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So I'm paying 766 a month for a very nicely finished place
@SterlingArcher weird looking place but dat price for what it is omaha.craigslist.org/apa/5453908663.html
Appearently it needs a sink or oven from the pics tho lmaop
@ton.yeung Some of my tests need that isolation
Is this equivalent?
foo ? bar : baz
foo && bar || baz
@ŠimeVidas Yeah
@ŠimeVidas Unless bar is falsey on the second one
But same result lol
@jhawins this is what we got lol
And rent is like $2500?
That's a good bit nicer than my apartment...
Yeah there's not a lot of "nice" or "modern" places here is the problem
That looks super nice.
It has a freaking sakura fan over the stove... that's like a $800 stovetop fan
I am talking with a friend about being roommates and that opens bigger doors but yours is nicer than what I will get already I'm sure lol
@jhawins Not the same result:
My problem is that I don't want roommates, so I can't afford the super nice places; my place is still pretty nice, though
Oh yeah lol. I'm tired
@jhawins these places are super easy to get with roomies because where I live now is oversaturated with rental units because people bought houses, and tried to sell them within 2 years and couldn't so they're all being rented out
@SterlingArcher that's my entire mortgage + bills
renting is such a rip
@ton.yeung separating in different files still makes them share global
Shit selling market, but as a renter, it's tops
@SterlingArcher So you rented a whole house now not jus a apartment
@ton.yeung At once point I didn't have any eyes
I want to buy a condo, but I need a down payment first
@ŠimeVidas true || false && test should work like ternary though
@ton.yeung shit son? how much did you put down? I did 20% to keep my mortgage low. mortgage alone is like 1550
@jhawins correct, all 3 floors are ours
bills pull that up
I need a garage that's my biggest problem... Otherwise I could just get a badass luxury apartment lol
@ton.yeung they simulate a bigger code part working
We have a 2 car garage :D
@ton.yeung mine cost 351K cad
I put 20%
Yeah but over here it's either like get a older style place or don't get a garage
damn daniel
And everything is these split-level homes
at it again with the white vans
@ton.yeung what makes you assume its big
My dad told me never to put less than 10% down on a property
housing here is crazy
I put 0% down
@rlemon I love your place, especially the secondary living room
because I'm a veteran.
love dat VA loan
@Loktar you're a vet??
@BartekBanachewicz It doesn't
I had no idea you served
yeah was in the AF for 4 years
@SterlingArcher how did you find rentals? Just Craigslist? Nothing else ever has listings
@ton.yeung not here, 350K got me 1800sq/ft 3 bedroom
@jhawins zillow, apartments.com, and some local realtors typically
pretty average $200K house
350k here gets you a huge home
Yea nobody has any rentals really
@ton.yeung Trello?? lol
for a 3/2 it runs 70-120
350k USD here you can live like a king and not earn ever
putting 20% down here saves you a few grand on mortgage default insurance
so if you can afford it, it is highly recommended
@ton.yeung yup, basically the same thing :P
housing here sky-rocketed around 8 years ago
!!convert 1728 sqft to m2
@Neoares Confuse converter with sqft, receive error message
!!convert 1728 ft to m
mortgage rates reflect it. I don't know anyone getting higher than 4% right now, and most people can land 2.75% ish fixed rate
so that is always nice
Mortgage rates are super low right now
@ton.yeung 1728 * 0.09
places in Europe pay you to take a loan. negative interest rates
not sure how that works out..
I want to buy a condo in herndon, because the metro is extending out further and property value will skyrocket in a few years
@SterlingArcher Smart.
Rent it when you move someday
yea I read about it.. don't understand it, but apparently it is happening
here in spain you don't buy an insurance xP
Equity and shit will be huge
not a life one at least
I'm trying to save I thought about buying a house but I have no idea where I want to live
So I know I shouldn't even consider it
Anyways... I'm nowhere near ready to buy a place anyways
oh, I missunderstood the "mortgage"
@Neoares a lot of people here don't take it either. a funeral costs ?? 30K?? so they save up that amount and don't fuck with life insurance (past mortgage being paid off)
I need to pay off my loan and my credit card before I even consider purchasing a home
ffs just feed my body to the bears
You might even make $200 off me
I have life insurance so if I die my house is paid off. after my mortgage is paid off I don't plan on keeping the policy
@ton.yeung it's all a gouge
Am I in your will @rlemon? @Loktar is an ass and I have to gladiator his kids to get his stuff
which is sad really, they know they can toss on bs $600 here and there and you are too upset to care
your countries are so different :)
yea my insurance is just enough to pay off the balance of my mortgage
so my gf gets the house paid for
basically, I won't leave anyone with debt if I die
@rlemon I haz insurance for my truck to be paid off if I die lol.
