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@Abhishrek It didn't ;) v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com
@Neal :nth-last-child(-n+2) should do the trick
-.- meany !
@Maurice browser support ?
@rlemon Haha, I know, right?! I'm so surprised when things i learned in school are actually relevant
@Abhishrek so i dont want it to happen there
@Abhishrek no, I'm human.
For alpha, it works pretty well though.
@Neal gimme a minute I will hack something
Are u serious?!
A: Is it possible to select the last n items with nth-child?

John GuiseThis will select the last two iems of a list: li:nth-last-child(-n+2) {color:red;} <ul> <li>fred</li> <li>fred</li> <li>fred</li> <li>fred</li> <li>fred</li> <li>fred</li> <li>fred</li> <li>fred</li> <li>fred</li> <li>fred</li> <li>fred</li> </ul>

3 mins ago, by rlemon
A: Can CSS detect the number of children an element has?

HypermatttClarification: Because of a previous phrasing in the original question, a few SO citizens have raised concerns that this answer could be misleading. Note that, in CSS3, styles cannot be applied to a parent node based on the number of children it has. However, styles can be applied to the childre...

@rlemon Damn, always wondered why sudo never worked on my OVH servers.
3 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@Neal add a class in JS.
^ Yeah that
!!afk yall need heyzeus
@rlemon with stackoverflow.com/a/12198561/561731 I would have to code every case, wouldnt I ? 8, 11, 14, 17, 21....
@Neal sass not an option? :)
@FlorianMargaine haha Yea, that might be easiest, but idk if I want flash of the boxes being the wrong size
Naftali please.
@BenFortune I am using LESS
@Maurice Hmmmm?
@Neal Maurice's trick will work
I am not sure how many good browsers will support it vOv
Only IE doesn't support it.
@Maurice actually IE aswell
:D ha
@Abhishrek Yes, but it doesnt take into account the number of siblings @Maurice
It does :P
add mine to first part
@Abhishrek huh, awesome!
&:nth-child(8) ~ &:nth-last-child(-n + 2){

What do you mean @Abhishrek?
that roughly translates to
@Abhishrek Yes, but then I have to code every cade, don't I?
after nth-child(8) select every last 2 children
ooooh silly neal. I can use LESS, duuuh Thanks @BenFortune
ill just go up to like 14
:P yep
@Neal or fuck all this
cool. Thanks @Abhishrek @BenFortune @Maurice
and use flex
flex row can take care of this dynamically
No problem. Now I'm like:
@rlemon my question is not really a duplicate, but whatever. :-) if someone wants to reopen and post that answer I can accept it :-)
I... didn't do anything. :P
@Neal rlemon is afk: yall need heyzeus
@BenFortune he will run a less for loop
oh dear
to generate 14 cases
@Neal you know flex right ? If you don't I recommend you check that out before ES 6 :D
@Abhishrek lol not 14 cases. only 3
8, 11, 14
6 mins ago, by Neal
@rlemon with http://stackoverflow.com/a/12198561/561731 I would have to code every case, wouldnt I ? 8, 11, 14, 17, 21....
so this was just you being ??
I forgot about LESS
even without... three cases is nothing
Yea. forgot that the UI dev really said there should never be more than 11 boxes, but we can never trust that the content team will listen to that
@rlemon please save this glorious image into a command. -> "critical"
well, i know this question has been put many times, but i´m having a hard time to understand how to resolve this, maybe someone could give me any suggestions, i have this: $("a").attr("href", "path_to_my_file/file.pdf").attr('target','_blank'); .... how do i hide the link when hovering it...and hide the path when the new tab is opened?
Looking at Neal's question, h/o
some people say that this is better to do server side....some others say that is possible to do it client side...
@Abhishrek your answer is not working.
It does not select anything
i´m kinda lost
@Neal erm replace & with proper -_- selectors
@FlorianMargaine "hang on"
I did
lemme codepen :D
@Japa why would you do that?
@Maurice security reasons
@Neal last two elements out of exactly 8, right?
@BoltClock 8, 11, 14... Yes
i´ve read that it´s not good practice to show the path to your file
because of hacking
@Japa wrong context
so last Y elements of exacly N siblings @BoltClock
It is a very specific question and not a duplicate @BoltClock
OK it looks like the question is reopened
I agree you can't really glean the answer from looking at the dupe
It's one thing to say "style based on the number of children"
@Abhishrek @Neal works fine in my case.
@Abhishrek uhhh you have 12 elements there. not 8 or 11 or 14
what is 8 - 2 ? 6 :D
@Maurice That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Abhishrek huh?
you are using LESS -_-
any people here good at node boilerplate open source repo? I think I am doing it wrong...
@Abhishrek answer his question and mark me :D
@Abhishrek lol Awesome :-) Thanks ! Add as an answer :-)
@Neal do you only want the styles to take effect with 8, 11, 14... children but not any other number of children?
@BoltClock correct. for siblings where there are exactly 8.... 8 + 3n siblings
A: How do I target the last N sibling elements only when there are Y siblings in CSS?

