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Both of these are identical?
jQuery.map(a, function( ) {
$.map(a,function()) {
jQuery === $ (assuming it's been bound up correctly)
var $ = jQuery
hey guys i have question ?
I would like to convert something like this: [{username:"Jake",password:"kadnm"},{username:"Nike",password:"KADNC"}]
to a {username:"Jake",password:"kadnm"},{username:"Nike",password:"KADNC"}
any ideas?
so drop the rightmost and leftmost characters respectively?
can you elaborate ? please @HatterisMad
you are removing the first and last character from the string?
the first one is an array of json objects
@BenjaminGruenbaum never mind. was a testing stuff-up making me think there was a bug where none existed.
@Zirak Narrowed down our remaining login issues to something funny happening with sso and pjs. But only on the Linux server - of course it works fine locally (Windows) :P
It wasn't actually an El Nino winter, I was just playing my mixtape really loud.
@Zirak Not sure if it's your drainQueue, but wait() followed by wait(10000) will trigger the next fn after wait() (page load) and ignore the 10s delay
3 hours later…
Quiet day... anyone eyeing the Samsung S7 and/or LG G5?
@Sheepy I was thinking about the G5 until I actually saw photos.
Coming from the G4, it looks ... toy-ish.
Also, smaller battery and smaller screen :\
Rest is good, but having to sacrifice some things is ... not nice.
@Bob Smaller screen is a problem. I know I'll be holding onto my pro 2...
It cost more to send me the cards then to back the project. So sad.
Hi Good morning friends
I need one help from You all
Q: iOS Devices Detected For Managing Different UI Sizes Using JavaScript

Apple_AjayI need to create iOS devices differentiation based on sizes to change UI sizes using javascript. I did devices oreantaion using below javascript code. function doOnOrientationChange() { switch(window.orientation) { case -90: case 90: alert('landscape')...

Shouldn't you be using media queries for that?
@Sheepy those are so rad, you'll wanna support the shipping industry too
I'd rather support the "print locally" content delivery. More eco friendly.
possible with a cc license
I have some ebooks that I am allowed to print but not to transfer, by the license at least. Kind of like DLC-less games.
that makes sense, some pleople just don't like reading books on electronic devices
Yeah. They should make it an online game. They can charge for DLC packs, even!
Such as a mobile network game. They can even make it run in both browser and app.
or... someone will
Last xmas I was "playing" Tokyo disney's electronic parade. It is not complicated but quite amazing. Let me try to find a video...
youtube.com/watch?v=60zDAkwyJjg Called "Sync!Illumination", you simply browse a site, pick one to be the leader to get a game ID, input the id to other phones, and they are ready to go. No app store, no intranet limitation, it just works.
@CSᵠ I know that. But that is not multiplayer...
that's really cool
If they make the id a sharable link it may even be simpler... But it already "works like magic", according to my friends.
And yeah, to the uninitiated it surely looks like magic.
the tech was available decades ago, but it's still cool
Indeed. The software tech, at least. Don't think phones that old can run it :p
lol, not phone tech
actually the phone part is a minority in today's phone
Well, to the average consumers, since phone is the biggest application / platform by far, all those battery / glass / camera / antenna / virtual reality / even usb-c tech counts as phone tech.
In fact, internet itself is becoming a "phone tech"......
Well, good morning!
So long, vacation *Sadface*
@towc Happy birthday! :D
o/ Where have you been, Cerbrus?
eh you guys knew the execute keyword? err da fuck it doesn't exist.. bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=588508 < in the video the guys uses it
@SomeGuy thanks :D
@Sheepy at home, mostly :P
And to the "Motorbeurs Utrecht"
@crl I think kavvaru is confusing the js console with some other development console...
@Sheepy Or just being too literal lol
Not that I think it is a valid bug, but I don't think step 2 includes the carriage return, either. :p
is there such a thing as an invalid bug?
@BenjaminGruenbaum You got it all wrong. A function is just a jQuery function.
how do you create a new 'fresh' git branch, without checkout'ing from the current one?
Q: switch git branch without files checkout

tigIs it possible in git to switch to another branch without checking out all files? After switching branch I need to delete all files, regenerate them, commit and switch back. So checking out files is just a waste of times (and there are about 14000 files - it is a long operation). To make everyth...

