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So usually when people embed an image in a webpage they use something like
<img src="xxx"...
what's a good synonym for status?
so you can easily obtain the source link
it looks there is no link
seeing how status is a reserved word
By going trough the network console I found they use links to small parts of the video
in order to buffer it
but what about a link to the entire video?
bufferStatus, I like that
thanks @trilolil
euhm... k
@Shea what about helping me out now
it s your turn
oh... ummm... well....
what are you trying to do?
@Shea in what context?
State? phase ?
@Shea obtain the link of the entire video
canvas fps, zoom value, etc
@Shea property?
not just chunks
I mean, just to display it
@Shea is that a question for me?
@trilolil I don't see a video
if yes: no I d like to download it
there is a video on that link
it just may take some time to load I guess
I assure you there's no video
@trilolil just screen record it :P
@thepiercingarrow I d like the sound as well
and a proper quality
@Shea it s saying forbidden. Not that there is no video. I guess that s because you are not located in Belgium...
there is a video actually
use a headless browser
what about sound?
just stream the chunks into a file
@Shea how would you do that?
Look on other sites: there probably is anither site where you can download it
personally, I'd use Node.js, because that's what I'm already comfortable with
@thepiercingarrow no there isn t
it is a belgian soap, not some famous american thing...
@Shea yay... how do promises work? what do .then functions do?
@trilolil there are some recorders that will record screen + sounds. try using one of those maybe?
I don't like promises, but they work along side with events
@Shea I have no experience at all with that at all. How would that work. Some software that would visit every one of those weblinks to the 10sec long videos and download them?
not sure how to explain how they work, because they just seem like a design pattern to me. in a sense
I am learning headless browsing.. some documentation examples use promises but I dont understand them :(
@Shea in simple english, what does .then do?
@trilolil just download each video and string them together using a video editer then
I think that defines a callback
@trilolil how long is it?
well every episode is 40 minutes 'each video' is 10 seconds...
basically, something to do with deferring stuff....
not ever completely necessary
@thepiercingarrow so not sure that s the best option
@Shea k thx.
@trilolil why do you need to download the video?
@thepiercingarrow to watch it?
promises are basically like deferred events. you can start your async code, and then later define the complete/error events long after it's done.
@Shea i see.. thanks
@thepiercingarrow as expected: I tried 3 of the 5 tools (the ones I don t need to install). None work as they don t support the website
oh. I also can't access the website.. so only Belgium people can see it?
I guess
I've seen a lot that it's not recommended to add custom HTMLElement Prototypes, but what's the better way to do it?
@Jerry what are you trying to do?
@thepiercingarrow Well for example, if I wanted to add a custom method to HTML Elements I would just do: HTMLElement.prototype.somemethod = function(){...., but from what I've seen that is not recommended because that can interfere with other things and some browsers don't support that, so what is the better way to execute something like that?
I dont know... just make normal functions?
Where did you read that?
He suggest wrappers and such by using other libraries like jQuery, but I'm wondering if there is an alternative method.
Use your own wrappers?
I don't know too much about this.. I normally just make my own functions and call those...
Hm, I might just make an Object prototype and then add some if's for whether it's an HTML Element.
hi all, though I am aware there's no official bootstrap datepicker and timepicker libraries, what are fairly decent options to use on HTML5?
@gtludwig Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can someone please help with a javascript issue I have?
@user1585869 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I am trying to make ajax call to the yelp api purely in javascript
but I get two errors. script.js:26 OPTIONS https://api.yelp.com/v2/search?term=food&location=San+Francisco httpGetAsync @ script.js:26(anonymous function) @ script.js:38
search.html:1 XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://api.yelp.com/v2/search?term=food&location=San+Francisco. Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 404.
look that up
what do you mean?
Go search that error message in Google
I did man
that's why I am here
unable to figure it out. I tried the solutions I found
which is why I also posted the code
What were the supposed solutions?
Well one was adding xmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin','*');
which I did
You can't force the remote server to let you in.
so do you think something is wrong with my authentication ?
the way I am setting it up?
Did you find any explanation about the whole thing? Did you read it?
Ohh, the daily CORS question?
Pretty much
yes I did
which is why I tried one of the solutions
What did you learn from reading the theoretical explanation?
