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most pets I had at once: 2 turtles, 2 cats, a dog, an iguana, 14 birds, 20 something fish, and my tamagotchi
I ordered another laser, a green one this time.
@rlemon Tamagotchis were like...an eligibility symbol if a girl wanted to date you when I was in Jr. High.
Would have come in handy last night, I spotted the ISS.
@KendallFrey you've got a nice telescope?
or naked eye?
@KendallFrey To shine your laser at them? Or just to point them out.
@Trasiva yes
I want a nice scope I can hook upto my laptop
I wonder if they can see lasers from the ISS
@KendallFrey I dunno if your laser wouldn't have spread out too much by then.
I doubt your laser would be visible at that range
detectable by instruments, yea
but visible...
Not if it's a plebian little 5mW
even 1Mw
at that range, with atmosphere
I don't think you know what you just said
Those guys used a 1 watt blue.
1KW would fry their eyes surely
sorry, I was mistaken
@Trasiva if 1W blue works, 100mW green should easily be visible
!!youtube tourist interrupts mating tortoise slowest chase ever ensues
I meant the 1W
@KendallFrey Should, but you'd have to have some impressive tracking.
@Trasiva wow, I wouldn't have thought that would be visible.
I would have assumed atmosphere would disturb it
however I have no reason to believe that other than intuition
@Trasiva if you wanted to more than blink it, yeah
but lasers do serious damage to planes
@rlemon 1W is a lot of laser
but that is a lot of distance
again, haven't done the math
only 400km
don't really use high powered lasers
through about 10km (?) of atmosphere
@rlemon I found that lasers are surprisingly cheap, so I couldn't resist
am I correct in the assumption that atmosphere would fuck with it a lot?
@rlemon no
@KendallFrey ohh yea, but I have a lot more toys I would rather buy for $200-$400
@KendallFrey hrm, okay :P
> To everyone’s surprise, Pettit could also see the blue laser. “When the spotlights were off, he said he could still see the blue laser, which was shone steadily,” Little said. “I was pretty surprised that the laser light was that visible from space.”
there will be some scattering, but that is only percentage-wise, and much of the light makes it through, especially if it's straight up
!!youtube octopus kills shark
a small amount of refraction as well, but that doesn't affect intensity
Random thought, I wonder how much light is redshifted from 0-400km altitude
I imagine location also helps. lower pollution
light or otherwise?
both should be pretty minimal here
well there, in TO maybe not
not like I'm trying to laser the station down or anything
What is faster? string split or regex? stackoverflow.com/a/36702350/6220751
in Kitchener, maybe.. idk. I can't really see stars
that would suck
too much light pollution for me to really see stars
in some places I can see a few
but that is on the out skirts of the city
hello everyone i've got alittl problem can anyone help me?
@lenart95 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Getting home from hockey at like 1am in January, dead still and clear as crystal.... omg
my family has a farm in barrie/simcoe county
you can see the stars real nice out there
@KendallFrey Yea, the blue was visible, but it wasn't like eye damaging.
i m trying to run a .js file on my Ubuntu VPS but i get error everytime throw err;
!!learn code or movie
@TodoPertin Command code learned
Error: Cannot find module 'is-property'
!!forget code
@rlemon Command code forgotten.
@TodoPertin Now you fucked up.
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@IndrajithIndraprastham Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
!!code or movie
@TodoPertin code
I ought to try this other experiment I thought of with my red laser
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@IndrajithIndraprastham Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
did you know it's possible to make interference fringes with a mirror?
I pressed ctrl + k .
@KendallFrey how powerful did you get?
my red is advertised as 300mW
@IndrajithIndraprastham did you have selected your text before doing that ?
haven't measured
Ordered a 500mW green
so a few motors and a track and an arduino/rpi
make a word burning bot
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@IndrajithIndraprastham Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@IndrajithIndraprastham separate text from code, doesn't work if you combine them.
forgive me. I did not mean to mess anything up. I was just trying to have @CapricaSix tell me to learn code or watch movie.
idk if it's possible to get 1W in anything but blue, at least not without spending hundreds
Hope this is formatted.

