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!!youtube ace of base all that she wants
JS still doesn't have a simple clone thing does it?
it's a garbage language for garbage people
True that
funny, garbage smells a lot like money
and its spec doesn't even try to do collect that garbage.
@rlemon garbage men are well paid, iirc
@rlemon I smell something alright
Can't you use Object.assign to clone?
they are city workers. city workers are always well paid (here)
works pretty well @PeeHaa
Q: How to publish a website on internet

Nemanja ZunicI'm new to web programming and I made my first Java Dynamic Web Project. It's fully functional website with html, css, js, etc etc. So say I want to make it available on internet for all the World to see. Where should I start? Explain as simply as possible, please. And would like my own website n...

I hate going to the dump. I something is always rotting corpsy smelly there it's awful
Even the scrapyard, it smells like a pack of dogs died 5 weeks ago
@rlemon <3
@SterlingArcher I mean, that's probably what happened
@rlemon plus you get a bonus every day, with all the drugs and babies and stuff people throw out
.. .____.
like you've never left a baby in a dumpster @SterlingArcher
he's made a baby behind a dumpster, does that count as leaving it there?
I've found your babies and your eyebrows in every dumpster from here to Hanoi
Several, actually, but that's irrelevant
@MadaraUchiha nudge
@CapricaSix Thanks darling
no prob bob
If something returns a strange response (that is, not standard node response), what do you guys recommend for promisifying it? Manually using Promise constructor?
Promises. Don't use the promise constructor if you can help it. Do give us an example.
Wait what?
new Promise is bad?
so saith @BenjaminGruenbaum
if you already have a promise, yes,
it's not always bad, but if you can use Promise.try or Promise.resolve, that's better
you may still need new Promise for particularly async stuff (is my understanding)
oh crap. Any idea why the second instance substract the number of particles from the second instances?
@ssube When it has an error, it returns { message: { code: '[SOME.CODE]', message: 'Something bad happened' }, reason: 'some other message' }, which means when it is promisified it doesn't show a useful error
my guess would be it has something to do with this.elem = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
(For reference, the package in question is node-easypost)
Quick poll: Do you guys feel like the room "stigma" has improved somewhat significantly since we organized the ROs?
@KevinB you might be right.
This room had a stigma?
Store your particle divs as you create them, rather than selecting them from the dom
ok that wasnt the issue
@corvid I'd use Promise.try and check the return for the error struct, then convert that to a real exception.
if you look at the source, you can see that it's only working with 20 of the appended divs, the rest don't even get a background color.
@SterlingArcher Do you want an honest or diplomatic answer?
Ah you are right
the number of divs changes + order
@BenCraig honest
Because it gets confused with the indexes etc
Call me out if it requires it -- I won't pitch a fit, I know I'm very chat chatty with off topic material :P
