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hi anyone knows about d3.js
@Shanky Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i am stuck on this question stackoverflow.com/questions/35965251/…. Can somebody help me
1 hour later…
@WalleCyril : honest opnion, start with why
anyone have a word that is like "complex", but not in the sense of being "difficult", just that it has several steps, when fewer seems more obvious.
"involved" is a decent word, but I think there's a better one.
"verbose" or "tedious" aren't quite it
"elaborate", perhaps
incremental, particular, specific?
depends on your audience too, if it's marketing or engineering, etc
if you're goal is to entice or just keep them in an understanding frame of mind
I think "elaborate" was the word I was looking for.
1 hour later…
Wonderful ^
@BenjaminGruenbaum I never cheated either and I failed in Chemistry for that /cc @AwalGarg @littlepootis
and it is very common here in practicals, the lab attendant or etc will supply either you with papers or hints. In colleges they let us write from the manual itself while the external examiner was taking Viva's
btw Benji am on 5/6th the Functional Programming videos from Meijer can I ask you directly if I have doubts ?
when you position: fixed;
where does scope of the element point to?
document/ window / parent relative element
or just it's closest parent
fixed: Do not leave space for the element. Instead, position it at a specified position relative to the screen's viewport and don't move it when scrolled. When printing, position it at that fixed position on every page. This value always create a new stacking context.
so current viewport?
Unless you are old iOS safari, which did not support fixed. (caniuse say it is supported now?)
Could you have a look at this site? Somehow position: fixed doesn't apply
let's say you want to have position:fixed for a floating element
(floating element like top navigation bar)
Hi i achieved infinite scrolling using window.scroll. But its running every page. I want it to run only on some div/class. how could i achieve?
@user3289108 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JasonMarsh Took a quick look. Not quite sure why. There are many answers on SO explaining what make fixed not working, usually solve my fixed problems.
yeah, it's so weird though
I just ended up using absolute and apply floating through JS
As long as it works :)
yeah, but if you load up like 100 other tabs full of facebook and youtube, it starts to flicker
Ah, I remember. iOS does not support fixed background. It support position fixed ok.
@JasonMarsh That's normal. Imagine the workload when you play 100 videos together. Complex website like facebook test your graphic card more than any other every day app.
Hi i achieved infinite scrolling using window.scroll. But its running every page. I want it to run only on some div/class. how could i achieve?
I should thank to pretty strong JS engine that comes with Chrome, Firefox and Edge, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to have it so smoothly
!!tell user3289108 google infinite scrolling div
@JasonMarsh That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
is Caprica Six open source?
@JasonMarsh The layout and CSS engine also advanced a lot, the overall architecture too but that's less obvious.
Yes. Her code is on GitHub.
is it fine to use her code for my company Slackbot?
where is it? could you point to me at it?
Will look into it..thank you
I forgot where her code is.
@JasonMarsh Ah, there, found it in my browsing history: github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot
!!teach hey what
@JasonMarsh That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: yeah
!!teach crap
!!teach aosdj
@JasonMarsh That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: yeah
She's slow
!!tell JasonMarsh sandbox
@JasonMarsh Please go and play in the Sandbox
!!tell Sheepy ok
@JasonMarsh Command ok does not exist. Did you mean: oh (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
She thinks you are abusing her and is ignoring you.
2 hours later…
@Abhishrek failed in what? Srs?
@littlepootis College chemistry practical
except for they told us what it is, and it was not that
and I wrote what it actually was
they put a solution which we were supposed to identify
except for they told us what it is, and it was not that
How do I get out of India?
@littlepootis you don't...if you are indian, please make in India :)
Good day folks...
Can someone give me an analysis and review of these few lines of code on the grunt-release plugin? > github.com/geddski/grunt-release/blob/master/tasks/…
My take is that it creates a git commit command...
However, no clue why commitMessage is an array?
Equally clueless as to how the resulting command gets executed as a result of commitMessage being an array...
@littlepootis you make yourself attractive to other countries
@littlepootis I am sure other countries have their fair share of problems. Just saying
Not as bad as India, India is one of the worst countries to be a poor person in. It's also a beautiful and a very historically rich country - but I would definitely not want to be a poor guy there or even middle class.
+A lot of Indians I meet (yes, bias) are focused on CS which means if they get good enough they can pretty much move anywhere in the world.
I might have anecdotal experience but poor skinny kids begging for food is not something I forget easily.