function min(num1, num2){
(num1 < num2) ? return num1 : return num2;

console.log(min(2, 4));
// → 2
function min(num1, num2){
 (num1 < num2) ? return num1 : return num2;

console.log(min(2, 4));
// → 2
oo man
what was the question?
function min(a,b) { return Math.min(a,b) }
yea.. this code wont work.
@rlemon I've been wanting to do something like that, specifically with a scanning mirror, but those are too expensive
cant use return in terniary operator?
the return should be first
indrajith enter your code between "" and ""
return a ? b : c;
@IndrajithIndraprastham what does the console say?
arduino sounds really cool though, and I could program in stuff for it and use a cheap mirror
or just tell him
that's cool too
@KendallFrey ohh man, I love arduinos
@KendallFrey i'm using an arduino at work
so cheap
SyntaxError: expected expression, got keyword 'return
I doubt I'd be able to get really fast motors though
@rlemon ReferenceError
@IndrajithIndraprastham return is a statement, not an expression
but if so I could make vector graphics
!!google javascript ternary return
@KendallFrey why would you need fast?
the wood burn isn't that fast (according to youtube)
oh I wasn't talking wood burn
you can get steppers for like $6.50 per (with drivers)
I kinda doubt I'll be able to burn wood though
my red didn't do anything to black paper, at least not unfocused
function min(num1, num2){
 return (num1 < num2) ?  num1 : num2;

console.log(min(13, 4));
// → 2
this works :D
!!tell IndrajithIndraprastham mdn Math.min
@IndrajithIndraprastham Math.min()
const {min} = Math;
console.log(min(13, 4)); // this works too
yea. it is an exercise in a book.
Oh, cool, now make it work for 5 numbers.
just making sure you knew
imgur.com/gallery/Vzkkibv how do you literally run in the only direction that's gonna fuck you up
> You see Ivan when you pull the tree in your direction, the tree will fall in your direction. This is how physics work.
omg the russian memes
@SterlingArcher then there is this: i.imgur.com/fnoWwLL.gifv
Q: What's the deal with this vase?

tox123Why do the horses have too many legs? They appear to have an extra set, why is this?

if you can, help me know: does overriding too many css styles result in Google Pagespeed Insights saying "Prioritise visible content"?
@rlemon Mother of jesus
holy tight butthole batman
it was a great reflex
function min(num1, num2, num3, num4, num5)
  var stk= [num1,num2,num3, num4, num5];
  var big = stk.pop();
  for( var i = 0; i< 5; i++)
  { var tmp = stk.pop()
    if(big > tmp)
      big = tmp;

  return big;

console.log(min(13, 4, 5 ,6 , 7));
// → 4
note elegant though.. :D
Being scared makes your asshole clench. Being scared makes you poop. This universe makes no sense.
being scared makes you poop, being intelligent makes us clench to hold it in
@IndrajithIndraprastham Your loop is wrong
the universe makes perfect sense
Also, make it work for any number of arguments.
@rlemon so if you shit yourself you're dumb. got it.
or it was over the scare:clench ratio
or your bum muscles are weak
or you had chipotle
Or you just felt like shitting on yourself
if you're into that..
@Zirak : It gives no error. Can you explain?
logical errors are generally not detected by compilers/interpreters. unless you write prolog
@IndrajithIndraprastham I can and yet I won't. Try to find it.
It doesn't cause a wrong answer, yet it is still wrong.
@KendallFrey enjoy yourself
@Zirak : is there something wrong in the logic?
Your loop is wrong
They're taking the hobbits to Isengard
> My ass felt as if i was in prison for 3 years with a cellmate known only my [sic] Big Papa.
Obviously fake but still great
I really want these gummy bears
I have to pickup furniture that's not even for me this weekend... I know a way to get out of it now :D
@SterlingArcher you really do not
watch a few videos on people eating them
the pain is real
@rlemon I thought they changed the recipe for that reason?
!!afk the pain is real
it's the sugar free crap
@rlemon Yea, but I thought they changed the sugar free recipe because it was more effective than the brown note?
@rlemon Oh perfect! I'm going to order them and repackage them, then give them to my sister who's two weeks out from giving birth.
it was a good effort :D
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@IndrajithIndraprastham Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@IndrajithIndraprastham Better. How can you avoid that bug in the future?
function min(num1, num2, num3, num4, num5)
  var stk= [num1,num2,num3, num4, num5];
  var big = stk.pop();
  for( var i = 0; i<= 4; i++)
    var tmp = stk.pop()
    if(big > tmp)
      big = tmp;

  return big;

console.log(min(-1, 3, 5 ,4 , 7));
// → -1
You could put all the values in an Array in order to not have a thousand parameters
still loop is wrong?
I feel like spread is relevant here
spread probably hasn't been covered in said book yet
@IndrajithIndraprastham Actually, the loop is still wrong.
@rlemon Dude :(
!!afk Murder in the hallways.
@Zirak where's my car?
!!youtube hell in the hallways
@rlemon Charlie bit my finger
One of the best stupid movies haha
@SterlingArcher, @rlemon One of the sidebar images: imgur.com/ZTohpzs
... I..
that artist is super fucked up and I love it
That's Joan Cornella
Just from a cursory glance at one of his websites: 40.media.tumblr.com/877c28afb1a301810c391a013833350f/… (a bit , I think? maybe? I dunno)
@Zirak It's tumblr, that site is more toxic than Flint's water.
The artist in question is...special.
a bit ballsy.
nvm found it. I am gonna have a weird exam tomorrow.
Hm, I have no idea why, but I have a lot of trouble comprehending JSON.
@AndréSilva read the spec at all?
I sorta did to be honest
I always get confused when trying to add new values to the JSON...
function min(num1, num2, num3, num4, num5)
  var stk= [num1,num2,num3, num4, num5];
  var big = stk.pop();
  for( var i = 0; i< 5; i++)
    var tmp = stk.pop()
    if(small > tmp)
      small = tmp;

