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@Albertdev Yes that's a good book.
6K starred github redux-react-koa-starter advocates no ;
thoughtsandprayersthegame.com This mind-blowingly brilliant and fucking hilarious.
good one! needs to be internationalized... thoughtsprayersandpeaceconcertsthegame.com
@FilipDupanović Server not found
@SomeGuy @AwalGarg youtube.com/watch?v=JMQSk9Q65ew watch this one
<the india part>
If anyone knows MEAN stack, then is there any specific benefit for making AJAX request using angularJS instead of flashing the data to some templating engine as it will reduce the http request
Does anyone know what Reflect.construct(target,args,newTarget) actually does?
Dear god, I haven't been in here in a while, adn I see this
ohh, that doesn't work ...
anyone aware of a markdown drag and drop editor?
im thinking mostly about what readme.io uses
1 message moved to Trash can
@AbhimanyuAryan Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
			* {padding: 0; margin: 0; }
what is * used for? I Googled but no success
applies those rules to all elements
Thanks captainrad
yup, by the way when searching google for "what does the * mean in css"
the first result is a stack overflow article
stackoverflow is my goto when I don't know something
so, it should be first
my point was that if he tried the googles a little harder he would have found his answer quicker ^_^
@cswl it provides helpers that return functions which you can pass as callbacks
@FilipDupanović Reflect.construct creates new instances.. I meant what happens when it's called as Reflect.construct(target,args,newTarget) and I think it calls target 's constructor but sets prototype to newTarget without calling newTarget 's constructor
So for example you can create an object that behaves like Array but doesn't have any Array.prototype methods..
It's like you're extending from one class but inheriting from the other..
@cswl sorry, coffee; the helpers take the target as the first argument; instead of how you would usually interact with objects (accessing properties, calling methods, ...), now you use a suitable static helper from Reflect, passing the target and the arguments
there might be other reasons to use Reflect, but mostly it's going to be used to create functions that can be passed as callbacks where the value you want to work with is passed in by the caller as the first argument (like array helpers)
what is that message??? keep having it all day
Response validation failed: void does not allow a value
i'm posting and trying to return anything and keep getting this message.. so i decided not to return anything and still getting this message
what's the solution here??? please please help
function jobspost(req, res) {

    var jobs =[
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Sonair",
            "country": "Cyprus"
        }, {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Voyatouch",
            "country": "Philippines"
        }, {
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Span",
            "country": "Sweden"

    var newID = Math.random();

    var job = {
      "id" : newID,
      "name" : `US-${Math.random()}`,
      "country": "USA"

