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1:06 PM
@Kob_24 your route filters for '/partials/*' ?
@corvid rly :(? so many people swear by it
@FilipDupanović The main problem I have with it is it is hardly configurable at all, and not extensible
@StrahBehry yeah, 90% of the users probably have one gigantic windows partition and they don't even know postman is using 18GB of space
@ndugger Yeah i stocked up last night on nuts, fruits and chicken
Nuts only a handful if you eat 300gr that's still rip
1:13 PM
@SterlingArcher I'm not a huge fan of nuts. I'll eat a portion of almonds if I'm weight training in the afternoon, but I'd always rather not.
The other option is honey roasted peanuts, which I love, but are higher in sugar
I guess they're just really good protein and shit. I have lightly salted peanuts at my desk, and I'll have a cap full when I want a snack
I'm wondering if I should start taking vitamins
if you are having a balanced food pattern then you don't have to do that
I'm not sure how I feel about those like hydroxycut gummies. They're a non stimulant which is good, but I know nothing about those things
I probably should. I know I want to pick up some magnesium like rlemon suggested, for soreness
if your body doesn't need the extra vitamins, it just throw it away by urine
1:16 PM
My mom highly recommends magnesium
I'm not gonna touch any "weightloss" shakes, pills, etc.
@ndugger Those are often pure scams
What about "meal replacement" shakes?
I'm already down 1lb. I was worried last night when I weighed myself, but it was just water weight.
Pure protein shakes etc
1:16 PM
It doesn't really matter
It's just pure calorie intake vs calorie out
@SterlingArcher those I'm cool with
The thing with Protein shakes is that it's hard to hit a certain macro for Protein
Since Protein is high value in things like Chicken/Tuna etc
And then you have to either eat so boring stuff all the time or pay a shitton
Me weight is fluccuating 2-3 lbs, but I can already tell my pants fit better. So I think I'm just replacing fat loss with some muscle
Sterling the number one thing should be
To cut ALL soda
I cut out soda and beer (soda 100%, beer on the weekdays)
1:18 PM
I had a ton of sodium on Tuesday, and I didn't think much of it, until I stepped on the scale and weighed 1.5lbs heavier... lol. Water weight is a bitch
I haven't had a soda in about 3 weeks now, and it feels great
250ml of beer is like 110kcal
@ndugger lol yeah, I'll be 212 going to bed, wake up, do my thing, and I'll be 209-210 going to work
I haven't had soda in many months. I haven't had any energy drinks ( even sugar free) in about 3 weeks.
I feel like I should cut out coffee too :/
1:19 PM
You're lighter in the morning because you lose sweat and you still burn calories while sleeping
Coffee is 0 calories
I don't drink any caffeine anymore, and if I really need it, I drink tea
Yeah, but what else is in coffee? I can't see coffee being good for you
@StrahBehry black?
Yeah black
Obv no sugar, that sugar adds up like crazy
I also have a cream and 1 sugar with my coffee. It's about 37 cals
1:20 PM
Also coffee pads like Nespresso contain a certain thing
I can't do black coffee lol
That increases blood cholestrol
Then do with milk
rofl at the lot of you and how you nourish yourselves
No sugar
all I see is Ewan McGregor taking a piss into a toilet with more flops than my machine
1:21 PM
I drink about 18,000L of coffee per year
Hey, coffee is the worst thing I do to my body now :/
@FilipDupanović We're ignorant nerds... give us a break, lol
@doug65536 which method of preparation and at what dosage xD?
My diet is actually extremely healthy (when I reach my calorie goal)
extra large dark roast double double. I'm canadian eh?
1:21 PM
var amountOfCodeWritten = coffeeConsumed;
@doug65536 small secret: Turkish coffee has best caffeine bioavailability
I would burn you by telling that at least I have a healthy BMI but that would just be mean @sterling
But ehh Tea also has tons of caffeine
Which people don't seem to realize
I mean, compared to most america I'm in good shape.. I just have some fluff :P
I'm a fatass
1:23 PM
i have folders like /folder/1/AW.xml and /folder/2/AW.xml and /folder/3/AW.xml. is this the correct syntax for a .gitignore: "/folder/**/AW.xml"
or is it one asterisks?
Sterling just remember anything that you don't eat you don't have to burn off
@AaronHarding iirc one asterisk is enough I think for a wildcard
ty man
1:24 PM
You still need to eat enough to keep your metabolism up, though. It's simple, yet complicated. I wish I could just eat way less and be healthy forever.
