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since when do you care about mutability in js ?
@ssube lol yea it could ;-P I was thinking about that. But as @Trasiva said, why confuse the newb with more stuff to use in the wrong way.
so far, I know that only Meredith is an avid complainer that js objects aren't immutable
Also the OP thought that using new functionName is the way to go with his stuff. I am not sure why....
@Neal then why are you mixing function types, using forEach for the loop, and assigning to arguments?
@ssube lol say what?
> The C++11 std::thread class unfortunately doesn't work reliably (yet) on every platform, even if C++11 seems available.
lambda expression then function keyword when you don't need thisArg retention
bad Neal
wasted my time troubleshouting bugs.
@Neal your current answer adds a bunch of new (for the OP) concepts and proceeds to use them wrong.
also cheeky 'you don't need jQuery' on jQuery specific questions I will always dv.
@ssube k fine. ill update.
here is how you do it with your code: <code>
here is a new way of doing it with es2015 concepts for you to learn from: <code>
@rlemon The OP is already using plain ol' javascript for the main part of his question. it seems they thought that they can only append a child using jquery
why not try this instead of just flexing your es6peen
I'm all for teaching new concepts, but the way you are doing it isn't very helpful
both forEach and reduce are es5, too...
the times were I've added full blown 'not really what you asked for' answers is when there is already answers supplementing the OPs request.
whenever an underscore question comes up, I do the "here's how you can do this with the fast, easy native functional methods. Also, here's the underscore version (it's a wee bit longer)."
I feel like "oi, there's a better way, dontchaknow" works better than "hue hue hue, es3 peasants, let them eat Object.cake"
yea, if you're just dumping entire new concepts on them it is overwhelming and they then have to (presumably) take a few more steps back to fix other code. getting them up and running and showing them the better way gives them satisfaction (and Imo) helps with understanding because they can then compare
if you post both right next to each other, the copy-paste-idiots will use the _/jQ version, and anybody worth keeping will notice that native is better
You could have done it by a simple loop if you ask me
like ...
function foo(elems, target) {
  // too lazy to check if elems & target is valid
  elems = elems.split(' ');
  for (let i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i) {
    const el = document.createElement(elems[i]);
    target = el;
for( const elm of elms.split(' ') ) {

even this, then you only have to explain a single new concept
but ohh well
it is what it is
@MadaraUchiha nudge ping @BenjaminGruenbaum
function recurseElement(elementString, initialTarget) {
    elementString.split(' ').reduce((target, elem) => {
        const dom = document.createElement(elem); // create the element
        target.appendChild(dom); // append to the target
        return dom; // this element is the new target
    }, initialTarget);
@BenjaminGruenbaum we up today?
recursing like this is textbook reduce
I updated to add some old non es5 code: stackoverflow.com/a/36697193/561731 @rlemon
What annoyed me about your answer is the fact that this entire problem can be fixed by replacing .children with .find and explaining why that fixed it. If you instead just say you're doing it wrong do it this way <insert es6 code that if copy pasted will fail in some still "modern" browsers> you're not helping anyone.
doesn't teach him how to use jQuery or underscore better, which is what he was asking for Neal. smh
@KevinB hmmmm did not know that... (I have not used jquery in a long while... :-| )
do you really think he'll see your code and say "ohh wow, I can give up these two crutches right now"
@rlemon Haha nope. That is why I removed that part of my answer. You are very correct
telling him how to do it with his requested abstraction properly would be the greater gain.
he'll still use the abstractions
you know that
function recurseElement(elementString, target) {
    var currentElement = target;
    var domElement;
    var elements = elementString ? elementString.split(' ') : [];
    var elementLength = elements.length;
    var index = 0;

    for (index; index < elementLength; ++index) {
why ?
especially the first line
    var elements = elementString ? elementString.split(' ') : [];
    var elementLength = elements.length;
    var index = 0;

    for (index; index < elementLength; ++index) {
let's optimize our unnecessary loops!
@KarelG He wants the function to return the target it seems.
