@SterlingArcher no my car can't spin around and doesn't make the whhhhhoeoeoeoeoeoeoe noise
if i have a promise function that runs recursively, must I use async await before i can get the value of the object with a .then(). Is there any other way?
@rlemon that kid is on at least 4 marijuanas
ah yes. 4 marijuanas.
@ssube I'm in love with the noise an audi makes when you shift gears
It drops an extra spray of gas to "burp" on shifts. So sexy at high RPMs
you should get that fixed
@SterlingArcher this noise
@SterlingArcher shifts.... normally do that if you're in the right rev range and have a turbo
running rich just for the shift is something you should map away, that's not great
although if you really want good shifts, you need
lmao the duck call on the blowout valve I love that so much
If I ever do get a fun car, it will be an STI with a tune
Those things are nasty
your current car is in the same class dude
put a stage 2 on it and it will beat any STI
mine too, the STI is the bottom of the class
I think the S4 can beat a stock STI
A stage 2 s4 is buck wild
and a stage 2 STI is meh
it corners ok, launches like garbage
evo can corner better, s4 can drag better
you mean it smells?
Yeah one of the best perks of the s4 is its launch control. Not even my brothers C63 can beat me off the line (up to about 30MPH though)
Hello!. I have a list of streets with their geo-position On google maps (latitude + longitude). let's say a dictionary. I'd like, giving a random street name (different format or even shorter versions of it) to match with the most likely (to return the position of the street). Is there any library in NodeJS/JS that can handle that?
launch control gives me a bit of a chub
launch control is cheating.
the jQuery of driving
I've ripped up cameros, mustangs and a 911 turbo on the highway simply because I can fly off the start
the evo's launch control was absolutely awful, the 335's is pretty good
wait.. launch control on the highway?
yeah, that's not right
^ some highways here have lights
ohh, those highways
oh, you mean like county road highways
I was thinking freeways
I was thinking 'express way'
Yeah, 55MPH but traffic lights
yeah, those are great for racing
No no, I can't beat many V8s from 55-100
so.. just becasue your computer gave you a temporary lead agaisnt a 911 turbo..
don't mean much
you should always be able to beat a mustang
@Luggage I've beaten plenty of 911s and friends, because the drivers sucked
flash flash flash they go but don't floor it you downshift and floor it and they're gone
@Luggage of course, but it's still fun to see the owner of a $120k car look stunned when he can see my tailpipes
anyone here good with angular and nodejs?
// why does this print 4 twice? don't promises only resolve once?
var prom = new Promise((res, rej) => {

prom.then(a => console.log(a));
setTimeout(_ => {
  prom.then(a => console.log(a));
}, 2000);
@NathanJones you add .then once
Promises resolve once, but you can add then handlers multiple times.
Observables resolve more than once
I'm not sure I understand -- res is being called twice on that promise though
@SterlingArcher two .then()'s onthe same promise. .then() doesn't care that it was resolved int he past already.
res is not being called twice
@ssube lol that's a 2010 with 9K miles
any NODEJS electron experts?
var prom = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  console.log('in promise'); //only prints once