@BenjaminGruenbaum your are totally wrong...
@deostroll make what
@SagarNaliyapara well, the ones who have mediocre+ English. A bunch of people who regular'd this room in fact.
@BenjaminGruenbaum like, getting a degree?
Like @AaditMShah - if you're good at what you do you can immigrate.
@BenjaminGruenbaum middle class people live just fine even in non-metros here.
@littlepootis like getting a degree from a good place, like being a total boss at coding and having international offers etc.
@AwalGarg I never claimed otherwise. The problem is that it's very easy (for example: through family sickness) to become poor as a middle class person and India doesn't have the same sort of safety net other countries have for that. (For what it' worth - neither does the US)
@littlepootis that is a slogan pretty much in vogue because of Namo's regime in India...
I agree that India is shitty af - but bailing out is not the solution IMHO.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Owning a luxury toy is about showing your power and influence.
Also you lose all the family and habitual comfort when you move out, which is not a subtle price to pay.
!!> Array(40).map(function(){ return 3; })
@Mr_Green ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undef‌​ined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","un‌​defined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined",‌​"undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefine‌​d","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","un (snip)
But yeah, as an Indian myself I believe we should do something to improve our economic situation - you know like create employment opportunities, health care, etc....
how to show 3, 40 times?
@Mr_Green Array(40).fill(3)
@deostroll to make in India, you need professionals. We have electrical engineers working as programmers and medicine degree holders as pharmacists. I don't really want to live in a country where there's little scope for innovation.
@AwalGarg thanks but anything in ES5?
@SagarNaliyapara what?
I can move the rows but can't put it on a desired location
@AwalGarg Only if you believe that the nationality of someone is very important - I'm Israeli for example but I think that's much less important than being a person - as a person I don't really mind where I live.
@Mr_Green Array(40).join('').split('').map(function() { return 3; });
@BenjaminGruenbaum Its a good idea to have about 3X of the cars On-Road price in your bank account before you spend it on a non-essential thing like a Swanky Car. need a Crore.
@SagarNaliyapara you're telling me that I shouldn't spend money I don't have on cars I don't need :D ?
!!> Array(40).join('').split('').map(function() { return 3; });
@Mr_Green []
@BenjaminGruenbaum you don't have feeling for your country?
it is giving empty array
@SagarNaliyapara it's not about luxuries. It's about freedom to pursue what you want, and being recognised for what you are.
@Mr_Green Array.apply(null, { length: 40 }).map(Number.call, Number);
@Mr_Green sorry chat sucks. Array(40).join('|').split('|').map(function() { return 3; });
@BenjaminGruenbaum >:(
@SagarNaliyapara I do, but they're very mild compared to my feelings towards humanity in general. I don't really care that much about nationalism.
great thanks guys
@Mr_Green May I know what thw question is? I'll try to solve in my way.
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a Sanskrit phrase found in Hindu texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which means "the world is one family". == Translation == The phrase Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (Sanskrit: वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्) consists of several words: "vasudhā", the earth; "ēva" = indeed is; and "kutumbakam", family. == History == The phrase appears in Maha Upanishad.It is in Chapter 6 of the text. This verse of Maha Upanishad is engraved in the entrance hall of the parliament of India. The original verse is contained in the Mahopanishad VI.71-73. Subsequent ślokas go on to say that those who have ...
@AvinashRaj I should get 3, 40 times in an array
@BenjaminGruenbaum Let me put it this way: Just like you guys have heard shitty things about India, I have heard enough of dreadful stories about other countries.
Modified one :D
Array.apply(null, { length: 40 }).map(function(){return 3})
@SagarNaliyapara you are a galaxist, planetist. The Universe is one family.
> Vishveya Kutumbakam
@littlepootis hahahahahahah
that's brilliant
@BenjaminGruenbaum also not to mention how much racism there is in other countries for Indians - as you have told me yourself :)
Yeah, like there isn't regionalism in India.
Which is worse.
What I am saying is - leaving one place to get rid of a problem while another similar problem exists at the other place as well does not make sense to me.
Sh lives in Perth
Ai lives in India :D
@AwalGarg half the time :P
Sh comes to India lots too XD
Also, do you think you're going to get paid well here?
My cousin's a performance tester.
@littlepootis Well, I don't have your passports to detain you...nor I have such intensions...but make in India you must...for the very reasons you just said...
