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How does this compare as a portfolio - tobi.design ;
I'm only 16 and recently started taking software development seriously, I don't have much of a portfolio :(
@Tobi scrolling's laggy on my tablet
So, Mathematics wanted to quit. How long do you think Mathematics will give up on JS?
@SterlingArcher ndugger is afk: wedding time, bb
How do I know when to use a promise/callback vs. just using a regular return value in a js function?
@ncf If what you are doing is async, return a promise. If what you are doing is in sync, return normal values.
Ok, how do I know if what I'm doing is async/sync?
You should know if you have done anything async. alert is not async, because it stops js where it is running. $.dialog is async, because it doesn't stop js.
Ajax is the most common async operation. It can be used in sync, but that is discourged because it would freeze the page.
I know alert is sync, and ajax is async. It's more like, i have a function or something that has a loop or concatenates strings, or anything simple like that. Is that technically sync?
If the program steps happen one after another without delay, it is not async. Google javascript async vs sync.
Would it be possible to put a clickable hyperlink inside an input (text) element (possibly with Javascript)? I don't really need to know how. I can probebly figure that out myself. Just want to know before I spend hours on trying stuff in vain
@icecub You can for sure do that with css positioning
Thanks a lot @ncf :)
@icecub np :)
Hi guys! Is anyone around? I'm struggling with an extremely annoying bug (probably more Junior level) that I need help splatting haha.
I made a function which generates the end date of a specific holiday by checking its length
var getCruiseEnd = function(days, date){
    //console.log("Days: "+days+", Date:" + date);
    var result = new Date(date);
    result.setDate(result.getDate() + days);
    var dd = result.getDate();
    var mm = result.getMonth() + 1;
    var y = result.getFullYear();
    return y + '-' + mm + '-' + dd;
When running it via the script I developed (which loads all JSON holidays into an object), it returns the following after this function call:
Returns: 2017-9-15
But when I run the function from console, it returns: "2017-3-1"
@OliverKuchies Set a breakpoint on your function to debug it.
It may be the input that is wrong. By the way, here is a version with 0 padding:
function getCruiseEnd (days, date) {
    date = new Date( date );
    date.setDate( date.getDate() + days);
    return date.toISOString().split( 'T' )[0];
Cool, thank you! Checking out the breakpoints now : ) Didnt know Google had a cool debugger; feature!!
All modern desktop browsers has built-in debugger now. It started with Firefox's Firebug.
I'm kinda impressed by what can be done with css these days. Wrote like 15 lines of html and designed a beautyfull chatsystem out of it just with css
Ye I'm working a chatsystem using websockets. Was just talking about its design
I genuinely don't understand Javascript Datetime haha @Sheepy
I don't either and I've been doing that shit for 7 years.
@OliverKuchies Not a date problem. Type problem. You are adding 7 in the console and "7" in live code.
setDate( 22+"7" ) = setDate( "227" )
Hey, any nodejs dev online? =)
Oh beautiful.Thanks Sheepy!! I have a lot to learn :P
@rlemon Same here but if the PSU had a switch on it you could just change plugs for a few bucks :P
good morning
what's up
@A.J. Summer melted my chocolate. ( ̄ε ̄*)
Hello guys
Socially awkward people.
Morning guys. Sorry, just to deep in code with my head right now xD
I have discovered that if I put my cellphone to a specific place on my laptop, it thinks the lid is closed
@cswl Yeah. May have better luck by saying 220 Hello ?
@JanDvorak Perhaps because of the proximity detection? The same thing happens when you're in a call and put your hand to close the screen. It turns the screen off to prevent you from accidently hanging up
If it was proximity sensor you could trigger it with your hand... maybe it uses a magnetic sensor..
    const [first, ...rest, last] = nowPlaying.songs;
I wish this was valid :-/
Use Ruby :-)
for server side transcoding that might be an interesting choice
but i'd have even less clue about what I am doing than I have in JS!

Ruby :: Sometimes on Rails

The humane programming language. Be nice. Have fun. Lurkers...
Just realised that this seems to be the room with second most messages, after C++.
When compiling js with Node.JS, I keep getting the error:
handleConnection: function(conn) {