Both instances are using the same set of nodes
@SterlingArcher A lot of the problem was general anger and ROs attacking random users, which is getting better, but was still a pretty big problem until last week. Hopefully it will start improving now that we cleaned up the RO list a little bit.
@SterlingArcher I think the organizing of the ROs caused way more RO drama and crap (which polluted the room like crazy) than was really necessary
@ssube agreed
@BenCraig also agreed. The jhawins thing was way more dramatic than it should have been
what do you mean by organized the ROs
the whole github thing?
@SterlingArcher it was so dramatic because we put it off for so damn long
@KevinB the github thing
eh, i haven't been around long enough to really compare with vs without
I dont even have access to that, so you guys were all up in arms in here about something most of us couldnt even see
@ssube kind of like built up tension that snapped on a smaller topic?
having an RO randomly call people fags mid-sentence was not helping room culture
I feel like most of the time it still feels the way it did when I started coming here ~2 years ago
Anyone have a front-end in Angular by any chance?
@BenCraig yeah -- we made a vote to have those sorts of issues in public so that context could remain
Morning @Jimbo
@BenCraig now, is that good or bad?
@PeeHaa Wait, what room am I...
If it was bad I wouldnt have come back
@Jimbo I'm a whore
@Jimbo there are a few folks here who do Angular, not sure if they're in atm
We may be off topic as fuck, but this room is one of the best places on the internet for JS help regardless of trolling
Front-end dev just told me that in order to use angular routes (I'm not a front-ender), it requires a web server . But it's a front-end thing. Can someone clear up my confusion, why on earth would a front-end need access to a backend in this instance? He said "for routing"
I'm a bit versed in Angular, but I'm still learning it myself. Go ahead and ask your question @Jimbo
i uh, have an app that uses angularjs
angular routing shouldn't involve the server
@SterlingArcher Agreed. I learn a lot by just googleing what you folks are talking about - and get some funny stuff posted by other people. I think its good atleast
well... you need a webserver if you want to use HTML5 routing (with push state etc) while allowing bookmarking.
because you'll need all routes past root to serve the index.html if it isn't a request for an asset.
Well I do know that we're going to be using #hashtag stuff :-)
@KevinB you mean routing with slashes instead of hash routing?
@Jimbo as far as I know, you don't need a webserver to have angular do routing
I did lots of angular stuff and suffered enough pain to declare that it is the worst.
@ssube yes
Just use the $routeProvider.when
You don't lol
how would it work without? you'd refresh and get a 404
.when('/der[', {
    controller: 'derpController',
    templateUrl: 'something-something-darkside.html'
.when('/herp', {
    controller: 'herpController',
    templateUrl: 'something.html'
    // redirectTo: '/derp'
    redirectTo: '/'
I'm still having issues with exceeding the call stack. I've tried different combinations of functions and still not working...not sure what I should be doing.
myFunction(array) {