In India: 12K / mo
USA: $100k / yr
I don't care about getting paid well. I just want to get paid enough to live.
@AwalGarg Do you want to work full time?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Technically, I didn't immigrate. I'm just studying here in the US. =)
@deostroll The only thing I'd possibly end up making are babies.
hi Aadit!
Hey @AwalGarg. How are you doing?
@AaditMShah doing good :) how's college going?
Sorry, I'm a bit late to the discussion. What's the topic?
@AwalGarg right, but I've actually been to India and it shocked me
College is going well. I am studying three really interesting subjects: compilers, semantics and homotopy type theory.
@AaditMShah erik wants to get out of India in the hope that all his problems will be solved. I am arguing back that that is not the solution.
not that any of us are actually talking sense...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, the Indian experience can be quite jarring initially.
@AaditMShah the context is that people (@littlepootis ) complained that people cheat in colleges in India.
I was pointing out that if you're good you can study or live anywhere you'd like.
@SagarNaliyapara No he is not
I have traveled a lot of parts in the world and it's the only place I've actually seen starving people.
y'all derailed the topic
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've seen people starving here in the US.
@AwalGarg yes, that is admittedly shitty
About 40% of the food that America produces goes straight to the dumpster.
@AaditMShah I've lived in the US for a year and while I've seen poor people - I've never seen someone actually starving for food.
!!youtube Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Food Waste (HBO)
Also, the US is a bad example because I think they have terrible social policies too.
Europe ?
Yeah, I guess so.
@AaditMShah I think what he is talking about is the distribution of money in India
yeah, most of Europe and Canada are good examples I guess.
nobody can deny that ours is more fucked up than USA :P
@AaditMShah I think what he is talking about is the distribution of money in India
I get your point.
also we don't have any healthcare what so ever, govt hospitals are essentially broken as hell.
@AaditMShah Hey I am curious - how much "real" stuff does your curriculum cover about compilers? As in - is the level of knowledge that you can immediately get out of the class and start writing a production ready compiler (for, say, a small language like lisp/lua) - or is it more abstract and enlightening and you are expected to study further on your own?
@Abhishrek we do?
@Abhishrek I'm talking about the fact when I came to Delhi 5 different people tried to scam me before I got to my hotel - and for the next 2-3 days at least a dozen more tried - and the fact there were a ton of poor starving people in the street and in train stations. I realize that's not all of India but the fact these places exist is really weird.
@littlepootis yes we do but nobody wants to visit them, the doctors usually have their own clinics and spend more time there.
(not that any of the approach is better or worse than the other - just curious)
Also, the people I've heard complain the most about India are the people in this room.
Hi all ,
I do miss India a lot though and for several reasons. 1) The food 2) The traffic (yes I miss the horrible traffic) 3) The weather (I hate the winter, I hate snow)
^ he hates winter. This guy is great. <3
I think it's beautiful (India) but I just couldn't get how you'd have a country that's advanced on one end and has parts that are full of shit (literally). It just seemed so backwards.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yikes! I almost forgot about them vOv
we do have a few states with less poor people though
@AwalGarg Well, we're learning how to write a Racket to x86-64 compiler this semester. Topics covered were register allocation, lambda lifting, branching and constant propagation to name a few.
i have one tiny question suppose lets say i have my project which is works mostly with API calls , which fount -endfream work should i use anguler or React.js
@AaditMShah wow, what do you attend? Harvard?
Hey! I want to create a module which lets users upload images and html and css files. But I want to just exclusively let users upload these files and no php or javascript files for example. Are there any modules that can do that work for me or do I have to write that one by myself?
In addition, we have to select an end-of-semester compilers project. I'm planning to write a self-hosting compiler for a subset of Racket.
Like I don't want the whole upload module, I just want to have the check, which checks if it is a html, css or image file
@AaditMShah that's great!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Its to do with us relying solely on the British architecture we inherited.
i have one tiny question suppose lets say i have my project which is works mostly with API calls , which fount -endfream work should i use anguler or React.js
@littlepootis No, I'm studying at Indiana University Bloomington. It's a really good university for programming language theory. A lot of really great professors here. Amr Sabry, Dan Friedman, Ryan Newton, Jeremy Siek and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt.
Depends on your needs. React is not a framework in itself
The moment you include react-router in your project, you are locked into a massively fucked up framework though.
