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@rlemon Just created a new VPN on DigitalOcean, netflix shows with the proxy error :(
They either have me flagged or DO's IPs flagged
@BenFortune I use Private Internet Access
if my vpn gets blocked, I switch to a new ip/server
does it work with fire tv?
which hasn't happened to me, but the gf mentioned something about it
no clue
I might be getting a free AWS server courtesy of my brother soon :D
Fire TV doesn't support VPN, fucking why
it's android
@SterlingArcher like the AWS free tier stuff?
@rlemon Shitty proprietary modem/router :(
otherwise get a new router and flash dd-wrt
dd-wrt is great
PIA is like $3/mo
worth it (for me)
Is it quick?
the best router evar
fast enough
Not buying a $300 router just to watch netflix lmao
still get 1m/s+ downloads
@ssube no, I think a legit server
you can torrent netflix like four times in parallel with that router
he's an AWS employee now so he gets free stuff
@SterlingArcher what's that even mean?
@rlemon I have an AC-66 running in wireless mode with the SG-2220 routing. It's so fucking good.
Rogers provides my modem
the modem they give me has all the fancy 5g shit
if you're running an ASUS router, the Merlin builds are also a nice touch
since their firmware is dd-wrt with a nice UI, it's all OSS, and somebody added menu options for all the extra hardware stuff
I don't feel it's worth it buying a new router just for netflix
@BenFortune it's not, just move to a real country
well you get the benefit of having a nice(er?) router
which is always nice
@rlemon But it's going to have the VPN always running
@ton.yeung I'm british
@BenFortune you can log into the router and disable it
turn on/off
t mobile doesn't even exist here anymore
or put a pc next to your tv
@BenFortune you can set up routing so only netflix goes through the VPN
@ssube With a cheap router?
probably not
but cheap routers are for grandspas and people who think the internet is made of tubes
cheap routers cause global warming
and cancer from the microwaves
You can do this with async/await, right?
@ton.yeung 0 === yoda
@ton.yeung 1 == bla
try {
  await doTheThing()
} catch (e) {
  return false;  // this stops further action
@rlemon I'm far too lazy for that lmao
Would I have to change the settings everytime I wanted a new server?
Or can that be done within PIA?
well the PIA app I use just asks me where I want to connect
not sure about the router config
I think the app requires proper android networking
"android networking?"
@ssube like hardware better than what the free option is? I'm not too sure
that could be. It wouldn't surprise me if they put free users on the oldest boxes.
reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/4dqqge/… I can't believe I've never wondered about this question before
@SterlingArcher Something about centripetal force right?
Yeah they guy mentioned that it takes an enormous amount of force to tilt a gyroscopic effect spin
I never knew that, nor wondered about it. TIL
isn't that sort of why tops work?
I think so yeah
!!afk lunch
I spent a night looking into this
there are many theories, and many factors contributing
but the simple answer is: we really don't have a solid answer for you.
ah yeah, the angled forks
which amazed me. we can make computers, get to the moon, land on a comet.
don't know how our oldest form of man made transportation works.
Q: How do I use jquery in NodeJS v5.8.0? - I can't seem to get it to work

clxxxiiThese methods below are not working. I've seen on other question how jquery works fine with older versions of Node. var jsdom = require('jsdom'); var $ = require('jquery')(jsdom.jsdom().createWindow); //var jsdom = require("jsdom"); //var $ = require("jquery")(jsdom.jsdom().createWindow()); //va...

third time he's deleted his question and posted the same thing.
@ton.yeung it really fucked with me the night (few months ago iirc) I was watching the videos
because I had always learned the gyroscopic effect is what keeps it up
but then they proved it only contributes
mind = blown
> According to jsdom Changelog and this one, jsdom.createWindow has been removed in favor of document.defaultView. but the above code is still not working
still uses createWindow
@BenFortune flag it and link the old ones
they'll delete all of them
Can't find the first one but the other is here
Q: require(...).jsdom(...).createwindow is not a function - I've tried everything - How is this happening?

clxxxiiI'm not understanding how and why I'm still getting this error: require(...).jsdom(...).createwindow is not a function I've these iterations var jsdom = require('jsdom'); var $ = require('jquery')(jsdom.jsdom().createWindow); //var jsdom = require("jsdom"); //var $ = require("jquery")(jsdom.js...

