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> One of the most overlooked advantages to owning a computer is that there exist no laws preventing you from kicking it every now and again
Hi! Can I just enter this chatroom and randomly launch a discussion about some JavaScript topic that has been bothering me? Let me try...
Has anyone heard of http://fallback.io/ ? It seems to me that there is a need for this kind of library (fallback in case CDN fails), so I'm a bit surprised that this is the only one I could find, and it's been more or less unmaintained for about a year now...
how to find a song where you only remember 1 line and this one is probably wrong at some points
@ValarDohaeris because you don't need a library for this:
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.2.6/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script>if (!window.jQuery) { document.write('<script src="/path/to/your/jquery"><\/script>'); }
@ValarDohaeris you don't need a library for that. load the library synchronously and
> document.write
@Maurice Google search, quote the parts that you're sure of
hello, i want to like crop my image into puzzle parts and then that image parts interlock can is it possible in javascript ?
Solution: watch a mashup .
@Himanshu So, if the parts interlock, wouldn't that just result in the original image?
So, you're not doing anything then
But what if I want to do this for 5 different libraries, and also want to use more features like Subresource Integrity? I agree that this can still be done in a few dozen or hundred lines of code, but at this point I'd rather have it in a library than repeat it for every project...
not i want to like first of all create my IMAGE puzzle piece then all pieces put it into one carousel slider & then interlock . if all puzzle pieces are interlock successfully then it show congratulation message !!
Q: How to create jigsaw puzzle from an image using javascript

mdikiciI googled it but didn't find a good answer. Specifically, I want to learn: to slice an image into curved pieces to create individual objects from those pieces (i assume that i need this to reassemble) thanks.