SyntaxError: Unexpected token (
at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:414:25)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:313:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:467:10)
at startup (node.js:136:18)
at node.js:963:3
node is not a compiler.
that's what they all say
ok then, I get that error when I try run js.
@RowanHarley Nothing wrong on that line. Error may be on other lines.
There are a lot of lines in the code but I'm almost sure there are no other errors
That error message isn't very helpful.
what do u mean?
I think the message smells a bit fishy... but it's impossible to tell from this single line.
!!> a: function(){}
should I put code up on pastebin or something
@towc "SyntaxError: function statement requires a name"
!!> a: function b(){}
@towc "undefined"
why does that work 0.o
!!> a: function b(){}; a
@towc "ReferenceError: a is not defined"
Because the "a" is a label, in this case.
well, in his code it may be the same thing, but instead of "SyntaxError: function statement requires a name" it says "unexpected token ("
Instead of property name. Which may be the case or Rowan, caused by unintentional closing of an object declaration.
I mean, is handleConnection in an object?
Here's the full code: pastebin.com/bhTd3nDT
@RowanHarley Ok. Who wrote that code? Was it copied from somewhere?
@RowanHarley replace the : with a =
I copied it from js2.coffee
@towc I think function handleConnection (conn) { make more sense here...
@RowanHarley coffee?
That is not valid javascript
after doing all that I get an error from a line that isn't even there
That line exists (line 13) and it isn't valid
How can I change it?
@RowanHarley See above.
So do I change handleConnection: function (conn) to function handleConnection (conn) {
Yes. Try that.
I've done that but now I get an error from line 84 with code that doesn't seem to exist
Unexpected end of file?
@RowanHarley Error message?
The error message says: unexpected token '}' with code: });
This code doesn't exist though
I am quite sure the code is not copied in full. I see this.handleMessage followed by handleMessage: function(conn, data). No, you can't cut and paste js code like this for the same reason that you can't cut a room from a building blueprint and stick it to another.
@Sheepy depends on his own coding patterns
The water pipes, electricity lines, air ducts, force distributions etc. will be all wrong and the building may collapse - that's what is happening with your code.
I did leave out a bit of coffeescript code at the beginning but I didn't think that would give me any errors. Anyways the error I'm getting doesn't exist in the file, so would that not mean that the rest of the code is correct
Not necessary. You can have an article that pass the spell check but still reads all wrong.
I guess you're right
I'll have a look through the original coffeescript code and see if I can find anything I missed out on
Hint: I see two functions. Their logic depends on them belonging to an object and used in an OOP manner.
oh wtf
Is there any way to create a foreach loop in js or do I have to use a for loop?
There are many ways to do that. Depends on what you're dealing with.
@RowanHarley for ( let item of array ) { ... }
ok so something like for(let client of clients)
Oh, wait, wtf.
Hello everyone. I posed a poorly phrased question yesterday which was put on hold as a result. I have re-worded it. Please review it and vote to re-open if you want. stackoverflow.com/questions/37644517/…
The this value is usually called "context"
I have heard that term used. But I would argue it is imprecise
context is a shortened version of execution context which has a different meaning
infact I would say context is technically wrong when the intended meaning is the this value (that said I do always understand what is intended by it)
I won't call this the context. this is this. Receiver mean the receiver on the same row, and Target means function invocation target. They refer to the same object when you get and call an object method, but that doesn't mean every Receiver and Target means the same thing in the spec.
@Sheepy - can you clarify meaning of "row"?
The "row" in "Table 5, row 7 ([[Get]]), section".
If you look at the table, the "Receiver" is declared in the second column as a parameter of [[Get]].
Please vote to re-open the question so that the discussion can be documented
I actually voted it down as insufficient research. If it is reopened, I won't mind posting an answer, but I'd rather people read more carefully before asking on SO.
Of course, "receiver" is used throughout the document, not just in that table...
The question stems from the inconsistency of nomenclature in the document
"Receiver" is also a parameter of [[Set]] and other methods. Can you give another example where it doesn't come as a parameter?
@Sheepy because they're describing internal methods
Keep in mind that [[Get]] and [[Set]] is different from invocation. Apple and orange difference.
So, to be honest, I don't know how they can be mixed to start with... @_@
@Sheepy - mostly parameter names yes. Still the inconsistency of nomenclature is there
@BenAston I guess because the receiver is always obvious, though the target may not be, due to method binding?
@Filip - so there is a difference in meaning between target and receiver?
@BenAston Getting a property (where "receiver" comes into play) is not the same as calling a function (where "target" comes into play).
@Sheepy, okay maybe that is where my lack of understanding lies
@Sheepy - receiver nomenclature is used in the [[Set]] signature too. Not too sure I fully understand your comment
I note the reflect methods use both "target" and "receiver"
@BenAston Receiver is just a parameter name. It reference the [[Get]] or [[Set]] parameter *in the context of that operation*.
If the spec talks about Receiver in a [[Set]] section, it refers to the third parameter passed into that [[Set]] call.
If the spec talks about Receiver in a [[Get]] section, it refers to the second parameter passed into that [[Get]] call.
What you say is clear. Under what situations is target not equal to receiver?
Morning, looking for a way to extract the text part of string in javascript, is that doable ?
My question is valid and researched. I would be very grateful for more re-open votes
@BenAston Sorry I didn't read that part carefully. I just re-read it. They should be the same, for Set and Get. But I am not sure how the spec would word Proxy - it may have an effect there.
But the spec is consistent that Receiver is talking about parameter (logic steps), and target is used in a more general sense (describe how things works).
@BenAston well, sorry about that, SO users are anal
guys im facing a problem, i want to strech each list-item to 33%(since i have 3 list items in the ul) but it seems like the last one is smaller then the others.
this is my pen:
@Joseph what does "text part" mean?
okay thanks @Sheepy and @Filip. I will see if I can get more upvotes across today
Q: Both receiver and target are used in the ES2015 spec to refer to the object used as the 'this' value. Is there a difference?