  for (var j = 0; j <= array.length-1; j++) {

    // line 1
    // line 2

    if () {

      // line 3

      // how-to run everything inside the loop again?



Hookup a routeProvider like this, and it will render those templates, each one with a custom controller to get the webserver stuff @Jimbo
@KevinB is it a good idea to do array.push(elem[i]) ?
@KevinB Oh yeah
it stores a reference
right, but... if you go directly to /derp, you won't execute angular at all or get html @SterlingArcher
@Waxi if you want to conditionally re-run a loop, you way want to consider recursion
when you refresh, the server sends the contents of index.html only... then client checks url and does stuff
@KevinB that's what otherwise is for -- the default non-routed page
@Waxi you don't run the loop again. Doing so is your problem.
let the loop loop
server is setup to always reply with index.html no matter what
right, but that won't even get executed if the index.html isn't loaded and you instead get a 404 from whatever server you're using to serve index.html
@SterlingArcher If the route has changed and you refresh, you won't even get your angular code. Unless a server catches all routes and serves it
@SterlingArcher I thought recursion was my issue and that I needed iteration?
Are we not talking about client-routing vs. server routing?
@Waxi I don't know
More routing without a backend
the point is you need some kind of server routing, if you're going to use html5 mode routing in angular.
But i think it's a pointless argument, since @jimbo says they're going to use # routing
if anybody likes Orange is the prison show and edm:
@KevinB Yep that's what we're using
@Waxi what's your data look like?
which won't require any special routing on the server other than your typical serving of static assets.
in ECMAScript, 43 mins ago, by ndugger
Is some sort of Observable going to make it into the ES spec? I can only recall Object.observe, and cannot find a source indicating some sort of formal Observable proposal. I figure you guys might have a link to something?
Like a mutation observer?
@ndugger Observable is more generic than Object.observe. Rx uses Observables, but Object.observe got ditched cause it was a real bad idea.
@ssube I have an array of objects with like 5-6 properties each. The problem from what I gather is when I try to run a loop until a condition is met. I've tried the while, I've tried functions, just can't get it.
@Waxi you should post your data and your loop in a fiddle
because clearly your objects have some circular references or something
!!afk what do I want to eat
@ssube Yeah, I recall that much, but is there some sort of spec for whatever "Observable" is? I know RX has their own, I'm just curious if something like it is geared for standards
Thanks for the input guys
Was just weird to me that we needed a back-end for front-end stuff
@ssube still waiting for the observable spec to mature :( fuck tc
@ndugger I don't think it is. It's not a super new pattern, but it's not a super popular one either.
@BenjaminGruenbaum whatever happened with the work jhussain etc. were doing to get observables into ES? the gh repo doesn't seem to be going anywhere (except for async iteration discussion)
@ndugger nice "website" mentioned in your profile.
Oh, you like my portfolio? nickdugger.com thanks!
github.com/zenparsing/es-observable last commit 14 days ago. sigh
seriously, you buyed a domain just for getting our asses with rebecca every friday?
@ssube hastebin.com/ahovovapid.php The issue is line 276. I need to do what the function above did, and run the code inside the current function.
benji leave node and work on this plx
@AwalGarg I know you have me ignored, but thanks for the link that I was literally just asking for, so you must have unignored me to see what I was talking about...
@Waxi that code might actually be cleaner if you used jQuery PHP :(
zenparsing.github.io/es-observable/… ooooh this part is now completed-ish \o/
@ssube I'm trying to minimize my jQuery usage and only using PHP to get the data since I need moment.js to do a lot of the calculations.
ugh... the variable names are killing me and the re-use of variables is also making me a little sad
I don't know if my issue is I'm trying to loop inside loops or what, but been on it for 2 days and not sure what's the deal.
@Waxi Holy shit
@Waxi that was sarcasm because those two things are the worst ever
and they would still be better than that loop
@Waxi that's some bad code right there
@MadaraUchiha lol what?
Is it really that bad? I thought it was simple and straight forward.
Without exaggeration, it is the worst code I've seen this year.
If you have to repeat yourself many times, it's bad design
I'm going to try and rewrite it, but it's unreadable, so that'll take a bit.
^ holy shit
Think smarter about the flow of your code. Try to figure out how you can simplify it without repeating yourself.
doesn't really line up :/
Dang that's depressing. I'm gonna eat some lunch and revisit this...thanks and sorry!
!!afk hope my dremel is charged :/
What do you guys do to generate unique number for bills or transaction
a server
@GandalftheWhite You don't want to generate these client-side.
Obviously not
Server side
Server-side, I can't recall if node already has the better Math.random() implementation
Usually, your database will have a system for creating a UUID per entry, should you choose.
I assume you have a database
@AwalGarg it's great, it's moving forward, Kevin is heading that
for you, I'm feeling me true... jsfiddle.net/w607L9eL
@BenjaminGruenbaum why is the gh repo so barren then? Or is it happening somewhere else and I am missing the party?
Because we talked about everything
@ndugger database UUIDs +1
@BenjaminGruenbaum We've been trying for years.
No can do.
I told the developer to draw a blinking black div with width 2 and follow the selection :D
Ok, back to the drawing board on this fucker.
whoops, I meant to link to:
Q: Why does the cursor not show in input fields for Internet Explorer?

dotNetBlackBeltI have several html input fields on my web form. When I tab back and forth the field that has focus does not show the blinking cursor when using Internet Explorer, but does when using Chrome, Safari or Firefox. The text fields initially show watermark text when not in focus. I have spent days Go...

