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I used to have glowing plastic decals on my ceiling as a kid
black light bulbs are more expensive than they ought to be
We painted the walls a dark blue like outer space and put stars and planets on the ceiling
I just paint my lightbulbs black
I see a light bulb and I want to paint it black...
@ndugger You guys got to do all the fun stuff. My dad just used to make me take a black piece of construction paper and punch holes with a toothpick to make constellations and then shine a flashlight through it. Said that was good enough.
Hey man, I grew up in a pretty poor family. Those stars were the highlight of my childhood.
@Trasiva to be fair that's kinda clever.
My bedroom was the size of a jail cell till I was 18
my family wasn't super poor and we still had tiny bedrooms
hell, my room now is pretty small, but that's because I choose to live in a cheap college house
@SterlingArcher Not when your sisters all had mini planetariums in their rooms. :P
It was technically a bedroom, but it was a "storage" room. I think it was... 8x7?
as someone looking for homes around, as soon as you get to >2 rooms, you gotta have small rooms
A: Difference between 'baiser' and 'foutre'

Charlie'Foutre' is only used in the expression 'Va te faire foutre' ('Go fuck yourself'). You never conjugate it, or use it in the same way than 'baiser'. It may also be used as a noun, as a (vulgar) synonym to 'sperm'.

Not in Murica
@FlorianMargaine confirm?
Land of the big rooms
@SterlingArcher confirm
well, you can conjugate it
but it doesn't mean the same as "baiser" then
My room is pretty big, but the master bedroom my roomies share is huge
@FlorianMargaine yeah. My house has two real rooms and one smaller one.
But I got custom blinds in mine :D
like "tu te fous de moi" which means "you're kidding me"
it'd be awesome if we could kick out our third roommate when the lease is up and just have two people living there, but that might not work
@FlorianMargaine I need to get back into languages. I was pretty good with Spanish, and apparently if you can handle conjugating verbs pretty easily the rest is just memorization
@FlorianMargaine You the fool of me?!
@ssube what is a "real" room?
@AwalGarg 10x12 or better
@ssube probably a window too right?
Hello, I am software developer I am looking for job
the last one is like 8x10
@JuanCaicedo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JuanCaicedo congratulations
@JuanCaicedo freelancer.com
@JuanCaicedo Juan, do you know JS, are you near Nebraska?
@Loktar they're all intended to be bedroom, I think, so they all have windows. The two real rooms have two each, the other just has one.
@Loktar no, "fous" is a conjugation of "foutre" there, not the plural of "fou" (which means "mad" more than "fool")
@ssube ah I was thinking of conforming vs non conforming brooms
I want an apartment with floor to ceiling windows because I'm fancy like that
@FlorianMargaine ahh, well I only took 2 years of French anyway
I want to find remote work
@ssube would you accept a 9.5x11.5 as a real room, though? honest question
I just recognize pretty basic stuff lol
I live in a fairly modern (late 50s) house, so it's a pretty simple floor plan and well set up for the number of rooms
@AwalGarg sure? I really dgaf
!!tell JuanCaicdeo google remote software developer jobs
I dont have profile... in stack overflow
@JuanCaicedo yeah you do
I have novice profile. But I have 5 years of experience.
@JuanCaicedo get gud then
I have novice experience but a decent profile :p
@Loktar Get gewd scrub.
Jordan sucks
@SterlingArcher no you don't, liar
Yes, This is my mistake
If Jordan sucked any more, he could change his name to Jenna.
But like most people I've dealt with the best, or even good think they suck :p
It's true, Loktar would hire me I suck so much
You're already hired being paid
I'm the best programmer on stack overflow
just wish you would show up
that's how good you suck ;)
I'm from Colombia
Hey, if I can't get a security clearance and get fired I'm coming your way :P
I'm better than Linus Torvalds
@SterlingArcher if you can't get a clearance I will question wtf you have done in your life! lol
like how many people you've murdered
does some body works with Immutable js?
I actually was wondering about this (probably stupid) problem last night: when we draw these limits, it makes sense to exempt cases with a little margin. So say the limit of file size for some upload input is 10megs, we are probably ok with 10.1 megs as well. but then, if we allow 10.1, why leave 10.2? and we keep going... how do we pragmatically properly allow some margins
@Loktar lol I'm like legit stressing. I have a clean record but being truthful, I used to do bad substances
It's been 1 year and 2 months since I quit everything though
Just come to Minnesota
eh you should be fine man
don't worry about it
There were people with DUI's who had clearances
@SterlingArcher If you don't get your clearance it's because you're a dope. I know guys that have MUCH shadier guys who have TS/SCI clearances.