Thanks !
Looks more complicated than it needs to be though
Guys, can we get some spam flags on stackoverflow.com/a/20808314/1835379 ?
This user has posted a load of answers like that one. All deleted, except this one
and gone. Excellent
> pls no more sexy time.. i may be a negro but my ass hurts
bool Nigger::isWorthless() const {
  return true;
how long before this repo disappears?
I often check github's trending, this is at the top. Over 2k stars and 1 fork
starring bot?
sounds like it yeah
@BenFortune woah
@BenFortune how does this have 2000 stars o.0?
@BenjaminGruenbaum A bot I'm guessing :|
The files are named "Nigger<...>"
That might be related
he added a commit by Ryah Dahl
lol - probably with git-blame-someone-else
Aye lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum that depends, is the commit signed? ;-)
This reminds me of that "smack-my-bitch-up.sh" (github.com/NARKOZ/hacker-scripts/blob/master/…)
Got a load of bitching about the file name being offensive
The stars look legit...
Maybe they've been XSS'd
When you sign up for godaddy's wildcard certificate they use JSONP to poll their servers :/
So secure.
hey, it's godaddy
No referrer check either.
They send p3p response headers
@BenFortune where'd you find that repo?
@BenjaminGruenbaum github.com/trending
hi anyone here with angularjs knowledge: how can I get rid of extra members in a object when doing a http post/put action to server, i.e. view-model => server model? Should I define a mapping layer as a service or something else?
@SiddharthPandey yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes for what option?
@SiddharthPandey yes
@SiddharthPandey yes
you probably need a controller factory builder
@SiddharthPandey mapping
@crl @BenjaminGruenbaum I was trying to map by writing two functions like fromJSON and toJSON to map vm to data-model. I couldn't find an example to tackle this situation. do you have any reference in your mind? All examples assumes that both the models are same.
@SiddharthPandey In our communication layer, we look for a serialize method on the object being POSTed and use that before actually sending it to the server. Similarly, the type of received objects is known and we use a deserialize method of that type to instantiate the frontend model from the server data
@SiddharthPandey Is this a question about "how to removing properties from a js object"?
@OliverSalzburg yeah, I've got the similar pattern working as fromJSON & toJSON for every model definition. Just wondering, whether creating a generic mapping layer is good idea or not. It may add lots of assumptions but it should be achievable using angular.extend utility.
@Sheepy no, this is about what's a good way to map view-model and data-model in a angular app.
!!game or badge
@Abhishrek badge
Right, on it boss!
@SiddharthPandey You can browse around our solution if you want: github.com/oliversalzburg/absync/blob/master/src/… Let me know if you find bugs ;D
@OliverSalzburg thanks for sharing :)
Hey ppl, can one of you have a look at this and explain me why it is working only one time in two ? (The idea is to click on the select and start typing the name of a city) -> jsfiddle.net/Baldrani/9u59cm31
Fiddle updated*
wow, didn't know about the firebug lite trick
@Neoares Yeah trully usefull sometimes
Also there is the F12 trick
Is it something like open the console on windows ?
no, it opens your browser's console
Yup that was what i meant (but im under mac or linux :/)
@Baldráni So? You still have a browser console.
Yup but not displayed by f12
Are you sure you're using a browser?
a REAL browser?
Like my browser in law ?
Just a joke
this code works as well, now I'm trying to use jquery.map() instead of .map() in it, but it doesn't work, why?
I wonder what makes you favor a jQuery equivalent of a built-in function..
@stack jquery.map exists?
oh wait ..
@FlorianMargaine Yep :/
@FlorianMargaine You are right .. my problem solved :)
@FlorianMargaine Yes it it agly, but if I use $.map instead of .map, then I'm sure it works on all browsers
@stack which browser do you have to support?
IE8 (unfortunately the most of my website's user use it)
So no body feel like understanding this :( ? jsfiddle.net/Baldrani/9u59cm31
@FlorianMargaine Is this a Pollyfill for .map?
what kind of browser don't have .map? ie4?
@crl < 9
lol ok
IE8 is ES3, IE9 is ES5. That's why.
@BenjaminGruenbaum they wouldn't if they knew what's in the locked one
@Mosho a snake?
@stack Most user use IE 8 - will it be used in an intranet? There is a shim / polyfill for most ES5 functions right on their MDN pages.
what kind of error is this? SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
@Riccardo990 Invalid JSON
I'm attempting to convert a php file into a json object using the json_encode function
and this is what I'm dealing with
@ChingChing Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i need help on this question : stackoverflow.com/questions/35548291/…
anybody please, i have been struggle for hours/
(working on a CMS), is it fine to save some 'page layout template'  (a template that tells how regions are in a page (navbar, main, footer, ..) like some jsx, in DB rather than file-system, if it's edited only online, and used by the server at each render

