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@MattMcDonald I just learned something too. awesome
I finally got a 1:1 test in Opera 8
about 20% slower
the catch?
typeof document.body.childNodes is "function"
just installed VIM...
"Happy VIMing"
rage quit
A: What's the difference between JavaScript and Java?

Shog9One is essentially a toy, designed for writing small pieces of code, and traditionally used and abused by inexperienced programmers. The other is a scripting language for web browsers.

Anyone here know how to identify links on a website?
I can't find a clear way to identify the link underlying a button
user image
take a deep breath
slowly and clearly as possible
explain what you are trying to do
There are a few buttons on a website and I am simply trying to get the link underneath it
But the link's structure is not obvious
Are they actual buttons, or links that look like buttons?
i.e. Is there JavaScript involved?
Specifically, the link that is generated by clicking 7:00
It's using javascript... the "7:00 PM" button is a span
there's a delegated event that fires when it is clicked
that's all I can tell you
it doesn't explain anything else?
I know it's a span
And what language do you want to do this in?
but I don't see how it generates/constructs a link it follows
I am just trying to get the raw URL
JavaScript over Ajax? JavaScript and an <iframe>?
Some other language?
I loathe faux-buttons
yeah it isn't a real button
these moron designers just can't live with a good old <button>
i don't see how it's constructing the link it follows
Why a button when you can have an <a>? It's even better.
Gracefully degrades, and it's easier to style.
the event is attached to document.getElementById('SearchResults_ResultsGrid')
According to Google Chrome, it has no event listeners.
@minitech obfuscation?
@andrewjackson No, I'm looking in the Inspect Element panel.
keep clicking on the parent nodes until you see an event
@minitech no, I mean, that's why you would use them
@andrewjackson Oh, okay. It's on SearchResults_ResultsGrid. Why???
@minitech 1) already said that, 2) I just said why
I was using Inspect Element too but to no avail
@andrewjackson 1) I know, I was reading your message and realizing and 2) no you didn't.
I imagine the whole point is to make it harder for guys like us to get to it
Anyone can tell me a good use for the for...in statement. Because I have never really had to use it. So what is something that it will really be a big help at?
sometimes you want your code to be easy to read, other times you want it to be hard... obfuscation
@Shawn31313 looping through objects
@andrewjackson Okay, that's what you meant. I've never seen that particular trick used, probably because it doesn't help at all (if I want to trigger the event programmatically, it can't stop me).
but it took you a while to figure out where it was, didn't it?
make it just a little harder, and it prevents and entire class of people from tempering with it: the amateurs
I still don't see where this link is coming from
17 mins ago, by GGG
user image
why am I always having to repeat myself? am I that bad at communicating? =/
@JohnSmith it's been said twice already
I'm not a CS expert; apologies if jargon is lost on me
you said "SearchResults_ResultsGrid" but this does not mean anything to me
that's the ID of an element.........
so do I need to look for some JS file that has SearchResults_ResultsGrid?
Inspect the element.
I am
Am I missing something?
Look up its parents until you find the element with ID SearchResults_ResultsGrid.
I see in the source code where it's using SearchResults_ResultsGrid
But that still doesn't help much, because that handler is an event handler added using Prototype by the looks of it.
I don't know Prototype :/
<table class="ResultsGrid" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="SearchResults_ResultsGrid" style="border-collapse:collapse;table-layout: auto;">
lol, Prototype
@andrewjackson Do you?
it's a giant pile of garbage
Never used it
@MattMcDonald Well, that goes without saying ;)
I'm good at learning as I go though
So is SearchResults_ResultsGrid not something I will find in the source code or any css/JS file here?
it was $ before $ existed
...except it was designed far worse
Is there a Prototype method to list event handlers?
it's been accepted as "dead" for at least 3-4 years
A: How to find event listeners on a DOM node?

