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Guys, question about npm shrinkwrap
When I shrinkwrap my application
does it freeze all dependency versions all the way into the dependency tree?
i.e. does it freeze deps of deps of deps?
And by "shrinkwrap" I mean:
npm install
npm shrinkwrap --dev
git add npm-shrinkwrap.json
git commit -m "bla"

# then, at another machine

git clone repo.git
npm install # will this have the frozen versions?
CSS sadness: lack of "odd", "even" aliases in nth-child pseudoclasses.
@JanDvorak Huh?
You do have "odd" and "even"
I don't even
ah, sorry, somehow I overlooked them.
That's odd.
Hi guys,
Do you even CSS bro?
needed little help
OK; datatables sadness: it gives you zebra classes for rows, but not for columns.
    var http=require("http");

function onRequest(request,response)
console.log("Request received.");
response.write("Hello world");


console.log("Server has started");
I do CSS, but I rarely CSS tables.
@JanDvorak That' tricky
I am running this code
If I make my entire thing with mousepointer events set to none, will clicks still trigger onclick?
Server has started
Request received.
Request received.
and it shows this output should it show
Server has started
Request received.
why is it showing
Request received.
Apparently you have received two different requests
two times
@simba do C^K
Log the URLs. My best bet is the browser fetching the favicon.
@thepiercingarrow the code is formatted, it just uses the w3schools indentation style.
@JanDvorak w3schools style?
You're welcome.
@thepiercingarrow w3schools indentation style is to indent with 0 spaces per level
@JanDvorak lol..
@JanDvorak joke?
@thepiercingarrow still same result
Nope. Their examples are just that bad.
@simba what web browser are you using?
@simba sometimes a web browser will ask for /favicon.ico as well...
@simba Because the browser also automatically requests for favico
Check your network tab.
inside your onRequest function, add console.log(request);and see what happens
that shows all the requests you get
I just found out Whatsapp supports "markdown" for italics and bold :D
That is awesome :D
cord to the monitor on my desk doesn't reach the power strip on the floor
#standingDeskProblems :(
@simba did you get anything?
Tell your desk to sit down?
@Cerbrus ain't got one of those fancy ones
mines always up
How do I remove the focus bubble on a canvas?
I tried outline:none but thats not working...
@rlemon stretch it bro
are you sure that is your problem?
fuck node and express and passport and all middlewares and this entire ecosystem
@thepiercingarrow yes in the network
it is showing fevicon.ico
actually i am quite new to js
so just what fevicon.ico is for
*favicon.ico :|
I still didn't get why it is happening
it's an icon to display. Like what you see on your desktop. These tiny images are icons, saved as .ico
@simba the favicon request is for the icon at the tob of the website
!!wiki favicon
jesus dnugger banned me from bot.. can someone else do it?
@rlemon A couple of these, then:
@simba to disable it, add a favicon
@Cerbrus I just moved to the work desk (which is sitting)
little bit of a pain in the ass, but it worked out
That works as well :P
A favicon /ˈfæv.ɪˌkÉ’n/ (short for favorite icon), also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon or bookmark icon, is a file named favicon.ico and containing one or more small icons, most commonly 16×16 pixels, associated with a particular website or web page. A web designer can create such an icon and upload it to a website (or web page) by several means, and graphical web browsers will then make use of it. Browsers that provide favicon support typically display a page's favicon in the browser's address bar (sometimes in the history as well) and next to the page's name in a list...
standing desk for coding, 'work desk' for soldering and shit
var $bodyRow = $('<tr/>');
$bodyRow.append($('<td />', { text: 'test' }));
how can I copy $bodyRow ?
using .clone ?
try it
@rlemon I didn't knew until i sent previous method, let me do that :)
@FlorianMargaine pretty sure i just read an article of yours.....
@KirstyHarris Rappl !== Margaine
oh... ok,... XD... looked very similar in the pictures :p
all French people look alike
everyone knows that
i didnt xD...
isnt that an assumption..... u could then say that about any ethnicity XD
function recursiveTable () {
var $bodyRow = $('<tr/>');

if ($parentCells) {
    $bodyRow = $parentCells;