Why would you want to use jQuery in node?
scraping, I assume
^ this
@BenFortune to do server-side rendering of html that was originally meant for a brosers
I've never had to scrape, so I don't know
I wouldn't use jQuery for it, though
i've used jquery (in the browser) for soem quick and dirty scraping
Yeah, use cheerio, not jQuery
find all links in a table, get the html with $.ajax(), and extract some data out of it.
@DenysSéguret I just make the code cleaner — pravdomil 6 mins ago
@Luggage get the html with XHR, use DOMParser, then extract data. Save yourself the 7kb of jquery
it was a one-off thing
i just did it in the console
@BenFortune @Luggage get the html with XHR, use DOMParser, then extract data. Save yourself the use of jquery (source)
I was mostly kidding about the 7kb part
@ndugger DOMParser in node?
thought that was on Window api
jsdom is available
Nah, we were talking about client-side
the original issue was why would you use jQuery on node
Yeah, then Luggage brought up how he did scraping in the browser with jquery
anyway, jQuey in node for new code? eww. jQuery (or cheerio) in node to re-use some old code? Meh.
@rlemon wut...
he felt like your comments were no longer worthy of his efforts
Everyone knows that white space and line breaks are sins; It's best to write all of your code in one line.
we found @crl's sock
in PHP, 2 mins ago, by Ronni Skansing
Happy prebeccaday everyone!
cc @FlorianMargaine @Loktar
!!afk sammich
@ndugger change the background of your terminal and it's more like blackspace
hue hue
Hi everyone ... anyone with Backbone.js experience? I have none, but I am trying to figure out how to add SignalR scripts to backbone
we used to use backbone
I know how their router and views work, but we never used the model/collection stuff, because their ajax (sync) handling is pretty broken
@ssube Thanks a bunch. I have two javascript files that need to be referenced but not sure how to do that in backbone
I have an ASP.NET Web API project that provides data for a client written in Backbone.js. I have my Hub setup in the API project but I am not sure how to add the SignalR script references to a Backbone.js app.

Here are the script files I need to use in the client ...

<!-- Reference the jQuery library. -->
<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.6.4.min.js" ></script>

<!-- Reference the SignalR library. -->
<script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.1.0.min.js"></script>

<!-- Reference the autogenerated SignalR hub script. -->
@webworm that's not something backbone knows or cares about or controls
Surely there must be a way to include these scripts into a Backbone SPA
sure. Include them like anything else.
it has nothing to do with Backbone, though
There is no HTML in the backbone app so I cannot use <script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
There's definitely some HTML somewhere, or you wouldn't be able to load and run backbone.
even a single page app still needs a page
Is there some syntax that backbone uses to import script files?
No. Backbone has nothing to do with importing scripts.
just use jquery
Backbone because that is what the Client UI guys chose. I work on the API (C#, etc ..)
You should find different UI guys
!!afk sandwich
Thanks for the help
@webworm Include SignalR and friends in the same place you're including Backbone itself.
Q: fingerprint scanner on my website

Adefila Sammy T-kI'm developing a web application and I want to have a secure area where staff can only sign in with their finger print. Can anyone help me with fingerprint reader script that can do this?. This web app is for clock in and out of employee's. I don't won't to use password login, if I use a passwor...