@AwalGarg you don't have to use React Router
@AwalGarg how so?
there is also react-router-component (Personally I prefer that over React Router)
@Abhishrek i anguler i faces a problem with loading it's slow in mobile
sorry *IN
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hahaha. Yeah, it's really weird but Indian always try to scam foreigners. For some reason Indian taxi drivers, shop keepers, etc. think foreigners are an easy target to make a quick buck.
@Mosho how which part
@AaditMShah I think it has to do with the rates in foreign vs rates in India
I almost had a heart attack buying food in DC :-|
@abhi Loading slow on mobile is not the fault of framework.
For example, last year when POPL 2016 was held in Bombay a lot of people from Indiana University came down to India. They told me about the experience they had with taxi drivers and how the taxi drivers charged them exorbitantly more and tried to "impress" them by driving recklessly.
@AaditMShah thats not with foreigners only
@Abhishrek It's not just that. It's also the Indian mentality. Most Indians feel the need to show off to foreigners.
One of my indian friend was charged 350 to from Church Gate to Marine Drive
@Abhishrek i got that was diffrent , is there any good js lib which help me to resuce page load ..
@Abhishrek Really? What, did the taxi driver take a route from the innards of South Bombay?
@Abhishrek @AaditMShah I asked a taxi driver once when he was trying to get a foreigner to book him about why he is singling them out. He said "1 dollar = 48 rupees so they pay more" (dollar was ~60 at that time). Ofcourse this is anecdotal, but I guess this is commonly spread out information or whatever they think about this.
@AaditMShah yeap he took him on a half an hour drive
I personally prefer using a GPS everytime, I take a taxi on bombay
Yeah, @BenjaminGruenbaum you must have been swindled when you came to India. I apologize for your bad experience. Can't do anything about the starving children though. That's something we really need to fix.
^ /+1
Today I realized Ubergo rides to my home from exam centre are cheaper than taking an auto rickshaw
@littlepootis even better if you car-pool
@Abhishrek I miss driving in Bombay. Call me crazy but I actually prefer the traffic of Bombay to the traffic of the US. Driving in the US is so boring. Driving in Bombay is exciting.
@AaditMShah O_O DUDE
(Maybe I just like discipline)
@AwalGarg react router being shit
I found driving in USA much relaxing and easier than driving in Jabalpur or Bombay
I like discipline too. It's just that Bombay is home. I've been living there almost my entire life. Hence, I miss it.
@Mosho not exactly shit - it is a lock in. Very hard to move out of it once you start using it.
Speaking of which, I'm going back home for the summer.
@AaditMShah Then I am heartless, I didn't miss Jabalpur at all (except for Indian food)
@Abhishrek All Indians miss Indian food. We're getting off topic though. What was the original discussion again?
@AaditMShah dunno, btw you can do a little thing in summer though :P. If you feel like it, go teach children in slum :D
It is the only way poverty can ever be solved in India.
@Abhishrek Teach them what? I'm not sure I'll be a good teacher to them.
Yes, free JEE coaching for everyone
jesus fucking christ
Beside, I have friends who are more qualified who are already doing this kind of social work.
@AaditMShah @littlepootis goto a slum people don't even know they are actually given money by govt to get out, and their are schools for them
@littlepootis Would you prefer him to teach type theory and parsing techniques to slum children instead?
I have taught them basic math, english and science
@AaditMShah am pretty sure you will do much better than their usual teachers
@Abhishrek I've been to one such school in Dharavi. However, there's a big problem. Communication issue. Most of the children in the slums speak Marathi and I suck at Marathi.
You sure that's not a failure on the PM / President's part?
@AaditMShah I haven't been swindled, but the people right in front of me have been - I don't buy bullshit like "please buy a tourist ticket to the train" easily.
@AwalGarg I don't think that's true. what locks you in exactly? you need very little more than a file with the route components
@Abhishrek Not that that really matters. What's the point of knowing the name of the PM of India if you don't learn the elementary skills of life? I think the teachers of India are doing a wonderful job of teaching the basic skills for survival. Plus, it should also be noted that most of these teachers didn't have a lot of education themselves. Considering what they started with and what they're contributing back to society I would say that they're doing a pretty good job.
@AaditMShah really ?
> I think the teachers of India are doing a wonderful job of teaching the basic skills for survival.
Do you know teacher spell teacher as "tichur" or "teachur" ?
No. Teaching is a really difficult job. I know because I've been an AI (associate instructor) for a few classes here at IU and I've interacted with other AIs too. It changes your perspective on the entire student-teacher paradigm.
