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anyone using aws dynamodb?
@Srle :->
@rlemon I just learned "Whiskey in the Jar" on ukulele. I'll be a hit during St Patty's
@Abhishrek not quite sure what ":->" means
It's more than cool. It kinda hurts to play it, though. It's pretty fast.
@Abhisrek, im totally new to it, wrapping my head around read capacity and write capacity units. if i have just 1 read capacity unit and i want to read one item that has 50 KB, how much time dynamodb takes to execute read query?
It shouldn't take any time
@Srle are you done through reading their getting started doc ?
@Abhishrek yes sure, what means "It shouldn't take any time"?
It shouldn't take significant time for 50k reads
for me the queries are usually near instant
one 1 read capacity unit means that dynamodb is able to read max 4KB per second, right? - their docs
@Srle I confused your question :-|
for some reason I thought you meant 10 read capacity
Yeah it will bottleneck you also if you are making more requests they will be choked
so having 1 read capacity unit, reading 50KB item => 50KB/4KB = 12.5 => dynamodb needs at least 13 seconds for read?
> One read capacity unit = one strongly consistent read per second, or two eventually consistent reads per second, for items up 4 KB in size.
Is there a simple website for sharing files secretly ?
mega or w/e
@rlemon I don't know why that never clicked for me.
took a while eh?
@rlemon I had to sign a whole mess of documents today. But I signed them 10 Mar like a sane person.
see I'm on the fence. DMY makes more sense ofc, but when referencing a day in a specific month, "March tenth" is what would be natural for me. not "the tenth of march"
Damnit Pusher has a 10k size limit
@rlemon no I want api access
for Cap's pusher's message relay
@rlemon That's how we roll in the military.
!!afk Blah
2 hours later…
@Abhishrek i'm kind of confused as to why this won't swap on my home server: codepen.io/anon/pen/eZzWqb
In this code, controller's scope is not visible to the view, when evaluated thru angular expression.
First random number: {{randomNum1}}

Second random number: {{randomNum2}}
No errors on console
ng-app was misplaced
hmm remove the quotes, then !!magic
1 hour later…
The failures usually don't hurt anything, and if it installs several versions, it increases the chance that one of them is right. (Note: The 'yes' command and '2>/dev/null' are recommended additions.)
@ZuseeWeekin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have asked a question yesterday and did nt get a solution for it. If anyone have an idea about this please let me know.
Q: Print the map by parent page with routes and paths which is inside the iframe

Zusee WeekinIn my project the google map has routes and paths. I need to print the map with them. This page is called as a iframe by it's parent page. I have to call print method within parent page. Note: There are more content other than the map in this iframe. This is the method I tried so far to print th...

iframe? Good luck getting a solution.
\ _o_\ /_o_/ /_o_\ _o_/ _o_\ /_o_/
🐑 🐑 🐑
well my fonts don't support that ^
Ow. Which OS?
8 or 7
Hmm. Curious. That sounds reasonably up to date.
it just shows boxes
Perhaps I should just type :baa: :meh: :mea: :mee:
(That's English, English, Chinese, Japanese)
watched the branden wolf coin trick in youtube
cool illusions
Interesting. Are you learning them?
I know how to do a few .. it comes down to practicing the various grips and transitioning with ease .. in most of the videos the coin is already there, either he is hiding with a JW grip or a Down's palm and transitioning to another ..
I just realise that I'm into crafting arts but not performing arts...