example, Foo.tpl:

<div class="foo"><Main/></div>
my boss wants those layouts to be easily editable by users.. so he wants thel to be saved on folders , but.. they don't edit files, they edit through the site interface
@crl The persistence system really doesn't matter
What you should be concerning yourself with is synchronization and race conditions
ok, normally one user edit his site, no multiple
2 users edit the same template at once
@crl Today.
they have each one their version of template, yea, I see... it could open 2 sessions
This is a common problem that always comes up
Normally I don't pull the "you might need this someday" argument
But this is simply a pitfall everyone trip on
yes totally, must be clean since the start
Do you want history?
Do you want to allow people to rollback to an earlier state? (Because users editing templates === fuck ups everywhere)
no, not history for that, it's reallt basic simple things
can anybody help me for solve this problem? stackoverflow.com/questions/35548291/…
In that case, some sort of web git client, and have the files persist on disk with a git repo backing them might be a good solution
If you don't need history, then there's still no significant advantage for one over the other
Choose whichever makes more sense to you, and whichever has a nicer API to work with
ok, thanks
Can somebody please tell me what is the meaning of this code?
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Sorry @CapricaSix
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@user_dev Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
data:  function data(term) {
                        return {
                            query: term/*
                            maxResults: 1000,
                            showAvatar: true*/
this code is part of the ajax request and I want to change the data to be array type in the ajax request . How can I do that, can somebody please guide me
data: term=>({query:term})
@crl Can you please explain what does that mean and how it is an array
or data: term => term a very useful identity function, term is an array? what ya want
I have confusion in basic structure it self , why can't it be like data : term[]
what does term looks like in practice?
data: is a key in an object
it needs a value which can be a number, a string, an array, an object, a function
okay , but the problem is array I am getting consists of a key value pair (like a map)
so it's an object yea
and it shows only value and key comes as undefined
{im: 'an object'}
['im', 'an', 'array']
1st one
query: {
        term: {
          [key]: value
should I write like this?
the dynamic key notation, yea, if you're familiar, but seems not so good
that is also not working
do you know a resource which can help me to understant this in detail
:28892065 I recommend you ask a proper question. See how to ask.
Here any one developing phonegap using android cordova updated version.
"updated version"?
The problem: if I select "zero" and then select, e.g., "ten", the scroll-bar goes up. Please, could you have a look; should I use "removeEventListener" there? Or should I add "onscroll" to select element? jsfiddle.net/ZolVas/r35jvabj Or should I make the question more precise..?
@ZolVas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Pans So, in plain English, you're asking if there is anyone here that has used PhoneGap on Android 6.0+?
My problem is , still now we are using cordova 2.9.0 version , now onwards we are moving to upgrade our cordova latest version, We have used every native function using @JavascriptInterface annotation , it returns value from javascript. But we are unable to use @javascriptInterface annotation functionality in latest version of cordova.