$bodyRow.append($('<td />', { text: 'test' }));
    if (!$parentCells)
        $parentCells = $bodyRow.clone();

@rlemon it's not working :(
@AwalGarg ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
@rlemon With their baguettes and barets...
@Change how do you know it isn't working
fucking worst things ever. stupid docs, stupid libs, stupid code. I don't know how these people get the idea that their stuff better than PHP/rails/whatever.
@thepiercingarrow So basically when I run the server browser automatically requests one again for the favicon.ico that's is the reason I am getting two messages in the console right?
@rlemon above is just a prototype, I tried it in my real system it's not working, it's not adding test td when I call my function again
@Change well .clone does clone the object
I can verify that for you
@simba if you include your own favicon inside an html document, the browser will request that instead
your problem is probably caused elsewhere
@thepiercingarrow OK thankyou for the help :)
@simba no problem :)
@rlemon whats your thoughts on CodeAcademy's offering in regards to basic JS?
@Change It looks like you're cloning the row, but not adding it to anything, until you call the function again
@KirstyHarris no comment
@AwalGarg I don't think they think their stuff is better than Rails/PHP/whatever.
I'v not taken it. I can't comment
your first question should have been had I taken the course
Also, yo@latest broken on Ubuntu 16.04.
Maybe everywhere.
hahaha, touche... :P
@littlepootis they better not think so either. because node has the single most fucked up ecosystem for webdev.
@Cerbrus I am calling the function again, my prototype is really limited anyway I found the fix
are prototypes useful?
should I learn them?
var $bodyRow = $('<tr/>');

