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the github description is not correct
the interpreter has compiled those "lily" codes to C. But that code has to be compiled
well in general it's "inspired by C" so that's kinda sucky
you can try Rust
Well I look forward to seeing a program that you've written in lily
been experimenting with it for a while, from time to time
I don't think I like lily's syntax
numbers.each{|n| result += n } is prone for errors
@Neil I don't think that's ever gonna happen
@KarelG already did
@BartekBanachewicz why not?
My biggest problem is <[]> for tuples
I don't even know what language it got that from
yeah, i've noticed that too
@Neil I don't like it
his approach to tuples isn't right
Also why is it define functionname
his example is not a tuple
Which example?
var record = <["abc", 123, 45.67]> i define tuples as something else
that's a triplet for me: p
It's a triple
@KarelG triple is another name for a tri-tuple
single, couple, triple, quadruple, ..., n-tuple
quintuple == 5-tuple
still, did you have seen how he allocates the memory ?
Something that bothers me is define functionname(arg: type): type {}
What's wrong with that?
I'm not exactly a c programmer
he's not calling free() on the right time
i'm still searching where that function gets invoked
He'd have to call free on *result at some point?
Also allocations should be done via a cache/factory.
if you don't do that, the memory is still in use, even if the function terminated
unless you call free on the given pointer (address in mem)
There's a lily_destroy_function
poor lily
I feel like the syntax would be a lot nicer if he did type functionname(arg: type)
Like every other language
like rust
I mean the return type of the function
He has them trailing the arg list
And you have to have a define keyword
he wrote like that so that his interpreter would recognize it more easily.
the only place that i have found free in those mess of lily_free is here
Score: 0/5 for memory management
I am new to this chat room. I want to know if Javascript is going to stay in future or not ?
why should it not exist in the future?
It's the only good, valid and working representation of the ES6 standard (which describes client side scripting for browsers).
Other client side "languages" that works so far uses Javascript under the hood
@VaibhavPachauri no.
anyone ever port a script that was written for extjs3 to extjs6 ?
Wow... Comment on a 181k user's answer, suggesting an improvement. The response:
> @Cerbrus: Sorry, but I don't full understand what you mean. Your question was.....
@VaibhavPachauri no php is the future
Even 181k users fail to read :P
linkie ?
@littlepootis Correct.
"No php" is the fututre
@littlepootis I agree
I have started working on Node.js but I sometimes feel if it is going to be just another thing that will fade in future.
Yeah node doesn't have very many use cases
Other than "it's easier to hire javascript developers because everyone knows javascript"
also, too many dependencies
that left-pad drama made me giggling
@VaibhavPachauri everything will fade in the future
just do something that looks fun to you
@FlorianMargaine that's a very good answer. You should be a philosophic
was not thinking that far
In the end you'll end up smeared infinitely thin across an ever expanding universe and there's nothing you can do about it.
are there any drawbacks or reasons why I should not create such code?

var alternativeRoute = function (){

    var createAlternativeRoute = function(){

        function sayHello(){

        return {
            sayHello: sayHello


    var restoreAlternativeRoute = function(){

        function sayBye(){

        return {
            sayBye: sayBye


    return {
        createAlternativeRoute: createAlternativeRoute,
You should read about the revealing module pattern
It's a good one
it is the revealing module pattern but 2 in one
That's not how you would compose modules, no
Have them in separate files and use require
Or a module loader of your choice
@littlepootis y so low :P
j/k. good job. mine were similar IIRC, with similar "y so low" reactions from everyone.
83% is considered low only in asia
is require normal javascript or do i need a lib
It's native in node
it donßt use node ;)
@Cerbrus haha bad time
I use browserify on the client
But there's a million different ways to do it
hm, what advice would u give me to make my code more organised. Should I read in browserify ?
@IntercoolerTurbo follow a style guide
Hello, I'd advice against browserify and more towards Webpack
@Zephir77167 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@littlepootis I thought I would by using the module pattern
yeah webpack me too
@VaibhavPachauri no, it won't. This is documented at destroyallsoftware.com/talks/the-birth-and-death-of-javascript
Trouble with CORS on firefox? It says to enable CORS but from where? Node server sending appropriate headers
ok I will take a look at. Thanks!
@avck try jsonp for cors
@Jugnu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@IntercoolerTurbo using module pattern doesn't automagically make code readabl
if you started with noob javascript skills, I feel like entering a new world.
What is y'all's recommended mp4 player for Windows (criteria: free, fast, can play MP4)? VLC?
@JanDvorak google chrome/firefox.
I used clementine
just use vlc
@IntercoolerTurbo Read Maintainable JavaScript as well
@Jugnu cant use jsonp
The style conventions are out of date but that's not a big deal
the book By Nicholas C. Zakas?
@avck are you using express then try enable-cors.org/server_expressjs.html
@Jugnu i have enabled on the server already. the problem is firefox specific it says enable CORS
@avck both OPTIONS and GET requests are returning appropriate headers?
@avck can you share your code?
@FlorianMargaine firefox kills the request. I am on version 36.0
1 message moved to Trash can
@Zephir77167 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@avck look at the HTTP requests and check their headers
I'm having some problems with React/React-Router/Webpack, trying to do some code-splitting :
  test: /\.js$/,
  include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public'),
  exclude: routeComponentRegex,
  loader: 'babel',
  test: routeComponentRegex,
  include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public'),
  loaders: ['bundle?lazy', 'babel'],
I'm struggling formatting my code, sorry about that
And the problem is that the files matched by the regex aren't bundled into chunks chen imported from my app.js... Any advice?
do any buddy have sample code for extending bootstrap tooltip?
1 message moved to Trash can
@Jugnu Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
     $.extend($.fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype, {
         show : {
            // My custom code goes here

