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> Please don't talk about class in JavaScript
lol wat
Some people don't like classes
I'm becoming one of those people
We are legion
just checked, three guys who are owner this room
@SterlingArcher class warfare!
I really hate seeing a near 500k rep user answer like this stackoverflow.com/a/37032815/774078 especially on a trivial question
@SterlingArcher then dv
if you see a bad answer (poor explanation, incorrect info), downvote it
I can't downvote a correct answer.. no matter how badly the question should just be closed
I can't downvote answers; I'm at 1420 rep, and I'd prefer to keep it that way
the other answer on that Q is actually bad, though
@SterlingArcher ES6's class keyword does not mean there are now classes in JS. It is still prototypal inheritance under the hood, not classical inheritance. There are still only objects and primitives in JS, and no class per se. — laruiss 1 min ago
@SterlingArcher He wants to add a function to a client-side "class", from the server...
A: Where does a function receive its input when passing the function as an argument?

Rajaprabhu Aravindasamy Where does the function(number){ sum += number; } receive its arguments when passed? You have created a function expression and passed it as an argument to the function (forEach). That function has one argument. It could be used while calling it. action(array[i]); //array[i] will be receive...

is objectively wrong
Doesn't JS classing create an inheritence model?
@SterlingArcher JS uses prototypical inheritance. Classes have little to do with it.
look at a simple class in Babel's REPL
I know that -- but now you can use the class and extends features
any websocket experts in here?
@jgr208 Dozens
Can you still say JS has no classes when the prototypical sugar exists to make a class like object?
@laruiss Prototypal classes are still classes; just because they use different inheritance models from most other languages does not make their classes fake or somehow less of a class--To claim as such is just you being pedantic for the wrong reasons. — ndugger 55 secs ago
ok, so is it possible using only purse javascript to send from a file browser a .exe or .rpm file over a websocket?
@SterlingArcher Yes.
JS classes are simply functions.
@ndugger @Trasiva she just texted me back. She slept for 14 hours ._. on a wednesday
There's no Class type.
@ssube so does laruiss have a right to say don't talk about classes in JS?
@SterlingArcher I told you not to sweat it. She might work a weird schedule.
!!> class Foo {}; typeof Foo
@ssube "function"
@SterlingArcher it's a very fine line of pure semantics
We have something that looks like a class for most cases we care about.
Saying we don't have classes is splitting hairs
JS does not have traditional classes. JS classes are not their own type, they're functions with some restrictions on how you call them (functions that require new).
Classes do not necessarily equal inheritance. Saying that JS classes aren't real classes is just silly.
I know they're not real classes, but it's JS. A JS "class" doesn't have to be defined like a Python or Java class to make it a class
It's important only because when people hear "class" they assume Java-style classes, which behave rather differently.
Prototypal inheritance has some important differences from classical.
which is usually what they're getting at
Right, but on a JavaScript question, it's pretty stupid to assume the talk is about classical inheritence
I agree
Of course OP has no idea what a class in JS is, but it doesn't mean you should say don't talk about classes when in a manner of speaking, they do
@SterlingArcher but JS classes are new and many JS devs are used to the other kind.
No smiling allowed
when you google "class" you get Java, usually
I think it's a useful differentiation
@ssube ah, but that's his fault then for assuming that JS classes should follow the classic pattern
I get where you're coming from don't get me wrong
Classes !== Classical Inheritance; Apples !== Dirt
can someone tell me how this is working, provide a function and property at the same time?
here is a library with some example API calls: https://github.com/philschatz/octokat.js/tree/master/examples
you can use `repo.commits.fetch()` but also `repo.commits(COMMIT_ID).fetch()`
so commits seems to be both a object and a function
i normally thinks apples != trees
apples !== oranges
an apple is a part of a tree, so that's not the best example
You're part tree
but an apple is not part of every tree
blaze yoself before you rekt yourself nick
@SterlingArcher you forgot tridge in a pear
@timaschew functions can have properties
@KevinB How can I create an object like repo?
download svn
Is TypeScript worth looking into?
I am not sure I understand what the "externals" field in webpack is for...
@Waxi Not really, imho. It's not bad. What are you planning to use it for?
A: Return statements in JavaScript and automatic semicolon insertion

skyboyermove dot to the end of previous lines: return a. then(b). then(c);