prom.then(a => console.log(a));
setTimeout(_ => {
  prom.then(a => console.log(a));
}, 2000);
So is there a nuance about that promise then? Does the second promise have to wait for anything or does it just immediately return since it's already been resolved?
@rlemon Is that @towc
he has two identical lines that each console.log() the result of a single promise
argh. editing failuer
@Jhawins I can't read, but neither can the people that mustang ran over.
@SterlingArcher it runs the then in the next turn of the event loop.
well, before the next turn but after all synchronous code has run, if anyone wants to be anal about it
@BenjaminGruenbaum oohhhh so it's "technically" prom.then.then()?
Can... can I be anal?
@SterlingArcher I don't think that's extra fuel. If it's turboed that's the extra pressure bleeding off through your blowoff valve ;P
no. it's prom.then() and prom.then()
prom.then + prom.then != prom.then.then?
@SterlingArcher what?
Promises are just proxies for values, it's a value you'll have eventually. Like a function returning a value.
He's not chaining them. It's jsut two .then() 'handlers' on one promise
A function can only return a value once when you call it once.
@SterlingArcher the second .then() (in .then().then()) would only work if the first .then() returned a Promise or value
So new Promise resolves exactly once, but then handlers which are like reading the value can be added whenever you want.
The two thens are independent in the above example.
calling .then() on an already-resolved promise is the same as calling .then() on one that isn't resolved yet. Also, you can call .then() as many times as you want.
Ahh that makes more sense
There is 0 connection between them, like reading the number 5 twice
It always runs the then asynchronously to prevent race conditions - so it is transparent to the calling code whether or not it's actually asynchronous.
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
1, 3, 2
90% of google searches involving promises result in a @BenjaminGruenbaum post on bluebird's github repo.
That's an up-to-date statistic. I just made it up right now.
I mean you're not wrong
I tried to use bluebird with an async serial connection but my old coworker said spreading promises was "too weird"
And we ended up using the async module
promises are actually super simple
I got rid of all my old async.js code.
You just write your code as if it was synchronous
and then use then as a semicolon
var x = getResult();
 getResult.then(x =>
But promises combine, like synchronous values.
Yeah but what if you need to persist an async value?
replace(";", "}).then(result => {"); ?
Lots of them
Although I haven't written a long promise chain in maybe a year - I use yield handlers
var x = getResult().then(x => x);
var y = getOtherResult(y).then(derp => x+y);
@SterlingArcher doing return x in a then does nothing.
It's like doing x = x in synchronous code.
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you use regenerator + async/await?
But wouldn't getOtherResult run before getResult is done?
in your code, yes.
const {join} = Promise;
// option 1
var x = getResult();
var y = join(getOtherResult(), x, (x,y) => x+y);
But you can also use chain syntax and not "proxy syntax". If you want getResult to run first you'd just do:
whoa what
getResult().then(x =>
     [x, getOtherResults(x)]
).spread((x, y) => x + y).then(result => console.log("result!", result));
is promise.join standard or bluebird?
bluebird, with standard it's with .all
async function derp() {
    const x = await getOtherResult();
    const y = await getAnother(x);
    return y;
return Promise.all([
.then(([x, y]) => x + y);
const {all} = Promise;
var resultP = all([getResult(), getOtherResult()]).then(([x,y]) => x + y);
@Luggage yeah, exactly
@SterlingArcher that's still promises, just sugar :)
Although in your particular case promises would be simpler.
@MadaraUchiha taught me that one lol
Yes, a Promise.all would be simpler there
@SterlingArcher async/await is just sugar over the sugar over the sugar
const derp = () => getOtherResult.then(getAnother);
@SterlingArcher Mine's shorter.
sugar is good up to the class/promise level, but IMO async/await is when you start to get the beetus
It's not the size of the function, it's the sugar on the syntax
I like async/await, I think it makes things easier for a lot of people
@ssube yea.. I haven't started using it, but it's still tempting.
async/await, that is.
I think it's using a map
Oh wait, not a promise map nevermind
you can combine the map and the promise
hello everyone
wonder if I can do that in a oneliner
]).then(([games,players]) => games.map((game, i) => ({
	players: players[i],
	meta: data.find(d => d.id === game.replace("game-","")),
}))).filter(x => x.players.length).then(data => res.send(data))
Not really a one liner, but the format is specific
@BenjaminGruenbaum you're of the opinion that new Promise should be used rarely, if ever, yeah?
Very specific yeah, it's using a redis DB to dynamically allocate players to a game
Much faster than the relational DB I use to store game/player statistics
Q: What is the explicit promise construction antipattern and how do I avoid it?

Benjamin GruenbaumI was writing code that does something that looks like: function getStuffDone(param) { | function getStuffDone(param) { var d = Q.defer(); /* or $q.defer */ | return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // or = new $.Deferred() etc. | // using a promise constr...

shameless plug? :P
!!afk quick walk
Yes, it should be used rarely, if ever.
There are use cases, but they are rare.
Fixed that android game question!
A: Need ideas of making my own game

Thaenorthe center arrow (aka "the main character") is bound by invisible shackles and forced to roam around and destroy simple innocent asteroids that bounce around the screen. You the player will try attempt to destroy the asteroids with murderous intent, while the main character simply wants to land a...

