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Right now the middleware doesn't seem to be called if in the basefile
And the router is sent as a parameter to the other file
Alrighty, seems like i managed to solve it. I had to require the other file after the router middleware was defined
is this faster than using a loop? jsfiddle.net/testopia/rxhbscww
or should i use loops for doing matrix multiplication
@Asperger Why don't you measure it?
@VeronicaDeane measure?
I think the fastest way is like that, but using temporary variables to eliminate extra array access
You should measure to be sure, whatever you try
@VeronicaDeane measure?
!!define measure
@VeronicaDeane [measure](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=55268) A prescribed quantity or extent.
(obsolete) Moderation, temperance. [13th-19th c.]
c. 1390, William Langland, Piers Plowman, I:
Mesure is medcynee · þouȝ þow moche ȝerne.

1611, Bible, Authorized Version, Jer. XXX:
I will correct thee in measure, and will not leaue thee altogether vnpunished.

A limit that cannot be exceeded; a bound. (Now chiefly in set phrases.) [from 14th c.]
1667, John Milton, Paradise Lost, V:
Full to the utmost measure of what bliss Human desires can seek or apprehend.
My bad xD
Most people do it with loops though. I think it makes it far more flexible
if you want arbitrarily sized matrices, yeah, use loops
@VeronicaDeane definately ya. Although in my example the dimensions wont vary for now.
1 hour later…
@SomeGuy I did, as described. @MadaraUchiha my issue with the kindle was the screen size of 6". Should have been more. Otherwise it is a fantastic device. If your hands are big like mine, you might not get the feel of a real book due to this.
is there a way to stream data from mongodb using nodejs and writing the data back to the api
all examples found everywhere do console.log(items), i don't want to use console.log()
i jsut want to do res.send() and res.send doesn't work with streaming as much as i understand
'stream' or just return a result-set as JSON?
how to send that stream back to the api call
or do i wait until .end() then send it all? i though this defies the purpose of streaming.. you can correct me if i'm wrong
if it's a real stream, you can pipe that to req, but I don't think that's what you likely have.
see: res.json() if you want to return mongo objects as json from a request
here's my function:
exports.findAll = function(req, res) {
    db.collection('jobs', function(err, collection) {
		var stream = collection.find().stream()
		stream.on('error', function (err) {
		stream.on('data', function (doc) {
i want to use streaming more than res.json().. i'm just wondering how the streaming is returned to the api call
sorry that line data.pipe(doc) doesn't make sense and it doesn't work anywhere
this link along with others show all responses coming in console.log() which can't be consumed by the api call .. mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/2.0/tutorials/streams
ah, so the 'data' even returns a single document each call? just res.send(JSON.stringify(doc)) ?
i forget if res.send ends the request or not. if so, use the other function that doesn't.
all you are doing by streaming is breaking up the writes to the response into chunks
how many objects are you returning in a single call?
I wouldn't dick with it. I haven't had issues just res.json()ing 100's of results. even 1000's
it might be millions
in a single request from the client?
no, not in a single request from the client, but i'm thinking if i want a list of all jobs, before doing pagination, i want to stream then take those chunks and do pagination on them
MongoDB doesn't allow you to limit the no. of results?
morning guys
just did this function which changes 'b' names in the array to 'a' names. any advice if this is a good implementation?
const names = ['apple', 'benny', 'andrea', 'billy', 'ben', 'ann']
let result = names.filter((x) => {return x[0].toLowerCase() === 'a'})
					names.filter((y) => {return y[0] !== 'a'})
						 .map((w) => {return 'a'+ w.slice(1)})