Also what survival skills ?
If you asked me the same question a year ago I would have agreed with you.
@Abhishrek They taught e how to cheat
@Mosho it does the Hollywood thing. It calls you and not vice versa effectively meaning you're inside a framework rather than driving a library. This is vs. a router that would give you callbacks to load your own components rather than drive your code.
@Abhishrek Basic math. Banking. Calculating return on investment. Basic metric calculations.
@AaditMShah It's not like our schools are teaching the elementary skills of life. They teach us calculus and water cycle, but never teach us investments and income cycle.
@AaditMShah Bro, you really gotta come and attend a slum school with me :-)
@Abhishrek what I care about is them knowing what they are teaching - and not what they are not teaching. A physics teacher for high-school not knowing about Indian president is an amendable mistake at worse, but him not knowing that electrons are not actually undividable is shameful.
@littlepootis yeah that really counts as surviving skill :)
@Sheepy But you didn't go to a bare minimum school. You went to a privileged school.
@AaditMShah Yes. I can't deny that.
@AaditMShah I definitely see technology fixing the education inequality at some point.
@Mosho IoC
Anyway, I'm not saying that I know what going on. There's definitely room for improvement. However, credit should be given where credit is due and belittling the teachers of an impoverish nation is hardly fair.
@AwalGarg @BenjaminGruenbaum I think that's irrelevant, your components defining the routes don't even need to know about a router
@BenjaminGruenbaum shhh I need to teach you some terminology u n00b lrn frm me
@BenjaminGruenbaum Indeed. Technology is a great means to deliver better quality education. One of my favorite books on the subject is "Mindstorms" by Seymour Papert, an MIT professor. I would definitely recommend that you read that book.
@Mosho of course, otherwise it would have been incredibly broken and you'd have to use all sorts of Link tags for links and stuff.
@AaditMShah so you agree there is inequality in education?
I've been hearing "tech can solve inequality" ever since I was young. One Laptop per Child anyone?
@AaditMShah how much would it disappoint you if I told you I've read it and it didn't leave a very lasting impression?
He's the guy that made the Logo programming language to help kids learn geometry by playing with a robot turtle and drawing shapes.
@Mr_Green Yes, indeed.
@AwalGarg Also the video I linked is for a primary school teacher, in Primary school GK is a subject where you are supposed to be teaching kids about atleast the basics
It's an old book - right? I read it about 15 years ago - otherwise we're talking about different books.
that is what is the problem in India
till then teachers can't be credited just for teaching surviving skills
Maybe it'll read differently now that I've stood in front of a class a few times myself.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It wouldn't disappoint me. Surprise me, indeed. I would also love to know your reasons.
they are still failing
@AaditMShah and I have taught as a temporary teacher at my own old school (K.V.) and my college I have taken workshops
@AaditMShah I think it was written in a different age when not everyone had a computer already, and it felt like a different when I read it too.
My school kinda makes me have +ve feel
the students at college, depressed me (especially other teachers)
@Abhishrek primary schooling itself is broken anyways :D
@Abhishrek That's cool. Do you enjoy teaching?
@AaditMShah 50:50.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sorry to break the news to you. This generation's children does not have computer, either. They have pads and that is enough for them.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Perhaps it's a little dated but a good learning tool is always a good learning tool.
I like the experience of teaching. It left me utterly depressed usually.
> Example : People learn bubble sort by heart because the teacher told them to >_>
Utterly depressed? Why?
Oh, you mean rote learning. Nevermind.
Yeah, that does need to be corrected.
@AaditMShah I teach C++ once a week for 3 hours formally, everything else I do informally + I have a pretty demanding full time job which I usually end up doing for 12 hours a day anyway.
@Sheepy that is a computer.
@Abhishrek hahahaha! also all the people memorizing diagrams and proofs to lemmas :D
in order
@AaditMShah Imagine what such students do for quick-sort ?
I asked them and the horrible answer was, "Mam passed us the lab notebook we copied from it before viva."
@AwalGarg I memorized at least a hundred lemma proofs, probably much more. Sometimes you just need to do that in order to do things quickly. I still remember (vaguely) every proof from Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 and that many years ago.
quicksort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) =
    let smallerSorted = quicksort [a | a <- xs, a <= x]
        biggerSorted = quicksort [a | a <- xs, a > x]
    in  smallerSorted ++ [x] ++ biggerSorted
I don't imagine they do this.