i just use those rhill puzzle master,
but i face,the puzzle pieces carousel issue. i don't put my puzzle pieces into carousel slider.
Plus you would want a fallback for js and css, so that's already two different things to `document.write` etcetc
I feel like this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1014203/best-way-to-use-googles-hosted-jquery-but-fall-back-to-my-hosted-library-on-go is an ok solution if you only use jQuery, but if you use a bunch of js and css libraries, it would be nice to have a fallback library handling it for you, no? I think there might also be benefits in loading resources in parallel, if you know their dependencies
@OliverSalzburg my project link
i don't have any idea how to make carousel slider for dynamic number of puzzle pieces.
stackoverflow.com/questions/36280589/… - i wrote for those problem, but i didn't get anything
@ssube is it wrong to store data in the data- dom? I use it a lot for passing data from stateless components to others via click events and event delegation.
@SuperUberDuper I personally don't have anything against it
If the alternative are input hiddens anyway
Some prefer using classes for state management, but I don't like that
hello guys
I quite like statuful class. Especially when the state is visible. But I store other data in dataset, which is ok as long as you know they will stay there until you remove them.
@Sheepy I don't mind as much if there is a visual component to the change
I'm trying to get element focused in a particular section, is there any way?
That's sort of the whole point behind classes afterall
@Tarun what have you tried?
I'm not getting any idea, hot to achieve this. In case of click, moveover, etc we can get element name because of event bubbling
for example we can bind any event at container and can get event.target to find out element
but in case of focus and blur event bubling not works
Hi, got this Issue and can't find a solution if anyone interessted: stackoverflow.com/questions/36290166/empty-object-after-require
Is eval able to parse invalid JSON ?
@OliverSalzburg Thank You, sorry you have any idea ?
eval can do plenty of stuff that shouldn't be done.
@Tarun so focus works but not in the way you expect it to?
@Himanshu No, but I've been playing the puzzle for a bit and there are a few glitches you might want to take care of ;)
@JanDvorak Unfortunately I must find a trick to parse this JSON : [{id:0,},{id:1,},{id:2,},] or i'm stucked in my project. Any idea how to use eval to parse this ?
@Neil I've a container I'm trying to do some stuff if any element inside that container is focused
I can't found any tutorial on this :/
@Addict It's not JSON. Where is it coming from?
@Sheepy yeah storing data in the dom is useful, I can also implement event target in vanilla js components for more interesting interactions
i know that thing, it's just demo example. i would fix other issue
It's coming from a device that I have no control on. I can't change this output to valid JSON.
@Tarun some elements can't be focused afaik
... what kind of device?
is it possible in div base & javascript ?
@Neil i find out one solution but it's not that good
If the JSON contains no strings, it should be possible to smooth it with a simple search and replace.
$(document).on('focus', 'a, area, input, select, textarea, button, iframe, object, embed, [tabindex], [contenteditable]', function(event) {
dat selector
That's a sport tracker made by my startup.
Search and replace you mean Regexp ?
... and you have no control over it?
I'm sorry I've been coding for 6 month only. And my english is probably bad.
@Addict You may be able to modify an existing JSON parser library, so it can understand your "modified" JSON
Software hacks fix the issues with own hardware... again.
@ValarDohaeris as in, recompile a browser?
And if you want to communicate in your native language just contact Florian Margaine
I do mean regex.
There's a JSON parser by Crockford
@JanDvorak JSON.parse = function(){}
@JanDvorak No, as in, there are probably JavaScript libraries that parse JSON independently of the browser
Nop I don't have any control over it since the one who manages the device's output/interraction is on holidays, and this is my last week of internship so I need to use quick and dirty fixes to achieve this.
oh. I'd rather fix the JSON, though.
@Addict sweet. I'm watching an abomination be born in real time ;-D
And i'm creating it ._.
I forgot to mention but I'm using NodeJS and Electron. If it could help.
> and Netscape 6.
I'll just trust you that Netscape did have a version 6.
The thing is, nobody writes JSON parsers anymore because any decent language can do it already.
In fact I found something that works for me
It's relaxed-json
A module that parse you invalid json and tranform it to valid one.
If it's invalid, don't parse it.
Unfortunately it's not compatible with Electron, i openned an issue about it: github.com/phadej/relaxed-json/issues/9
Trying to "guess" what it should be is the whole reason why 90% of the "professional" web devs still write invalid HTML
Hello, can i have create a puzzle game using div element without using canvas element ?
how ?
@Himanshu Yes. No. Maybe. Depends.
arrays or objects
Well that's not how it works @RoelvanUden , I have to make this working even if it has to be reworked later.
@Himanshu By aligning elements and adding logic to them :o
And it's gonna have to.
And yet it won't.
@RoelvanUden but can you give me way how to start ?
@Addict Nobody is going to care once "it works" until 5 years later and that entire stack is finally ready to be shouted "JENGAA!!" against
Huh, that may have been a dutch joke.
Not sure.
@Himanshu hint: have a couple images positioned with javascript
@RoelvanUden Worse, if the Jenga tower falls, they just reload the save and try again.
@RoelvanUden This is not my buisness, My compagny need this for this week-end, and it's my last week of Internship here. They're aware about this bug and it's their buisness if they let it like this.
@JanDvorak but, then it interlocking ?
If you're asking how to interlock the images - just use transparent images and position them to just the right place.
sorry but i'm not expert in javascript so any demo example ?