my yaml code is here:
description: new job created
# used as the method name of the controller
- application/json
- text/plain
operationId: jobspost
# parameters:
# - name: id
# in: body
# description: description
# required: false
# schema:
# $ref: '#/definitions/task'
description: Success - job created
description: "location"
type: string
# responses may fall through to errors
description: Could not create record
Is it valid to use "matches": ["http://www.*.stackexchange.com"] to match all stackexchange sites for chrome extensions
@FilipDupanović a bit of awkward example.. because I have to call Array#splice.. but jsfiddle.net/3Lcufe1w
@cswl hmm maybe pop() can be rewritten jsbin.com/feqipoyuko/1/edit?js,console,output
Looks like my comment made it into a meta post that fucking destroyed me lmao
It was also a hot meta post
@FilipDupanović Yeah.. it's just sugar tho.. same thing... i can see how factory function for this plays out.. like you said.. passing target
there should be opportunities to make crafty use of the new helpers, expressions and the fact that Reflect helpers can take a target, receiver argument, to avoid writing callbacks when you want to lazily express some operation on a object
2 hours later…
> Go into a store, ask what year it is. When they answer your question, jump triumphantly, pump your fist in the air and say: "Yes! It worked!"
4 hours later…
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
@Abhishrek Hahaha, that's hilarious
...hilariously sad
Im finally done with my CSS Preprocessor written in C :D
Im thinking of a name now, CSS Pro or CSSNext. I was even thinking of CSSX
can you give an example of an input which will be preprocessed to a CSS snippet ? eg that one which leads to div#foo { width: 900px; margin 0 auto;}
@SterlingArcher : advertisement i.imgur.com/cOOcWS6.mp4
@KarelG SterlingArcher is afk: home, gym, drunken stupor
@rlemon I just downloaded the new Infernal Robotics part pack, and it is sooooo amazing.
I'll check it out
trying to land a probe on Vall
I brought way too much fuel.
gonna waste a lot of it :/
better having too much than having not enough
I've got the outer planets mod, this ship would have probably made it a few more planets out
I think I'll make a couple small modifications after this mission and go for the outer planets
I'm already in Jool orbit and I still have almost 6000 liquid fuel
@VeronicaDeane i.imgur.com/OH3n54Y.mp4 That was inventive. Maybe it's interesting for you too, rlemon
With git, if your repo has a structure like dir1/dir2/dir3, can't you .gitignore dir2/dir3/ to ignore dir3?
For some reason it isn't working for me, but I thought gitignore would just try to match entries at any level of the directory structure...
@jAndy ping
Hello guy
can I ask you feedback?
Don't waste time on asking if it's okay to ask feedback.
mattewdev.altervista.org/index.html what do you think about it?
could be useful for any user?
Why not.. just.. you know.. use Youtube's search?
yes, but maybe could be useful
maybe adding a button could be useful
@Blind awesome! much better than loading the youtube homepage when you just need to search
thanks ! :)
what do you think about box generator?
@AwalGarg could be useful?
could me help to improve my tool?
@Blind you've missed the sarcasm
@KarelG he's new
and blind
I'm a noob at regex. How can I make a regex to detect dots or question marks?
Why do you even want a regex for that?
!!> 'alive?'.indexOf('?') !== -1
@SomeGuy true
@Thaenor \?|\. where \? = ?, | stands for "OR" and \. as dot.
I've got something like "we like coders. And pie?" and a str.split should produce ["we like coders", ".", "and pie"]
is the ? being filtered ?
it should.
the text should be splitted at dots, question marks and exclamation points
Any idea to get the date format in 2016-05-27 02:04:03
well, use the regex that i have provided and just ignore the "?" entries in the resulting array
( to add !, simply add "OR" ! -> |\! at the end
now i'm off. goodnight
anyone still around?
you guys have used ngmessages?
@Thaenor so use [.?!]
@VeronicaDeane I too rushed to understand these regexps :P sorry... I've solved it by iterating the string.
basic regex is easy to understand if you read regular-expressions.info/tutorial.html
oh wow, agar.io's main code is made with an interpreter -_- agar.io/agario.core.js It's translating normal JS instructions into other code which seems to be C? (other than things possessing a type, there is a "main" function and all)
oh, C++
agar.io is drunk
that's emscripten.. which compiles llvm to js
why exactly would anyone do that at runtime?
so like it was written in C/C++
but surely it can be pre-compiled
it is, those are just markers.. it compiles to asm.js iirc..
can you guys help me out.. I'm stuck in a programming exercise.
@Thaenor tell us about it
Say we have a trip plan in the form of an ordered array. e.g [1,2,4,5,7,29,30]; that means in a 30 day month the person will be travelling on those days.
Travelling for 1 day costs 2. A 7 day ticket costs 7. A 30 day ticket costs 25 and is good for the whole month. I want to plan the trips so I buy the cheapest tickets.
In the example I gave it's cheapest to buy two 7 day tickets (for the first 7 days of the month). and one 1 day ticket (from 29 to 30)
How could I write an algorithm to calculate the cheapest price?
hi guys!
@AwalGarg are you around?
I may not be clear, Thaenor, but it seems that you could use a reverse knapsack solution.
@samdoj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
haha! First time in the chat room, and I get greeted by a fracking cylon!
I mean, it's kind of like a knapsack problem but with a few key differences.
You want to minimize value, not maximize it.
@Victor how can awal help you in a way that we can't?
@towc not really. I was just going to say hi :))
Also, you basically have infinite weight.
@Victor I'm speaking with him through a ouija board. He says hi too
So it seems like you'd want to use some kind of dynamic algorithm.
I talked to him too, towc. He said FFIIEED NO YES NO
!!google ouija board
why doesn't @CapricaSix answer me?
Whoah, that's a thing? I thought you were totally joking.
@samdoj what? the !!google thing?
Don't mind me. I'm a little confused right now.
I thought it was some tool I wasn't aware of.
Yeah, the !!google thing too.
I've never used the SO chat rooms before.
@samdoj Apparently the !!google thing does not work here, but in the php room, @Jeeves would've answered me
@Victor Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
oh, the syntax is different here. it works like this I guess
!!/google oouija
guys help me
hi all
currently learning anguar js
i have a simple query in my below code
		var HelloCtrl = function ($scope){
			$scope.name = 'world';