I could not understand the tr tag syntax because the start and end tags are not matching
            	<tr ng-repeat-start="grocery in groceries">
                <tr ng-repeat-end>
is it ok to name a folder of source-code 'parts/' when it contains some sub-parts (not main) of ui components?
widgets/ then? it means secondary things, non-essential and not loaded at the first-level
ok, thanks
@towc you are over-complicating it. As long as you have another device with internet access, you should be fine. The most you can do anyways is blow up your PC, which is totally worth watching.
also some ideas to avoid require('../../../foobar') the multiple ..? or it doesn't matter
same symlink structure I suggested on GH
@ssube By compiling, do you mean emerge libreoffice? Srs? Slackware is true source-based distro.
you have to compile every package that isn't included in the repos
and there aren't that any in the repos
@AwalGarg good point
I might try arch again
anyone dealt with DMA Locker Virus?
so basically to install arch:
1) open VM using arch .iso from usb
2) copy paste a few commands making sure there are no errors
3) boot with usb
@AwalGarg ^
for a VM, you don't need the usb. boot straight from iso. and follow the guide I gave you the other day.
I did
one of the things that always made no sense is that whenever I tried to get something with pacman it says that the core (and 2 other) databases weren't present
people on the web said that it's fixable by doing pacman -Syyu
which basically updates everything....
@towc correct
but it takes frigging ages and after trying a few times where I got disconnected so I had to start over it said that either I ran out of space (and I allocated more than half of my storage to it) or something else like "some packages are missing, no packages were updated" and stuff
I guess I'll try again now and see what the exact errors are
but I feel like, as you said, it should have been much easier
also, in the beginner's guide on archlinux.org it says something about chrooting, so I can modify some files... but I really don't get it. It's completely optional, right?
and still, maybe after that pacman thing I assume it may still work so keep going with the guide, but some needed packages are missing, so the rest doesn't quite work
oh wooops, rereading the beginning of the guide I noticed that I miscalculate the amount of MB that need to be allocated for storage somehow
it says 20GB minimum, which is over 20000MB
but I have that problem
which will require some googlings
@towc RAM !== HDD
oh shoot!
TIL my pc has 8GB of ram XD
and 2TB of storage 0.o
You sure you want to Linux?
@towc It's not optional, it's required
@towc try to put the cursor at 4MB to see
ew you don't want the full size too also, or maybe you pc has more than 8G
@crl it was just to show that I don't have the 20GB required, then awal pointed out that it made no sense because that's ram, not hdd
@littlepootis then the instructions are quite unclear, what am I supposed to do in chroot?
@towc setting up your new installation yourself. graphical installers do that for you, but here you do it yourself.
so more blandly, what commands am I supposed to copy-paste?
the ones in the manual
that makes no sense to me. Other configuration files? Is there a list?
it probably means all the things you configured before
like internet connection
@Zhegan hi!
hi :)
and the guide awal gave me suggest that if things like ping works and the time is correct I should skip those...
@towc set hostname in /etc/hostname, modify /etc/hosts to reflect that, add devices, additional drives, etc. to /etc/fstab, set timezone, locale settings (arch does most of it for you). Install gui (you can do it in this step if you want). You can do basically anything you can after you restart. Also, make sure you setup your network connections, etc. or there will not be Internet after you restart.
morning, crew!
well, I'm already late for school. Thanks everyone!
@overexchange <tr> = table row. needs opening and ending tag.
@Awal hang
@towc just because it works in chroot, doesn't mean it will after restart
@littlepootis but if it works outside the chroot without any configuration, it does mean it will work after restart.
@AwalGarg Not always..
yeah, but unlikely that it won't. specially in VMs.
In VMs there's no reason why it shouldn't. Unless you if config eth0 down
@Maurice In Angular? Because in HTML you don't have to close <tr>. Or <td>, for that matter.
@Sheepy thank you, I didn't know that.
Is there any way I can make click to be trigger twice for a tag where href=other page?
@FaizFizyRosle Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Sheepy that's ugly tho :)
or <p> or <li>
@FaizFizyRosle yeah javascript click event handler
@FaizFizyRosle You mean double click?
Oh yeah, there are lots of tags made officially optional in HTML5.
@crl right
@BenFortune user click once but browser process it twice
It looks ugly when people don't close them tags
@FaizFizyRosle Just call the function twice?
And use XML files for configuration
@littlepootis not closing tags could cause trouble in older browsers ~
Though it sounds like an X/Y problem, what are you trying to do?