Am I the only one who think it is discusting to sell websites which are made (downloaded) with wordpress ?
@Himanshu Just start at the beginning. First, align elements next to each other (if that's your goal). Then work from there.
@Maurice Yes.
ok let me try it first. @RoelvanUden
How can I know if an input or a contenteditable is focused?
@crl document.activeElement
fabulous, thanks
@Maurice that's a bit like downloading 7zip and then selling the software to some poor schmuck
Sure, it does as advertised, but you're still getting jipped
doesn't 7zip licence prevent you from reselling it?
@JanDvorak probably meh
@littlepootis Nice. I was already wondering how to further decrease my productivity!
blog.servo.org/2016/03/28/twis-57 oh look I am mentioned too! :D
I've created an input text and set its value to i where i is a variable I used to initialize a for loop
then I've set that input text id
@AwalGarg seriously, congrats!
and in another function I'm trying to get that input text value
@FlorianMargaine thanks! It is a subtle contribution, but I will work on more soon as I get some time :)
+        let pref_name = split[0];
 +        let value = split.get(1);
is there a reason you can't do let value = split[1]; there?
@FlorianMargaine out of bounds error possible
@AwalGarg and what will split.get(1) do?
return None
@FlorianMargaine it will return a wrapped Result on which we can do pattern matching.
Result<Value|None> basically
@AwalGarg so, value can only be "true" or "false"? no 0 or 1?
this "fake typing" is weird...
@FlorianMargaine well, the _ arm of the match statement matches everything else, but we treat "true" and "false" as special cases
yeah got it...
2 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
this "fake typing" is weird...
@FlorianMargaine yeah, but how else would you do it?
@AwalGarg I'd have a generic unwrapper for the prefs
you shouldn't have to do this for each option
@FlorianMargaine the problem is that user input is always a string and expecting the user to input valid JSON is not possible.
so we try to act "smart"
@AwalGarg yeah, but all the options should use the same wrapper, duplicating the logic sounds like a recipe for disaster
(e.g. one option has value == "flse" )
@FlorianMargaine what part of the logic is being duplicated here?
Hi guys..I'm a beginner.. and I should write a TICtacToe game with Javascript... is there anyone that would like to guid me step by step on this? I wrote some code but It doesn't work.. and even if I read the error on the console... I'm struggling understand my next move... please anyone?
@duhlol Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@duhlol What have you done so far? What didn't work? How did you try to fix it?
@MadaraUchiha how can I show to you my code?
@MadaraUchiha jsfiddle.net/r85ab352
@duhlol You have syntax errors
Meaning that your code is written in a way that the browser can't understand.
You need to fix those before anything starts running.
@MadaraUchiha the whole code doesn't work...and I think because there's something wrong with the function onclick on my markup... I tried to use the addEventListener but the loop ... don't think I'v done it right
@MadaraUchiha could you be more specific...cause I've been looking at the same code for hours ...and I can't identify the errors
@FlorianMargaine ohh the wrapping part. yeah well in future both gecko and servo (and possibly other browsers as well, if w3c comes into it) will have typed preferences. this was needed for now in servo for a couple test cases.
@duhlol You should use a text editor that can highlight those errors for you
Try sublime text
I use it already
Doesn't highlight anything
All desktop browsers have developer tools. One of the tools is the error console. Have you read its message?
nextMove is not defined
I read it... but my function is defined (I think);
@duhlol That's because nextMove isn't global, where the onclick= handler expects it to be
You need to use addEventListener instead.
onclick= handlers are considered bad practice.
I know I didn't want t use it either...but as you can see.. I had the addEventListener.... but I couldn't make it work
I know there's something bad with my for loop
Nope. And nope.
Your listener is about the load event. We are talking about the click.
but the event is the click
When you click, the browser complains that it does not know "nextMove". And Madara has explained why above.
Let's see. You have a var i in function startGame. Can you access this i outside of startGame? (Y/N)
how to click a dynamically generated div using jquery
@Khursheed Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Khursheed $( 'id of the div' ).click()
what if there is no id?
Then you need to find a selector to select your dynamically generated div.
FOLLOWIGN ARE the conditions:
no clas
no ID
If you can get hold of the div itself, that also works.
what if there is no selector?
step back... I'm your agent..
There is always a selector.
You can select any and every attached element with the right selector.
not tru
can we find the div by it's contents
only inserted into DOM there is always a selector
... oh.
@JanDvorak https://i.imgur.com/XtC4At2.jpg lol ninjad
@Khursheed You can loop through each and every div to inspect their content. Which is highly, highly discouraged.
OK, can I get an explanation for that image?
dynamically genereated div resided inside a static div
@JanDvorak but 1 picture is worth a thousand words
dynamically genereated div resides inside a static div
if it's dynamically generated, you're supposed to have access to the node reference
which is everything you ever need
@Khursheed When you create a dynamic content with no identification that you want to reuse later, you should either keep the element in a variable, or rethink what you are doing.
@MadaraUchiha @Sheepy jsfiddle.net/r85ab352/1
@AwalGarg ah, ok
that dynamic div is actually generated using JS charts
dynamically genereated div resides inside a static div
yeah I meant parsing the strings true and false as booleans
13:12 here in germania - good afternoon
@duhlol Ok. I see the changes. Do you remember my question?
You have a var i in function startGame. Can you access this i outside of startGame? (Y/N)
Good afternoon.
@sheepy Oh I didn't read your question before...
A: Do trees die of cursing in Solomon Islands?

