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/me hides the Visual Studio and SQL Server icons to an unobvious desktop corner.
@Tuvia we need a token stick figure to ensure team diversity
one guy's profile deliberately insults my mother
approved because good culture fit
!! youtube the end doors
@Mr_Green Something went on fire; status 403
!! youtube the doors - the end
@Mr_Green Something went on fire; status 403
!!youtube something went on fire by status 403
@Neil Something went on fire; status 403
@Mr_Green google killed the search API
!!urban status 403
@SankarRaj Nothing in that index. The last one is:
[status](http://status.urbanup.com/5115713) The word used to describe how something is. It can be used positively or negatively.
@GNi33 that is definitely will be end of the world
not really, but I don't know what alternative one has to use now
it has been deprecated for forever
you mean the google search is deprecated?

What encoding are these characters?
unicode maybe
unicode :3
@Mr_Green Something went on fire; status 403
@choz also the characters in this message are encoded in unicode
@Mr_Green Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
would have been better if caprica would able to chat
release the AI
unleash the money
bury javascript SO room in startup funding
@Mr_Green no, the google search api
@GNi33 don't know about it
@MadaraUchiha how paid is this paid project? 💰💰💰💰
@nick 42
@nick 4 money bags
news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11711090 I don't get it. Why do people find this part so confusing?
never used it though
@AwalGarg what is the future thing though
somejuan explain
so i can sound smart later when i bring this up in casual convo
people aren't that bright :)
@nick promises run immediately. futures don't. that's it.
I work with futures
oh so you're a trader?
I work with pasts.
Stupid people doing stuff
Yes you could say that
you wouldn't understand anyway [superior tone]
@nick you have more rep than me? sly whore
lol what didn't i always?
once upon a time you had 1 rep
my rep gain is slow and steady like a retirement plan
You are so goddamn old
awal changed his personal website design
shame shame
well you copied mine and I didn't wanna sue you, so...
  var deferred = $q.defer();
is there any eq in vanilla for above ?
@Change no, thank god.
this is the call that Cap makes when you google something or use the youtube command for example
@AwalGarg well i need a promise on a function
@GNi33 got it
@Change so use simple ES6 promises. don't do deferreds.
@AwalGarg lol i ended up not doing so
so you guys going to update cap right?
@AwalGarg ie8 wont work
i couldnt figure out how to get that dark theme to work
@nick TOO LATE
fak ie8
@Change use bluebird. bluebird supports IE8.
bluebird works on your toaster too
!!google bluebird
that's why it doesn't work. Why we used a search API that has been deprecated since 2010 when writing the bot is a question I can't answer
It is because it supports JSONP and Zirak cba to port the bot to node so can do requests wildly.
@Mr_Green I don't know. I'd be willing to do it though, @rlemon any plans yet on updating Cap to a working search API?
what is bluebird
I can't google if it's something bad
it's a library that handles promises in JS
bluebird is a bird which "promises" to be blue