if ($parentCells) {
    $bodyRow = $parentCells;
@AwalGarg The ecosystem is ridiculously stupid, yeah.
@thepiercingarrow Nope, they suck :P
I needed to append row after copying clone..
Usually, a final version is more useful than a prototype.
tbf im hoping to get work to send me on a proper JS course..... im feeling better about it, but i know im WELL off... hey least i can do some stuff,... its just making it work lol
@Change Make sure you're not appending it twice, though.
plural-sight I took for other languages
it was decent
~$30/mo iirc
bob im poor
@Cerbrus seriously or joke?
@rlemon Aye, those courses are okay
@thepiercingarrow seriously joke
@thepiercingarrow Depends on what you mean by prototype.
@littlepootis find gregs clients and tell them you will actually deliver the code and sudo access for a years subscription
@Cerbrus the prototype property of an object
@Cerbrus it worked but it's really really slow, I need to find an alternative, I need to save row or it's cells to be added to another row (when function is called again)
in other words, I want to add same tr to jquery object but in a new row
the traffic HN brings is jaw dropping :(
HN ? human nations ?
Hell Nation
Ha... nah, won't spoil.
Hub Node?
Hacker News..
dammit, spoiler
@Change Hape Nation
no seriously. scaled to 4gigs RAM and the "cluster" process is still crawling
pm2 cluster
What'd you post to HN?
node chokes after the 50k barrier due to its own limitations. that's fine, we have clustering. but then the bottleneck becomes these fucked libraries which think "JS IS JUST SO FAST WHY OPTIMIZE YOYOYOYOYOYO" and do random serializations and allocations like crazy. IO no longer being the bottleneck, you just can't scale things.
so either I reinvent one of the nested indirect dependency or watch things die
!!> new Array (7).join ("YO")
@Neil That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@AwalGarg Or invest in more resources
quality libs which are optimized are just so barebones because "hey we like microlibs. suck it". things are super terrible.
@AwalGarg What libraries are being stupid and causing the bottleneck?
Jqu... wait, that's not a server lib.
@SomeGuy a couple which I hand patched inside node_modules running on the live server including passport localstrategy.
Seeing how you're going, I think the only thing to do is write an angry Medium post about your experience :P
@Neil ArraySeven is a thing
I am seriously pissed off right now. I can understand that expecting battleland friendly performance from node is a bit too much. But then these libs have absolutely terrible documentation about internals and the code is never, ever, consistent.
@littlepootis not my thing
some random guy prefers comma first, someone likes to abuse hoisting to make code look like python, someone decided "oooooh why not just skip this semi-colon because pretty!!" and someone has a fetish for 600 lines arrow functions
I think you need to take a break. Those are problems for sure, but not enough to be affecting you personally or to piss you off, IMO
When you're more relaxed, maybe you can open an issue bringing up the lack of consistency and hope for the best
And, why care about the process as a whole at all. People literally throw bare strings and not even errors in the main thread. That's another thing that bluebird catches them and autoprepares a stack trace to help... but seriously. where is all the "good practice" spree.
@SomeGuy shut up I am trying to vent
Haha go on
awal, use a ventilator instead
Or open a window
@SomeGuy "hope" is all what is there with node. node ecosystem is running on hope and only hope.
it itself has not a single positive point relative to other platforms.
is it rant time?
Just use java
@GNi33 am always on it
who are we ranting about ?
Ruby FTW
@littlepootis Java had one thing better than node - threads. but noooooo, why even allow the possibility of having nice things. Must go towards first class functions and get the coroutines crap back from the 60s
I don't like commas first.
@AwalGarg threads are overrated imho
Good morning humans
atleast not as much hyped up as what we are moving towards
Where are we going from here?
@Meredith it sucks but I feel really good. I set an eating schedule, and I've lost 3 lbs in 10 days :D
orchestrating futures
3 healthy lbs too, it's actually noticeable.
I missed the memo that we had any resemblance of a plan
I'll be sexy in no time :D
does anyone know if its possible to restrict an html element like a div to be the size of a printable page - like letter?