Is that worse than hard drugs?
I think so, #1 because you were dumb enough to get caught, and #2 put peoples lives in danger
jQuery is my anti drug
@SterlingArcher Quit stressing Jenny before I go all Dr. Cox on your ass.
I can't help it lol
@SterlingArcher you're starting to sound like @ndugger now quit it! :p
What do you tink that are best practices in js?
joking ofc.
You should see my thumbnail beds... I pick at them without knowing when I'm nervous... and they're torn the fuck up with now lol
@JuanCaicedo using === is a pretty solid practice
You're not joking. I go through phases of being a bitch. I don't deny it.
@ndugger go climb a bridge
oh I wasn't saying you guys were being bitches, just stressing/over analyzing haha
^ at least you take jokes like ssube takes dicks
@SterlingArcher Just relax Samantha. You're going to get it. The whole process is designed to stress you out and try and make you give up all the dirt.
like, literally, not suggesting you jump off at any point
Can you not do a forEach in reverse order?
@Waxi [].reverse().forEach
I don't climb bridges, I climb mountains
@SterlingArcher when either one is coming from you, they're hard to notice
@Loktar Thank you!!
@Trasiva @Loktar thanks guys :D I thought I was fucked for sure since it's only been a year. THat makes me feel a shit ton better
@ssube was that a joke or a penis?
@ndugger if you ever get bored, the Marshall/Lake bridge over the river is great to free climb, hypothetically.
@SterlingArcher can't tell with you
@Waxi cmon now, that was easily googleable
@ndugger Do you climb or hike? Two different things.
@ssube it's a penis <3
@Waxi it modifies the array though, so the array will be reversed after just keep that in mind
@Trasiva I fly
I do piles of drugs
and then I fly
@SterlingArcher I did Google, but nothing came up for forEach...didn't think about reversing the array itself.
@Loktar Good to know.
Ahh bad keywording. My google-fu nemisis
but you can just call reverse again so meh :p
@Loktar reverse makes a copy before forEach kicks in, doesn't it?
@ssube it reverses in place iirc
@Loktar of all the new music recently, I've been Parkway Drive'ing the most
addme to co.linkedin.com/in/juan-caicedo-81a73a104 for to be in contact with good developers in JS!
And doing throwbacks <3
man I was so tempted to joke pin that.
@Loktar oh, that's shitty
@SterlingArcher yeh I'm listening to random stuff until the new AA album
Anything good?
Currently listening to Outline in Color
I need new stuffs
like at this very moment.
@SomeGuy my 300 jumpers came in
still no word on the leds :/
Some songs are hard, some are super soft, which I skip. I know phrasing like my wang.
china mail is weird
I've been on an Avatar grind recently too
@Loktar this is good :O Checking out "No Bleeding On the Carpet"
@rlemon why do you resize and crop?
resize only could work no? it's maybe not trustworthy
Oh guys, I watched Insidious Ch. 3 last night
For a Pg-13 horror, it was pretty creepy
^ check out that error
so crazy/awesome to live in a time where webgl is used by default
sucks it hit a snag though lol
@Loktar Time out, google music has themes?
oh fuck how is that possible, a mosquito in march, already..
Dammit WebGL
@Loktar checking
@crl can't remember
@Trasiva yeah @rlemon figured that out actually
but looked at the docs and '^' isn't valid
@crl Oh quit whining, good grief.
he sent me the link.. which I can't remember now
not sure what the fuck was going on there
it's a chrome extension
coded drunk again I guess:p
@crl or the code was written like 2+ years ago
@Trasiva I need to kill them before sleeping:/
@Loktar my current "top of the list" (literal statement)
@Trasiva get Stylish chrome extension
I like this song a lot, really good
@crl Why don't you just get one of those candles or a bug zapper?
@rlemon Thanks babycakes.
is the theme
guess it is an extension
but stylish is still cool
@SterlingArcher That's shiny, I like it.
Too bad I can't use it. :(
@SterlingArcher they added iterators to a ton of stuff
@BenjaminGruenbaum is it hard to write a coroutine in vanilla?
I'm confused about them, about yield in general actually
Not terribly, if you use state as flow control.
It's a pretty hacky/overly simplistic way of writing them, but gives you the idea.
@crl 9 LoC, and I'd explain it but honestly I already did it like 30 times here and it takes like an hour so I'll wait for someone else to step up
ok, np, thanks
I should have read it more
Yeah it's missing the last step
can't it be done with yield and function* too and something like for of? oh I guess no,
but I did find this :D
function spawn(gen) {
    var it = gen();
    return Promise.resolve().then(function pump(v) {
         const {done, value} = it.next(v);
         if(done) return value;
         return Promise.resolve(value).then(pump, it.throw.bind(it));
@rlemon Man, Punch Out has gotten weird....
thanks :) will test, nicely recursive

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