^ dumb joke
@Change though rule #34
@Change not sure why you can't find it through google -> bluebirdjs.com/docs/getting-started.html
Just sayin'
"bluebird js" pretty much gave me a whole page of hits
@GNi33 i didn't searched for it, just wanted to confirm as traffic is monitored here
oooh, misread your sentence, alright
I feel used
@Neil says the guy sitting on the head of a cat
I feel cold
@GNi33 I feel vanilla
@AwalGarg who says that I am the mouse?
But seriously, I have the worst cold ever
!!> function rollDice() { return Math.random(); } if (rollDice() === 4) { console.log('neil is the mouse'); }
@AwalGarg "undefined" Logged: "neil is the mouse"
see dice agrees with me
jumping into a lake that has 7°C on a day with pouring rain and 14°C isn't the greatest idea of them all I guess, even with a diving suit
is it possible to keep the select's selected option after page refresh?
@choz A "Character" does not have an encoding by itself. The character "京" can be encoded in Big5, GBK, JIS, ECU-JS, ECU-KR, or Unicode. Each of them has many variations too, for example Big5-HKSCS, GB-18030, UTF-7, UTF-8, UCS-4 etc. But the character is the same (in a sense).
@Sheepy Any useful reading for this? I just finished reading this stackoverflow.com/a/643810/1627271. But it didn't help me to understand how these things work
@AwalGarg I was like "wat?" for 2 seconds, well played
you are just easy
@choz Here is an old one that I remembered reading a long time ago and will clear up some fundamentals.
To quote from it, "there is no such thing as plain text". So well said.
@choz Ah. This one seems to be more up to date. And better written. Not sure; having a busy day...
@Sheepy Thanks for the links.. I am doing them now :)
with jQuery - how can I get current index position of element in following HTML code
I am targeting class ".atrist-meta-data" and on click of ".atrist-meta-data" I want currently clicked elements position in numbers.
can anyone have a look
I am doing this
but it is returning objects containing whole 5 elements from the HTML
@Shashi Yeah. I don't think you can do it better without looping the elements yourself and break early.
I won't sweat if it's only 5 elements, though. Or 50. If you have 500 or 5000, then we can go on :)
@nick 7.
7 money.
@Sheepy How would i get the index in this current case (5 elements)
my code returns Reference error: index is not defiend
@Sheepy Huh?
@Shashi Your code, as written, should not report that. And it should returns a number. You sure that's the exact code and you are copying the exact error message?
exact code i am using
just two lines
@Sheepy ah! fixed it.... "line-break" in some other code
thanks for the help
Good. Remember to attend church and thanks God this weekend :)
@AwalGarg lucky guess
@Shashi jsfiddle.net/6at9ysja works as expected for me.
@MadaraUchiha You know, I still make mistakes like that. A year ago I reported a bug to Firefox. Someone confirmed it, and then someone go to fix it, and finally realised that I wrote scriptElement.textContent = alert(1) instead of = "alert(1)". What is unusual is, instead of the bug being closed, the original bug is still valid and this mistake uncovers another parser bug......
@AwalGarg wtf?
Q: What could be possible reasons for using JS prototype pattern for this library?