@StrahBehry I actually need to eat more. I'm averaging 1700 calories a day, and burning on average 3400
That's really unhealthy
i thought one astericks one folder deep, and two is recursive.. i just can't remember exactly
That's not healthy, I need to get into 2000+
And will send your body in power saving
Also realize that if you're severely missing calories and you body can't burn sugar (and then fat) quickly enough
It will gladly prefer to break down muscle
1:25 PM
I know. That's why I'm looking for just some "fill calories" that dont make me so full, but aren't jusst fluff
brb coffee
@AaronHarding linux.die.net/man/5/gitignore I think you are thinking of grunt
@doug65536 thanks for the link
@SterlingArcher what you think of my new theme? jsfiddle.net/rlemon/Ty57a/6/show
1:26 PM
@StrahBehry that is... oversimplifying matters
and you should know how expensive it is to convert protein to glucose
"Otherwise, git treats the pattern as a shell glob suitable for consumption by fnmatch(3)"
Yeah but I could write an essay about how it does actually work
your body will rather eat the fats around your heart than break down muscle for raspiration
1:27 PM
@Abhishrek wait, people use this?!
I'm sure you're all expert foodies
and biochemists and what not
@AaronHarding looks like this is the underlying pattern matcher
i DO
1:27 PM
just don't end up dying on a table please
for demos and stuff
I meant more in a matter of doing excersise while getting too low calories
Body doesn't have carbs to burn after ~15mins
@rlemon lmfao omg that's amazing
Switches to fat, can't burn enough fat quickly enough to sustain the excersise and then it does switch basically to breaking down muscle tissue
It's better to do strength cardio even imo
@SterlingArcher ikr. give me $ plz
I am designr
1:30 PM
Also things like being in a 2 degree cooler room with same clothing is also a simple way to burn more calories
I'm not even close to a foodie. I'll just eat this stuff here, you guys can try stuff
I eat what I grow. I grow what I eat.
Farmer Bob
Can he grow it? yes he can!
you use your poop as fertilizer?
Coconuts in Canada?
1:31 PM
no, I use other things poop
To grow potatoes on Mars?
Garden in the front, meth lab in the basement
He harvests moose poop
@FilipDupanović Cananuts?
good mix of bunny poop, cow poop, and sheep poop
i was trying to find a source of that event loop that node js uses because i saw that image and want to research further. It ended on a github page in spanian (?) where people has to describe node for their homework :P
1:32 PM
bunny poop is only because we feed them and they crapped all over my patio so I swept it into the wheel barrow with the dirt
Is it good btw to log if someone tries do something obviously malicious?
no idea what that is, but I like the prefix and just might give it a try @Cerbrus
I think I'll go for a run before I go shopping... Depends on how bad I have to poop later
Like renaming files to a different extension and trying to upload?
Maybe I'll poop at work
1:32 PM
Should I log that kinda stuff?
@ndugger git commit -A ./poop
@StrahBehry rate limited and capped. you don't want your own log to DOS you
@ndugger and urine... IP is for "I pee" too... tons of nitrogen... mmm get dem nutrients transported
you drink your pee?
@ndugger are you enjoying the sore burn or does it just hurt right now?
For some reason, being super sore is one of the best feelings I can describe
1:33 PM
@FilipDupanović "I'm looking for an IP address" Translation: "I'm looking for a toilet"
@ndugger no, but it's worth it's weight in gold at places
you can't drink your own pee unless you eat from @rlemon
@SterlingArcher I hate the soreness of weight training. I prefer running 100x more, but I absolutely understand the benefits of training, so I just do it.
I LOVE weight training
was so much fun
I'm lazy, so I just don't do it :D
> Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? No. But I do it anyway because it's sterile and I like the taste - Patches O'Houllihan
1:35 PM
I love weight training I'm addicted
I couldn't do it past 3 days
there comes a point where you are like "holy fuck, I can lift that." and all the pain just becomes fun
I've been thinking all day about how great it's gonna be tonight
hard to explain
Like when I was addicted to WoW and I would think all day at school about playing at home
Now I have that with weight training
Once I get started weight training, it takes a pretty major event to stop me (like moving, or getting fired)
1:35 PM
I told my PT that I hated it, and he said, "No, it's so much fun!"... I said, maybe it will be, but it sucks for right now
@SterlingArcher breaking your wrist :(
That too :(
Alien invasion?
My upper body strength is pathetic. I'm extremely weak. My legs are pretty strong, though--probably because I carry my fat self around all day
Running is a really easy way for me to burn 450ish calories in a half hour
my legs are good. standing desk keeps them nice and toned.
1:37 PM
@rlemon you don't need weight lifting... from all the people in this room, we know you at least get physical activity
My legs aren't that strong, because of the break I had as a teen. Overall I'm pretty strong, but anybody that works out is stronger than me
@FilipDupanović I enjoy it
it isn't about needing it
us with our Ubers, Awesome Sauce Supplements, Low-Calorie Beer Happy Hours, we need the weights
I can barely do a set of 135lbs on the bench
@SterlingArcher I've broken my left leg twice. Had a full leg cast on it in 5th grade, lol
1:38 PM
@ndugger ugh, yeah. Broke my right knee very badly in high school. Full leg cast for about 4 months
@SterlingArcher I got to 225 :/ now I bet you 135 would strain me
I snapped my kneecap completely several years ago. 100% strength back
Last time I was lifting, I was leg pressing like 500lbs? Not much compared to other people, but it's a lot for someone that didn't do any lifting
wow! what did you do @doug65536?