@sjs Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@littlepootis is it as simple as setting the width and height to the appropriate dimensions in cm?
@sjs typically it just requires a different stylesheet
@sjs yes, target the print media
With coldfusion, I did that, but it had a specific cfpfd tag that rendered the page in printable format
@sjs you can forget about guaranteeing that the page is neatly printed on one page
Something always looks like shit
It is strongly dependent on the printer
i'm not printing an entire web page, just something like a drawing canvas
check out that, and the export pdf (printable) and see the css differences
@sjs it doesn't matter what you're printing
I made that at my last job
i love laser etching i.imgur.com/ccaXg1i.webm
heh if my coworkers find that in the printer output lol
@SterlingArcher what is that?
apps.rainn.org/policy-app/index2.cfm @GNi33 it's a database on sexual crime laws, statutes, etc
wait, does that mean in Alabama a rapist has parental rights over the child that resulted from that raping?
It used to be 100% hardcoded, but I turned it into an application so the policy lawyers could have their interns input yearly data
Yeah some of the shit is really fucked up
Although, I think in Georgia, you can be executed for committing a vicious sexual crime, which I'm all for.
Go Georgia!
execution is never a good thing
There are too many false convictions for penalties that are irrevocable
not only that, but some execution could be a reward too
Humans are over populated anyways
Just need to neuter repeat offenders. Problem solved
Take em all out
at least that's my opinion last time some of our geniuses were all for sterilisation of rapists
@SterlingArcher jordan wer u live
I'm coming for you
2 days after that a case of false conviction of a rape was on the news. hooray, that guy would've had some fun
i'm only for execution if the criminal has been done a crime repeatedly like multiple murders, sexual assaults, ...
Nothing painful. Just jail time and mandatory neutering
Soooo this isn't a Javascript irc then ?
hi guys
@RomainFournereau Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
in that case, yes, but you'd have to draw a strict line I think
@RomainFournereau Not IRC.
@RomainFournereau check the room rules
@RomainFournereau no, this is not a IRC
@RomainFournereau read the rules please
@JoJo o/
*enters room*
*gets pinged deaf*
my wife wants to be able to Print more than 1 coupon from this web site www.coupons.com.. I tried giving her a cookie extension for her browser to clear the cookie.. .I checked to see if they were using local storage also... after she chooses a coupon she still cannot print that coupon again. Any ideas?
Then print?
good idea
wait, it's the same coupon code every time?
but it may only present the coupon one time
they must be tracking by localStorage
because it is cross-browser
@JoJo if that information is saved on the server, not much you can do save for hacking the server, but that strikes me as a bit exaggerated for letting your wife reuse coupons
IRC / chatroom same difference
so they could be doing it by I.P?
@JoJo when it's cross browser, it pretty certainly has nothing to do with your client
and certainly not localStorage
localStorage is cross-browser
IP, MAC, whatever, they're using something on their server to identify you
!!urban IRC
@Neil IRC Abbreviation for Internet Relay Chat. A multiplayer notepad.
@JoJo uh... really?
I don't believe you
@JoJo hmm, does the coupon get consumed by printing the coupon or just by viewing it once?
@GNi33 it could be that he worded it incorrectly
Probably the latter
In the off chance that it gets consumed by printing it, you could disconnect, print the coupon, delete the cache, and reconnect
but tbf, these coupon codes have serials attached which cna be used once
aaaand more usb/mount issues
can't seem to get the uuid of the devices
Well I think it may be easier to just have another computer whereby she can print the coupones .. though the WiFi router would be the same for both computers?
@JoJo server keeps track of what you do with the coupon by fingerprinting your machine. If you print it, it marks the coupon as seen at you profile.
@JoJo unplug your lan cord from the pc.. disconnect from wifi.. disable internet, etc
to reset the ip?
@rlemon what does blkid say?
You need to understand how the networking works.
Q: My Select query does not return any value from database