Ben AstonBoth "receiver" and "target" are used in the ES2015 spec (see examples below) to refer to the object used as the this value. Are these words synonyms or do they have subtly different meanings? I note that the signature of Reflect.get in 26.1.6 uses both terms indicating a difference of meaning...

@littlepootis var somestring =" 1.1 someOutline 9"; in this example text part would be "someOutline" . The first part of the string may or may not exist = > meaning i can have it like this "someOutline 9";
What about other languages?
@littlepootis i can achieve this fairly easily with php , but i am looking for a client side solution
What about "haha 42 vvfe333321.32.3e22"?
@littlepootis no, not possible the only two possible format are those I mentioned
Hint: regex
@SomeKittens this is one of those love/hate posts.
@Joseph How would you do it in PHP?
I'm dealing with a bit of technical debt here. Is there an easy way in jQuery to select all absolutely positioned elements with a given offset parent?
@JanDvorak None that I'm aware of, aside from selecting everything and filtering.
please? :(
@Ben I am still digging but I think Proxy is where it matters. I think I can see your confusion now.
@MadaraUchiha I would remove everything before the first space and everything after the last space after i have trimmed my string .
I'll vote for reopen, okey.
@Joseph How would that work with "text 42"?
@MadaraUchiha yes it would because I only remove it if it's an INT or a decimal
@Slashy what do you mean, each li is the same size. :)
@Joseph How would you detect if it's an int or a decimal?
It's in a string.
I would parse for int ?
@Shmiddty if i have a ul which it's width is 100%
in our case 100% equals 620px
so each li should be 620/3
is 33% 1/3 of 100%?
@MadaraUchiha are you suggesting it is not doable with javascript ?
@Shmiddty alright..it's 33.3333
but it shouldn't bother
@Slashy Use flexbox
floats is what we used in 2004
@Shmiddty however i dont think this is my problem here.. but you right
what's flexbox?
@Slashy 33% + 33% + 33% = 99%
That's definitely your problem...
@Slashy I think they have Google in Israel, don't they? ;)
@MadaraUchiha, quick question: I just noticed a markdown rendering (css) bug on meta and made a thread about it. Someone else found a month-old dupe of it. Now, my question should probably be closed as dupe, but wouldn't that affect visibility for staff? (link)
@MadaraUchiha allright..you're right
@Cerbrus Shouldn't
They don't look at the front page, they filter by tag and also maintain their own internal lists IIRC
Ah, that makes sense
They probably didn't get around to it yet, then.
@Cerbrus One of my ancient CSS-bug posts was recently fixed and closed, the information is not lost
@Sheepy - thank you!
Also, don't get your hopes up that it's fixed anytime soon ;P
The bugfix is pretty trivial. Kinda annoying :P
@Cerbrus As was mine
!!> 1/3
@Neoares 0.3333333333333333
Q: Images can be pushed outside the boundaries of a post by using nested lists

Oliver Salzburg A B C D E F I don't even know. It just seemed weird. Yes, I understand I could just avoid doing something like that. But the problem already exists with a single level. Consider having 2 images in a post. Both exceed the maximum width of a post. One is nested in a list. Key to ...

