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It doesn't work for me lol
@Luggage lol
@TristanWiley did you click the eh? button
oh you wrote it? Well shit I'll at least install it
I just noticed that.
Oh. I'm blind, I missed that
When rlemon speaks it goes into an infinite loop.
@KendallFrey I've got a screenshot for you ;)
hmm what do I need to do to get it to work?
installed it.. refreshed
find the 'eh?' button on the right
next to upload
says it's enabled
I did make it so it's off by default, so you aren't forced to read in Canadian
Kendall needs to work on that
@KendallFrey nice try
yeah I didn't have any instructions
hmm idk I can't get it to work
see the 'eh?' button
@Loktar see the eh? button right next to upload?
gotta opt-in
god dangit
now I see it, thanks @littlepootis
refreshing the page disables it again
am I invisible or something?
Anyone want to answer a PHP question?
I think people are shadow-ignoring me
what's up?
in PHP, 9 mins ago, by Tristan Wiley
Say I have a comic like xkcd. How would I make an API like that in PHP? His api is here. Would I take in a comic number such as 15, then search a folder for the comic numbered "15"? Or...
@rlemon yeah I was looking at the top right when you said the upload :P
wasn't even thinking about the upload button on the chat since I never use it
how would you make the api, or how would you access the api?
@TristanWiley comics in a db, break apart the route and make it restful?
so every question adds it?
hahah great
!!welcome Kendall
@Kendall Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@TristanWiley do you know js or php?
> Thus water is usually found at the bottom of valleys or hills. But in the comic, fracking at the bottom forces the water up, thus explaining why the kids go get water up the hill, which, as Megan points out, is messed-up hydrology.
I know more JS, but a bit of both.
@ndugger it's just a mirror
ok, this is a bit of a lengthy convo. First, in order to make the url look like that, you need mod rewrite to send all urls to a php script. Then you would extract the url, split by /, get the first element of the split array, figure if that's a #, then it's referencing a specific datapoint. Then lookup that datapoint, or default if not a # and output it.
Im enjoying this extension more everytime I notice something else it changes
That's the idea
Hm, I'd prefer not to do the database thing. However I can.
it still surprises me every time
wat? tbo.com/news/politics/… he claims shatner, but all I see is nicholson
@BenjaminGruenbaum Selectors? You mean CSS selectors?
@KendallFrey is there anywhere to see the rules for the extension?
> from a one night stand his mother had with the actor in 1955
  $id=1; //Set this to the id of the latest or default comic

  if(is_numeric($part['0'])) $id=$part['0'];

  //find data base on id and echo it out.
> 🍁BenjaminGruenbaum Selectors? You mean maple syrup selectors eh?
@littlepootis you see nicholson too right?
@Loktar Nah, I haven't published any code or anything
that is totally Jack @rlemon
Maybe once I clean it up
@KendallFrey does it add maple syrup?
@Loktar this guy claims to be shatners illegitimate son
@Loktar that's hilarious
LOL I do love this.
@Loktar I think that's CSS
refresh the page to see the original
@KendallFrey it is
I'm bad at this lol
@rlemon Nicholson's too young to be his father but yeah
oh man this is great
@Retsam a couple times, yes
@KendallFrey you could wrap all replacements in a span with data-original content and hot-swap it on a keypress??
I love css I put it on my pancakes.
@Retsam wow
@TristanWiley you can put all of it in a folder, rather than a database.
> 🍁KendallFrey you could wrap all replacements in a span with poutine-original content and hot-swap it on a keypress? eh?
I'm doing this for someone else and I'd like them adding comics to be as easy as possible
holy shit @KendallFrey this is cracking me up
omg I can't stop
dat poutine-original content
I literally cannot stop laughing
@TristanWiley lorem pizza looks for images in a folder (node, and not very helpful, but here you go!)
I wish I could use something other than PHP but the hosting doesn't allow it.
get better hosting
@TristanWiley that's kind of a shitty answer, but seriously you should check out different hosting options, there are so many out there that are pretty damn affordable
I know that, I'm doing this for someone else :P
recommend they get different hosting, offer to move it for free, and offer to do maintenance for a small monthly fee
@Retsam This isn't april 1 ytet, but I am still skeptical
hopeful, though
bleh yeah that time is coming isn't it
double whammy since it's on Friday
I hope Rebecca releases a new album that day
I admit I did check the date; but I don't really see any reason to be skeptical; this isn't the sort of thing Microsoft would joke about.
titled "Yesterday was Thursday"
@TristanWiley This might do it:

  if(is_numeric($part['0'])) $id=$part['0'];