			$scope.getName = function(){
				return $scope.name;
<body ng-app>
	<!-- step one exercise for ng-model-->
	<!--<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>-->
	<!--Say hello to <input type="text" ng-model="hello"/>
	<h1>Hello {{hello}}!</h1>-->
	<!-------------ends here-------------------->
	<!-- step two exercise for ng-controller usage-->
		<div ng-controller = "HelloCtrl">
			Say Hello <input type="text" ng-model="name"/>
	<!-------------ends here-------------------->
i am gettint=g error
helloctrl is not a function
kindly let me know what I am doing wrong here
any suggestion
@Mahadevan Why are you writing JS in <script> tags? Don't. Also, don't use the var name = function () {} syntax, use the other one, this leads to weird hoisting issues.
@Victor yup, sup
hi, nothing interesting
@little ppotis but when i see in most of the tutorial site they are giving like this can you please explain me
working, as usual
it's hot like hell in romania
I want autumn
@littlepootis pong
@Victor Currently in Britain, yesterday some of a shopping street got a bit flooded. :p
@gcampbell Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Heavy ☔️
@gcampbell why do u have more accounts :)) ?
@Victor Huh?
@gcampbell omg, I asked @AwalGarg sup and I thought you were him :))
sorry about that
I wish I were in england for a few weeks, I need rain and 25 degrees
As I said, it's 34 degrees in romania
@Victor we also had snow on the last days of April and this is meant to be a temperate climate.
@Victor mostly busy these days - got enough things to attack. almost feels like having a life
That was more snow than in the rest of winter.
@gcampbell yeah... interesting
Anyone else wondering how long it'll take for async/await to reach stage 4?
stackoverflow.com/questions/37900017/what-effect-is-this This question is so blatantly off topic and my flag was marked as helpful. why isn't action being taken?
Because people like cats.
do you guys have experience with redux?
honestly, javascript is a terrible language
@man Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
how would you store a websocket connection object in a react app?
and where would you initialize it
@man fuck you too :D
@rlemon I made a bigger shuttle, and it's almost perfect. It can carry a Big Orange Tank™ (36t) to orbit easily, and it has a Kanadarm in it. So now I can build a space station the NASA way.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ahh it's frozen now
@Victor well, one obvious place would be a component that has the same lifetime as the socket
I forgot to mention that I'm using redux
if that matters
shouldn't really matter in your case
in what case, then?
I think I figured it out
@Victor listen, with React you're basically accomplishing the same thing you would with the DOM; you still have elements, they have their own lifecycle, they're composed into a tree, some elements have a visual representation, other's have a utility function
@FilipDupanović I know that. The new thing for me is them being split into so many files
this makes me to need to pass something to link each component to the websocket. so I will use the store that redux provides
since you're going down that road, to point out, React was extended with support for a context API facebook.github.io/react/docs/context.html, which succeeds Redux
@Victor I won't call myself a redux expert but have you looked at middleware?
@shriek That's what I was going to use, actually. I thought that, this is the only way to send an action message to the websocket server, like this chat does. I see that, when I send a message, a JSON object is passed containing keys like event_type, content etc.
ignore Redux for a moment; if you were writing basic htm for Java, you would have full programmatic control over document, the problem there being that it's a global singleton--so before you know it, scripts start loading scripts that start snooping around the DOM, introducing all sorts of assumptions of when something has to be there... you know the drill
Should I use middleware to intercept actions and send something to the server?
It's late here now, so I cannot think at 100% power, but I will do something more tomorrow and come back with a reply
if you're available to give me some advice, if needed
Sure thing. I'm just beginning as well. Would love to chat about it.
Great, glad to hear that
And yeah, @FilipDupanović is right. Start thinking in lower level and build up abstraction to it.
this is the start of a reducer I am writing for the news feed
look at the comment of the items key in defaultState. should I keep comments in each item object, or keep them as a separate state key along with a post id?
Cool. I've always wondered why Dan didn't go for pattern matching for all those switch/cases since he's so into functional programming.
@shriek Dan?
Oh..the creator of Redux. :)
Dan Abramov (is le dude, methinks)
Yup. right on.
@shriek what about look at the comment of the items key in defaultState. should I keep comments in each item object, or keep them as a separate state key along with a post id?
Looking at it. It depends on how you want to structure your application. If your app doesn't use comments as much then tying them into one object works fine if not then having a foreign key like approach suits better.
basically, this part of the app is a blog-like thing
so I guess comments will be used
Does it use elsewhere or just in the post?
but I want to leave room for features like @mention etc
yeah, you should keep them together; you wouldn't want to run subsequent queries on the serve/HTTP requests on the client
@shriek in the newsfeed post cards, where the user can subscribe to more posts' comments and in the post reader
which is a different route, but the comments still need to be live
@Victor you can still put them in one object with extra key that references to id.
That way you can decouple them later if needed.
seems tricky
yeah, often times it's tricky on how to architect your app than actually programming it.
btw, anyone using ramda or rxjs libraries?
I have to go, guys
thank you very much! see you tomorrow
Later, dude.
yeah, correct
bye bye
@shriek lots of disclosed RxJS users in the room
I'm trying to find an excuse to use it but I like ramda's api better. I was just curious how others felt too.
well, looks like they have different purposes; Ramda operates on data, RxJS on events
dunno shriek, you could use Reflect helpers instead of Ramda, though you wake up naked in a prison and still have to save the world
Someone literally asked how to convert positive to negative numbers
Multiply by -1 one person said. Then he follows up with 'oh yeah i could detect if neg or not then multiply accordingly.' Anything multiplied with -1 will yield its opposite number ._.
People are as dumb as dirt
@AndrewL Should have told him/her to download a library to accomplish such a feat.
@FilipDupanović haha..I'm already half way there. But rxjs seems to be like mix bag of both events/data.
panorama (of sorts) of my yard after yardwork
very nice @rlemon. I'm working on my front yard first, bought the house in october
Works like a charm until you try to land it
I really wish I could attach stuff to the bay doors
NASA did it, and I would do the exact same thing

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