I want one!
@Neal in PHP no less
@Neal Is it even possible?
@IanGabes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Are there any HTML5 apis for it?
@IanGabes ;-P
@BenFortune actually yes
@BenFortune Lol I have no idea.
but you rely on the local machine to do most of the authentication, so it's not useful for webapps, really
@ssube Please do share, because my new phone has one and I want to play
it's the same principal as a Kerberos domain
@ssube Yea, but prob a js API no?
how much entropy do fingerprint scans have anyways?
you log into the local machine via fingerprint, that is treated as a particular set of credentials when fetching the kerberos ticket, then the ticket is used to sso into each app
@ssube So it'd have to be some sort of android app in my case?
Wonder if I can create some sort of centralized auth with a fingerprint reader and SSO/OAuth
@BenFortune Kerberos
it's a thing already
it's how you log in to a windows or linux (freeIPA) domain
if you're logged into a domain, your browser can pick up the ticket and send it to apache, which can turn it into a remote user token (authenticated principal DN) for the webapp to use
tl;dr: if your linux machines are connected to a freeipa server, you can make gitlab do automagic auth and key handling. It's really nice.
will vanilla js be able to query select like this yet soon:
'#mainDiv > div:eq(0) > div:eq(1)'
TIL meteor is supposedly going to not necessarily exist as a program anymore, but will become just an NPM package
npm install -g meteor
should give you the program
assuming they are not idiots
hello,I'm new and first time chat here,can any one help me please,,,I'm begginer
@Saira Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok soory
My question is here is website coursera.org/specializations/python ,when i click on more in page then new page detail come,how can i do this using javascript
hello everyone
@SuperUberDuper what's eq? Some made up jQuery selector?
If eq is a built-in CSS selector, vanilla DOM can do that already, yes
ah, apparently eq is the child
yes, you can do that with nth-child
@ndugger My question is here is website coursera.org/specializations/… ,when i click on more in page then new page detail come,how can i do this using javascript
document.querySelector('#mainDiv > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2)') // @SuperUberDuper
@Saira Please do not just ping random users and ask them to answer your questions
Please refer to the rules javascriptroom.github.io/rules
@SuperUberDuper the difference between jquery's "eq" and the vanilla "nth-child" is that eq is 0 indexed, while the vanilla equivalent starts at 1
Small difference
It can be annoying
but yeah, small
does eq take nX modifiers?
nth-child(2n+1) etc
I have no idea
I don't know much about jQuery these days
I would assume it didn't
but I could be surprised right
having not gotten into Map's yet, if I'm just using an object as a lookup table for later. should I consider using a Map instead?
I highly doubt i'll need to iterate it later. but idk
@rlemon Yes, because of hasOwnProperty
Map lets you skip all the stupid stuff you might have to do with objects
I suppose what I'm really asking is, is there a downside to using Map I'm not seeing?
Longer syntax
Map can be quite a bit faster
https://twitter.com/realDonaldJS hahahah
"Make Javascript great again" lol
@JanDvorak longer?
.set(key,val) vs [key] = val
slightly longer
but not a issue
@rlemon You gotta download a full CLI program actually, it's super annoying. I don't get why it's not an NPM module that you just run
@rlemon eq doesn't take a nX mod. You could make it take one via iterating and modify the i value passed to EQ it could work. Otherwise .nth-child() should work fine
okee dokee map it is
the map syntax is shorter on get, if you take hasOwnProperty into account
get or has
yea I like has
normally I'd use key in obj
@KendallFrey this image always makes me sweat nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/s84-27018.jpg
it was a "test" flight
I wouldn't want to be the one doing that :/
5000x5000 warning
how to make sure elements of one div don't overlap onto another when display width changes
elements do contract and fit properly
but they go over the preceding division
depends on the situation
@JanDvorak but the url says 'thumbnail'
if that's the thumbnail I want to see a computer able to display the full image
how you solv ethe problem depends on what the problem actually is. so far you've just told us that some content is overlapping some other content.
why is it overlapping? what's causing it to? what restricts the size of the containers? how are they laid out?
jsfiddle.net/crl/qKtra/134 why this is bitching, the promise.all
"bitching" in what way?
not working
i see one image sent to the result window, two are 404'd, and then another success that wasn't printed
@easterlyirk cinnamons — Neal 1 hour ago
Promise.all is a bitch, only return a fail if one fail
@crl Look at the errors in the console man...
@rlemon Yep, playing KSP makes that a pants-shitting image
@crl It doesn't like that you did not have a fail case. I added one jsfiddle.net/maniator/qKtra/136
I am trying to do a POST from AngularJS to localhost:8001/some-test-service because a backend api app is running on port 8001, though node/angular are running on port 9000. Angular is thus changing the request to http://localhost:9000/8001/some-test-service, and the POST is thus failing. Can anyone suggest how to fix this?
I have been working on this for a couple days. The problem seems to be a simple config setting to direct POST requests to a different app. But no one has responded to a posting that I made a day ago, and that I have been steadily updating with my ongoing research. The posting is:
Q: Specifying backend url in AngularJS/Node.js/Grunt front end

CodeMedAn AngularJS app is running on Node.js on a devbox at port 9000, and a Spring Boot backend is running on the same devbox on port 8001. The Node.js installation uses yeoman, express, grunt, and bower. How do I specify what port should be used by the AngularJS/Node.js front end when making REST...

@CodeMed the url you are using to post is wrong.
are you sure it isn't currently posting to http://localhost:9000/localhost:8001/some-test-service? because that's what it should be, given your code.
@KevinB The url that caused the response in my comment above is: $http.post('8001/some-test-service', funcJSON).then(..)
yeah, that's not the url you would use to post to localhost:8001
The raw request headers in firefox areL
Host: localhost:9000
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-XSRF-TOKEN: 06c7284f-e96a-4e92-840f-1f5d10b1c0a3
Referer: http://localhost:9000/
Content-Length: 15
Cookie: _ga=GA1.1.816262565.1455586790; JSESSIONID=0A4EA6702A946546E2934A9F6BFE7876; XSRF-TOKEN=06c7284f-e96a-4e92-840f-1f5d10b1c0a3
What url would you use to post to http://www.example.com
I am new to AngularJS. I have been running Angular app inside eclipse and bundled in the same JAR as the backend. So all I had to type was /some-test-service.
I just ported the Angular part out to Node.js on the same devbox, so POSTing to anything outside is new to me, and I cant seem to find documentation, though the OP I linked to above shows I have done a ton of research.
with http, particularly in web browsers, urls have different ways of being referenced: absolute, protocol relative, origin relative, or path relative. http://example.com/foo, //example.com/foo, /foo, or ./foo and foo
your path, localhost:8001, doesn't have a protocol, therefore it's being treated as path relative
so 8001 or localhost:8001 is being translated to http://localhost:9000/8001/some-test-service
Doesn't the $http.post part of $http.post('8001/some-test-service',...0 address that?
it uses whatever url you give it
this is part of why absolute URLs are typically a good idea

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