[ 'apple', 'andrea', 'ann', 'aenny', 'ailly', 'aen' ]
Does the order matter?
Cause if not: names.map(n => n.startsWith('a') ? n : n.replace(/^b/, 'a'))
@phenomnomnominal ah yeah. thats a good one.
Anybody in here now good with Node.js?
what stuff do you want to do in nodejs @Jasch1
Just a question about streams
I'm streaming some info from a mongo doc
im streaming some binary information
And I had node log the size of each data chunk that was received
And it was 28695288, then 3, then 28695288 again, then 3 again
Why is it in such uneven chunks?
i think you need to share more specifics for people here to help :)
Any idea how one could stream audio to an already loaded page? I loaded the audio buffer using ajax but I don't know how to go about playing it
@phenomnomnominal hey wanted to ask you, any idea how to implement a reduce function where both (a, b) must satisfy a condition.
const nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
nums.reduce((even1, even2) => {return even1 + even2}) // only add the even numbers
i do not want to use any other function like filters.
well, you should use a filter
cause you're going to have to do the check anyways
i was thinking if it was possible to add conditions in reduce.
eg: even1 >> pass, even2 >> not pass. move to even3 >> pass >> even1 + even3
nums.reduce(((p, n) => n % 2 === 0 ? p + n : p), 0)
but that's yuck
nums.filter(n => n % 2 === 0).reduce(((p, n) => p + n))
is much nicer
awesome. didnt know reduce could work like that though.
@phenomnomnominal sum $ filter even nums
come on
nums = [p, n, z]
if n % 2 !== 0, it takes p. but then how does it know to take z?
@VeronicaDeane suck a skinny one
I'm actually so confused right now
I have this code
var link = '<a class = \'songLink\' href = \'\/?id=' + song._id + '\'><\/a>';
  return link;
and it returns <a class = \'songLink\' href = \'/?id=577b23004c96d9ee168cee04\'></a>
with all o fthe escape characters involved
Object.assign({}, foo) is the same as { ...foo }, right?
Does array.push add escape characters?
it keeps escaping what I have
and it pisses me off
it shouldn't
Thats odd
When I have it console.log the links, the escape chaacters show
But when I render the links from the ajax request they appear as normal
console.log includes them
array.push definitely doesn't escape characters
Guys, I skimmed over this book and it was pretty good. Covers ES6. Would recommend to someone new to JS but has programmed in another language before.
@littlepootis IE9? that is chrome?
Yes, chrome 53.
Stupid designers
@rlemon yeah I enjoyed it for the 15 or so mins I played :P
I need to play it more
@littlepootis firefox for me doesn't work either just internet explorer
@Loktar that's the second VR game I've played
link to game pleasnes
You played it on the rift @littlepootis?
@William Dying Light
yep, DK2
Doesn't support vive at all.
not my type ofgame
It's scary
looks realstiic
Hi all
@AndrewL. hello midwest friend
hello illinois friend
ffs ubuntu. Others can't repo my problem
What problem?
@littlepootis I believe it was a bootloader problem
How to fix bootloader problems: reinstall them
maybe try defragging ubuntu :) Just kidding
fk this country
who the fk develops these websites? minions?
@littlepootis netscape navigator and google chrome. When the fuck was this created.
It was redesigned
who is still using netscape?
you'd be surpised
china maybe?
@littlepootis did you here about Bulgaria news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12030378 ?
Hi All
I am confused to what use to send bulk emails to the customers
there is a php function "mail()" and also "Mail_mime" from pear and mailchimp client
any help on what to use from experience?
@Mr_Green wrong room, but someone might still be able to help. This tends to be the busier room
@Mr_Green Don't use mail
Also, this isn't the php room.
Use Mailchimp for bulk emails.
ok thanks
anyway, I asked there also
@William no. Twas a Java problem
Ubuntu giving me a hard time
i liked ubuntu but I felt like it was often in a limbo state after every update
I'm okay with it, only problem is that my GPU hates ubuntu and theres some screen tearing here and there
I like the command line software installation though
that's peculiar I would figure OSX would be the problem OS and ubuntu would work better
Same result on OSX
oh well you need a new GPU then
1/3 operating systems working isn't good
On windows it's great.
I guess I'll go to sleep, fix my problems in the morning.
I'm sure I have one GPU laying around that works on all 3 operating systems. I would even give it to you for free if you wanted.
My amd r9 270x is quite old now
Yes really it's old but should on all 3 operating systems
Dusty and loud
the address and parental issue haha.
@AndrewL. I can give you this if you want newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150353
I have an extra I undersand I might be a stoker
Surely you have $40 laying around somewhere?
Ecspecially when you are less than 200 miles away from me
GTs are a waste of money imo, my intel graphics are compatible cross-platform
@AndrewL. there is a reason why it isn't being used
but it is OSX, windows, and linux compatible because I have used it on all three
Ehh. Screen tearing only happens when I watch videos so I'm good but thanks for the offer :), I'll be going to bed now
Q: How to replace all existence of chars from string in jquery?

