To those who claim the human eye can only see 30 fps, you're idiots. I was playing iRacing with my Rift, and it was running at 70 fps instead of the usual 90. It felt terrible. I'm trying to find a UTF8 codepoint for that character, but so far this is the only one remotely close I can find: ㇃ => \u31C3. Can anyone find a closer match?
just highlight me if anyone finds something, I gotta go
I bet you could find free textbooks, I stopped buying books from my Uni on the 4th semester, was really no point in buying 600 page books for half semester courses
International editions are basically scams. If you search for 'bargain textbooks' they give you an alternate version straight from india. They claim they don't change much but lots of things are 'different'
yeah @BenjaminGruenbaum, but you are working with two irrational numbers, so... can't prove that you can't use any rational transforms on sqrt(2) to get sqrt(3)
@towc kendall doesn't have any formal math education from what I know, this stuff isn't something you learn from being smart - only from doing these sort of exercises hundreds of times over and over. I recommend "Linear Algebra Done Right" by Axler and "Calculus" by Spivak if you want ot learn more.
@Mahadevan dates are actually really hard to get right, I hope you realize that, JavaScript native dates don't do what you describe and I think moment doesn't either. Honestly your best bet is probably to transpile a real date time library.
@Victor personally I use the context API; this.context has everything referenced on it that a view component would need to interact with the application
well, if you'd want to use the context API (with Redux or not), if the socket connection is something that is created and exists for the duration of the application (like a DB connection), then you might expose the raw socket (or some API wrapping it) through the context
and this would usually be bootstrapped when the root component of the application is being mounted; if that's not the case (you might intermittently open and close connections), then you'd probably want to push it deeper into the tree, to the higher-order component that would be responsible for managing the socket
IIRC, you mentioned that you were frustrated with how your sources are organized on disk, right @Victor?
yeah, in that respect, Redux is a bit of a turnoff because you should really be at the liberty to pick how you manage application state (independently of your view/DOM)
and things would probably get really strange if your React component had to talk to a worker that split work between other workers, because if you were using Redux as a silver bullet you'd probably end up somewhere where you can't really make use of any of it's types and APIs
I'm sure this has been asked before but wbich should I learn Angular 2 or React. People on reddit made it seem like Angular was dying but I want to see another communities views
@FilipDupanović, if I have <RenderSite /> which create child context { userInfo /*.. etc.*/ } and then create a <LiveDataProvider /> whose getChildContext returns { socket: /*...*/ }, and then nest them, will the context be a concatenated result of the two contexts or not?
@grasshopper if you want to wake up in a sand castle, pick Angular 2; if all you want is a shovel and a name to your person, pick React; if you still want a sand castle, but of a different kind, pick a framework that's designed alongside React
@grasshopper I'd consider react + mobx or Angular 2 before Redux, but React is generally just a library that does one thing well. It's more like handlebars or Angular2's templates than like Angular
@FilipDupanović, if I have <RenderSite /> which create child context { userInfo /*.. etc.*/ } and then create a <LiveDataProvider /> whose getChildContext returns { socket: /*...*/ }, and then nest them, will the context be a concatenated result of the two contexts or not?
Personally, I like React a lot since the DOM is in the JS and not vice versa and you get very clear errors. I also like MobX because it does dependency tracking much better.
Angular 2 and Angular 1 are completely different frameworks, Angular 1 became usable at 1.2, Angular 2 isn't close to usable yet IMO.
Angular 1 is not dead.
You can keep using angular 1 just fine - it has the same problems it had a while ago. We switched from it to React a year ago but that doesn't mean you should too.
By all means, when a new framework comes out give it a shot - you learn a lot by using other libraries frameworks and languages even if you don't end up writing with them.
Even if Angular died right now and everyone switched to something else I won't regret having spent 2.5 years working with it. It taught me all kinds of MVVM principles, and a lot of basic JS along the way
In react, you construct your HTML (your DOM tree) using react elements instead of downright HTML. You have a React.render function that takes the output of that first function and renders it to an element.
Now, components in React have two ways to get data - they have state (local data) and props (data passed to them - like function arguments).
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
// pass props as {x: 5} to MyOtherComponent created here
return <MyOtherComponent x={5} />
You have no special template syntax, you compose components with plain JS (.map for example) so you don't really need to learn any special syntax or tricks, only JSX with tags - it's really simple.
You compose multiple components to form your free and then render it, typically whenever a piece of data changes you .render the tree, if you change a .state of a component (this is done by .setState and should be done rarely) - it gets re-rendered.
(+ context, similar to props, but you compose the context a bit differently than prop data and you let React implicitly pass it to child components; this.context.x)
@BenjaminGruenbaum This is where I got stuck, since the sum of two irrationals isn't irrational in the general case, and I don't know enough to prove it for square roots
This for example will draw recursively the numbers from 5 to 1 when called in the other end from MyComponent.
@VeronicaDeane I suggested to towc that he proves it ad-hoc for sqrt(2/3) in this case. It can also be proven directly for square roots of prime numbers IIRC, can dig that up if you care.
@VeronicaDeane oh, if they are nonzero then the result of their sum is irrational too - adding a rational number to an irrational one won't make it rational (prove that based on the fact the rationals are closed under addition - and you could subtract negative that number to get an irrational again).
@grasshopper I also suggest taking a look at mobx with mobx-react, it's dead simple - has just two concepts - observable (might change) and observer (listens to changes) and everything works automatically.