man you speak like a 70yo
but no one is making a big amount off me
don't think about death yet
@rlemon 350K is quite a bit, whoever gets your house.
you're young
I'm not really, but I don't wanna have no plans for it and shit happens.
and assuming I'm settling down soon, yea I do need to plan this out
I'm very tempted to withdraw my 403b, take the tax hit, and apply it to my debt.
oh you have kids
I'm only 23 and I live with my parents x)
I'm young enough to recover from that easily, and it may help me be able to contribute more in the long run
I'm 30 this year and planning children soonish and gonna put a ring on it soon hopefully.
so yea, I need to plan this shit
@rlemon wow good luck
as long as you're not getting in their way, stick with it and put money away for later.
@ton.yeung I know, I mean that I don't think on that... kind of things yet
life insurances, etc
I have gf
since I was 19 :D
@ton.yeung judging by your linkedin university degree start year, you are 31 born in 85?
I will have kids at 40yo
with a 2xyo girl x)
@Neoares jokes on you, those kids are her 2xyo side booty. you're just the $$
@ton.yeung aside from the house I'm debt free. have been for 3 years now
took a while to get there, but I'm very very happy I got there
@rlemon that's the point :)
yea I was overwhelmed for a while. didn't know what to do about the debt, my shitty credit, had a hard time getting an apt, or a phone or internet.
I made some big financial mistakes when I was late teens early 20's
what did you do?
took a lot of credit, lost my job, lived off it for half a year. couldn't pay it back for years...
ur mum
killed my credit, and added a shitload of other debts because bills were all backlogged
I need to start working on my credit... I just don't have any. Never had a credit card, no loans, no debt, just renting and putting my money away
if you ever know the feeling, picking which bills get paid this month and which you're in good enough standings that you can go another month without getting shut off
yea, that is a shit way to live
I'm trying to fix my shit before that happens to me
If I lost my job, I'd be fucked so hard
I just can't justify getting a credit card... i don't need it. but... where else would i get credit
if I lost my job I have 3 months of 'backup'
basically, I have three months to find work or I'm missing bill payments
@KevinB you can always take out a personal loan, even if you don't need it, and just pay it :P
My truck is basically new
You'll be hit with interest sure, but it's a huge credit booster
@rlemon Been there, done that.
@Trasiva yea, I did like 7-8 years of it. stress almost killed me
I was 118lbs when my gf met me (I'm 180 now)
Hey :)
@iversen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
My biggest issue right now is my credit card. I'm putting money aside past what I already pay per month, so I can take a huge lump sum out of it
my biggest issue right now is: do I wanna save a few grand and do the basement my self, or get someone else to do the drywall and ceiling and be a lazy fart
The interest is killing me. If I can pay that off asap, that's $300+ a month I have back in my life
I got rid of my credit card when I got a car.
I love my credit card. I pay for everything with it and pay it off every two weeks. no interest at all, and I've got like 200,000 points.
@rlemon I only did it for about six months, but I was donating plasma at two different companies by cheating the system. I managed to barely enough to keep my car in the parking garage, eat dry ramen, and keep my phone on so I could hear about job offers.
6 more months and I can probably fly the GF and I somewhere
was sent that for a potential employee
isn't using $scope everywhere bad?
I should sell my sperm. I don't like needles so I'm not really down to sell blood...
But I could do that. I'm tall, good genes, non-smoker now... smart, college degree. I'm worth money
@Loktar :/ memeber for two years github.com/AkshayBolakani?tab=activity
@SterlingArcher you drink
they'll probably not use it
drink == lower count
> If there exists an ancestor browsing context whose active document's address, ignoring fragment identifiers, is equal to url, then abort these steps. (html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/…)
Correction, I get drunk every few days!
I don't drink every day. Every 4 days is probably an better average.
so your sperm is only retarded 2/7 days a week?
damn straight
github says i have unread notifications. the notification page doesn't agree
> hurr durr I'm a sperm
@rlemon 5/7 good sperm.
@rlemon yeah was hoping for more projects
!!afk giant fucking tacos
oh well.
@SterlingArcher reverse giant and fucking
@SterlingArcher can you just come work with us...
Plz <3ro
I'll answer that when I have my tacos.
We will pay you at least what you make there! :P
and it will be more, because its here!