ChangeI am trying to modify this library but it just seems really difficult to work with, Reasons: Long function names Not able to understand why they used prototype pattern Very difficult to create an instance and then call other methods on top of it, there is just no follow to flow, I am ending up...

@Change How is using prototypes makes code less "modifiable"?
What is.. prototype pattern?
1. Modular is not incompatible with prototype
2. There is only prototype in JavaScript. Either you hide the prototype in smoke and mirror, or you embrace it and keep it simple.
3. Long method name is usually a good sign.
@Sheepy prototype and prototypal inheritance was not invent in JavaScript. JavaScript is the language that made that popular.
Long method names have nothing to do with it being good or bad, it's a personal preference.
Also, neither modules nor prototypal inheritance encourages long or short method names.
@MadaraUchiha I think I am talking against prototypes ?
you can create great Javascript applications without any prototypal inheritance, probably even better apps
@jAndy And you can create great JavaScript applications with prototypal inheritance
I don't see the big difference, it's a preference choice.
I tend not to use it either, it doesn't make it bad.
@MadaraUchiha I don't really see any benefit of it other then bringing all of the complexity
@Sheepy is that a joke ?
@Change How do you inherit?
ultimatively it's pretty much identical to mixin's and object composition, but the one thing you cannot do with prototypal inheritance is multiple inheritance
@jAndy Sure you can
You just need to write a little code to do it.
who should that work
there is only one chain
"this" can't differentiate
@MadaraUchiha does inheritance work well in JS ?
Here's the absolute naive implementation
@Change No. I'm pretty serious. You may want to distinguish between Object Oriented and Prototype Inheritance. We are discussing Prototype Inheritance, but I feel that your problem may be with OOP?
const inheritMulti = (ct, ...inheritees) => ct.prototype = Object.assign(ct.prototype, ...inheritees);
@jAndy ^
@Change "Revealing Module Pattern" is not the same as "Modular Pattern". And it still doesn't exclude using prototype to organise the object hierarchy.
@MadaraUchiha that doesn't really solve the "this" issue
@Change Have you tried learning how prototypes work?
this->inherited-function can only link to one method
That's the primary way of doing inheritance and OO in general in JavaScript...
the latest which overwrites it in the chain
@Sheepy you are right, it was a typo, thanks for pointing out
@jAndy Yes
You can probably apply some smarter logic to look methods up the other chains
Like I said, it's a naive implementation
And the language doesn't give you that out of the box.
You also can't do it in any other way, without doing all the extra work you'd need with prototypes
So again, what's your point?
I'm searching for a great article
which explains it best
I develop my api's using revealing module pattern and they always work perfectly and easy to understand...
I don't see any benefit for using prototype pattern in specific
@Change How do you inherit???
@Change To quote your linked article, "Both prototypes and closures can be used within a revealing module." Try not to mix 'problem with prototype' with 'problem with not using revealing module'.
I want a module to inherit from another module, I want its functions, its state
How do you do that??
You can, obviously, but it's a lot of work, and it's not so clean and nice anymore
Not to mention it's orders of magnitude more expensive than just using the prototype chain that the language is optimized for.
@MadaraUchiha how is inheritance helping in that library, I am not against protype pattern, I am just trying to understand how it's helping in this library, what are the benefits of using it
to me benefits are = 0, which could be because I am fairly new to this, so if someone could explain in simple words would really help please
If it doesn't use prototype, what should it use? Plain procedural function + data?
I am not familiar with the library so I can't tell for now.
@Sheepy the revealing module pattern
window.myModule = (() => {

  // privates

  return {
    // publics
I still don't get the question. I give up. Need some sleep apparently... :'-(
@MadaraUchiha yes, I fixed it....i had a error line break at some other point
thanks for you help
@MadaraUchiha that's what I am comfortable with
Yes. I take it that you are not comfortable with prototype. But I think that has nothing to do with revealing module. Both are good and I use them a lot. Together.
The library put private methods on prototype, which is bad. But it is not a problem of using prototype. It is a problem of not using revealing module.
Wow. I think I see a big function around 400 lines long.
@Sheepy I agree, but this is not what I asking for though
Here is what I am asking for...
how is inheritance helping in that library, I am not against protype pattern, I am just trying to understand how it's helping in this library, what are the benefits of using it
to me benefits are = 0, which could be because I am fairly new to this, so if someone could explain in simple words would really help please
How using prototype help this library, if it's inheritance then how inheritance is helping in this library, anyone who will comment will have to look at library :(
Sadly, that'll need a deeper analysis of the library... hope someone can help you.
just a quick look might help too, but it depends on one's knowledge as well
thanks by the way
How much experience do you have in OOP?
on and off, bits and bobs, this and that, average of 3 years with ifs and buts.. :|
@MadaraUchiha this is indeed an impressive sum
woop woop Rift is scheduled for delivery tomorrow!
hey @Loktar how long does it take to set up a Rift? Will I want to quit work early so I can get some good game time in?
// Should there be a significant difference between

span.innerHTML = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";