!!> 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3
@Neoares 1
!!> 0.3333333333333333 + 0.3333333333333333 + 0.3333333333333333
@Neoares 1
!!> 0.333333333333333 + 0.333333333333333 + 0.333333333333333
@Cerbrus 0.99999999999999
I guess if you use 1 "3" less she gives you 0.9999...
that's what I meant
@Cerbrus 0.9999999999999989
wait wat
Floats vOv
she's not smart, she just lacks precision
!!> (1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3).toString(20)
@JanDvorak "1"
` (1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3)` is 1
1.toString is 1
In theory, yes. In floats, who knows?
5 mins ago, by Neoares
!!> 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3
I suspected Cap rounding the output
no, that's why I did the 0.3333333333333333 + 0.3333333333333333 + 0.3333333333333333
which was the results of 1/3
1/3 !== 0.3333333333333
it's actually 0.333...
no, rly?
!!> 1/3 === 0.3333333333333333
@towc true
!!> 0.3333333333333333 + 0.3333333333333333 + 0.3333333333333333
so it's a double mistake, where one cancels the other one out :P
don't forget that the floating point register is limited
well, "mistake"... it's not like there's an obvious efficient alternative
it even got covered as an IEEE
if you want to calculate fast
btw... today we started exams...
they're going to be going on for 2 weeks
binary has a big problem, and it's called decimals
and thats why 0.1+0.2 = 0.30000000009
the one from today was supposed to last 3hrs... but I couldn't help myself and left at 1hr...
leaving early is possible if you have answered all questions or if you are unable to answer on all questions
i recall that i once left a 3h exam after 30 mins, that everyone looked at me when i handed it over the exam caretaker. They thought that i failed but i passed with a nice grade ^^
greetings, programs!
thanks @MadaraUchiha for your quick response to my SO question :)
Can someone please explain to me what would this regex do ? /\d+$/
f me , i should have googled it :) no worries i now know
usually that is for filtering out numbers... like integers, for example, would be ^-{0,1}\d+$
or a phone number filter ^\+?[\d\s]{3,}$
and yes google is your friend, but doesn't know everything! :D otherwise i'd never come here grovelling for help :D
@JimmPratt true, but one must not underestimate the machine ^^ (Hint, google is the new skynet )
oh, admit it, you come here for our jolly temper
@Joseph let's us bow to our overloads...erm...overlords!
@GNi33 it is a contributing factor certainly!
How do I have to change my Action (using REDUX) to use the entire Array?
If I just use it as displayed with a single value it works.

function receivePosts(json){
    return {
        type: 'RECEIVE_POSTS',
        items: json[0].counter
And the Reducer

export default (state = [], action) => {
    switch (action.type){
        case 'RECEIVE_POSTS':
            return [
                        text: action.items
            return state

Why does everyone assume that a true artificial intelligence would be malicious or would deliberately harm humans in some fashion?
It's better for fiction writers
It's no fun storytelling about an AI that accidentally turned Earth into paradise for everyone
..and because we are generally evil, greedy people in general... ergo our 'offspring' learn from us. :)
That, too
@JanDvorak true, but most of the world's population would literally destroy a said ai if given the possibility
Keyword: given the possibility
@JimmPratt true, but an AI as evil as you or I would not try to destroy humanity
@Neil just as the world's population would destroy paradise because either a) the didn't think of it first, b) they could not control it, c) silly religious reasoning, or d) politics
@JimmPratt ignorance, put simply
Fear of the unknown
@BenAston Here is your answer to the different of target and Receiver: stackoverflow.com/a/37653947/893578
too true, and since any AI would likely be a reflection of ourselves, it would try to destroy what it could not control or understand - ie, humanity.
@JimmPratt that's a stretch. I don't understand Paris Hilton, but that doesn't mean that I want to kill her
you don't?? who are you and what did you do with Neil!!??!!
Unexpected token function. Why am I getting this?
@RowanHarley Could be a number of reasons, code?
@JimmPratt not yet anyway. The verdict is still out on that one
@RowanHarley Line?
@RowanHarley Too many brackets, remove line 89
@RowanHarley Inconsistent line indentation between L77/L78
is it normal that, when selectedIndex is changed, the <select> does not emit a onchange event?
Thanks guys
@tereško In general, the browser only fires changes caused by the user, not script
I mean, is it an expected behaviour (and I have to trigger the event manually) or have I done something wrong
@RowanHarley handleConnection and handleMessage is still in OO style. Unless you rewrite them to make them procedural, or assign them to an object, they won't work.
the onchange fires only after user's interaction
Just want to get the code to work, then I'll change it
or if you trigger it manually
you can fire up the event yourself but it's cumbersome. I just call the event handler function myself
i think that the moment AI achieves 'free will', or an algorithmic equivalent, it is going to be confused why homo sapiens are screwing up the world and all that is connected to it (politics, poverty, war, famine, damage to environment, reality TV shows ('Toddlers & Tiaras' - seriously?), and Jerry Springer-like shows) and rightly conclude that we need to be neutered for our own protection. :)
how dare you call it cumbersome?
@JimmPratt that would put their very own existence into question
@FilipDupanović certainly! they would need us to maintain them.. at least for a few generations.
@JimmPratt Judging from how real life organic neural networks grow up, free will comes much earlier than the ability to understand that human is cancer.
for some reason element.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {'bubble': true})) isn't working
!!mdn event
@JanDvorak Something went on fire; status 403
where do you think I got that code from?
@Sheepy i've heard that too. but give it access to the internet when it develops cognition and it will learn fast.
@rlemon fix her pls
@tereško It works when I replace "element" with "document.body"
I need the event.target
Use jQuery
@JimmPratt I remember that Microsoft's recent "internet learning" AI didn't turn out well...
@JanDvorak it's the second time in a row taht you have insulted me, please stop
Rather new one to all the Java-languages here including jQuery which i am using right now but, is there any common mistakes related to why AJAX functions would not fire?

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