Also, are you saying you wouldn't try one of the purported solutions if you couldn't find any explanation?
basically that the error is caused when you are trying to request a resource that is on another domain
so my guess was
that the yelp api
is unable to find a header for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
so I set that header
this was my understanding
Either the yelp API is meant to be used directly from browsers, in which case they'll give you a way to set the domain that they put in the response header, or they aren't
in which case you need your own server to send requests from and you talk to that.
right I see your point
I was trying to implement this without a backend
I thought that if I used the right params
if you hate security
set the right headers
I should be able to make the api call to yelp
but if you overload it, I will hunt you down and kill you
oh sweet
let me try this
man I am just trying to learn javascript from scratch
I'm not letting you
I am too used to using AngularJS
so I trying to implement basic things in javascript
Such as?
such as making ajax calls
in javascript
I think the angriest whopper is pretty much the best hamburger I've ever had
I have never actually done that
frankly, I always use jQuery to do ajax for me. The XHR API is a bit ugly.
right. I have always relied on Jquery or angular to handle all my front end needs
I have a working understanding of javascript
but I am trying to learn javascript the proper way. Trying to build a very simple app using pure javascript with yelp api
Learning is good. You can try crossorigin.me, but don't launch requests in a tight loop
Better yet, pick a data source that works cross-origin
I am gonna imitate my ajax call
on postman
see if it works there
maybe something is wrong with the authentication I am providing
You could try and grab a web server to install on localhost
It's worth knowing the full stack anyways.
I can easily do that
I was avoiding that too
but if Yelp doesn't allow making ajax calls from the browser
And since you want to learn javascript, go for Node
then I will set up a simple node server
I have decent experience with Spring but pretty much a noob for node
that's what I was gonna do man. Create a simple javascript app using only js scripts
then next write a simple node server to handle authentication etc
Security is hard
You can try to make your own auth, but don't ever use it in production unless you're sure the thing is secure. And not even then.
oh man
this is as far as it can get from production
I am basically learning how to walk in javascript
so using postman
I can see that my signature is invalid
I am trying to learn how to use the debugger in node
So I have this function
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@anu Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
function fabo(x) {
	if(x < 1)
		return 0
		return 0
		return 1
	return fabo_recu(x-1) + fabo_recu(x-2);
what is fabo_recu?
oops. it's supposed to be
fabo(x-1) + fabo(x-2)
Oh, Fibonacci numbers.
the n-th
now when i try to debug this
i m not able to look up the value of x
reak in UnderstandingDebugger.js:27
 25 function fabo_recu(x) {
 26 	debugger;
>27 	if(x < 1)
 28 		return 0
 29 	if(x==1)
debug> x
ReferenceError: x is not defined
    at repl:1:1
    at Object.exports.runInContext (vm.js:64:17)
    at Interface.controlEval (_debugger.js:975:21)
    at bound (domain.js:254:14)
    at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:267:12)
    at REPLServer.<anonymous> (repl.js:279:12)
    at REPLServer.emit (events.js:107:17)
    at REPLServer.Interface._onLine (readline.js:214:10)
You haven't defined x
oh wait
but i m passing x
running it normally yields the correct result though...
Anupams-MacBook-Pro:js-revisited anupamkumar$ node UnderstandingDebugger.js
recussion solution to find recursive nth fabonacci series
example : 0,1,1,2,3,5
Should I try firebug instead ?
I thought this was straightforward
i need a way to, with JS replace all the \ with / in a string
heres what i have and its not working
var str = filepath;
var res = str.replace("\", '/');
var res = str.replace("\\", '/');
try this ?
@Hybridwebdev ` is an escape sequence. \` escapes your escape sequence.
SO Chat escaped mine
oh yah i tried
it worked
ty so much
<======== noob
I set y = x just before the debugger; statement and it said y is undefined.
It seems like you can't inspect them.
Oh, you have to get into repl mode.
thats it
yeah, I totally forgot that..
lol. so this is kinda like vim
in a very naive sense
thanks man!
another issue
var replaced = filepath.replace("\\", '/'); only seems to replace the first instances
this should work
thats not closed
Is there any way to verify that Facebook login details are valid without registering an app with facebook?
you NEED an app to communicate with FB api
Could you do it using a method similar to web scraping
Something with Selenium possibly
the reason they want you interfacing with their api, is so they have control of what happens w/ data
I know they do, but there may be ways to get around it
why would you ever not want to use their API (Beyond the fact its shit)
The fact its shit
but, there are ways to make it less shit
Ughh I should be doing my homework
But I'm lazy
Anybody here a presbyterian or know a lot about presbyterianism?
@Jasch1 yeah, they're not different from browsers.