ShravanI have a table with following details $cordovaSQLite.execute(db, 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS activity (userId VARCHAR, startTime INTEGER, endTime INTEGER, stepcount INTEGER)'); When I insert the details it inserts into the database properly but when I want to extract it does not return ...

@Shravan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo fdisk -l | grep sd
Disk /dev/sda: 7.5 GiB, 8068792320 bytes, 15759360 sectors
Disk /dev/sdb: 7.5 GiB, 8068792320 bytes, 15759360 sectors
Disk /dev/sdc: 7.5 GiB, 8068792320 bytes, 15759360 sectors
Disk /dev/sdd: 7.5 GiB, 8068792320 bytes, 15759360 sectors
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ blkid -t TYPE=vfat -sUUID
/dev/mmcblk0p1: UUID="86EA-017B"
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo blkid
/dev/mmcblk0p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="boot" UUID="86EA-017B" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="ea0e7380-01"
/dev/mmcblk0p2: UUID="ad6203a1-ec50-4f44-a1c0-e6c3dd4c9202" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="ea0e7380-02"
even if you and your GF has two PC's, they both will have the same IP address
@littlepootis not much :/
thanks @cap
mmc's are internal memory
not the storage devices
can anyone help me with my question ??
@rlemon blkid /dev/sd{a,b,c,d}1
returns nothing
mounting fails
thanks @CapricaSix gotcha
BUT I can dd to /dev/sdN and it works
blkid /dev/sda1 returns.. nothing?
> pi@raspberrypi:~ $ blkid /dev/sda1
pi@raspberrypi:~ $
same result with sudo btw
Are you sure you have at least one partition?
well they are blank sd cards. they mount fine on Ubuntu
and they did mount before :/ then I went and reloaded the OS (same OS same updates, etc)
Devices don't have UUIDs. Partitions do.
okay well I'll step back then because I'm XYing you
ever notice usb devices don't always mount when you plug them in the first time on Debian (+ derivs)
or am I the only person this happens to?
They never mount when I plug them in for me.
you can check the sym link folder where it keeps the device uuids
I plug in 8 thumb drives, and randomly 6 will be seen and two ignored until I unplug and plug them back in
on every linux system I've used
There are no partitions on those devices. So, you shouldn't be able to mount them on any PC.
i've just tried to ask the same question this time I'll try a simplier way
Anyone in here using Cmder w/ MySQL?
I'm doing stuff wrong, because I don't know what I'm doing :D but I know there is an issue when I can take four drives and plug them in, three recognize, then unplug them all and do it again and the fourth is recognized, then again and a new one (or two) is ignored.
Does something mount when you plug them into your PC?
Not the rpi, the PC.
like I said
Ubuntu has no problem (aside from randomly ignoring them)
an anchor can not be opened on my phonegap app running on my device
while using the ripple emulator the link opens successfully
all I want is so that when I plug in the four drives, fdisk -l will be able to see them
whatever that entails.
@rlemon It's not Ubuntu that's mounting your partitions, it's nautilus.
@rlemon your fdisk -l | grep sd output clears says there are no partitions.
yea ignore all of that
5 mins ago, by rlemon
okay well I'll step back then because I'm XYing you
I don't give a fuck about the mount. I was trying to mount them to see if blkid would report then
the end goal is to make sure I can consistently see all four drives regardless of partitions
I'm dd'ing an image with new partitions to the drive (not sda1, sda)
@rlemon Anything interesting in dmesg, syslog when you plug them in?
@OliverSalzburg the ones that recognize are fine, sometimes they are ignored :/ rebooting doesn't fix it I physically have to remove the device and re attach it
@rlemon Oh, you can dd them. Your rpi is recognizing them.
@littlepootis yes but not always
this is the problem I'm trying to identify and solve
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@Nezoo Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
SOMETIMES fdisk -l | grep sd will only return 3 of the 4 attached devices
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@Nezoo Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
that is weird.
sometimes 2, but that is less often
so unless all four devices are crap, or all four ports on my two rpis are crap, there is a software issue

    function computer() {
        var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*squares.length);
        var spanId = "p" + squares[random];
        squares = squares.filter(function(val) {
            return val != squares[random];
        document.getElementById(spanId).innerHTML = "O";

 lets say that squares[random] = 3 so spanId = p3 and squares returns without the 3 but the computerSquares array equals 4?
It happens to me too when I connect 3-4 devices.
@littlepootis okay! so we're finally on the same page then :D
@rlemon If the device is not even listed after a reboot, that doesn't sound like a software issue
@OliverSalzburg I know it doens't but the odds that all of my pc's and hardware are borked is kinda low
this isn't just once device -- this is consistently a problem
I've always assumed I just suck at linux
Any help?
I've never had that problem. But I don't use Linux desktops that much :\
I'm often needing to copy to multiple usb's or sd's -- connecting > 4 at once and the system doesn't recognize some of them
I haven't found a linux system that didn't have this issue for me (granted that is maybe 4-5 systems I've done this on)
tried 3 different brands of sd card reader
Post a question on Super User ;D
This happens on BSDs too. Not just Linux.
I don't know why and I've been ignoring it because I rarely connect more than 2 devices simultaneously.
I think I'm just going to add a notification light on the outside and just flash it when dd exits with an error
s/connect/have connected/
@Nezoo I do'nt understand your problem
@littlepootis yea and in the past it was annoying, but I dealt with it because I would only do this a few times a year
now I'm basically taking that operation and 'automating' it with a stand alone device
@Nezoo do you mean the computerSquares has 4 values?
@JorisDecraecker Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
No number 4 instead of 3
this is the worst effect I'd ever created: jsfiddle.net/pt5qjm43/4
@Nezoo and what is the value of "squares"?
@JorisDecraecker [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

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