Crescent FreshIt depends on how the events are attached. For illustration presume we have the following click handler: var handler = function() { alert('clicked!') }; We're going to attach it to our element using different methods, some which allow inspection and some that don't. Method A) single event han...

highlight: SearchResults_ResultsGrid > ctrl - c
goto page: view source > ctrl - f > ctrl - v
Version 1.6, ugh.
andrew I just posted that above
ControlClientIDS['rc_resultsgrid'] = 'SearchResults_ResultsGrid';
now search for "rc_resultsgrid"
where do you see this
That's some pretty awful code they have there.
I see the control and all the other stuff they have here but I'm not sure how to acquire this synthesis upon link click
Chrome element inspection can get an element's event... so then there's some way to do that in JS?
or do they do it more manually?
nm, I'm pretty sure it's manual
@JohnSmith I'm stayin out of this
 var Prototype = {Version: "1.6.0",Browser: {IE: !!(window.attachEvent && !window.opera),Opera: !!window.opera,WebKit: navigator.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit/") > -1,Gecko: navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko") > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("KHTML") == -1,MobileSafari: !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Apple.*Mobile.*Safari/)},BrowserFeatures: {XPath: !!document.evaluate,ElementExtensions: !!window.HTMLElement,SpecificElementExtensions: document.createElement("div").__proto__ && document.createElement("div").__proto__ !==
I just summoned the easter egg by pasting that code
I never understood the point of including the version of something inside the code.
UA sniffing
@andrewjackson It can help when there's a huge difference between versions and no helpful comments.
Of course, I tried the instructions outlined in the aforementioned thread for Prototype 1.6 and they didn't work.
it doesn't help ever except for statistical tracking
UA sniffing is a stupid practice that's finally going away
so then it's a statistic thing
Is that code minified?
If it's not, I'd like to leave now.
^ referring to Prototype, not website
it's minified
K: function(x) {
    return x
That's so helpful.
@andrewjackson no, it's used to make inferences about certain features
@MattMcDonald oh
@minitech that's a noop
@andrewjackson Yup. Poor.
See, if it is minified, why are there still all the spaces?
If it's not, why did they decide to use such obscure variable names?
Reason #300 why everybody hates Prototype ;)
I used Chromium's prettyprinter
Oh. Ignore all previous statements then.
hm looks like iid is the problematic point of this URL
everything else is fine
but iid appears to have no consistent source
ScriptFragment: '<script[^>]*>([\\S\\s]*?)<\/script>' // Regex fail
what is happening here
Didn't know about that feature!
that's the easter egg
That's awesome.
that easter egg uses regex to parse html by the way
pretty ironic
will putting "use strict"; at the very root of <script> tags use strict mode for the entire page?
Q: Javascript slider Image and text from php, scrollable in groups by indexes

Roberto de NobregaI am looking for a javascript solution that slides images with text, pulled from php. This slider will slide in groups by indexes in points. I was googling, but nothing as I need. I am going to make an example. Imagine 10 products. I need to show the principal picture, and a text below the image...

Q: Javascript slider Image and text from php, scrollable in groups by indexes

Roberto de NobregaI am looking for a javascript solution that slides images with text, pulled from php. This slider will slide in groups by indexes in points. I was googling, but nothing as I need. I am going to make an example. Imagine 10 products. I need to show the principal picture, and a text below the image...