I'm ok with no close tags, if the cell content is simple or kept to one cell one line.
@BenFortune the href will overwrite it.
@FaizFizyRosle why not do click event and then execute some code and call window.location at the end?
<tr><th> Account <th> Campaign <th> Impression <th> Cost
meh, only if you line -return after <tr>
@Maurice because my code is messed up and I just want to process it twice. unless if i refactor the code...
much more readable for me
2 mins ago, by Ben Fortune
Though it sounds like an X/Y problem, what are you trying to do?
i guess I'm going to just refactor it.
As someone who regularly uses elinks, lynx and w3m, I hate those who write code like that with passion.
@FaizFizyRosle maybe you should show us your code. otherwise I can't help.
@littlepootis why use lynx along with elinks?
@Maurice Understandable. I'd rather see more lines. My line would becomes 6 lines. My screen have 50 lines so it takes up 12%.
Because somethings work better in lynx
like what
lol text browsers
@BenFortune Wow I never know the term XY problem until u mention it. Thanks for the tip.
would become huge I think
Everyone got his own coding style. If they do at least ";" at the end of every line I'm okay.
I know my style has high vertical compress and I don't force it to others. Just saying I don't agree we must always close each and every tag.
Absolutely! And full stop after every comment please! :D
@Trasiva TBH I haven't worked on it for a long time. Do you have a question about it?
@PeeHaa Trasiva is afk: Blah
Morning room 17
Good morning.
Wtf autocorrect
@BenFortune I don't have X installed on one of my OSs so yeah
@AwalGarg some websites are made for kynx
KYNX hair care?
how can i prevent keyCode 13 while a table is focused? Here is a fiddle with the markup, some help would be really nice! jsfiddle.net/zajohp1v/16
is there a function to get the first column?
variables and code:
function getColumn(a, b, c){ // 2d ARRAY (15 divs), length INT ( = 5), search INT
	var d = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i + b){
	return d;
you probably want i += b
You method looks ok. I know of no native methods.
@IntercoolerTurbo what is the final point of it?
@IntercoolerTurbo What do you want to do? What will pressing Enter do that you want to prevent? Have you asked google or stackoverflow?
I know how to prevent Enter
yup, works fine. should release it for others if it's finished.
but i have a row, which is in some cases editable. if that is the case the user is not allowd to press enter
cause this will result in a linebreak
i just did´t get it catched while the row is marked as focued
@IntercoolerTurbo What's wrong with text inputs?
text inputs?
Yes. They're single line only.
hm, could be a solution
i give it a try
Are you using contenteditable or something?
@IntercoolerTurbo I don't see any editable content in your fiddle. And I don't see why contenteditable would prevent normal key interception: stackoverflow.com/questions/425274/…
contenteditable is love, and nightmares
what is in general better to use for positioning: transform, margin, top (needs absolute/fixed)?
Define "better".
better for handling with script. I mean: transform would for example throw z-index
Then you already know transform is out. Yes I'd use top and left.
But transform is not too bad. It is also much faster.
So transform have the best performance in use with transitions?
Yes. All three browsers now apply transform with gfx acceleration.
I'll use transform. Thank you @Sheepy!
Beware that not all transforms can be accelerated. Basic stuffs like translate, scale, rotate, opacity are safe. The rest you better check!
thanks. first I have to create a function to get the diagonally fields.