  $files = array();
if ($handle = opendir($path)) {
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
        if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
           $files[filemtime($file)] = $file;

    // sort

  if($id !== 0 AND isset($files[$id]))
"This is a genuine Ubuntu image on top of Windows with all the Linux tools I use." psh..
"You know that thing you've wanted for years? Here it is! ... just kidding" - would be the worst PR move ever.
ohh "This is not a VM. This is not cross-compiled tools. This is native," I'll read more.
Awesome Greg! I'll save that and look into it more later.
@Loktar Friday the 13th at that
@TristanWiley they could upload the comics to a folder.
and that will allow the API to work
@Loktar but only if your users are nazis
yeah I immediately thought of the twitter bot
> Just finished my task!
> Bush did 9/11
seems kind of neat, going to mess with it for the heck of it
7/11 was a part time job
Fritos can't melt steel
It bothers me they keep talking about ubuntu like it's an OS and not just debian with more pieces of flair, but I'll take it.
@Luggage one of those projects has money and one is debian
But linux distros aren't 100% binary compatible, are they?
@Luggage binary compatible (ABI), yes. They're all ELF and use the same calling convention. Library compatible, no, thanks to versioning.
so if you have to choose one ditros binaries, i guess ubuntu makes sense.
ohh, i thought the ABI wasn't as stable as windows, too.
@Luggage but that's the perception of the windows users. Ubuntu is as much an operating system as Windows desktop is, but if you were to ask the average person, the windos desktop IS the operating system
this isn't for the average person. You don't win over geeks by mislabeling things.
does it include systemduck
@Luggage it's better, actually. There's a single calling convention and I think posix dictates a lot of the underlying ABI.
Well, now that they've gone systemd, Ubuntu is no longer Ubuntu, it's now systemd with a gui
@GregBorbonus the way you say that makes me think you haven't used systemd heavily
then it was upstart with a giu before
and whatver was before that. system V way way way back
I have used systemd a lot
sysvinit <3
and I HATE IT!
but I actually cut out so much of our initializer code when we went to RHEL7 and systemd
and it takes over everything
seems fine to me, but I'm just a 'user'.
like, hundreds of lines of shit scripts, just poof
I'm just a potato
our systemd units are maybe 10 lines a pop and tidy as fuck
@TristanWiley then you should get baked
I had to fiddle with my fstab because of systemd, but that is my only issues, so far.
I don't bake my potatoes; I boil them, mash them, and/or stick them in stews.
also, ubuntu 16.04LTS comes out real soon.
@ssube it's pretty when you deal with what they want you to. So everything is configured with their specs, no deviation.
@GregBorbonus oh, we have deviations
@Luggage god forbid you mess that up, or accidentally change your UUID. you'll have to wait 90 seconds while it waits for disks to mount
we just didn't try to be clever about them
When I need potatoes, i just glue french fries together.
@ssube it also prevents the core of what Linux is, the ability for the user/developer to modify and maintain their own configs ...
@GregBorbonus no it doesn't? We allow that across the board (devs or puppet)
EnvironmentFile man
can't use just remove the UUIDs from fstab and use normal mount points? I mount additional disks without using the UUIDs.
@Luggage yep
like any new tech, half of the problems with systemd are people trying to do clever shit they shouldn't be, which breaks
!!xkcd workflow
mount them manually?
I'll just be happy when cowsay returns a picture of Ballmer
@ssube, yes, but you take the control from the service itself.
> The program 'cowsay' is currently not installed. To run 'cowsay' please ask your administrator to install the package 'cowsay'
@GregBorbonus the service meaning the sysv script or the daemon it launches?
@RahulDesai @phenomnomnominal NZ lost :P
because both are untrue
@ssube The daemon
@GregBorbonus how does systemd force the daemon to do anything different?
queue is a weird word
every time I write it I think about how weird it looks
I run plenty of daemons where the only change was putting the config path into the environment file, systemd sources that, and the daemon loads its weird custom config like normal.
@ssube it doesn't force the daemon to do anything differently, it forces to user and developer to.
We also run a bunch here at work that use a single config file or just env vars, so the environment file contains all of that and is outside of systemd's control.
@GregBorbonus how so? The only place I've run into that was the start/stop commands having to be one absolute-pathed line.
@rlemon Semantic satiation?
sysvinit was not the best solution out there, upstart might be a better alternative.
and even there, we have one particularly stupid service that takes 3 stop commands to actually shut down :(
upstart was a fucking disaster