imran haideri don't think so. because trees can not listen

@Khursheed Then you need to study the chart's div structure with the DOM inspector, and come up with a way to select that div.
@Sheepy I should cause it's global, it's not inside any function
@AwalGarg did you actually ask that question?
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@Fuiba Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@duhlol Nope. The new nextMove is still not global. Not giving its container function a name does not make it global. (We'd have many many globals and conflict otherwise!)
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@Fuiba Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@Sheepy ???
@duhlol Your new nextMove is at the DOMContentLoaded level. Which is an anonymous function and is not global.
@littlepootis why yes, I did
Doesn't that work as it says: when my page loads, give me these functions?
Who says that? Any link?
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
It literally says "Get the window object, evaluate the value of its addEventListener property, call it with a string parameter and a function parameter".
And, in effect, it simply means "when dom content is loaded, run this function".
@Sheepy ok .... so what am I missing?
It doesn't expose what is inside the function. They are still local.
I should get rid of it
You need to move nextMove further up. To the real and only global. Putting it in any function make it not global.
And you should restore your onclick code. If you erase them without using addEventListener, you can't expect the click to trigger anything.
You may want to re-study JavaScript. How did you learn it?
I restore the addEventListener as I showed..
I don't know how to apply the theory at the practice to be honest.. everytime that I go and read a textbook or I hear people speaking about concepts.. I think I' m fine... but then when I try to do something... nothing
Yes there are a number of important concepts that you'll need to master to know what you did wrong. Have you read the book Eloquent JavaScript? It is a good one. Try different books and exercises if you are unclear about a concept.
I am sorry I have to go now. Hope others can help you better.
Q: How to access javascript variable

ARUNHo to alter/access the values of variables defined in below javascript code: ( document, window, { 'events': { 'Play': true, 'Pause': true, 'Watch to End': true }, 'percentageTracking': { 'every': 25, 'each': [ 10, 90 ] } }); I tried by document.window.events. Getti...

I'm not sure what that code is even supposed o
To do
@Sheepy thank you...I read that one :)
Could be a function call
@AwalGarg you should've asked me. I spent 235 years researching on effects of collective cursing on tress. Turned out, it doesn't effect them in any way.
Answer the Skeptics question, then.
@littlepootis it sure does effect them because of the chaos theory, but the question asks whether that effect amounts to the death of the trees or not.
See the comments to your question
A normal day in the PHP room
let him explain "AJAX"
and it isn't ansynchronus jquery and so on
@MadaraUchiha they should have used godaddy servers. they support jquery and motools.
Host supports jquery, but not javascript
Yo guys
@AwalGarg Yeah saw that, but that is for a single function... so I had to write my own
@Baldráni \o
Quick regex question : how to say I want to match or not a word ?
Something like /test?[-testbis]/
@Neil How ya doing :) ?
@Baldráni you mean you want to find test but not testbis?
Look into word boundaries
Yeah seen that
But I was more thinking of something like (!?mySecondWord)
I mean I want to match if the word is there or not
That should work
@JanDvorak Hum ok
I dont know why it failed my test
But I've just try it again and it works
Nice apparition haha
Not sure if I understand. . You want to find test even if you find testbis? Isn't this what happens normally when you try to find /test/?
@Neil check that regex101.com/r/iW8lJ0/1
Well ActuallyI want to match if there is only croisiere
or croisiere-charme specifically
@Neil found : croisiere?-(!?\bcharme$)
I am using Mobile and regex101 isn't too mobile friendly
Hum I dont any other regex tester mobil friendly :(
It seems like you could just put the second half in parentheses and add ? at the end to mean that it is optional
Does that not work?
Well I think too but it seems not to work and I odnt know excatly why
Yeah this work --'
Well however its tested and rediction work
Not entirely sure why, I'll run a couple of more test :D
@cswl wat
github.com/firehol/netdata wow, this looks great cc @FlorianMargaine @ssube
@AwalGarg Neat
is there a way to select the parent in css?
.description:parent:hover .description{ doesnt work
there was a proposal
Q: Is there a CSS parent selector?