Is this... legal?
@corvid I'm not planning on using it for anything, was just curious if it's something I should consider learning in order to make me more 'marketable'.
1 message moved to Trash can
@HDT Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@Loktar so I made this little prison before bed last night
let it run (that is in the morning)
it's still running. only at 47k profit
repo = {
commits: function() {
repo.commits.prototype.fetch = function() { .... }

@timaschew something likes that
@Waxi If you're looking to be a marketable developer, React is super popular right now. Angular2 is also used. You can learn one or the other to be a "modern" developer really
@rlemon I need to get back to PA
They released some sick updates since I last played.
@HDT No...
repo = {
  commits: function() {}

repo.commits.fetch = function() {}
@timaschew ^
I would strongly recommend to go bezerk and awesome in vanilla JS (ES5, ES6) and all core features html, css etc. Together with a good build tool, you're gold to the industry.
Just learning "a library" will not bring you far
I really need to sit down and learn React
@jAndy There are really not enough people who know JavaScript properly...
I just solved a bug a coworker worked on for the better part of a day with a 2 character change.
@MadaraUchiha heh, my brother keeps trying to tell me good front end developers are a dime a dozen
what is your benefit in learning a library... you're hip for a year or two
People just don't know the language...
He doesn't understand that just because they can make it work, doesn't mean it works well or is written well
JavaScript doesn't seem to be slowing down so I know I can ride that wave for awhile, but at the same time I'm sad I don't know anything but js and php. I've been looking at some C stuff lately. Not sure if I should just continue down JavaScript roads or learn something entirely new.
@SterlingArcher That's bullshit, my company has been actively looking for over a year now, we got maybe one
@MadaraUchiha Same here we looked for 11 months and found 1 who is trainable
frontend developers are a dime a dozen. good frontend developers are a rare species that must be captured on sight.
@MadaraUchiha well I put it this way. I specialize in JS -- I read the spec. I know Java and PHP, but I've never read the specs. Docs yes, but not the specs.
@SterlingArcher Front end developers are, good front end developers basically don't exist
@MadaraUchiha well said
@MadaraUchiha Master Ball
@Josiah Definitely. Without hesitation.
apparently asking "Is it possible to send a .rpm or .exe file over a websocket" is unclear haha
So just because a Java dev can write a JS app, yay, good. But it doesn't mean he/she gets the nuances or little things like we do
@jgr208 Possible: yes. Recommended: Just... why?
but that is exactly my point actually. Most "frontend developers" grab a library like angular, jQuery, react, whatever.. they squeeze the shit out of that and can do "cool stuff".. but then after a while you true colors have to show
@jAndy The Game
@jgr208 it may not be unclear, but... a bit of research would answer that
look at all those jQuery zombies right now
Q: Sending executable file over websockets using JavaScript

jgr208Is it possible to send a .rpm or .exe file over a websocket to be read and converted into the same file on the other side of the websocket connection? I know that you can send binary data such as photos and videos but can not find any guidance as to if you can send an executable file over a web...