Ram SinghI want to replace all existence of chars from a string, but it is not working. here is my code: $.each(jsonArray, function (fromString, jtm) { // tempString = tempString.replace(jtm.from, jtm.to) tempString = tempString.replaceAll(jtm.from, jtm.to); }); I checked to use global to repla...

Please help me
Shouldn't that be fromString ?
multiple issues in understanding the question for me also
Also, why you need jQuery for that ? :|
used to not anymore
> jQuery solves everything
@RamSingh hey.. have you ever heard of this jQuery plugin called JavaScript?
It's cool, try it.
Unless you're using a global variable or closure.... tempString is probably undefined there...
it is global
Yeah, good luck..
Don't use jQuery for trivial stuff
And rephrase your question so people can understand it.
@RamSingh are you still supporting IE8?
if not, then learn to use developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… (it's supported starting from IE9)
Speaking of replacing, what's better to replace multiple stuffs, split map join or replace loop?
He has to support Netscape Navigator 3.0.
@tereško no
Congratulations. You can use ES5 features.
good morning, kumpels
wood morning pumpers
food morning burgers
I can't think of other rhymes :|
India NWA
Howdy folks
That's all folks
Must resist drinking coffee
Must resist sleeping on my table
Inline css , YES/NO?
Google PageSpeed recommends inlining if CSS is small, but generally, I'd say no
only for php based stylings
What about JSX/react and other JS frameworks that might do it?
hi all
@cswl blood morning maggots
Can someone explain me to that chrome console summery view in network tab??
@littlepootis thought about blood, but the other one was . so.. :|
@littlepootis what's up, Eric?
In that what is meaning of DOMContentLoaded ? Is that means page load complete ??
dom tree is loaded
Then what is means Load ??
the event fires if the dom tree (= all dom objects) are loaded, all external resources - you could say after full load of html file
Will my sql, pl/sql knowledge help me in web dev? Does anyone actually use oracle DB? Where I'm currently working I also do a lot of DB work but I don't know if I'll ever need it.
@Abhishrek Very nice! Written in Haskell too
hi, I have two windows on the same domain localhost:3001 , now in the child window I want to send some message to parent .. I am doing parent.postMessage("haha", "*"); from console and in the parent I have a window.addEventListener("message", function(e) { console.log(e); }); but it isn't logging anything
and when I log window.parent.document.querySelector("body") in console it shows its own content
@Maurice nothing much
Can someone see if they can help me with this please. stackoverflow.com/questions/38192941/…
Flash :(
the method works with iframe scrollbar and html 5 audio. I'm trying to get the same method to work with object flash.
Flash is being phased out, are you sure you want to do that?
This was my attempt: cssdesk.com/pZeVU But every time I click on it it jumps out.
I'm trying to prevent it from jumping out into a new window.
I'm sorry I can't run your example as flash is blocked in my browser.
Does anyone in here know how to get it t work, if it's possible?
@Paran0a What do you do if a site requires flash?
@htmlcsscoding What's wrong with the HTML5 method?
I'm pretty sure that none of the website that I visit require flash. I think some porn sites did but even those phased flash out.
@BenFortune That they're all different sizes, and not all one size. i-msdn.sec.s-msft.com/en-us/…
@BenFortune The style isn't universal across all browsers.
!!/summon 19132
@TheLittleNaruto I will appear in that room after 1 more invocation(s)
@littlepootis Can you help here? ^^
!!/summon 19132
Can anyone help me get this to work? cssdesk.com/pZeVU
@phenomnomnominal Thanks :)
Help me regarding this question. stackoverflow.com/questions/38192941/…
are you serious? calm your nuts.
I don't mind waiting.
you should. otherwise you will have a forced break
!!ban @htmlcsscoding
@Maurice The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
what did I do?
you try to ban him from using the bot? why?
@GNi33 psst
what bot?
I'm not a bot.
@htmlcsscoding ask once. if someone is free and interested he will help you
ok. I'm sorry.
I'm new to chat on here.
!!welcome @htmlcsscoding
@@htmlcsscoding Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thank you. ok.
Is there anyone in here who can help me with my issue, or at-least say whether or not what I am trying to do is at least possible?

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