yes, that's Opera 5
I remember when it used to have ads lmao
Opera 8 has mandatory ads
both 5 & 6 throw errors for basic DOM methods like createElement & createTextNode
notice how 5 doesn't even have default styling for button elements
I can't even get use strict to work
(function () {
	"use strict";
	var test = {foo:'lol', foo:'rofl'};
shouldn't that trigger an error?
@andrewjackson I don't know.
@andrewjackson It does for me in Chrome Canary 19.
@andrewjackson Try a simpler test, like
(function() {
    'use strict';
    undefined = 12;
actually, I put it in the wrong file lol
ya, it forces strict on the whole file
atleast for everything inside of the script tags
@andrewjackson Well, yes, that's what 'use strict'; at the beginning of a file does.
well, I just didn't know if it had to be in a closure or not...
it's actually kinda new to me
There are only two scopes for 'use strict';, file and function.
I just use it all the time to make sure stupid mistakes get caught =)
I wish it were an attribute for <script>
@andrewjackson Why?
idk, just seems proper
@andrewjackson That's a bad way to separate behaviour from content.
I guess so...
unless it were just widely used from the start
<b> tags were, and still are, widely used.
But they're usually not used well.
I really don't like how HTML 5 brought b, i and u back
I didn't know they ever left lol
I guess because I never used them...
Generate random password bookmarklet:
javascript:void prompt('',(function(l,c,r,i){for(i=0,r='';i++<l;)r+=c[Math.random()*c.length|0];return r})(50,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890-=`~!@#$%^&*()_+[];\'\\/.,{}:"|<>?'))
<u> was deprecated in HTML 4.01
the only time I used them is when I XSS's some chatroom that allowed <b>, <i>, and <u>. lol
<aside>It's silly how everyone hates text-decoration: underline; and wants to replace it with border-bottom. Underline is fine.</aside>
<b onclick="alert('lolololololol');">
@minitech I agree
That's some fail security =)
it usually goes that some well respected programmer doesn't like someone, and blogs about it, and then a bunch of followers start not liking it, and starts a trend
like... innerHTML... nothing wrong with it. lol
used to be, but not anymore
@andrewjackson I personally don't like innerHTML because it's abused too much.
Well, more like jQuery.
Why have
and I know I'm gonna get scolded for saying that
@minitech abused? how?
$('<div class="blah blah" style="something: one; foo: bar; argh: sucks;"><span></span></div>')
but using it?
as opposed to
$('<span>').wrap('<div>').addClass('blah blah').css({
    something: 'one',
    foo: 'bar',
    argh: 'sucks'
Much neater, much less vulnerable to mangling.
innerHTML is the eval of the DOM
first of all.... that's jQuery, it'll be slow no matter which version you use
@andrewjackson I didn't say anything about slow...
but it's a speed thing
performance should always come before readability imo
@andrewjackson Doesn't matter. What matters is neatness. Using innerHTML is usually a premature and useless optimization.
@andrewjackson booooooooooooooooooo
Not to mention that in modern browsers, there's virtually no difference between HTML parsing and the JavaScript DOM.
@MattMcDonald +1 to that :)
read the article
@andrewjackson ...
DOM is faster then innerHTML
@MattMcDonald I will...
@Raynos I was just gonna say, I need a jsperf to decide. but I'll take your word for it...
Wins by a landslide on Chrome Canary 19.
Oops, somebody already did it: jsperf.com/dom-vs-innerhtml
createElement et. al are massively optimized now
all done for today
Code challenge:
When is this valid in JavaScript?
(Outside of a comment or string)
Or is it never valid?
i suspect that i is quite valid , just you will end up with second assignment
at least node's shell say that result will be {mA: 2}
@minitech well, I'll always use the faster alternative
Nope, it's a little trickier than that :)
good thing I don't actually use innerHTML lol
@andrewjackson Don't use the faster alternative, use the clearer alternative. I can't stress that enough. People might have to maintain your code, you know ;)
@minitech ummm...
I prefer me to be the only one to maintain my code
I think it's really stupid to sacrifice performance over readability tbh... that's why I learned ASM before C++
@andrewjackson read $'s source, then read Utils'
fast vs. readable
@andrewjackson Ouch... I find C++ hard to read.
that mysterious character is coming up as this via charCodeAt:
we all need to pull together an write a quality JS compiler
@MattMcDonald Which one?
that way you can all have the readability you like, and I can have the performance I like
@andrewjackson You think you can do better than V8?
@MattMcDonald Aw, you got it :)
But where is it valid is the question? Will you say never?
I'm not talking about compiler to machine code
I have no idea
@minitech just a "compiler" to reformat, and optimize
sorry for all the alerts lol
@MattMcDonald Okay, the answer is stupid:
In a regular expression.
btw {m​A:1,mA:2} is not valid in strict mode
and some linters complain about unescaped {} in regex
he asked when is it valid
"Blocked confirm('undefined') during beforeunload." what?
all you do is return false for beforeunload, for the confirmation?
@andrewjackson coffeescript? :P
@andrewjackson What? No. You return a string for a confirmation.
no, for Javascript
You return false if you don't want a confirmation.
@andrewjackson Opera wins on DOM, modern browsers are context specific oldIE wins on innerHTML
@Raynos I'm stuck in old habits
IE used to be my favorite browser, before Chrome came a long
I just always had a hate for Firefux, no good reason.. and Opera was too hard to get used to
Q: Optimization of a javascript class flame effect

Justin808This class is used to try an old school flame on a canvas element. I'm wondering if there is any way to speed up the fire method. The class is based on old C code. LayerFire = { init : function(options, elem) { this.options = $.extend({ width : '320', ...

I've used versions 5+ and found it very user-friendly
I've never particularly liked any browser except Chrome.

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