@ssube You realize that reduce is basically a loop, yea?
"basically"? It is a loop O.o
@SterlingArcher lol yep
ah, ok.
all the functional methods are wrappers around loops
then the first line is ok.
but your loop is bad
and there can't possibly be enough DOM elements to make caching the array length significant
you'd break the entire browser well before that matters, so it's just more noise
@ssube Yea. True. Maybe.
@ssube not to mention the compiler should handle that
in any sane browser
dat gameplay doe
This whole business of computers optimizing code for you is unnatural. If Knuth wanted computers to do it for us, why did he invent readable machine code?
if emacs is so good then why did steve jobs invent osxmac
If Carmack could use OpenGL to make Doom 3, why would we ever need a new graphics API?
@KendallFrey ha nice
@ndugger To make Linux great again?
Instead of inventing some ridiculous new Star Trek-themed API, we should just become more like Carmack.
that is insane
and also concludes my imgur break
Mobile chrome and videos on imgur don't seem to like each other
@rlemon omg
he's crazy
@rlemon impressive, but they abuse those bulls so bad that I wish it would have gorged him. bastards.
@ndugger he's not the one who kill toros
they wear different
@ndugger yes bull fighting is terrible
but that aside, that was slick as fuck
that's only a "dodge" competition
Where they still piss off the bull
not cool
not okay
They also mutilate the bull beforehand to give the man a chance
who has experience here with tinkering sockets in C++ ?
very minimal
@KarelG save yourself, don't do it
i already have tinkered with it. Just curious if sending JSON data to local host by socket in ~35 ms is acceptable
how big is the data?
seems slow
how much of that is spent serializing the data?
I took a casual GPS data as example
@BenjaminGruenbaum piiiiiiiiing
from my BBB. That is {long: double, lat: double}
ohh BBB
yea that is fine
BBB? what is?
I thought you meant real hardware
@ssube beagleboneblack
proto board
@rlemon what's the time you expect then ?
depending on data -- transfer should be <10ms
@MadaraUchiha shame on you, randomly pinging people for help
on the same machine I have unix domain sockets talking with node, sending <120bytes
@SterlingArcher Hey, I'm randomly pinging people for beer.
happens hella quick
so my stuff is 3x slower ;_;
It's a noble cause.
node in fact takes longer to understand it
Hella noble
@KarelG well yea, the BeagleBone isn't a powerhouse
ever compiled node on it?
3+ hours...
I was about to say "Who has a beer at 11:30am" and then I realized 1. You're across the ocean and 2. I do
oh forgot to mention: the server on my pc is node.js. Not sure if it's relevant
Carry on sir
is 35ms an issue?
@SterlingArcher ugh, why even risk life
or are you just being proactive?
@littlepootis because without risk there's no value
@Loktar HA! if I can find stock large enough, I'm making you this:
See, now THAT'S a kitchen knife
@rlemon well, i have 3 toy boats stuffed with BBB's for little kids. I want to set up a server so that they can communicate with each other to prevent accidents or out-of-range issues.
that's not a knife, it's a sword
@KarelG 35ms should be more than fine then
Horror movies always have these flimsy ass kitchen knifes getting people killed because they can't do shit about the killer's weapon
click response time for many is 300ms
> ghostface canadian kills software engineer
more like "Software Engineer fends off horror movie scenario with sick ass kitchen knife"
yes, but when an action got sent from the controller to the boat, the BBB has to transmit its new position to the server. It should overrule the action if it's not OK
but the problem is, i don't want to make it "slow responsive"
ah well, it's a pet peeve. They wouldn't understand it
seriously, I think anything <500ms total trip time will be more than enough
do the parts even have that response time?
also I would love to see pics when you are done
Didn't have measured the controllers so far. Thanks for the advises :-)
BBB powered boat sounds fun
@KarelG RF is pretty fast
I don't think that'll be a bottleneck
!!afk one finger can ruin an entire day
boats are not known for their fastness
lemon got fingered
inbox adds the funniest annotations to bugzilla emails. "ADD REMINDER: you should hate IETF"
It's like rally racing, but with all the uncontrollable danger of freeway racing.
and that boat is a bad color
> hope [11:52 AM]
Almost no one uses ie. And if they do - we can say Sorry we don't support it
I love this guy
@ssube Are you saying rally racing isn't ridiculously dangerous?
then why don't you marry him? Oh wait, you already did in game.