Above is my code but $.fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype is undefiend
@FlorianMargaine i checked OPTIONS' returning 200, POST 400
@Jugnu this returns a new tooltip plugin with show overridden
@FlorianMargaine so firefox is not the problem
@Mr_Green It gets better...
@Cerbrus: I see that you don't "accept" the answer. Do you have any questions still opened? If the URL could return non-arrays sometimes then you can use just return $.isArray(obj) ? obj : [obj]; instead of return [obj];Oleg 2 mins ago
Even after I told him it's not my question...
please screenshot that.
@Neil but $.fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype is undefined
I feel pity on him. seems he is going through hard time
That's a 181k user...
That's not paying any attention at all.
> 4,281 jqgrid posts
so it is 181 level of madness..
@Jugnu so you're missing a reference to your plugin library apparently
@AwalGarg yavascript
Jon has crossed 700 levels
@AwalGarg ah
You can't redefine something that isn't defined
Cerbrus, you are being harassed unnecessarily
Except perhaps invisible pink unicorns
@Neil i have bootstrap with all the plugin
@Mr_Green did you mean 860?
@Mr_Green It's rather traumatizing.
Imma sue him
@Jugnu so why is it undefined?
@FlorianMargaine yeah wasn't updated recently
waiting for his third comment.. third wave
i can access model and popover's prototype but not for tootltip
@Cerbrus inb4 he deletes all his comments
Doesn't matter, I've got a screenshot.
$ cal 9 1752
   September 1752
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
       1  2 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

just leave it if he deletes
And if he ignores what I said again, I'm going to flag him for being a drunk. :P
You can flag for using SO while drunk?
that would be fun
@FlorianMargaine they didn't use dates 3 through 13 back in the day
His profile says he's a perfectionist.
His answer proves he's not :P
> So I use only voting up and no voting down and try to help as more people as possible.
... sheesh
he is indeed.. phd in maths.. that some greatness which I like
@Cerbrus i have seen a perfectionist walk into a street light (with great satisfaction I might add)
<a><h1></h1></a> or <h1><a></a></h1>?
Generally the latter
The former is only valid in HTML5
(Though it would work regardless)
ok thanks
@Mr_Green everyone can stuff up his profile
plus I just realized the first one would normally stretch the the anchor's width
@KarelG I didn't get that
!!urban stuff up
@Mr_Green [stuff up](http://stuff-up.urbanup.com/2229234) to mess up/ screw up/ not do something correctly.