  return big;

console.log(min(-1, 3, 5 ,4 , 7));
// → -1
@AndréSilva add new values?
@IndrajithIndraprastham it is 1 am. y u no sleep
Yes, I have a template to create a table in my HTML
@IndrajithIndraprastham Now it just won't work and the loop's still wrong.
But I need to dynamically add new values
This is my JSON: var myPhoneData = { "myData": [{ "Phone" : "" }, { "Operator": "" } ]};
still wrong..
function min(num1, num2, num3, num4, num5)
  var stk= [num1,num2,num3, num4, num5];
  var big = stk.pop();
  for( var i = 0; i<= 4; i++)
    var tmp = stk.pop()
    if(small > tmp)
      small = tmp;

  return small;

console.log(min(-1, 3, 5 ,4 , 7));
// → -1
@AndréSilva That's not JSON, that's just an object.
hint: you are mutating the array within the loop
@AwalGarg Even if he wasn't
Isn't JSON an object? Or object notation..
@IndrajithIndraprastham Won't work, loop wrong.
@AndréSilva Is html an object? No, it's a language.
that wont work
@AndréSilva I told you earlier that JSON is just a string
It's a string. You can't have "a javascript".
function min(num1, num2, num3, num4, num5)
  var stk= [num1,num2,num3, num4, num5];
  var small = stk.pop();
  for( var i = 0; i<= 4; i++)
    var tmp = stk.pop()
    if(small > tmp)
      small = tmp;

  return small;

console.log(min(-1, 3, 5 ,4 , 7));
// → -1
So you can't have "a json"
@IndrajithIndraprastham Loop is wrong
Hm, I think I understand what you mean...
@Zirak it will bite him when he fixes the break issue anyways
@Zirak You are enjoying this are't you
@AwalGarg Sure
@IndrajithIndraprastham Not really
I'm still confused.. I'm going to read it again from mozilla to understand it better, because I'm kinda lost
I am enjoying too. @IndrajithIndraprastham hey not sure if you heard it right but your loop is still wrong.
@Zirak loading ctags table for kernel in emacs...
just tell me what's wrong. It gives the desired answer. and let me move on with my life dude..ii
@FlorianMargaine It's fun!
@Zirak if by fun you mean slow... yeah
but you should sleep because it is over 1 am.
@IndrajithIndraprastham I don't want to. You need to learn to figure these things out.
76MB only
I expected worse
@Zirak Yea, may be once I complete the book.
@IndrajithIndraprastham You have this wonderful quantum computer between your ears. Let's not waste one of Natures little miracles.
function min(...args) {
  // something like his should work I think
  return args.reduce(function(min, i) { if (i < min) return i; return min; });
dude, this is my second day of JS programming.. :D
Isn't really about JS as much as about logic
Or did I miss the beginning of this?
He wants to implement it himself
A useful principle is not to add cleverness unless you are absolutely sure you’re going to need it. It can be tempting to write general “frameworks” for every little bit of functionality you come across. Resist that urge. You won’t get any real work done, and you’ll end up writing a lot of code that no one will ever use.
mmm ok
@AwalGarg why not use array sort and just take the first one?
because sort is expensive and not even stable in JS.
!!> [1, 2, 10, 21].sort()
mmm ok
@Zirak [1,10,2,21]
Because sort is alphabetical
haha wut?
that's just zirak being a potato
(unless you provide a sorting function)
!!> [1, 2, 10, 21].sort((a, b) => a > b)
@Tuvia [1,2,10,21]
strings ftw
@Zirak ^
(which is a bagigalload of horse shit)
@Tuvia Tell me more
Hm, apparently I was creating the JSON all wrong ;/ If I did not read it again, I was going to make a huge mistake
@Zirak ;-)
Thanks guys :x
Anyone experienced in sqlite syntax? Unfortunately my code is not pulling data from my tables
tx.executeSql("SELECT Main_Symptom, max(Add_Symptom) AS `firstAddSymptom` from `Main Database` WHERE Category='" + category + "' GROUP BY `Main_Symptom` ORDER BY `symptom`",[],txSuccessListMainSymptoms);
@chronotrigga SQL injection warning
can you explain?
don't concatenate strings into SQL

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