AbhishrekHere is a pen demonstrating it http://codepen.io/darkyen/pen/vLjRdR .bar:nth-child(6) ~ .bar:nth-last-child(-n + 2){ color: red; } The trick is use the nth child selector to select the first (x) elements then select the last (y) elements following that subset.

okay now gimme some rep love ?
Because :nth-child(6) ~ :nth-last-child(-n + 2) doesn't really take that into account
What that does is limit it to >= 8 elements. So 8, 9, 10, 11, 12...
@BoltClock shoot really? @Abhishrek ???
I don't need to test it to know but you can easily test it by adding more elements
@BoltClock for his specific case that should work.
it will select the last 2 in all cases
Yea @Abhishrek I dont want this :-(
@Abhishrek That is not what I want...
he can simply use less to increase the nth-child
is there a cross browser solution for detecting client side that a site has refused to be played in an IFRAME? : GET cnn.com net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
thus stepping for 8, 11, 14
I want EXACTLY 8, 11, 14. etc
yes -_-
@Abhishrek See codepen.io/anon/pen/yejKEN ... that is not correct
the question we're all thinking: reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/1curuf/…
@Neal why can't you do
or: Refused to display 'http://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.
for( var i = 6; i <= 12; i += 3){
    .bar:nth-child(${i})  ~ .bar:nth-last-child(-n + 2){
          color: red;
// *pseudo code uses javascript --- i haven't used for past 1-3 years
@Abhishrek I really am not sure what you are not getting... @BoltClock Can you try to explain? it handles all cases > 8... so if there are 9 siblings the last 2 will highlight and I do not want that.
Oh you want exactly 8
gimme 1000 more seconds :D
1-7 siblings: highlight none
8 siblings: highlight last 2
9, 10 siblings: highlight none
11 siblings: highlight last 2
12, 13 siblings: highlight none
@BoltClock bingo. :-)
@Neal I think you want to change your "Also" to be part of the main question, because it could be seen as an optional bonus
another answer was posted that seems to be ignoring that bit
@BoltClock How would I word that?
I am terrible with wording
> if and only if there are 8, 11, 14... elements
should be enough
sorry xD I am gonna goto bed now :P Been travelling past 46 hours
and home is still about 4 away :-/
@BoltClock updated
Honestly, @Neal you should start using flex :-> (just saying :D :D)
// I kinda forget this selector foo after I started using Flex
I'll answer
@BoltClock Thanks :-)
Tom B's answer should take care of that, shouldn't it ?
A: How do I target the last N sibling elements only when there are Y siblings in CSS?

BoltClockThe easiest way by far is to target each of the 2 elements you want to style with its own set of pseudo-classes: ul { counter-reset: item; list-style-type: none; } li::before { content: counter(item); counter-increment: item; } li:nth-last-child(1):nth-child(3n+8), li:nth-last-child(2):...