it is just you
@Sheepy do you mean the "hardware acceleration" as mentioned in the browsers option list or just build in ? idk how it gets handled internally
@Sheepy greate link, haven´t found it myself cheers buddy :) But I will try it the way @Ben Fortune said, i guess i will run in much less trouble with this approach. thank u guys
That seriously doesn't seem appropriate to me. can you increase height of your desk? — Mr_Green 1 min ago
@Sheepy great link, haven´t found it myself cheers buddy :) But I will try it the way @Ben Fortune said, i guess i will run in much less trouble with this approach. thank u guys
upps sry
wth, placing a foot on a desk
bad behavior
that also near to face
flashing the sword
yeah girl, you deserve this
still, i didn't knew there is a "workplace" SE
yeah I came to know from hot network questions
@KarelG It's actually quite interesting
yes. I have employees below me. I have to admit that some topics contains useful approaches, from workers' / manager's perspective
I did say it as a joke. While you may feel the urge to do so, it does come with consequences. I could imagine if you did do it it would be very hard to explain. Boss: "She punched me in the nuts!" HR: "How did she manage to do that?" Boss: "Well I had my foot on her desk and my genitals were facing her.." HR: "...Why was your foot on her desk in the first place?" — jcmack yesterday
lol someone understand this?
function getLastRow(){
	var a, b = 0;
	for (var i = 0; i < getRows().length; i++){
		if (getRows()[i][0].offsetTop > b){
			b = getRows()[i][0].offsetTop;
			a = getRows()[i];
	return a;
it's horrible just for calling getRows() that way
call it one time ...
yup. is right
@jAndy looks like Java :D
just playing around with Android at the time, and those weird getActivity() calls out of nowhere in a class just freaking bother me
so you're about selling your soul to the devil... good!
Probably just want to dick around with stupid self written apps on my phone that I can bundle up with something on my RaspBerry
but it's fun so far
just some concepts that I still need to wrap my head aroun
but implementing ViewHolders and ViewAdapters at 2am in the morning for the first time yesterday probably didn't help my understanding of those things too much I guess
@GNi33 why does it bother you ?
I'm pretty new to it, it's not defined anywhere where I can see it, it's just a function call in a class body
mAdapter = new PlaceSlidesFragmentAdapter(getActivity()
in a Activity class
I probably haven't touched Java in too long, so that syntax just seems odd to me
I am half done with caprica's pusher hook
There are a few concerns though, pusher DOES NOT guarantee message delivery
and is capped on 10k message size, (for creating message this should be enough but this means there won't be any blind relay) there needs to be filters on the relay
@GNi33 o/
@Abhishrek hey man :)
Wassup ?
not too much, still refactoring my PHP project here
Monring all, quick question ref syntax for JS, using PHP, I have seen a funny piece of syntax that allows you to dynamically access properties ($this->{"variable_varname"}) and wondered if JS had the same kind of thing for accessing object properties?
it does
Q: Angualr.js OR Node.js for ASP.NET?

kianoush dortajI Create Web With Asp.Net . But I Confused Between Angular or Node Which one choose . Pleas Help Me To Select The Best . Thanks

What the fuck is this?
pretty straight forward, a lot nicer than in most languages if you ask me
you can access object properties in two ways in js, dot and bracket notation, and bracket notation allows you to just pass a variable in
Does that allow me to access the props within that if it also is an object?
excuse me?
I didn't get that
oh, you mean of the object contains another object?
sure, just add another bracket
If I have an object containing objects (odd I know...), am I able to access the childs properties, e.g.: this[varname].proprty
@GNi33 getActivity() points to the current active fragment (that is displayed). See that as this when using event handlers in JavaScript. It's something from google's end
@SamSwift웃 That's actually really common in JavaScript
the first bracket notation returns the value of the first property, if this is an object you can access the properties of this by just "chaining"
you can even use dot notation after accessing the first by bracket notation, doesn't matter
it's very common, yes
@KarelG yeah, I'll just have to get used to it I guess
some concepts aren't completely clear to me yet, but I guess that'll change quickly
even from simple java's perspective it's odd :P
Cheers guys, really helped me out :P
somehow the google devs refrained to use this as context. But when you look at how the system works ... then I started to understand their choice
i was using a 3th party software for a project from other company. It contains build files, but it doesn't built. So they consulted us. The problem is that the build files is not correct.
that's a large batch file which i have to crawl through
@SterlingArcher look what just landed on Spotify imgur.com/7OJRgNL #justsayin ;)
@SagarNaliyapara You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/4670278/sagar-naliyapara) have 839 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 21 questions, gave 43 answers, for a q:a ratio of 21:43.
