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this sucked really bad long time ago
but it's super powerful now
their website hijacks my scrolling; no thanks
automatically not interested
smooth scrolling script bullshit
are you speaking to me?
you can disable that
Why would I have to do that? They should just not use terrible scripts on their website
yea, the scrolling sucks, but that's the marketing page. as long as the product is not a choppy mess.
well, that's not even close to real fucked up performance issue like 3 years ago
no performance issue anymore
which is good news
and much more features
cloud 9 is pretty cool
I remember when they first came out
was revolutionary for the time
iirc they were using canvas for the area where you type
it literally took 5 seconds to write 1 character when you have too much code or your browser is bad
or slow
idk how it works now but it's doesn't have that issue anymore
their text editor is available to embed (and open source): ace.c9.io/#nav=about
I've used Ace in a project before. It was pretty decent
code mirror isn't bad
im gonna propose to try out cloud 9 for next small scale project if we have any
basically we don't need docker anymore if we rely on cloud 9
As opposed to using your local editors? What does c9 bring you? I'm not against it, just curious.
well, biggest feautre it offer is environment encapsulation and collaboration
komodo IDE
you can get some of that with vagrant and.. um.. any screen sharing app. :)
But yes.. I see the appeal.
You'll have to see how it is to live with day-to-day.
vagrant has learning curve
Komodo has live collaboration like C9
I've never tried Komodo, though
just make sure someone on your team is familiar with a standalone dev environment, and then it should be a risk-free experiment.
an "Abort to virtualbox" plan.
that's why I want it for small scale dev as experiement
@EnglishMaster oh gee, yikes
learning things
@rlemon Haha can relate. Hasn't happened recently because I've got my sleep schedule under control
so, anybody here ever bind a file upload input using knockout? I'm trying to get an image preview to work and it's not working for me :) using this example: codepen.io/mrsafraz/pen/uIrwC
can someone explain why/how node js is used for many popular client side javascript projects (like github.com/prebid/Prebid.js which is run on the browser). The source code contains node specific constructs like require() which don't work on the browser - so is gulp taking care of converting it to client side? Trying to wrap my head around this process.
Yeah, in the case of client-side code, Node is usually only used to run tasks via gulp, grunt, webpack, etc. In these tasks/build processes, a module-builder will bundle all of the code together, so you can utilize separate modules.
what's the philosophy behind using node in the first place when the script is meant to be run on a browser?
Look into Browserify
Well, your code is more portable that way. Node-style code also helps with separation of concerns
is there a way to turn off all caching in specified tabs in chrome?
Taking this project as an example, github.com/prebid/Prebid.js - can you explain on a high level how the node is actually converted to browser side js?
@EnglishMaster If you open the devtools and select "Disable cache" under the Network section it'll disable it while devtools is open
On Chrome, that is
@dev_musings They use WebPack through the gulpfile
does that pretty much download everything again while devtool is opened?
I assume so
@SomeGuy does WebPack convert NodeJS to browser side JS? I don't understand much from their intro which only says it builds modules
@dev_musings Not quite. WebPack uses commonjs to allow you to build modules
what's the point of converting Node.js to browser side JS?
And commonJS defines functions for the browser which look like Node-functions
@EnglishMaster That way your code will run on both
damn... I have to support IE9 so I apparently can't use FileReader...
@Codeman use mOxie as a flash fallback
@SomeGuy so all require("") statements from Node are converted to browser JS equivalent using commonjs?
super easy to use
@ndugger it's a huge pain in the ass to use open source anything, and I doubt they'll allow Flash anything to run either
@dev_musings In a way, yeah
@Codeman Well, there aren't really any alternatives to the FileReader, so their loss
@ndugger the way we currently do it is to post to a server and render the data back to the browser
when all I want to do is preview an image from an input
That's ridiculous when you have the FIleReader
Yeah, that's what I was using it for
FileReader + moxie fallback to preview images from a file uploader input
@SomeGuy still trying to figure why make it complicated using NodeJS with so many build tools and processes instead of directly developing in borwser style JS
there's a lot of ridiculous shit I have to deal with
I then was able to pipe them into a client-side JS image editor
it was called DarkRoom
so the user could edit their photo before actually uploading it to our server
@dev_musings It isn't necessary. Some people like doing it that way, others don't
It does help keep your code more modular
You can see clearly what comes from where
Unlike in regular browser-style, where any file can declare anything, and you've got to figure out what was declared in which file
@SomeGuy that's starting to make some sense
yeah apparently I have to create a form with a POST... just to show a preview image
fucking enterprise software development fuck
Is it possible to host Facebook follow button on your own server so as to have more control over it?
@SomeGuy so in order to contribute to such open source projects meant to run only in browsers, one needs familiarity with Node and other module builders?
Could you ask them if you could use a flash fallback? It's super easy to drop in... are there ridiculous concerns about open source software being dangerous? lol
@ndugger no, I'm not allowed to use any flash or silverlight on the page
@dev_musings It would certainly help
I feel like restricting the tech is a bit silly. If the requirements demand something, and you can fulfill it with something, they should allow you... Where do you work?
@Codeman fuck that enterprise development shit brah
@SomeGuy Thanks! You helped understand some key parts - still need to do my research. Any pointers to what/where I can learn just enough of Node + any build tools required to support browser side development using Node?
@ndugger microsoft
I work on visualstudio.com
@dev_musings You'll have to try to actually make things using them to really understand them. For example, try building a simple static website with NodeJS as the backend without using any npm packages
Microsoft won't allow flash fallbacks for their own shit browsers? That's fucking weird...
That should teach you some about Node
For build tools, again, you'll have to use them yourself
well, I just found out that this page can't support IE9 anyways since we use CORS, so I get to use FileAPI anyways, trololol
I like gulp + browserify. I haven't tried the others
I was very unhappy for a minute there
IE9 allows CORS, just not on localhost... that's what I thought, at least.
@ndugger MSFT is a BIG company.
yes, I'm aware
I have nothing to do with the IE team, we have to write our code as if we were our own company basically
just complain to @Sampson
tell him to fix IE9 lol
do you build visualstudio.com? @Codeman
@EnglishMaster I work on visual studio team services
nouveau TFS, basically
we support TFVC and GIT
TFS makes me want to puke sometimes...
me too
TFS is basically our on-prem product
it causes an incredible number of headaches
this is pretty separate from old versions of TFS though
do you mean you lietrally use "Team" feature in visual studio or you work for it
have you chosen yet? ;) :P
I mean that when you go to visualstudio.com and create an account, that is the product I work on
hmm... how do you get an event to go from a knockout binding to your method call
rephrase, please. I know knockout, but don't quite get what you are asking.
man, after using promises, going back to old callbacks feels icky
@Luggage I figured it out. I was trying to get my event target from a knockout binding callback
data-bind="event: { change: fileSelected}"

