@ssube They boast about performance, which is great, but I don't like the way they manage textures/sprites. I'd rather load and manage images on my own, and then use their renderer. I'm probably just a bit picky.
@ndugger It's kinda verbose, but you can see the advantages relatively early. For example making it easy to rotate, move, scale and apply filters to groups of elements
relying on magic names and stuff like that is just so old
oh, so when you want some input from the card, like the current vertex (for a vertex shader), you have to set it in a variable. GLSL uses a variable named gl_Vertex (you declare the variable, it sets it). If you want the vertex color, you need gl_Color, and so forth.
HLSL uses annotations, so you just do float4 position : POSITION;
makes the code approx. one million times cleaner and more expressive, especially if gl_Color isn't actually storing a literal color.
HLSL doesn't actually do any dynamic-linking magic, the compiler just checks the annotation and compiles that variable to be the right register.
But if you do load up the shader, you can use a bunch of helper methods in the compiler to fill those registers.
GLSL is also program-level ("here's the program to run on each pixel") rather than effect-level ("here's an effect. We'd prefer technique 0, which requires shader model 3.0, but technique 1 will work as well. For technique 0, here's the program to run on each pixel. Technique 1 shares some of that code, and also does this."). HLSL is just much more flexible and modern.
Evolutionists is such a weird term. Scientists would believe anything as long as there's evidence. It's not like they're pushing an agenda of evolution, they just tell the truth.
@RikudoPain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hello all, I have a json response that has a date field and an amount field. I want to calculate the amount per month. what's the best way to go about it? map reduce ?
I have wait but not working this is jsfiddle given by someone https://jsfiddle.net/geocodezip/Lb1fwnfg/2/ in that js fiddle I can click the marker and show infowindow but if I created manually, nothing happens when i click the marker
I want to have a login system that doesn't require a user/pass. I want to email the user a link that is unique to them. Is that simply a table of emails/keys that I draw from, send the link with this key in the URL, then when I process on that page update the records associated to that key? Is it really that simple?
m setting my babysteps into angular, but i was thinking... when you setup an app with angular.. and you have no JS enabled... then it just doesn't work? Are there ways to create fallbacks?
@JanDvorak This is internal only, but it seemed dumb to have a login system when they are only going to one page once a month, would much rather just give them unique links. It seems that simple to me, but I want to see if there is something I'm not considering.
just so i understand right, when you call a function and add the parameter values, the function sets the parameter variables to the values passed. those parameters are added to the arguments array along with any extra values passed?
@phenomnomnominal "huh, Angular looks cool", "wait, is this Java?", "dude, MVC is great, how did JS not have this?", "jesus fucking christ I thought society left Spring behind 20 years ago", "fine, I guess I'll use Angular", and finally "oh wow, React is nice"
@rlemon lol. How is that a poor system? Isn't that what all the sites do when they send you like registration links with a unique identifiers in them or w/e?
OK, im not yet that fare but when you setup your whole app etc for example a comments app as basic example, and you want to store them, whats mostly used as DB engine? Where does localstorage comes in ? ( It's a bit a gray zone to me atm ) For example can you use OAuth etc in combination with AJAX/Angular?
anybody have you ever met unworking code case that tested for more than a day in 4 different browser, you leave it for 5 minutes today doing nothing, and suddenly it works??
@DariuszSikorski Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm thinking if not give a try to Riot.js to write a new tags ;p (I don't like w3c specs about html tags anyway, they are for seo, not for easy development)
@ssube, yes had to use it once in one company, they had entire social media website written in that, but it required to understand how entire tree of application is built, and wasn't so easy to read it... riot may be not so cool as react, but i find it's syntax simpler
someone once said... react is moving html to js, angular is moving js to html... and i don't think any of this solutions is proper, what we need is move component in same file, but keep languages separated
@SagarSingh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DariuszSikorski seems about right. That's why I like Handlebars and other templates: it's a separate file but you don't put all the JS logic into your template.
@ssube It is a number in the JavaScript type system, but it is not a valid number in the mathematical type system we think in. Thus it is an invalid number. Not A Number is misleading because people always confuse the number language type and the number abstract type
actually i was thinking of making parser for compiling Sass to html (for generating html preview of sass files, then gone to regex, then gone to verbal regex, and so on...)
built in vpn so oppressed citizens can use sites, everything compressed by the opera servers in a syncronized way so that if you'd pay a lot for data you don't need to as much...
for people like us it's not really important, but bangladesh depends on it for example