They're user agents and facebook will not treat them differently, so it's possible.
Also, I don't think Facebook allows people to check if the login credentials are correct using their API.
Because the whole point of application authorizations is to avoid that.
Thats what I assume
Also another fb related thing
I'm doing something using facebook
And I keep getting 404 POST requests that I am not making
to MYDOMAIN/ajax/bz
And when I handle those using app.posy
They still come back as 404
app.post('/ajax/bz', function(req, res){
Shouldn't that work?
I've never used express, but if res.redirect redirects, then it should work.
The app works fine, I'd just not have 404s show up in the console
There is a contest coming up on Game Jolt soon and I am trying to determine whether it would be better to develop a game using Java or Javascript. If I do it in Java, it will be a JFrame game. If I do it in Javascript, I will have it in an html file working with a Canvas. What would be a better move for me?
Try Scratch
Really challenging and complicated, only take it on if you are very experienced and writing GUIs in visual basic to track IP adresses
@Jasch1 Seriously? Why would I go to such an inferrior level, assuming you mean this site: scratch.mit.edu
I was just kidding
In all honesty I don't know what would be better as I never really worked with either
@Jasch1 oh XD
I do more server-side stuff
The Graphic User Interface Interface
@Jasch1 Oh my god I love that video! XD
What's the general concensus on building with react native with just vanilla nodejs or using firebase or meteor
@pebble225 definitely do it in javascript
check out dumptrumpnow.com
@pebble225 Made dumptrumpnow.com in javascript in a weekend
I just realised that I have no idea how express work in a shared hosting environment. I found vhost but it doesn't look like the vhost we use in apache, where we just point each host to a folder.
The Game Jolt contest starts this Friday and I have 2 weeks to develop. I have used Java for over 2 years and have just recently got the hang of Javascript for making Graphics games. With that in mind, would Java be a better way to go or are there many more benefits to Javascript?
@pebble225 I couldn't tell you the benefits of Java but there are dozens of libraries to be utilized in javascript
@pebble225 JavaScript. With JS you can port the game to Windows, Android, iOS, Linux, or even the Chrome store.
@pebble225 html5gameengine.com, here are just a few
@pebble225 phaser.io This one is personally my favorite
For reference, I have written games in Java, and I am aware that Java runs faster - Minecraft and Vampire: The Masquerade are Java game. But the future of client side Java is limited; its last big market is Android, which is not even standard Java.
Q: Express.js: Change the default public/images folder to another directory (outside the Express.js one)

FranXhIn Express.js, I would like to keep my images/videos outside the Express.js project folder, meaning NOT in public/images. For instance, right now my media is in the Express.js project folder: /home/myName/Project/public/images And I would like my images/videos to be in /home/myName/allMyMedia...

@Sheepy Vampire the Masquerade is a source engine game
which is a c++ engine
@Loktar Thanks. Then what I've heard is wrong.
@Sheepy actually.... hah
so, Vampire the Masquerade Redemption was not source
looks like it was written using the NOD engine.. which looks like that was written in Java
^ which is that game
@Sheepy sorry, I was thinking Bloodlines totally forgot about Redemption
I see. Will study more later. Currently busy picking a free web hosting panel to install on our server.
lol it's no big deal I just wanted to at least correct myself for correcting you since I was partially wrong :p
man I forgot all about Redemption, that was actually a fun game, I was never a fan of bloodlines though
Any panel suggestion? Sentora? (security risk?) ISPConfig? Foxlor? Tried webmin but it looks more like a server admin which I don't need and my boss can't use.
Chrome is a first-person shooter video game by Techland, released in 2003 by the publisher Strategy First. A prequel, Chrome: SpecForce, was released in 2005. In March 2006, Techland announced a sequel, which will feature the latest version of the Chrome Engine but was reported to be "on hold" soon after. == Synopsis == The game takes place in the distant future and the player assumes the role of bounty hunter Bolt Logan. On the first assignment in the game he is betrayed by his partner and gets ambushed. He survives and while trying to escape the complex he meets a woman named Carrie. He does...
I was halfway through bloodline before I had to format the PC. I appreciate the atmosphere and character but I didn't border to reinstall it.
^ that was a big game back in the day written in Java, well big for being written in Java, it never was too popular
I play lots of PC game, and I've never heard of it lol
It had another name as well
can't remember the other one though...
> Advanced Battlegrounds: The Future Of Combat
> The game's scripting engine is written entirely in Java. The Java source code is freely available and can be extracted from the code pack shipped with the game.
ah hah, so not the actual engine.