@Waxi this is what I have so far: jsfiddle.net/oms22fc3
it's nowhere near done
if it's an IE question, my go to guy is always Sampson
@ssube Right away I see you're using the forEach for the arrays instead of a for loop.
without going fully functional and making that one chain of maps, which would require having some idea of what the hell you're trying to do, that's probably the best I can do
I wouldn't even try... The code is such a clusterfuck that rewriting it would have to be from the ground up.
@ssube No I really appreciate this. I'm going to open it on my other screen and look at every bit of it and make the appropriate changes. After I fixDates, what's the best way of checking the condition in checkDates and running fixDates if need be? Seems to be where I'm struggling the most.
@ndugger lol thank you.
I'm just being realistic. If you want to get better, you need to explore better design.
@Waxi the date stuff can be improved too
linuxers, how do you do when you have a .doc, or .docx?
@Waxi i wouldn't have done the separation the way you did. you're looping over that array far more times than you need to.
@crl reply, tell them you can't open it, and ask for a portable format
ok yea, cloud solutions
I've done that so many times to designers who send out mac files. They get really confused, which is wonderfully satisfying.
it is an offline app...
:)) oh even greater
@ndugger Yeah I could understand that. I realize now I should have a proper function constructor with methods instead of looping through shit like I am.
@crl Libre
@KevinB I originally had 1 function with everything inside the loops, but I broke it apart because I thought it was better. I misunderstood what someone suggested.
ah the former open-office too, ok
@ssube Which way?
you can still break it apart, just.. within the loop rather than a loop for each part. :)
anyway I had a pirated ms office that started to bug :) (prepring to switch to linux)
@KevinB Ah yeah you're right. Ok, I shall redo some things.
hmm photoshop, and paint(jk) :( would miss them
@ssube Really digging this forEach instead of my for loop. It will allow to pass an 'alias' or whatever. I'll be sure to use that on arrays from now on.
a variable
with a descriptive name
plus, I think assignDates and fixDates are essentially the same
@ssube .map()?
@ssube They are, just couldn't get it to work right so I thought by separating them I could maybe get it to work.
@MadaraUchiha still replacing array[j][s][x].data with real names :(
we haven't even gotten near functionalizing it yet
I need help regarding nodejs session
I am stuck into a simple but critical issue
@ssube What's that mean?
@Nafis Ask away soldier!
@Waxi that entire thing could be on schedule.map(work => ...).map(day => ...)
Node session is not expiring on browser close
@Nafis sessions don't expire when you close the browser
the session cookie (and typically server as well) have an expiration date
@ssube, ok, I will look into the difference between session and session cookie and will let you know
document.cookie for one
@rlemon old and shitty?
@Loktar rlemon is afk: hope my dremel is charged :/
:P joking on myself
@crl I want to keep a variable alive only as long as the browser is opened
Mmm roast beef sub
After closing the browser, I want it to be expired
similar to php $_session
@Nafis session state
err, that's C# O.o
@Nafis Yah, PHP doesn't do that.
@MadaraUchiha is a duplicate valid if it links to another language?
@SterlingArcher Depends
stackoverflow.com/questions/4985693/… this question (JS) is marked duplicate of a C#
supported in IE8+
@SterlingArcher the answer on the other question isn't specific to C#. I don't think the question is either, really.
@BenFortune enclosure is done... HACK job..
@Loktar, great!
dremel had lots of juice.. couldn't find any of the attachments
@rlemon oooo, lemme see it
did it all with a small sanding disc
it's drying
spray painted it high gloss black
@SterlingArcher LGTM
Dremels are kickass
on of my fav tools I own
my favorite tool is probably my belt sander / grinder combo
or my table saw
!!youtube belt sander skates jackass
@SterlingArcher Looks good to me
ah ok
@BenFortune should be dry enough to touch in 10 minutes, then I need to hot glue everything into it
then I'll take a picture
@ssube can't you have expires=0 for cookies?
@FlorianMargaine dunno, we don't use cookies anymore
iirc that stays until the browser is closed
well, I suppose a few spots do, but just because it's built into tomcat
dammit, paint is still tacky and I have to go back to work
@BenFortune no pictures till tonight then
so "cheat food" is also a thing ~_~
@rlemon so are you, but that's never stopped you from working before :D
I can't argue it, I'm in my home office.. which was the previous owners kids room so there is glow in the dark stars stuck to my ceiling
real professional
@SterlingArcher 0:24 lel
@rlemon nah, that's just awesome
!!afk back to work
@rlemon I had those in my room as a kid. I was really disappointed that they weren't actually glowing when it's dark.
@MadaraUchiha I loved it lol
@MadaraUchiha that's why you also put in a black light.
I have glow stickers on the ceiling of my room too lol
anything that's supposed to glow in the dark and most pastel plastics will glow under black light
@ssube My parents didn't have that insight
(Or the money, perhaps)

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