avg. rep/post: 13.1. Badges: 2g 6s 27b
@CapricaSix Thanks
The result of yesterdays window.open and printing fun: gist.github.com/oliversalzburg/0afc469dbae766829c20 CC @rlemon
seems like the only way to have npm modules not break is continually update to latest node
I am working with the webtask team to find out a more sane option for config files :P
@Zirak @rlemon
all you gotta do is add pusher to cap-six and then she can listen to pretty much any webhook
I am looking at her internals right now, although I wish to finish it in a way that she automatically creates the webtask herself
I... I just saw Michael Stevens sitting on the toilet.
could this be used for a good way to vote on the room issues?
^ for the whole room actually
@SuperUberDuper thats ironic
Counts votes automatically on the original post, keeps the comments clean for discussion... I think this would work pretty well
I'll open a issue to vote on this
hey everyone, i know this is a javascript channel but has anyone ever use this:onextrapixel.com/2013/08/27/…
i don´t know how to stop the animation
set speed to 0
@IntercoolerTurbo yes but i want that to happen after 1 cycle...i have used the iteration-cycle but it´s not working
do you want to rotate it one time ?
@GNi33 what do you think about github.com/darkyen/cap-drone
when should it rotate ? At load or at hover ?
(Just wondering if you have some crazy webhook ideas for cap) Imagine If this than CAP!
thsi is the code the plu-in has:
.rotating {
  display: inline-block;
  -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
  -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
  -ms-transform-style: preserve-3d;
  -o-transform-style: preserve-3d;
  transform-style: preserve-3d;
  -webkit-transform: rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0);
  -moz-transform: rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0);
  -ms-transform: rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0);
  -o-transform: rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0);
  transform: rotateX(0) rotateY(0) rotateZ(0);
  -webkit-transition: 0.5s;
@KarelG on load
@Japa you cannot stop a transition
you can only pause animations
@Japa there is a trick
lemme pull a fiddle
@Abhishrek ok...so how do i pause it?
Can I become room owner?
@Mr_Green sure I will vote you
Wait.. realized will not participate in any stuff
thanks though
but i am not an ro so that vote won't count xD
4s linear 1
4s = how long
1 = rotate #
@KarelG so, on my code...i have to add this: animation:rotate 4s linear 1;
nah, dump that library if you use it only for that rotation
i provide you 6 lines of codes against a library for one simple rotation on load ;)
"codes" ....
@KarelG that´s the problem..because they have other animatins that i need
and the library is not that long...take a look, it has only a few lines of code
ah well, remove the script snippet that starts the rotation and add those line in the CSS files
thanks man for helping me...really aprecciate
that lib is more flexible. I second that
in the comments, there is a guy asking ...how to stop the animation also...because other than that it´s very simple to use
Can someone tell me why the value of the input field isn´t set correctly and how I can solve this? jsfiddle.net/sst5j2t0/1
Or do I have to do this with ID access .text()?
i would like to not do so
@IntercoolerTurbo Quote your value attribute
@Mr_Green open an issue on the GH repo
@BenFortune ah ok, you are my hero of today :)
but for which reason is only the first value set if i don´t quote? thought either it works or not
@IntercoolerTurbo The space breaks it, it thinks it's creating a new attribute.
@BenFortune you can nuke the vps now
@Abhishrek Why? :O
@BenFortune ah alright thanks
@Abhishrek looks interesting
I'll check it out in detail when I have more time on my hands
you're using Babel?
@GNi33 yep
The code for the hook is crap though
@Abhishrek what is?
yooo guys :D
i have a huge problem
a friend and i would like users to allow uploading svg files
BUT, you can infect svg images with js as example
is there any otherway checking these files other than programming a checker myself?
mike myers got old.
or does anyone know, how i could stop a svg to run js from within?
i mean it's a fucking image :(

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