We need some return value from native function, but we are unable to get the value returned by plugin functionality and we need synchronous actions but plugins are run asynchronously .
You should have asked it like that and not wait for me to force that out of you.
I suggest you change your code to support the asynchronous operations.
Do you got my problem , where i stuck ?
posted on February 22, 2016 by Axel Rauschmayer

The main use case for ES6 symbols is that you can use them as property keys that can’t clash with other property keys. In case you think that name clashes don’t matter, here are three examples of where name clashes caused problems in the evolution of the JavaScript standard library: When the new method Array.prototype.values() was created, it broke existing code where with was used with an

You pretty much described your problem and the solution in your question. You're relying on some behavior that was a bad idea in the first place and has since been removed. Therefore, you should stop relying on that behavior and change your code to follow proper practices.
When i try to update my APK into play store i cont because i used lowest version but Google play store ask me to change the updated version phonegap
I tried like this but not even get any proper solutions
A: How to call cordova plugin action synchronously in Button click in javascript

beaverAs of Cordova Plugins dev docs the JS interface must have: cordova.exec(function(winParam) {}, function(error) {}, "service", "action", ["firstArgument", "secondArgument", 42, false]); and your definition has: cordova.exec(callback, function(err) { callback('error'); },...

What is the big problem with actually fixing your code?
I can't able to access my own plugin with synchronously. @RoelvanUden
This is like an infinite loop. Why not fix your calling code @Pans?
we don't have idea about that. can you refer any link regarding this issue? @RoelvanUden
@Pans Wh.. some of your code is calling plugins synchronously. Make them asynchronous. Problem solved. What's the big deal?
Does any one know if it would be a good idea to send passwords to PHP using Ajax instead of form actions?
@Mango Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix thanks for the welcome :-)
ok we will try ... @RoelvanUden
@Mango Doesn't matter.
@Mango Both end up as a HTTP call either way. That should be over HTTPS.
@RoelvanUden thanks for the advice
Good morning
@SterlingArcher Good morning to you too.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I needed this.
@Abhishrek ui lib for react?
@AwalGarg react-mdl, It is the best!
(although not very reacty with the internals)
fucking material
or you can go with getskeleton
^ Super minimalistic and super clean
just css no bullshit
@Abhishrek yeah that seems much better, thanks.
So what is the prefered alternative to Promise.defer(), anyway?
@corvid The promise constructor?
I don't think that really works, but I am doing something very wrong because I am using an event emitter
@corvid If you're returning from it more than once, promises aren't your best bet
@Abhishrek that is just perfect. why da hell did you not tell me about it for the last 3 projects
@AwalGarg Bulma is nice too
Please re-size the width of output and tell me how can I always keep those <span> into <cite> ? jsfiddle.net/76xr5rk8
@Shafizadeh Lol, is that a demand?
no :) That's a favor
@BenFortune I love the top comment.
> You are the voice of reason amid all the pointless whining.
So, TypeScript people - thoughts github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/pull/7140 ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum have you encountered any projects that TypeScript worked better than JS on?
Hey, I have to use a big touch screen for an avent where people are allow to try some things on a website. Maybe someone know a software to reject any unexpected behaviour like, right-click, or exit the fullscreen mode ?
I've never used it, but I've heard a lot about it. Seems kind of dart-ish to me (I know TS was first though)
@SterlingArcher TS was not first, Dart is probably ~3 years older than TS. Also, I don't but Kittens does and so do a few other regulars. I've only used TS a year ago - it was mostly meh at that point. I plan to give it another try some time.
@AllanRaquin unless you run the web browser in a kiosk mode that's generally not possible.
Wait Dart is older than Type?!!
I had no idea
I need to get into more compiler/frameworks to expand my skill.
Dart died from ___ though... I actually have no idea why it died vs TS... and sure, you could argue that it's not dead, but come on; we live in the real world.
Dart isn't dead.
ben pls
TypeScript is more popular because it's just JavaScript with types, no magic.
I also need to learn build tools like grunt (I know gulp is better but we use grunt at work)
@ndugger dart sees extensive use inside Google. It's like saying gwt is dead.
@SterlingArcher so sit down and learn grunt - it'll take you a few frustrating hours and you'll know it for good