past tense: stuffed up

"i stuffed up again"
to lie?
that still doesn't make any sense
everyone can "mess up" his profile?
VLC is much faster than Firefox, but how do I prevent it from disabling Windows Aero?
I think he meant he may have been lying, "everyone can put they have a PhD on their profile"
I recently learned the meaning behind "chuffed to bits"
yeah could be that
"Doctor" please. I didn't go through 20 years of evil medical school to be called "mister" thank you very much.
I changed my profile as well
I feel that there are a great deal of services that are missing that do nothing more than act as a dummy service
he got less gold badges compared to me #satisfaction
Like why change the program to behave differently when you could just wire a dummy email service that responds like a real one
@Mr_Green ...
Or a dummy ftp service that will respond consistently while the instance is up
that is seriously a problem bigger than poverty
I mean priority wise
who cares about poverty if we are going to die because of Global warming
but... but... the republicans say... global warming is fake...
For every 2 years, there is rise of 1 degree at some places and fall of 1 degree at some places
in future it will be 1 year instead of 2 years.. or worse every month
soon this place will become unhabituated for humans and many living beings
!!define unhabituated
@Neil unhabituated Not habituated
I didn't know that that word even existed. I would have used uninhabited
@Neil They don't mean the same thing. He should have used uninhabited
!!define uninhabited
@Mr_Green uninhabited not inhabited; having no inhabitants
wasn't aware of this
!!define habituate
@Shea habituated simple past tense and past participle of habituate
@Shea habituate To make accustomed; to accustom; to familiarize.
words are confusing
wth I just used :/
but seriously any leads on what I/we can do to stop global warming?
I can't invest, fyi
@Mr_Green stop existing. I think the requirement for energy is what causes it
@Mr_Green tbf, global warming is a natural process. The humankind only have fastened the process so that the environment wouldn't have time to adapt on it
every year we'll fly to Pluto, cut out a huge ice cube, and drop it in the ocean
We can slow it down, but not stop it
come on, we should take this serious
with fourth wave
dievardump, nice
Oh thanks ^^
Oh my god. He did it Again
@Cerbrus: Could you explain where is the difference to your question? The demo use exact JSON data which you posted. The usage of jsonReader: { root: function (obj) { return [obj]; }} process the data correctly and display the results. If the data could be array or not then jsonReader: { root: function (obj) { return $.isArray(obj) ? obj : [obj]; }} will work (try jsfiddle.net/OlegKi/kLsqk8gc/2 and comment one or another line). Where you still see any problem? — Oleg 3 mins ago
@Mr_Green giant tubes in the ocean, that reach out into the atmosphere, and suck air down to be filtered/cleaned
you can use the ocean's water as part of the filtering process
or just plant more trees.. stop using vehicles (use public transport)
we've been doing that
oh great
not working, apparently
I do that though.
I go through public transport though I can buy a car
but being just neutral is not enough.
does public transportation actually help?
Cerbrus, just give up. you lost it.
well, if everyone use it, it will help
@Cerbrus he's a bot. He's got to be
Neat, had never seen this comic
I mean it might help a little bit, but how much do we actually know about engines?
people use 4 seat vehicles even when there is only one guy to travel. #stupidity I say
seems to me that the more weight on a bus, the more work an engine has to do
the more work it does, the more green house gases it produces
nah not much compare to driving cars unnecesarily
can anyone shed some light on how the locale defaults can be extended for Intl constructors?
I'm just going to add a answer of my own there
@Cerbrus it would be less confusing if you just asked the question. Then he wouldn't be a liar
a lot of co2 is because of cars and bikes. we should think about how to arrange ourself to travel
@KarelG: Nice :D
No freehand circles, though. -1.
I'm reading over it again to see if there's something that could cause him to think I'm the OP...
@rlemon nice
@JanDvorak ?
@AwalGarg I'm referring to the DAS talk
can't watch youtube on mobile because bandwidth. laters
Oleg replied and still doesn't get it.
@Cerbrus how could he not get it? You freakin' told him
@KarelG: Thanks! Now it's clear what you mean. :-) The statement "Not my question" have more meanings as "Not my question". I though that I discuss with the owner of the question and he write that I answer not what he answered: I understood his question in the wrong way? — Oleg 3 mins ago
bro i no english wat u say?
@littlepootis This. He lacks basic understanding of the english language...
I'm trying the fetch api with json and always getting fetch error...
	.then(response => response.json())
	.then(data => {
TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
my script should be fine, or?
@Cerbrus you forgot to add the inflection when you wrote not my question
@Maurice where is the page?
Do you access it with an url or as file:// ?
Rather than write "not my question", you should've written "not my question"
@JanDvorak the .json file is in the same folder.
@Maurice I didn't ask that
@Maurice what protocol?
@Neil inflection?
damn. my bad. I was focused on the lower part that I forgot to adress the right protocol
@Maurice TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. think about that for a second, and then tell me why you think there would be something wrong with your code
@Shea could be accessing the wrong stuff ;-)
@Cerbrus !!define inflection
@JanDvorak what a shame: my index.js is NOT located in the same folder.
tee hee
what else to say.. but lol...
Yeap, Oleg doesn't know English...
"This is not my question" have the meaning "You answer, not what I asked" and not just "another person asked the question". Isn't so? — Oleg 2 mins ago
@Cerbrus any doubt would have been shed when you said that *you couldn't answer not even if you wanted to
But yea
@littlepootis ಠ ಠ
@Cerbrus I'm going to Keukenhof tomorrow 😺
Oh, you're in the country?

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