@AaditMShah Also that's not quicksort, so there's that.
Unless I missed something and it's optimized to average O(n*log(n)) somehow by really modern versions of GHC.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because it doesn't use arrays and in-place sorting?
@BenjaminGruenbaum hes not talking about that he is talking about people literally mugging up entire math book, line by line.
@BenjaminGruenbaum is there an alternative? you can just put the Link tag in one file and use that
@BenjaminGruenbaum but you did understand those as well, right?
@AaditMShah because it doesn't even have the same complexity.
@Mosho well, an alternative would be a router that is not react aware that just does your routing, and then your library being in charge of how components are bootstrapped - basically. I'm not saying "don't use react router", I'm just saying "It makes your code a pretty opinionated framework, that might be fine but we need to be aware of it".
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't think it has the same space complexity. First, because you are using two loops to calculate the smallerSorted and biggerSorted lists. Second, because you're using list append (which is a O(n) operation) to combine the sublists.
@AwalGarg yes, otherwise it would be worthless. I had the luxury of doing my CS degree after I coded so I never really cared about grades. I totally get the people who do.
It's a naive quicksort. However, it does capture the essence of the algorithm.
It's good for explaining and memorizing how quicksort works. Better than rote learning right?
@BenjaminGruenbaum well students here mug up those proofs couple days before exams, spit them out in the exam sheet, and forget those within 2 days. IMHO a system which bares this is shameful and needs to be burned with fire.
@AaditMShah It does capture the essence of the algorithm - but it's also important not to fall to a trap and call it quicksort since it's simply not the same algorithm and doesn't have the same performance. It's a very similar algorithm that does not do the sorting in-place and I guess an incredibly smart compiler can optimize the allocations away and do it in place but I'm yet to see one.
@AwalGarg academia is always like that though, that's why I loved courses that made sure you understand the material rather than know it (like calculus, or computability) where the tests were unseens.
we are asked to get xerox of a 40 page file, and form, fill in the form with our details, attach them and submit it to external examiners saying that that is our "project". This happens at leading institutes which have great reputation.
@AwalGarg I think that the culture is primarily to blame. Indian parents push their children to get good marks, and a good degree and a good job. Those are they wrong goals. Children should be pushed to get the right knowledge and the right skills. Everything else will follow.
I think China has the same problem.
The exam system is the best system we have at mass education. To do better you need to do mentoring, which happens in real job.
@AaditMShah That argument is unchallenged ofcourse, but the fact that our teachers encourage this is shameful.
@AaditMShah Except that many (most?) Chinese don't think it is a problem.
@AwalGarg Well, the teachers got good marks, good degree, then a good job. When you are part of the positive cycle, it is hard to break from it...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Agreed. It's akin to the difference between Trial Division and the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
> positive cycle
A fucked up cycle
@Sheepy Most Indians don't think it's a problem either. That's the reason why the problem persists.
Ohai @AaditMShah
You haven't been around in a while! What have you been up to?
!!youtube Punished by Rewards
@SomeGuy Hey. Been busy with college work.
How are you doing?
What are you studying?
@littlepootis You got better solution? We parents have to work, so we have to let the school teach. The school have to ask for grants with good scores. The system is at least able to make the schools push the student to memorise something.
I'm doing my time in college, while trying to find the time to learn things on my own
Oh, I've also been learning how to write a good story. It's something that I want to learn.
@SomeGuy I'm learning how to write a compiler. I'm also learning programming language semantics and homotopy type theory this semester.
@AaditMShah yeah.
@Sheepy teach relevant stuff? offer more choice? encourage students to take up arts, pure sciences, and other shit?
Someone needs to post something star-worthy. There's been the same old crap on the wall for days!
@littlepootis for which we need teachers who know relevant stuff :D
@AaditMShah Fancy! By yourself, or are you doing this at college?
@AaditMShah That sounds both fun and painful :P
Do you have a public blog?
@SomeGuy Story of my life. A good portion of my day also goes into cooking. I suck at cooking but now that I live alone I have to cook for myself.
@AwalGarg What do you mean? Out teachers aren't aware of latest developments in the industry like Turbo C++ and Multics?
@SomeGuy The compiler stuff is a course I'm taking in college. It's really fun to learn. I'm compiling a subset of Racket to x86-64.
@littlepootis Quite not specific enough. And I'm not sure how more arts or science can save the education system.

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