I almost wish Dart had taken off more -- it had promise -- but It's not dead -- I know google uses it quite a bit
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good god yes yes yes!!!
Dart has an amazing base class library - but it's a step in the wrong direction.
a company extensively uses their own language? That shouldn't surprise anyone, nor does it make it any less dead to the rest of the world.
@RoelvanUden I was waiting for you to show up - I also think this is great news.
That means I ditch my IOption types soon. Whooh! This is exciting news.
Pretty much makes TS the #1 go-to language for me
@BenjaminGruenbaum I will be using it soon don't worry :) I'm off that project for a couple more weeks while I work on this geospacial device (tl;dr im calculating sat data to see if a device is in a location frequency)
Hello people
Is there a way to return tbody (HTML) to a dataTable with Serverside-scripting?
@RoelvanUden there are still a few things to iron out but it was indeed a sore spot before.
@BasheerAhmed please explain your question better
@ndugger I am using DataTable with Server side and I want to return HTML output to DataTable rather "DATA" array..
@SterlingArcher @rlemon I picked up vaping again... the whole wedding party was smoking a lot, and I didn't want to bum a cigarette, so I grabbed my istick. I got a new tank for it (no, I don't remember which one... I'll have to look at the box when I get home)
@BasheerAhmed What data table? What server side? Your question is still way too broad.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It will take some time for all the third party typing's to propagate this kind of information down, but this is exciting news. Really exciting news. I will rework my entire TS code base to support this as soon as I possibly can. :P
Oh guys, when I go perm next month, I'm going in for a security clearance! How exciting!!
How does it behave right now with external typings though? I presume those also become 'not null'
@SterlingArcher good luck :)
@RoelvanUden I haven't checked, but I assume so too.
@ndugger good good, it's easy for me to go out and vape with smokers, but if I'm super sloshy, I'll want one
@SterlingArcher Use me as a reference.
@Zirak I'm trying out something weird. Using space as a ctrl.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks :) Should be easy, my background is clean, paper wise. But there's still some stuff I have to admit that will be awkward but not a rejector
> In practical terms, strict null checking mode requires that all files in a compilation are "nullable aware". We are contemplating a pragma of some form that can be added to declaration files such that the compiler can verify that all referenced declaration files are "nullable aware" in a compilation that uses strict null checking.
@Trasiva will do, thank you :)
That answers it.
@SterlingArcher Since I already have held a clearance, I should be a pretty easy green light.
@SterlingArcher Animal sex is a nono? For what it's worth - I confessed to a ton of computer crimes when I got my clearance - had to sign a piece of paper I would not do it again and got my clearance just fine.
@SterlingArcher pretty sure @Loktar has(d) a clearance too
@BenjaminGruenbaum you're not in US tho
@BenjaminGruenbaum like downloading music? lol Mine is more college substance abuse
But my time clean and effort to leave that environment should be substantial enough to prove I'm ok
@SterlingArcher Be honest about that shit if/when asked.
Most definitely
More people are denied clearance from lying than actually doing bad things
It's not a big deal if it was in the past, it's a big deal if you lie about never having doen it and they find out.
And they WILL find out.
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@BasheerAhmed Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@Trasiva I'm going to text you
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@BasheerAhmed Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
:28894977     It process the data and  I want to return something like

 foreach($somedata as $data) {
    $output =  '<tr>';
            //process todos
    $output =  '<\tr>';
return $ouput;
@SterlingArcher Sure
@BasheerAhmed please stop pinging me; I'm not interested in helping you debug a jquery plugin mixed with php.
@CapricaSix ok
@SterlingArcher I guess I can say, denial of service against sites, exploiting known vulnerabilities at sites, exploiting social engineering tricks, leaving backdoors, running a botnet - the usual script kiddie stuff this was all 10 years ago lol.
I DDoSed a website when I was 16... does that go on my record? lol
!!s/interested in helping/masochistic enough to help/
@Trasiva @BasheerAhmed please stop pinging me; I'm not masochistic enough to help you debug a jquery plugin mixed with php. (source)
@ndugger Not unless charges were pressed.
Nah, I got a forum ban instead, lol
@ndugger Then no.

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