1:39 PM
Leg presses scare me know that I saw that god damn locked knee lady gif
my leg distended so far that I my foot went to the side past my hip. I had to grab it and crunch it down away from the side of my leg
how did you manage a near-complete recovery?
were you fit and active at the time you had the injury?
yeah I was in pretty good condition. I did physiotherapy. I also forced myself to walk on it, regardless of the pain. it worked
@SterlingArcher there is some body building chick at the gym -- max 5'1" -- pushes 8 45's on the leg press. then hops off and does squats and dead lifts (she is a competition body builder) but at the same time is so tiny
seeing her do that makes you like... fuck.. my 4 plates is nothing
it is pretty scary to put weight on a leg after you seriously injure it
1:41 PM
Realize that some excersises are easier for shorter people
Wow that's intense
But she does have more gravity on her side
full extension is going to be hard either way
@doug65536 that's why I asked, because most people get put into sedentary rest and they never recover
none of this 2 inch crap
Like people with shorter arms are literally using less force to lift a dumbbel with lateral raises for example
1:41 PM
I saw a NFL player snap his tibia and he was back running after 2 months with no surgery
Because the distance to the body is less
oh, and I was living on my own, and had to get up and eat everyday. I think that helped a lot. the physiotherapist said many people can't even move their leg because they laid in bed and mom fed them
My mom put me through a heavy physical therapy. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be able to snowboard today
Doctors told me I'd never board again, and I've gone every year since
@doug65536 this is pretty much the standard care in hospitals too
I was/am very accident prone, but mostly just required stitches -- couple casts. I'm actually pretty lucky that the wrist is my only life long injury
1:43 PM
I reckon, unless you can't afford to go to a private rehabilitation clinic, your best bet is to put something soft in your moth you can bite on and get with the action
Going down stairs in a full leg cast is probably the worst thing ever
> Node.js supports horizontal scaling in much the way you describe via the built-in cluster module.
Should it not be "vertical scaling" ?
horizontal, it's across the resources of one machine?
what the cluster API does is is creating additional workers, utilizing more CPU cores.
it's from an answer:
A: NodeJS horizontal scaling

JohnnyHKNode.js supports horizontal scaling in much the way you describe via the built-in cluster module. Regarding your second question about the use of websockets/socket.io in this environment, you have to use something like Redis to store shared state across multiple instances of your application as ...

yeah, horizontally means, across more machines... in a way it is horizontal, across more processors
vertical usually means, more beast cpu
it doesn't genuinely "fork" in that module, what it really does is spin up a new process. It would be nonsense to fork a garbage collected process, every page will change eventually so nothing shares
it doesn't have a significant amount of read-only sharable code/data sections like "really forked" native code would
1:48 PM
so, in a way, it horizontally runs another node thread analogously to spinning up a whole machine
but yeah, horizontal isn't strictly accurate
@SterlingArcher I've expected a piece of pro-evolution propaganda but this is even worse.
@JanDvorak isn't it phenomenal?
1:52 PM
I don't get the joke in that image. Am I missing a reference?
white people finding someone tanned and exotic?
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/h9tbwcH.jpg :D I hope you saw the original
ROFL, though dogs are on the regular menu at places :P
@SterlingArcher and this one on the same page
relevant to me because a lot of people are getting themselves hit by cars around here, lately
1:53 PM
don't think so. I'm guessing texting morons looking down while they walk into busy intersections
Wait, "pro-evolution propaganda".. are you a creationist, Jan?
@doug65536 you should ask your local council to install LED indicators into the roads
and insane cyclists zipping through traffic like a nutcase
1:55 PM
@doug65536 Stanley walked through the _RED_ door.
@JanDvorak have you not seen Jurassic Park?
That was years ago
@rlemon o/
What did you want me for last night?
@BenFortune well... umm...
1:56 PM
@doug65536 I think cyclists and other road vehicle drivers have engaged into eternal combat globally
Sorry, it's my time of the month
I recall you have your house hooked up with a network media center?
only one set of wheels is destined to make it out... psychologists are calling it "road rage"
Sort of, yeah :p
I want a media center that works with my smart TV AND my pc's on the network
there is an overwhelming amount of options.
1:57 PM
mmm, methinks you need a generic OS
@rlemon android TV? rooted?
Plex usually works well
Needs a half decent server though since it transcodes some of your content
@doug65536 no
good luck rooting a tv right? have you even heard of that?
@BenFortune define half decent? i3? i5?
1:59 PM
@KarelG I read that as horizontal scrolling
Dual core at least, half decent pentium or i3 will do

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