i did do research and didnt come up with anything @KevinB
I blame universities, for teaching jQuery and not JS
@Josiah That's... his question...
@MadaraUchiha thanks, that works!
@MadaraUchiha I know
Did you research what a websocket can transfer? at that point you just have to convert what you have to what you can transfer
I was posting it for context
@KevinB yes i have researched that
@Josiah (y)
you send send basically text and binary data
then you should know whether or not it is possible.
so i'm guessing that isn't really what you want to know.
I've almost completely eliminated my jQuery usage thanks to yall in here telling me to drop it since it's not really needed anymore.
well it is possible but i dont know the best wya to convert the file to be read on the other end you cans ay
@jAndy My problem is seeing experienced Java developers, who know all about OO and abstraction and all the powerful patterns and techniques
And watch them abuse the DOM, as if it's not a gigantic horrible singleton, often with the help of Jake Weary and his friends.
@MadaraUchiha lol
make sure your DB is using the proper method for last id
@SterlingArcher Wrong room
@Hisham Wrong room.
@MadaraUchiha Because he thought it was just 1 sentence that was vague
Meh, easy question so I answered it
Why ask Why, moar context more bettar
Hey, maybe go vote on this discussion proposal for the meta town hall meeting: meta.stackexchange.com/a/279053/159427
Arg, modifying React websites with Greasemonkey scripts is annoying.
@thepiercingarrow how am i learning? reading documentation... its not very intuitive in my view.
it's about getting integrated console visualization for snippets
React keeps on noticing the DOM changes and bricking the site.
function performSoftwareUpdate(id){
	try {
		var fileInput = document.getElementById("btnBrowse");
		if (fileInput.files.length <= 0) {
			alert("Please use the Choose File button to select a software update file for upload.");
		var file = document.getElementById("btnBrowse").files[0];
		var reader = new FileReader();
		var rawData = new ArrayBuffer();
		reader.loadend = function() {
			// not needed
		reader.onprogress = function(e) {
			// note - do not put an alert is this handler
I hope that's not too spammy... ;)
so that is what i am having trouble with
@jgr208 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Are you seriously allowing users uploading executables into your server, for software upgrades?
@copy In that case, yes but if you're using it as a baddsert tag then it'd be every call.
@rlemon haha wow that's awesome
@MadaraUchiha yes, but it is in a secure space
I love games taht you can just keep running
@jgr208 Famous last words.
man, I really need to play that.
@MadaraUchiha lol
@jgr208 Use existing version control and deployment tools
Making your own is a surefire way to get raped by hackers.
@MadaraUchiha i mean unless some chinese guy sneaks onto the ship during the night and gets into a radar room
@jgr208 What's wrong with existing deployment tools?
Jenkins, Travis
@MadaraUchiha which deployment tools are you talking about?
Why is PHP hated by so many developers?
This is probably a dumb question, but for anyone that uses material-ui with react, how are you supposed to create links within the navbar?
@MadaraUchiha this is for upgrading a package already on the system
@Hisham because it's bad
on the other side yum is used to then actually deploy the package
@jgr208 My point stands.
btw, if anyone has been using my console script for snippets and you find an issue... feel free to ping me
Letting people upload executables is a horrible solution.
You have a build machine that takes the source codes, compiles it, and deployes it.
You don't just do it on your PC and upload
That's how errors are made.
And those tools are free and open source, so there's no excuse to not use them.
So use them.
@MadaraUchiha we provide them an rpm package they upload the rpm package through the website to the server. the server then exeuctes yum to update the package
@MadaraUchiha you talk like windows updates
@AwalGarg No, no, windows updates is
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wa