@BenjaminGruenbaum right, so I've been doing that sort of thing for a while.
It works well for the most part, but I haven't run into a really compelling case for new Promise anymore.
Even requests can be Promise.resolve(url).then(url => fetch(url))...
do you have any good examples of when you actually do need to new up a promise?
Let's say I want to implement an image tag and have a .loaded() promise, but I haven't set the src yet and can do that lazily.
var img = new Image();
img.loaded.then(() => console.log("image loaded!", err => console.error("Oh no!", err);
img.src = "http://www.example.org/rlemon-slide-nono.jpg";
You'd need new promise to be able to return the loaded part before making the actual request.
I'm not really following
@ssube let's say you're implementing an image tag
And you want to have a promise for when the image loaded.
But you want that promise to be available before you set the src attribute on the image.
It's not a very honest API since it's not telling you when the action is running - but it's a realistic one.
@BenjaminGruenbaum so you new up the promise in line 2
then 3 kicks off the underlying calls that will fire the event that resolves the promise
Well, you don't really have a choice there
Working without new Promise forces you to be honest, usually that's a good thing but sometimes you can't.
Also, JavaScript is not single threaded and it does have shared memory :P JavaScript's concurrency is up to the host environment mostly
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's the part that I've been running into. In new, clean code, I can't find a good reason to use new Promise.
I've been trying to figure out if there's something I'm missing or if you just don't need it if you write everything with .try or .resolve
wrapping something that uses the err, result callback signature? unless you're using bluebird to wrap it, you've gotta wrap it yourself.
I use new Promise() in a modal so that I can have a promise that resolves with the selected value (or rejects if they close the modal without answering).
@ssube In .NET land it's TaskCompletionSource, most people use Tasks without even being aware it exists happily.
@SterlingArcher It's your fault I haven't seen you IRL
Can't, too ugly
@VeronicaDeane join tinder.
@SterlingArcher never
whos thumb is that
Jun 13 at 14:55, by rlemon
@VeronicaDeane why are you showing us a picture of your thumb?
want an actual picture of my thumb?
it looks crooked but it's not
I've fallen for this before, it better not be your penis
no that one is actually crooked
Mines kinda crooked too
cycle ball is a sport I could seriously get into watching
let me take care of that
till almost the stroke of three
@rlemon that's a lot like hockey
it shouldn't work but it does
looks like a lot of fun
@VeronicaDeane the title of your sex tape
I'm surprised taserball didn't catch on
m.. grapefruit mojito.
Lol, got pulled over coming back from dropping my friend and his kid off at home.
Have you guys ever played the game that's just 2 electric handles, and the shock increases.. and whoever lets go first loses?
Or the game with 4 handles, and when the music stops, press the button. last one to press the button or presses it early gets shocked
I saw that on GMM
They both suck so much
looks retarded
@SterlingArcher Just like your parents
My brother had the "who can hold the handle longer" game, and the shock got so powerful we literally couldn't let go and stop. We had to break the game to make it stop lol
@SterlingArcher I think that's called Scientology
@ssube these beats really aren't terrible
Solid sound quality
@SterlingArcher I used to love games the that. Catch was I always disabled my handle, lol.
It's not cheating, it's winning with any means necessary.
@SterlingArcher listen to something with highs and you won't notice that it has any highs
@Trasiva you probably turned the n64 off before the round ended too
@ssube No, they always got the mad catz controllers that didn't work right.
@ssube what kind of metal has highs
user image
@SterlingArcher More like 40 seconds.
argh, spent a half-an-hour chasing a fake bug. My file was in the wrong directory.
I guess it was a real bug, but not what I was thinking
It bothers me that you typed "a half-an-hour"
I don't know why
"spend 30 minutes" "spend a half hour" y are u doing dis 2 me
yea.. not really a-good-reason to hyphenate that.

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