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The above is going on. :D
hehe ;)
hi every body :)
can i ask a question ?
@Ahmetağa where are you from?
from hell :)
from turkey
oh, i like people from hell, it's nice there. ask right away
as long as you're not from India
ok i have a small problem in my java
> java
what ?
you better mean javascript
don't ever call javascript "java" again
say "js" for short
because java and javascript are two different languages
r u kidding ;)
no, I'm not.
if you don't know that, I don't want to help you. >.<
i never read some thing like that
i only know only java script
let me ask google
then you never learned javascript, and now we know the problem with your code.
wait u have some thing wrong
u told me java script language but it is not lang. it is framework
u have a problem too
says the person that was just calling javascript "java"?
java is a language
@Ahmetağa wait, javascript is a framework? what?
I'm rage quitting now
> Java is an OOP programming language while Java Script is an OOP scripting language.
@GNi33 yes
once again, no
ava and Javascript are similar like Car and Carpet are similar.
java and Javascript are similar like Car and Carpet are similar.
why would javascript be a framework?
maybe the problem with your code is that you're using a framework? $20 says he's using jQuery. any takers?
oh god
@Ahmetağa you're using jQuery, aren't you?
jQuery -> javascript framework
JavaScript -> Scripting Language
i use js and jquery
jQuery IS JavaScript
well go learn Javascript first, and then come see us
jquery is a laibrary
for js
it's just a wrapper for JavaScript, that abstracts DOM-Manipulation
   function showhide_menu(id){
     $("#" + id).toggle();
@Ahmetağa so it seems... did you get that off jquery.com/index.html?
this is jquery
@Ahmetağa that's a pile of shit if you ask me
i dont ask but i tell u this is a jquery
if you say so java-master
Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser while JavaScript code is run on a browser only.
what is that mean?
is that mean i can use java for app. in mobiles and in browser like firefox n IE
quiet you...
i just wanna learn to be in the right way
coz i am a beginner
you were "in the right way" when you said:
22 mins ago, by Ahmet ağa
let me ask google
haha sorry
i learn from this site www.w3schools.com
no body help me i learn my self all html n js n jquery n css n finaly i fond this beautiful site to get some help
that's @tereško's favorite site
and i finaly build my firs web site :) and ill make it in internet soon
know what I think?
I think obvious troll is obvious
if not troll... I'm not going anywhere near this.
@Ahmetağa: w3schools is no good. See here why: w3fools.com
@FlorianMargaine get trolled you white knight
@Ahmetağa: javascript is a language, java is another one. Mainly, javascript is a language that the browsers offer to use, while java is used for any kind of application (desktop, server software, etc), but browser don't let you run java in them.
IE lets you run Java....
doesn't it?
also, jQuery is a library written in javascript that everybody here knows, but despises as it has a lot of flaws (biggest flaw: it promotes bad coding practices)
@andrewjackson: no
you can run java applets in browsers, but it's thanks to the java plugin
I'm pretty sure you can run Java as ActiveX
oh yeah, looks like so
ah activex
why appear how can i hide it
i no understand
when i run my website in IE
will appear this message in up to help protect your security IE has restrictes this webpage from running
script or activex
always click run in your case. always
whay this appear in IE
because it's MS
i mean can i do some thing in my cods to disappear it
Q: I want to make this piece of jQuery code reusable and more modular

MaroshiiIt's a pagination. It works perfectly fine. I want to be able to save this code and reuse it whenever i need it as a method in jQuery (read: $(myData).pagination()). jQuery: $(document).ready(function(){ var post = $(".note > li") var page= 1; var postsPerPage = 5; var numPag...

or it is some thing normally
there's some settings in your browser that cause it, just go through your IE settings, and allow everything =]
Oh my gosh ... am I happy that I wasn't here when the Java/JavaScript discussion was ongoing.
@Ahmetağa: don't use IE.
i know ab out that thank u but i thought there is another way to prevent it from my cods
or, at least, update to IE9
don't be such a buzz kill. >.<
no i dont use it i use fire fox but i make every thing good and easy for clients
good and easy in java, right?
i use java script only
just checking
i use js and jquery
ill show u
Oh, so the failing isn't over yet?
I know... right? just when you think there's hope...
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js">