jcuenodI would like to select the <li> element that is a parent (which immediately precedes the anchor tag, if that helps…) according to some attribute of the anchor tag. i.e. my CSS would be something like this: li < a.active { property: value; } Obviously there are ways of doing this with Java...

not sure if anything happened
@Maurice would be nice, wouldn't it?
yeah would be nice...
@AwalGarg Although if I read that correctly
@OliverSalzburg does it even work if the parent is unknown?
For that to work I need to "sacrifice" my app's stdout, right?
@MadaraUchiha wat
@AwalGarg As in, to add specific monitoring to my app
"how many queries/sec I produce", "how much money my shop made"
@MadaraUchiha you can always use tee
@AwalGarg that looks like single-server
@AwalGarg I normally use stdout for my logging (with tee into a file)
But this means I'd need to repurpose them for this monitoring format, yes?
real-time monitoring is not really interesting...
@Maurice what do you mean?
I got a parent and a child element. I don't know the parent element tag but I want the child show if the parent is hovered.
I want to know the server status: (1) right now (2) over the last hour (3) over the last day
not just right now
@FlorianMargaine well it looks pretty though :P
@AwalGarg yeah, can't take that away
@FlorianMargaine It's something nice to put on the 40'' monitor that sits above IT department.
@MadaraUchiha monitoring your laptop, sure
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, also true.
I really need to get back into Lisp.
I don't really care about a single machine when I manage a fleet of them
I mean, I do, and I want to go to the details when I need to
but in day to day... not really
@FlorianMargaine Well, there is a history
Not sure how far it goes back though
@Maurice sure. it's called JavaScript :)
Installation is definitely easier than setting up Nagios :P
@GNi33 JS did the job already
@SterlingArcher , do you like this band?
yeah, CSS does not have a parent selector
@OliverSalzburg yeah, but single-server
me votes for ^ as parent selector
alongside ~ for siblings
why do you want a parent selector?
I don't have a case right now in my mind, but I remember there were times were such a thing would have been pretty useful
@FlorianMargaine Color the parent's background red when the child is hovered.
@MadaraUchiha fair
Something like parent:has(child:hover) { could have been nice.
I guess such things would give even more power into css "scripting". It is debatable if that is good thing, I would say yes. Doing all presentation-stuff in a specific section (even with custom logic) seems good.
(Waiting for @BoltClock to burst in and destroy me with an awesome argument about why that's not possible/feasible)
@jAndy CSS sucks
It's overly complex for the relatively little capabilities it has
if you had a mailValidation file under a mailTemplates folder that would be:
I don't know, I don't think its complex
@MadaraUchiha why do you want to do that? just write all your sites like this
scss and less made things complex
It's less complicated
don't be sassy
@crl last one
@crl mailTemplates/email-validation.js
thanks Gni, Florian is trollin :p
for me, all code is camel-case, all folder and file names are hyphen seperated
makes sense
is there any good syntax for using promisifyAll and import together? Like using Promise.promisifyAll(require('some-package'));
@AwalGarg but how?
@corvid No.
(Which is a good thing)
@AwalGarg That's incredibly detailed. Neat!
@Maurice If you want to select the child only when the parent is hovered, but you don't know what the parent is, then :hover > will suffice for the parent element
So if the child is .child then do :hover > .child { display: block; } or something like that
@AwalGarg nice
probably hackers will be happy about stuff like this publicly available though
@GNi33 I don't see why
you never know what might show up, it displays running processes and such
You only need a parent selector (which doesn't exist) if you want to select and apply CSS to an element based on its children
hmm, I wonder what security considerations this has. that server is pretty useless, but still
could probably be used to exploit a loophole there
fwiw, setting it up was pretty easy. and exposing it was just 2 line nginx conf
@BoltClock thank you

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