but talking about systemd like it's ONLY an init program is like saying a hammer is only for nails.
systemd is pretty shit
sysv is still my favorite, but having used systemd for a year or so now, it does all the good stuff
it takes on way too much
absolutely, but the way it does services is somewhat sane
it just grew like a jQuery project until it sucked at a dozen other things
And I've personally found it to be a pain in the ass to deal with it's remapping of the architecture, but maybe it'll solidify.
> it'll solidify
I'm still not sure what you think is wrong with it, specifically.
meaning merge projects like pulseaudio into it?
I've just run into so many problems with systemd, I am going to be one hell of a hard critic
but you have no specifics
I've mentioned them. The binary logs are horrible, the init system is somewhat decent. I hate all that specific configuration that you have to throw at it. the session manager is decent. but my MAIN issue: it does X # of things, which is like What windows services does. Linux has always been a build it from the ground up system.
it's like people who run Ubuntu for web servers.
binary logs?
that just boggles my mind, and I'll never do it.
it's logging system puts logs in binary format
I haven't had to screw with its logging much, besides hooking them up to our syslog/td agents
@ssube journald puts things in a binary only format
so you journalctl -u nginx -f instead of tail -f /var/log/nginx/nginx.log
that particular change improved our logging a bunch, cause stuff was writing to stdout before and we had all kinds of stupid config to capture that into a file again
now it's just all syslog like a real boy <3
> The corruption and obfuscation of the binary format has led to much heated debate.
that's your own workflow issues
systemd is an init system used by some Linux distributions to bootstrap the user space and manage all processes subsequently, instead of the UNIX System V or Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) init systems. The name systemd adheres to the Unix convention of naming daemons by appending the letter d. It is published as free and open-source software under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 or later. One of systemd's main goals is to unify basic Linux configurations and service behaviors across all distributions. As of 2015, many Linux distributions have adopted...
bah systemd
@GregBorbonus oh yeah. We had a bunch of stuff on the list to fix, then systemd came along, and it didn't support the bad way at all.
Things improved quite a lot for most of our work stuff.
I prefer task manager
@ndugger Flagged
> Hey you fucked something up. enjoy grepping journalctl -xe
@littlepootis -u brah
the new task manager is pretty decent if you ask me
@ssube yeah, it does try to cleanup bad practices, but I believe it's better to start out with good practices and move on.
@KarelG Event Viewer or Task Manager ?
@GregBorbonus yeah but real life says no
event viewer didn't got changed with the newest releases. So you know the answer
@KarelG event viewer blows. I'd love journalctl on windows.
@KarelG They should've just taken procexp
@ssube corruption of the logs has been problematic on a few servers I've worked with
Mainly bad log messages.
but ehh ..
@ssube ik, ik
@rlemon DOGGY :D
@Zirak i know that, still a question why it's not a part of the default installment ...
turns out it was trying to start a service before loading the req. kernel module.
@GregBorbonus huh, we haven't seen that yet (that I'm aware of). We don't collect a ton of logs, maybe 3-4TB/day and only 1TB of that goes through systemd.
but taskmanager does what i need to get
@Zirak thats such doggy style :D
@ssube all bad stuff about systemd can be managed, or tolerated.
I'm pretty sure elasticsearch and fluent would freak out if bad logs were coming in and we would probably notice if we were missing big chunks, since monitoring uses some of that.
@ssube but it'll be a long time before I ever convert
@GregBorbonus what if you need to run vaguely modern libraries? Can't exactly use RHEL6
Name one library I NEED systemd for.
@littlepootis I would have loved to see NZ in the finals.
you don't need systemd, you need the libc that 6 can't use and 7 can
@RahulDesai ?
@Abhishrek NZ lost to ENG
@littlepootis meh I totally hate cricket
India vs. NZ would have been an awesome final match.
and if India wins over WI the news channels will name the final as
our strruggle for independence
I hate it too, I just watch the World Cup.
ah you are talking about cricket
@RahulDesai I personally don't think there is any honesty in any form of cricket
India will probably beat England.
@littlepootis vOv
TBD if they even will face England
@Zirak did you see the chicken hat?!
@Abhishrek WI lost to Afghan..
But still vOv
@littlepootis Any true sport does not depend on statistics.
unlike cricket though which for some strange reason really favors Indian TRP
doggy is sick of your shit
he's not happy with that
@rlemon is that your dog ?

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