Man they hyped the scripting engine? wth. I remember people bragging about it saying people would stop using C++ for games. Never really looked into it at the time though didn't care. Pretty funny it was for the scripting engine and not the game engine lol
The same company went on to make Dying Light
Not surprising. And Java is too late to scripting. It still doesn't have native JSON function because they can't figure out this dynamic type thing.
And its runtime is still not modular, so for example I can't say I don't need three GUI system for my embedded scripting engine. (Well you can if you modify the runtime yourself.)
heh had to backup my statement about people claiming the game was written in Java back then
kind of funny it was the scripting engine.. Java devs really held onto that one lol
Let's count JavaScript games. I'm sure the list will be more impressive?
oh yeah idk, not even trying to compare sorry, I just got hung up on my own statements i made here about that Chrome/Advanced Battlegrounds game
Hey all ...
can i ask someting ..??
!!welcome Nikunj
@Nikunj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello All,

I am trying to execute exec command using nodejs . i am using window machine. Can we do this in window machine. if yes which softwares i need to install
You will need the software you are trying to run.
i am asking if i need to download any stuff
What do the Node docs say?
Hi guys
Cheers @JanDvorak
I want to become java-script guru and I want to become right now without any effort... how do I do it :)
!!tell HituBansal google stackoverflow nodejs exec command line
@CapricaSix : thanks
@ImranBughio Without any effort? Easiest way is to redefine your definition of "guru" to "newbie".
Unless you are already a guru or close to it, in which case you should already know how to get there.
any idea how to forward a www.example.com to example.com ?
@ImranBughio Just start calling yourself a guru, nobody will notice.
I tried sub domain forwarding which wasn't helpful
@Mr_Green You've been here for how many years? And still no googling beforehand?
@Sheepy just joking, I have never read a book or took proper training but when a problem arrives I just ask my self if it should be doable in JS and use google ... story of my life so far but now I am thinking to take it to next level..
It's googling "<server-name> no www"
@Zirak That's one way to do it :p
@ImranBughio the next level is to do the same in a day job
@JanDvorak I have been doing that in my day job from a while now, but I am thinking to memorize most of the things so I dont have to google that often (it will save few mins when in action).
memoize, don't memorize
Hello smarter developers
@Amiga500Kid Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ImranBughio That's a much better statement of where you are and where you want to go.
Few mins? typing mdn array from to the omnibox takes a few seconds tops.
59 secs ago, by Jan Dvorak
memoize, don't memorize
@ImranBughio I take it that you can already solve simple to intermediate problems. What do you think is your biggest weakness in using JS?
!!s/.*(?= \w+ \w+)//
@JanDvorak using JS? (source)
@Zirak Thanks! Yes, my facial hair is on point. I'll never leave you, unless something comes up. Like, literally anything at all.
@Sheepy Well my concepts are'nt that clear, I am still unfamiliar with terms like prototype and when I look at the script of a plugin it seems like a completely different language than the one I am using :p
Much like what Shakespeare actually wrote isn't English at all :-D
@JanDvorak ya sometimes but sometimes it can take longer i.e when you are trying to write a particular reg expression or something.
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@HituBansal Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@Mr_Green try nuke.earth
was trying to mask the "www".. failed
@ImranBughio then I will become officially a terrorist
And that's the story of how Mr_Green found himself on the no-fly list for the rest of his life
@Mr_Green Nope, if you are not a Muslim :)
@ImranBughio well, I will be first non muslim terrorist
	I am able to convert PDF file into png . now i want to uplaod that png file to AWS.
	OutPut i am getting :
	null // error
	'' // stdout.
	Why i am getting blank stdout.
Please help..
any non muslim want to become terrorist?
@Mr_Green when USA can nuke twice and call others terrorist trust me you can do the same.
hello NSA
he just call whole USA as terrorist. anyone get that?
@Shea Oh hi. What's up? More people to add to the watch list?
@Mr_Green Exaggerating
@ImranBughio You look like Edward Snowden's brother
@littlepootis I guess I do :)
In case anyone's interested: erik.js.org/…
so tor people are not anonymous anymore.
@littlepootis Dam where will I watch ___ now :( (JS tutorial)
@ImranBughio You use tor to watch ____?
Don't worry, it has been fixed.
@littlepootis That's a relief and I was JK about the ___ part.
I am working on GWD to create banners for DC !

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