@KendallFrey it's more predictable. The track doesn't move a whole lot.
> hope: Danni in coding there's a concept of DRY code
me: Bite the compiler, my code is dry
He's not happy now xD
Freeway racing is crazy dangerous, same as boat racing.
One wrong turn on that boat course and you're fucked
The boats regularly fly up into the crowd.
that's some final destination shit
you're actually less likely to die while racing down the freeway in an Impala, which is a first in history
@SterlingArcher i'm talking about toy boats. Real powerboats is a different category.
i've seen some at the coast of italy. They went fast.
@KarelG and then they tipped over
that's the danger of powerboat
they don't have lots of margin. A mistake usually ends in crashes.
I thought it just happened to boats near Italy
Drive your boat too close to Italy, get caught on the underwater spaghetti, suddenly...
If they have underwater spaghetti, does the US have underwater... something sterotypical?
underwater freedom
ah, yes
underwater guns
mom's spaghetti
legs weak, arms heavy
underwater greatness
!!lunch or wait until home
@ndugger lunch
underwater muslim lizard president
if my stomach acts up, it's Cap's fault
she told me to eat lunch
@ssube i knew that you were going to talk about that
@SomeGuy Last Thursday was Pandemic: Legacy. We lost...
@KarelG I don't trust boats.
They're a tenuous ally in the war against water.
ah, these are fairly save. Only idiots would break the safety measurements
like that schettino
@ssube what about hovercrafts
Suppose I have JSON object which I am displaying via using ng-repeat has a status field that has binary data either 0 or 1. I want to show different images based on the data there. Is there any filter that already exists or custom directive for the same
So, anyone here familiar with concurrently? Is it a good tool to use to run an instance of electron and webpack as a dev server?
@GandalftheWhite ng-switch?
@ndugger You didn't ask what to eat
so if I eat nasty shit that explodes my bowels, that's still my fault?
but I'd rather blame all of my poor decisions on someone else
@SterlingArcher aspects of it was bugging me in the back of my mind... cleaned it up ever so slightly jsfiddle.net/cxL1qLw1/3
@rlemon Oh, by the way. Trudeau dropping the mic on that snarky reporter? Do you guys have anymore smart politicians we can have for this election please?
@Trasiva rlemon is afk: one finger can ruin an entire day
you could change the text colour of the cell titles and it would look nice too
like a red to match the rest of the game
Also note that foo[0..100] and foo[0...100] are different. One is zero to one-hundred while the other is zero to ninety-nine. — Caley Woods Jun 21 '11 at 13:36
srsly ruby?
it's like they designed the language to cause off-by-one errors
@Trasiva They already gave us Cruz, I don't trust those Canucks
@SomeKittens I'd like to emphasize the smart prerequisite. Cruz should have to stop and apologize to each tree he goes by for stealing their oxygen.
@Trasiva but that'd just use up more oxygen!
@Trasiva I'm not sure you understand how trees work.
My parents have said that this is the first time ever that they're not voting republican.
@SomeKittens It'd be more productive than the bullshit he's spitting.
@Trasiva hey, that can be used as fertilizer
@ssube I have neither the time, nor the crayons to explain this joke to you.
A vote against Cruz is a vote against trees!
@SomeKittens So can his body!
Just kidding Secret Service...
you're only kidding if he gets elected
@ssube lol believe it or not I'm not a jackass ;P
@ndugger brooooo
Were you in jail?
@ndugger candidates qualify for Secret Service protection
I am going to find you at MWJS and befriend you, but I'm not going to tell you who I am
I know what you look like
@Josiah You do live.
in PHP, 9 hours ago, by astrosixer
our company uses a custom standard MVC..