Welcome to Windows!
there is no compiling at all, also we can't use those tools on our production machines since they are not approved by DISSA
Your computer was restarted and violated without your consent by Windows Update, have a nice day!
-1 not enough waiting
@MadaraUchiha Those are CI tools, were you thinking of Ansible and Chef?
lastly, since they are open source that is actually more of a reason for us not to use them since any security holes need to be patched ASAP and if the community goes away you have to provide the support on your own for the patches thus diverting resources
@jgr208 What browser are you using?
yeah, that's open source
10 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
@jgr208 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
you're talking about yum install?
what OS are you using?
we are using RHEL well somekittens our customer has their own team to provide support for that for any secuity updates but any open source tools they dont use you are on your own
@jgr208 Yeah, that's FOSS too
tl;dr if you think open-source means it's bad, you're an idiot. Doubly so if you type that sentence via Firefox
@jgr208 Firefox is open source, yum is open source, the OS you're deploying on is open source, JavaScript is open source, your JavaScript code, whether you want it or not, is effectively open source.
Ubuntu, yay or nay?
@SomeKittens @MadaraUchiha well RHEL provides support for yum and i never said open source is "bad" i said for what we do it is not prefered at all from parties that do not provide paid support.
@Waxi Server or PC?
@MadaraUchiha PC
@Waxi yay
It's a great introduction to Linux, and frankly, I found no real reason to move to other distros so far.
in PHP, 6 mins ago, by Northborn Design
> Hey kids! The word of the day is "immature"! Let's spell it together, ready? N! O! D! E! J! S! Immature!
Take note that gaming is bad, no photoshop, no real video/audio editing
@MadaraUchiha uhh... I never thought about the license of the ES spec.
And no MS Office
@jgr208 Ansible provides paid support
I'd be shocked if you couldn't get paid support for puppet or chef
@MadaraUchiha That's what I was looking for, I need to get my beak wet with Linux and Ubuntu seems like a good start. Will put it on my laptop when I get home, thanks.
@SterlingArcher ironically, that's an immature thing to say
PHP is just mad that we're one major version behind them and counting.
@Waxi I use a dual boot setup
@SomeKittens @MadaraUchiha i think you missed the point of what i was saying
I can choose at boot time to boot to either Windows or Ubuntu
@jgr208 Sounds like you're stuck in your ways
@Waxi yay, Ubuntu is great!
@jgr208 Even in corporate environment, you can't rely 100% on in-house tooling
!!xkcd ubuntu
@SomeKittens Something went on fire; status 403
@SomeKittens The google API was killed :(
@AwalGarg copyright notice at the top of the document
@Waxi for you
@SomeKittens no i am not at all. i use open source all the time just at work we can't say lets use this and can use it. @MadaraUchiha well thanfully i am not in a corporate enviroment mnore of a defense enviroment
@jgr208 I can assure you 99.999999% that any code you write yourself will be more vulnerable, more bug and exploit prone, and less secure than any stable FOSS alternative out there
@jgr208 oh god, please tell me you don't work for the US
And I'm sure in 99.9999999% that you already know that too
@MadaraUchiha not the top, bottom. but ok, BSD license. phew
@SomeKittens lol...that's promising.
@MadaraUchiha yes i do i never said open source is bad never use open source at all
@SomeKittens i might
@Waxi Installing Ubuntu is like having a kid - you suddenly have thousands of opinions that you know you're right on and everyone else needs to shut up.
i laid out why they have cons to what we do and not allowed to use them at any given second. if you want to use one there is a lot of red tape and then still it is not guranteed to be approved
@jgr208 Right, so you want to not be the next OPM?
@SomeKittens what if you install arch/gentoo or the likes? or compile kernel? or contribute code to the kernel and get it landed?
@jgr208 You know what sounds like
It sounds like you should find another job, and quick :P
Is one not a serious developer if she uses WordPress?
@AwalGarg each of those earns you another level in pretentious open-source whining
@TodoPertin One can be a serious developer if they use WordPress.
It's how they use WordPress that determines that.
Just ask @Mosho he'll tell you all about WordPress.
@MadaraUchiha ok thank you. I use WordPress and I don't like the idea that I'm not a developer even if I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo..... worst.
@SomeKittens haha hey they got me two years of free identity theft protection. @MadaraUchiha ok then find me a job
@jgr208 Sure, my company's hiring
@Loktar I half expected to wake up to no prisoners and all guards dead
@SomeKittens level 2 guy here. Here is my whining for today: linux has the second most fucked up ecosystem.
I have to use it for my blog.
I like to write.
@MadaraUchiha ok ill send over my salary requirments
lot of people say othewise.
@TodoPertin WordPress solves a problem
It does it relatively well
"set up a blog in 0 time and start playing around with it"
@MadaraUchiha yeah thank you.
yeah I play around and learn.
with it.
If you start abusing WordPress into doing something it isn't, that's when I wrinkle my nose
@MadaraUchiha sorry I do not understand.
As long as you understand the WordPress is not a framework you can hang any sort of application on, you're fine.
@MadaraUchiha Do it in 0 time and I'd give you 7 cookies wrapped in layers of hot chocolate
You can't do everything with WordPress, and you shouldn't try.
My signature reads 'software developer' and I cringe everytime I see it. I'm not sure if and when I'll ever feel comfortable enough to say that about myself. Maybe I'm too critical.
I never cringed when I called myself a developer
Even when I was a noob.
@MadaraUchiha thank you for your cooperation really.
Embrace your inner dev
@MadaraUchiha :)
You'll always have more to learn.
Madara was too busy cringing over the fact that he's an anime fanboy to cringe over anything else
you are so wise. I like you.
And there'll always be someone better than you.
also you really misunderstood what i said. i said "open source is not good to use a lot at my job since some can just leave you high and dry" never "open source is the worst" since i actually contribute to open source communities in my spare time ;)
I mean, just look at @ndugger
unless you use sharepoint in which case hide
He's obviously better than my at everything.

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