@rlemon Wow
I have a list of options (Months with number value e.g. `value = "01">January`
document.getElementById('divID').value = 09; - Will not work with no console errors however
document.getElementById('divID').value = 10; - Will work fine. (October)
It seems that if I try to change the value to an int starting with 0, it won't change. Is that normal js behaviour?
select lists have a selectedIndex
well.. yeah. numbers can't have a 0 before them.
strings however can
nvm, I didn't read the last line
but yea, if you're changing the options (assuming select) you should be using selectedIndex
Ah, yep. Using string value instead of int worked... Sorry that was obvious, my bad.
and thanks :)
@rlemon Is there a reason you should use that over .value? As .value is working atm
@Jay semantics. you're not setting the value of the select, you're setting the selectedIndex, which contains a value
@KendallFrey There's so many saucy ones in there, I love it.
select should really get revisited
option rather
@Trasiva I like 'Someone wrote "ugly" in your face in braille so even blind chicks know to stay away'
> I want to ask them what it's like to get headbutted in the chest while receiving a blowjob
@BadgerCat That's pretty good, yea. I also liked What's black and sits at the top of the stairs? You after a fire.
> have you named your tape worm yet
I feel like that kid could actually have a tape worm
@rlemon No kidding, someone sneezes and the kid breaks a limb.
@rlemon Chicken, chicken chicken chicken chicken? Chicken...chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken!
@Trasiva rlemon is afk: chicken
@Trasiva I saw that haha
@rlemon ok understood, thank you.
@jhawins Are you sure you're in the right location? Roastme doesn't give you a roast.
@Loktar @jhawins lol I'd love to be able to just up and move like that. But I love VA and I have heavy family ties here
I couldn't leave, but thankfully I don't really want to :P
@BadgerCat it's a great taco day. These bad boys are like... doused in queso and heart attacks
how can i use this: this.value.replace(/[^0-9\,.]/g,'0'); to prevent the user of typing a dot ?
@SterlingArcher nice!
and if the person does something like this: 5.5 it replaces for 0
can anyone help me?
So if you hover over a link, the href will show up on the bottom left. How can I remove that?
I have a few <a> tags that point to #ids and it's kind of annoying to have it shown on the page.
@Charly make a new browser, or make the link happen programmatically so that it's a link but not a link
I wouldnt want to be clicking on links that dont tell me where they're going
even though I do that all the time in here
god dammit, @rlemon we need to talk about this !!^
by that I mean clicking on links without looking where they go
You dont like the monkey?
He's adorable
And what is a link but not a link?
A div, an li, button, etc
And these tags can still work with "href" attribute?
@SterlingArcher yeah makes sense man
Nope, that's the programattic part
You can use javascript click events to change the page.
For what it's worth, I wouldn't trust a site that wanted to hide links like that, though
Me either
I'd jump ship so fast it wouldn't even count for traffic.
Plus it's more work than it is worth
@SterlingArcher Fiiiiine
No I get it. Makes sense.
VA is expensive up north, but man it's cool. High tech stuff everywhere
2 days away from 3 more gold badges :D
just finished backing up half of my data to Glacier
from a grand total of 175GB, I've got 87.5GB to go
That's a horrible idea. Didn't anybody tell you teh glaciers are melting?
it does takes it time
@SterlingArcher I'm sure amazon has some kick-ass AC
!!s/-ass / ass-/
@SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher I'm sure amazon has some kick ass-AC (source)
lol what
ass-AC, sounds unhygienic
@SterlingArcher That's why Microsoft dumped theirs to the bottom of the ocean!
copy and me share the love for short variables
@SterlingArcher Oh I'd be pissed.
hello people
I have list od ids on page id="Somepart_somerandomnumber". How do I select all ids on page using document.getElementbyID?
If it's dynamic, use querySelector id LIKE syntax
@SterlingArcher HG ?
Oh sweet mother of crap I got hot sauce in my eye
!!afk fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
@SterlingArcher hangouts, and good luck
@Trasiva Oh sweet mother of crap I got man sauce in my eye (source)
Beat you @KendallFrey.
!!s/u /u off/
@SterlingArcher Beat you off@KendallFrey. (source)
Eh it's a stretch.
My eye hurts
@SterlingArcher Fail.
@SterlingArcher Yea, that's gonna burn dude. Didn't your mother ever teach you to wash your hands after that shit.
I was opening a packet and it got me
@SterlingArcher the best is I can secretly re-add it at any fucking time without leaving a trace in the chat
gonna drive dugger up the wall
@rlemon You, I like you.

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