PHP room has best starboard
but now we need to convince @Loktar to come to MWJS as well
@ndugger No? I've been having a nice time recently, got my old truck fixed up and hanging out with friends too often wasting all my moneys lol
@ndugger He said he might lol
Yeah, he also saif he'd have to fly, but he hates flying. We'll see
@Josiah <3
Yeah I asked if they would just let me drive and reimburse me for gas. Would rather have my own vehicle the whole time
@Josiah I figured my amazing interview made you keel over and die.
@Trasiva I was in ICU for like 3 days after that
@Josiah Damn, next time I'll try not to be so amazing.
No really, that interview was shit from my end. It was the first technical interview I'd ever done, haha.
We found 2 candidates last week!
Hired them both
@Josiah Hey, that's good! Now you just have to be a good supervisor and not pass the buck on everything.
One has 2 Masters degrees lol but asked for the same salary as me and looked fancy as fuck. Made me feel like a real jackass haha
was his name Dan?
Dapper Dan!
No lol
!!youtube Dapper Dan
@Trasiva Oh I have no supervisory role :P. @Loktar is the boss man, I'm just his partner for interviews.
Best low bridge ever. Freaking exploded lol
@SterlingArcher That's what happened to my brother on day #3 of owning his own company
Whole thing freakin exploded lmao
Was he driving?
Yes lol and he was on drugs... It has been a good 8 years and he has cleaned up (and lost the company) lmao
Mind blown, trailer blown, company blown
At least he's cleaned up. Good for him
Lmao 0.2% BAC blown
No idk lmao
why do rednecks talk about drunk driving the same way hipsters talk about being vegan?
@SterlingArcher It's the one who's like 13 years older than me so I just heard about it
it's not a contest to see who can eat the most free-range liquor
@ssube Come to Omaha, rednecks here will kick your fing ass if you drink and drive.
Srsly, you will get your lip busted and you will have your keys removed lol.
> The ethically-sourced Coors Lite in my cup holder is from a local farm and just so much better than global brands that reinforce the patriarchy.
@ssube I saw a car load of people on I80 the other day ripping like a 2 foot bong.... That seems to be the bigger issue in Omaha because decriminalized lol
Obligatory pic of jhawins truck following lmao
Cause it got fatter yesterday
bugs.irssi.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=310 wow. 11 years old and still labelled "unconfirmed".
I am still alive, just never around cause I don't have any pings and have been keeping pretty damn busy. See those of you that come at MWJS!
> This artisanal small-batch meth is really encouraging the community to pursue paradigm-shifting art projects with an ethical background and really bring the community together more than our one iPhone ever could.
> My Coors was made from natural spring water, and the glass from organic sand that has been untouched by anyone except for those of an ancient monk monestary. The hops are 100% organic. Once the beer has properly fermented and gained it's appropriate water like taste, it is sealed and delivered directly by my local distribution center representative. He's a 6' blonde hair, blue eyed blue collar man that appreciates and knows what it means to work a proper 9-5 job.
@AwalGarg just use a terminal multiplexer oh, nvm
> blue collar man that appreciates and knows what it means to work a proper 9-5 job.
so not hip
take a bunch of phrases from hipsum.co and mix them with stuff rednecks do, like trucks and meth
> Single-origin free-range lifted truck
Drinking Coors is like a canoe. It's close to fucking water.
@Trasiva I can't take seriously anyone who can't spell monastery.
@KendallFrey Oh my gawd, I mispelled that!
And I can't fix it.
@KendallFrey still better than using digits for small numbers
@ssube I wasn't aware we were using AP numerical rules.
abbreviations are for plebs short on letters. It's "let them eat cake," not "u wnt sum cak?"
Associated mother fucking Press. Happy now?
and that's how fortran programmers learned to talk
@littlepootis just ftr I am still alive and I jumped a lot in the evening to see if anything weird happens. I am fine dude :D
@ton.yeung Oh, I figured out the goal things over the weekend if you didn't.

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