<script type="text/javascript" src="My java/hide show.java"></script>

<link href="CSS.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
no. I don't want to see
delete that
this is my source cod
Great, thank you for nothing.
get ride of that from this chat
obvious troll is obvious...
you try to hard
either that or you're biggest noob I've ever seen
it's like talking to my grandpa about computers
@Ahmetağa Please create a jsfiddle of what you have and post it back here if you are serious about this.
he's gonna say... "what's jsfiddle?"
chit up andrew
no i know
excuse me?
u say i am like ur grandpa n blah blah
what's your point?
i just wanna learn if u dont wanna help me dont answer me
the problem is that you're at ground zero...
this is a Q&A site for people who know something at all
@Ahmetağa: don't talk to @andrewjackson, he's just a troll. Go learn javascript on some tutorials. Just not w3schools.
37 secs ago, by andrewjackson
this is a Q&A site for people who know something at all
if only...
@FlorianMargaine youre the one that encourages it
google is your friend
just send him to Google and be done
@FlorianMargaine thank you
MDN is your friend.
i know
Guys, don't send people to Google.
someone always has to disagree
jQuery API is not your friend
@Ahmetağa We have an awesome tag wiki for with lots of information.
"you didn't consider, they might be total morons... don't send them to Google"
@rlemon I made cowsay awesomer! It's now also cowthink AND you can set the eyes and tongue!
!!cowthink e=~~ T=][ Don't know if hatin', or just rollin'
( Don't know if hatin', or just rollin' )
    O   ^__^
     O  (~~)\_______
        (__)\       )\/\
         ][ ||----w |
            ||     ||
!!cowthink e=~~ T=][ Don't know if hatin', or just trollin'
Corrected that for you.
( Don't know if hatin', or just trollin' )
    O   ^__^
     O  (~~)\_______
        (__)\       )\/\
         ][ ||----w |
            ||     ||
Of course, it also works with defaults:
!!cowsay I like big butts and I can not lie, You other brothers can't deny, That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist, And a round thing in your face, You get sprung, wanna pull out your tough
/ I like big butts and I can not lie, You  \
| other brothers can't deny, That when a   |
| girl walks in with an itty bitty waist,  |
| And a round thing in your face, You get  |
\ sprung, wanna pull out your tough        /
    \   ^__^
     \  (oo)\_______
        (__)\       )\/\
            ||----w |
            ||     ||
!!cowthink e=~~ T=\/ Mooo?
( Mooo? )
    O   ^__^
     O  (~~)\_______
        (__)\       )\/\
         \/ ||----w |
            ||     ||
@Ahmetağa First of all, don't name your JavaScript files something.java
.java !== .js
@Ahmetağa you forgot your <html> tags
@OctavianDamiean jsfiddle.net/maxspeed200/qYCUJ/38 this is my cods not all
Then avoid whitespaces in file names.
wait ill copy all the cods n edit it
Also, don't create html, head and body tags yourself on jsfiddle. It does that for you automatically.
> rage quitting life
@andrewjackson Mate, you seriously have to do some anger management. I know how you feel but it isn't productive.
I'm not mad
I was joking
OS software is so much fun. Someone sent me an email they like my DnD roll parser and are using it :D
@Zirak probably some DnD-Tool? :D
(now, where did I keep my communication skills so I can send him something back...?)
telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
oh man that's an awesome one
^ someone star it
it's startwars the movie in your terminal.
@Ahmetağa uhm... you don't really know what jsfiddle is for, right?
now's what's the problem?
you're not even running the function
@GNi33 tell me
just don' paste your whole page in there, this makes no sense at all
@Ahmetağa RTFD
I was gonna leave but Raynos got here... so I'll stay for one more minute
@OctavianDamiean hello
@OctavianDamiean see what helping people gets you? fans. I hate having fans. >.<
@GNi33 what do u mean about whole page ?
@andrewjackson where is @OctavianDamiean
taking a poop
@adrian He's fornicating with goats.
i guess he's doing stupid stuff like work or smth
ya... probably more likely what Zirak said
@Zirak OMG
@adrian what? does this shock you?
@andrewjackson o.o
yes, is not something very ussual, is it?
@Zirak So? Goats need love too.
as long as they're not goatse
@OctavianDamiean I need something romanian guy
Why so surprised? He publicly spoke of his love to goats for years now.
then shit gets gross
@adrian I'm actually Austrian.
As Austrian as one can be.
@OctavianDamiean originar din romania
aren't we all?
@OctavianDamiean can u help me with something?
Right, I was born in Romania but I was raised on Austria. ;)
He said that if society wasn't so judgmental and critical, he would't have had to run away to Krypton to marry Stripy.
@OctavianDamiean that's not the problem i want to discuss
That is amazing, tell me more.
@OctavianDamiean I need acces in android room
Why don't you just ... you know ... ask your question?
@OctavianDamiean Pass everything he says through the Eliza algo!
Have him indirectly talk with Eliza. Puleeze puleeze puleeze!
I need acces in android room!!!!!!!!!!!!
And how does that make you feel?
I'm tired... I better go if I wanna get a quickie in with my nanny
Yea I got it from your first message without the quadrillion exclamation marks.
@OctavianDamiean so what do you say about that?
I'm reviewing your account right now.
@OctavianDamiean ok
!!cowsay ______ ( Mooo? ) ------ O ^__^ O (~~)_______ (__)\ )\/\ \/ ||----w | || ||
/ ______                                 (  \
| Mooo? )                                   |
| ------                                    |
|   O   ^__^                                |
|   O  (~~)_______                          |
|    (__)\       )\/\                       |
|    \/ ||----w |                           |
\      ||     ||                            /
    \   ^__^
     \  (oo)\_______
        (__)\       )\/\
Soo close.
aaaw, so close
It word wraps at 40
I think it's that first line.
@OctavianDamiean y u austrian ._.
Oh, it ignores the leading space.
!!cowsay e=$$$ T=\/ Cowbell Bitch!
< Cowbell Bitch! >
    \   ^__^
     \  ($)\_______
        (__)\       )\/\
         \/ ||----w |
            ||     ||
!!cowsay .______ ( Mooo? ) ------ O ^__^ O (~~)_______ (__)\ )\/\ \/ ||----w | || ||
/ .______                                   \
| ( Mooo? )                                 |
| ------                                    |
|   O   ^__^                                |
|   O  (~~)_______                          |
|    (__)\       )\/\                       |
|    \/ ||----w |                           |
\      ||     ||                            /
    \   ^__^
     \  (oo)\_______
        (__)\       )\/\
< e=$$$ T=\/ Cowbell Bitch! >
    \   ^__^
     \  (oo)\_______
        (__)\       )\/\
            ||----w |
            ||     ||
epic fail.
@Raynos y u disappointed?

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