 public fileSelected(data, event): void {
thanks though
now I'm trying to figure out FileReader...
can I just call .result and wait or do I need to define an .onload callback?
that is, does .readAsDataURL() block...
ah, I do need to define a callback...
@Codeman I'm going to bed right now; If you still have issue with FileReader tomorrow, ping me and I'll get your sorted
thanks man, ciao :)
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    reader.onload = (event) => resolve(event.target.result);
    reader.onerror = (event) => reject(event.target.error);
how can I make the javascript here more efficient jsfiddle.net/m6dm4vn6/1
cache your selectors
don't use jquery
better to do it with pure javascript?
I guess that gets closer to the core functions right
didn't hear of caching selectors before
I'll look it up, thanks
I see why you said don't use jquery now. Did I cache effectively here: jsfiddle.net/agraymd/0ro402to
@AlexGray I doubt you can make it more efficient.
well that's pretty good to hear :) I looked up a quick read on caching your selectors and I didn't know about that. Glad I do now I'll have to remember.
@AlexGray You could remove the jQuery statements and replace with JS statements other then that nothing really comes to mind.
You do know the CSS transitions aren't that well supported yes?
That would be a good exercise for me. I might do it later just to see if I can. I know they aren't. It started as just wanted to learn more about them, then I got into it lol
is jQuery basically a library just meant to make javascript easier to write?
and it slows it down little by little by having to store so much info?
@AlexGray a little probably not much. The browser caches most of it. $ is generally speaking jQuery
yeah I knew that much. but I mean at the core that's what's going on? I was reading today in eloquent javascript and I remember something like the higher level code is, the easier it is to understand as a human but you sacrifice a tiny bit of performance
@AlexGray it is negligible the bigger problem is probably the CSS transitions aren't as well supported
i see
have a good one!
nice chatting ;)
Alex, how is your Audio program development going?
Hi all
Good Morning
So while using webpack, should I use webpack build of jquery or just jquery?
guys any help?
Taking a little break from it, but it's coming along well thanks for asking! o/

It works by itself, now I'm just trying to learn more about JS and php so I can make it easy to use for an average person. I have it functioning as a wordpress plugin, but there's no user control without editing the code yet. Still have a lot to go there
this site is all messed up and back on a default layout, and the css for the player is a little messed up here (fixed locally), but here's a live example of it in action: http://richproducer.com/