// and

span.innerHTML = "<span>Lorem</span> <span>ipsum</span> <span>dolor</span> <span>sit</span> <span>amet</span>";
well i mean obviously i'll want to
@Change I'm going off now. You may want to edit your question to focus on prototype's relevancy, and don't be surprised if people reply with the same stuff as OOP.
@Sheepy ok have fun, laterz
Is there an easier way to do this?
const [r, g, b, a] = new Array(4).fill(0).map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
I guess [0,0,0,0] is a good start as replacement for new Array(4).fill(0)
@jAndy 4 is just a placeholder. There's a good chance it'll be much more than that
const rnd = () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
const r = rnd(), g = rnd(), b = rnd(), g = rnd();
No wait, lol
const [r, g, b, a] = [0,0,0,0].map( v => ~~(Math.random() * 256));
you need to adapt the first variables anyway if you change the placeholder no
in this case it's not necessary to name the passed in argument/(v)alue, but it's still shorter than ()
Yeah, I was just being thick
@jAndy if you're one of those anal people, just use _
I think v for value isn't as bad as an underscore
but in this case it has no meaning anyways
I don't see what's bad with ()
it's confusing, it looks like it's a meaningful value
_ is understood to mean an unused value
there is nothing bad, I just don't like it :P
@BenFortune me neither, I prefer it
putImageData is pretty quick, wow. codepen.io/xbenjii/pen/PNvmwE?editors=0010
If you stare at it long enough you start to see pictures.
isn't it...
So, for the @stupidhackathon I made an app that orders delivery to a random location, and ubers you there...
function test(a,b){..}; test.call(1,2) //1& 2 available in arguments variable not in a & b inside function
function test(a,b){..}; test.apply([1,2]) //1& 2 available as a & b inside function
M I correct here?
@rlemon minute, I need you on hangouts
@techie_28 *Am I
trying to write ugly code? can do better:
!!> Array.map('​​​​0000', _ => ~~(Math.random() * 256))
@AwalGarg []
@AwalGarg [24,29,223,117]
@KendallFrey yes am I then?..
No, you are still not.
What is this empty box with a button in chat?
@littlepootis seems to be happening.
@AwalGarg lel, map takes a first argument? That is pretty much undocumented
@jAndy this is not your everyday map bro
!!> Array.map === Array.prototype.map;
@jAndy false
what is that? :P can't find anything on MDN
spidermonkey nonstandard extension. sugar for Function.call.bind([].map)
only the cool kids are allowed to use this
bnah get out of here..
!!unban Sippy
@KendallFrey Sippy freed from mindjail!
I was thinking that .call will always send the params in arguments variable of the function but apply sets value in actual params.
!!ban Sippy
@KendallFrey Sippy added to mindjail.
fwiw you can do the same with the standard Array.from since it takes a mapper argument too:
!!> Array.from('0000', _ => ~~(Math.random() * 256))
@AwalGarg [151,1,41,136]
utter nonsense anyways
just like everything about JS
!!unban Sippy
@KendallFrey Sippy freed from mindjail!
don't mind me, just messing with him
so if we ban someone here they can't use cap in other chat room as well.. nice
what am I missing. I can see the drive is being somewhat recognized but I can't mount it
dmesg shows I connected it, fdisk shows it is there as well under sda :/
don't mount what you "somewhat recognize"
it is a blank SD card I'm trying to get working on my pi on this stupid card reader
a) if I fuck the pi I don't care. reload
b) the entire point is to mount this drive
> Bus 001 Device 004: ID 05e3:0723 Genesys Logic, Inc. GL827L SD/MMC/MS Flash Card Reader
so.. how the fuck do I access the card?
sudo fdisk -l
> Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
/dev/sda1 8192 15759359 15751168 7.5G b W95 FAT32
What happens if you try to mount it?
cannot find sda
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ mount /dev/sda
mount: can't find /dev/sda in /etc/fstab
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ mount /dev/sda1
mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab
sudo ?
# mkdir /some/new/path && mount /dev/sda1 /some/new/path
run as su
@littlepootis OS should do this for me doe :/
@rlemon add an fstab entry
write a simple bash file?to do dat!
and restart
yea, I'm just like.. it's 2016
this is as bad as having to remember all of the tar flags
Also.. on which device is your root file system?
the rpi's sd
rpi with a sd has a usb card reader attached with another sd on it.
cat /etc/fstab
great, your cat killed my mouse
@rlemon File Managers sometimes do.
@Abhishrek lol didn't they brag about 100% ES6 support?
More concerning: Removed Shared Workers
And finally working on RTC: What is this 2011?
also Safari 10 should be out in September they have significant time to finish a lot more
wait i take htat back
Look at Webkit 100%

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