Don't mind the site haha I've pretty much abandoned it and I'll maybe fix it up later when I get bored
that's the exact one I read earlier
that's an interesting approach that might take the guessing out of cache'ing your results, though you will need to be careful of object updates.
don't pull from the cache if you know your element/object MIGHT get updated.
Yeah that's what I used to cache earlier. Interesting concept but it makes sense.
good page for the bookmarks
i wish css had // comments like JS
it does
it's /* something */
yeah but you have to do the /* go to the end of this here */
js you can just // and disable a line
they probably make some extension for the code editor to do that
Q: How to include Webpack build plugin

Mr_GreenI created a project without webpack. Now just for learning webpack, I am including in my project. I have a following files which I am trying to build through webpack: main.js define(['../libs/nunjucks.slim.js'], function(nunjucks){ // use the nunjucks variable }); nunjucks.slim.js ...

^ Any help?
@ndugger I don't know of any localhost limitation; might have been an authentication limitation though. It's been a while since I've had to think about IE 9 :) IE 8 could do some CORS-like stuff too with XDomainRequest.
Hrm, more kicks without timestamps...
Any webpack professionals here to help me with the above question?
Hi All, I am new to JS
I have an assignment - can anyone tell me where all the resources ( image files ) stored in a JS Project
also I want to refresh a page
All images are stored in a folder
why so silence here?
@Mr_Green it's early morning here. trying to sleep with opened eyes
@Mr_Green Can you please tell me the folder name
@TaimurAjmal: The folder name doesn't matter. You can chose the name.
save them where ever you want.
important is that YOU know WHERE. :)
The project is already developed ..I have to find the folder :S
Assigned to fix a issue
How the heck can we possibly we know your project's structure?
yes. you have to find that folder. If you find a "point" in code where an image gets loaded you can copy the path
!!google angularjs template rootscope is null
why rootscope is null when I load a specific route first
/me is terrified
I forgot this was a thing...
funny you should mention vivaldi cuz i was just complaining about how it gets fucked by any site that does user agent sniffing
> One of the things that makes Vivaldi unique is that it is built on modern web technologies. We use JavaScript and React to create the user interface with the help of Node.js and a long list of NPM modules. Vivaldi is the web built with the web.
Crazy bastards.
It's a really nice browser though
A million times better than chrome
@Meredith how that gonna hurt
It's still webkit
The only difference is the UI
Yeah the ui is great
It's like Chrome and Opera had a retarded baby
Side panels though
lol they use cluster
I do like the tab preview though
No thanks my web browser is fine
@Meredith oh shit
Besides the user agent thing
The only problem is that it lags a bit when I watch videos
So I just use chrome for that
is there an experienced windows cmd user? I have a small question about env variable but couldn't find a suitable answer on SO
hai m'lady Meredith
learning PROLOG ? \o/
It's actually really cool
yeah. You have to adapt on how it works. It works as a AST
i sometimes struggle with the cut operator: ! :|
I've only done basic examples
i've written some meta interpreters in that language ;)
I think there's a place for it in backend development
Since you're literally querying relations
Idk if that's realistic though since I'm pretty new to logic programming
Oh neat, it uses chrome extensions
Yeah you can literally go to the chrome store and add extensions
There's no button to view them though
I think you have to either use a hotkey or go to vivaldi://extensions
chrome://extensions works as well
Shame it's not OS
No like really
Every day I'm like
I could fix this bug
But there's nothing I can do about it
@Meredith google jeoparty + watson ;)
if you understand the horn clause logic very well, then it's more easier to work with PROLOG. I started to study that logic before i went to advanced PROLOG programming
I don't know what horn clause logic is
I'm reading the wiki now
It sounds like it's just implicit disjunction and universal quantification
Or v's and upside down A's as I call them
I mean upside down v's too
lemme check if i still have that bookmark, showing the relation with PROLOG
Oh vivaldi is now in v1
i had mathematical logic as a course during my bachelor CS
That's why it got linked
Guess I'll update it now
aha tada! @Meredith
Cool thanks
I'll read that later today
heh, i was busy writing a new SO question. In the meanwhile, I got an idea, tried the idea and my problem got solved.
Q: How to include Webpack build plugin

Mr_GreenI created a project without webpack. Now just for learning webpack, I am including in my project. I have a following files which I am trying to build through webpack: main.js define(['../libs/nunjucks.slim.js'], function(nunjucks){ // use the nunjucks variable }); nunjucks.slim.js ...

^ Any help?
fakeupdate.net - no need to thank me, brothers in arms.
you can use that when you don't want to work. Reason "cus it's f***in' updating"
and here we go
Hello all can some one look into this ?stackoverflow.com/questions/36433222/…
@IrfanSyed Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@IrfanSyed it works at me ?
@KarelG .. i didn't get you .. what was that your asking?
you only need to strip the first whitespaces

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