@BoltClock whoa. cool. How does that work? :-)
Does it only work with li items?
No, the counters are just for demonstration
nth-child doesn't discriminate by element type
@BoltClock also counters are cool as hell.
is there a way to select by counters, yet ?
or is that all css 4 ?
@BoltClock Very cool :-) So putting 8 + 3n in my question was a "hint" of sorts to solve it? :-D
I added an explanation
@Neal Yeah you were partway there :)
This should be possible with a single complex selector without needing commas
Good night :D
@BoltClock I knew I was getting somewhere lol
@Neal she and I am sorry for the no-show, /cc @SterlingArcher
@Abhishrek sok
I will visit you, If I come to NYC again promise
@BoltClock works awesomely :-) Thanks!
@Stefan actually you might be right but I don't find your comment very useful because you only criticized, instead of providing a solution. But I changed code and it still doesn't working, see an upd — user2950593 6 mins ago
knex is surprisingly easy to use
ASoTvikhUTuezBnG.xnawoimAZWePNBNOoidfuhe;Y8HONt2"§Pvpweouaemwa.,mvwpt3UIE KEY: 4
@Cereal lol
@jAndy the game
TIL "What am I doing wrong?" means "What is the solution?"
@jAndy wat ?
@BoltClock How do you mean?
Sorry for stupid question but this don't output an error but does not do it's job.
function createTextSlider(parent, library){
	var round = 0;
		parent.innerHTML = library[round];
		round = round <= library.length ? 0 : round + 1;
	}, 1000);
@Neal in Cereal's link, OP asks "What am I doing wrong?", Stefan responds explaining what's wrong, OP says he was looking for a solution, not asking what he did wrong
@Maurice what does the debugger say?
@BoltClock Oy...
@Maurice then you don't know how to ask nicely.
@Maurice <= should be >=
Damn. Missed that-.-
The little things are the hardest to find
Thank you for your special eyes.
Try using setTimeout instead of interval (in my opinion) @Maurice
that's a bad advice.
@Neal good point. -> recurisve
alright this is neat
@FlorianMargaine Why?
Wow, 47k rep and they're answering shitty questions like this.
Because round would be 0 every round
@SomeGuy because it will add complexity for absolutely no reason. setInterval is correctly used there.
Ah, right, fair enough. I thought you meant in general
Anyone knows how I can regex replace the following in VS2015 or Notepad++?
`this\.dialogs = {.*?}` -> I need to match multiline, it only matches one line now
@FlorianMargaine you gotta teach me how to type.
yeah no, setInterval is rarely used correctly, most people use it for http requests and what not, but this case is good.
return $(link).attr('href');
How on earth do you type so fast @FlorianMargaine ?
these types of people make me sad / angry
spanish for ninjas: round = round >= library.length - 1 ? 0 : round + 1;
@Neal I updated my answer
for the heck of it
@Abhishrek ask err... there was someone else in this room who typed much faster than I do.
I think you are the fastest now.
@BoltClock lol whoa. that is even cooler :-)
I type at 1/3rd of your usual typing speed.
Right, if you haven't actively used a windows laptop in about 2 years, do anything you can to prevent having to get the system up to date again
Windows update required an update to detect if it has updates available...
@Abhishrek do you look at your keyboard when typing?
one of the younger kids (can't remember who) hunts and pecks faster than I type with both hands without looking
160+ wpm master race.
and I'm not a slow typer
But only when I try-hard
@rlemon That'd be @towc
I think?
everyone at work but me hunts and pecks
bugs the shit out of me
Whoever named this email library "pony" needs to be shot
Googling this is a pain
@SomeGuy I don't think it was towc, it was .. uhh... that other kid
hasn't been around in a while
Runescape taught me touch-typing :)
gtypist taught me
@rlemon Oh, yeah, I know who you mean. Can't remember his name either :P
@rlemon Understandably. It's infuriating
Especially if you ever have to sit by them
At college we have to work on documents together
My keyboard doesn't have lettering on it. The only person in the office who can use it is our secretary
The teachers always ask why I'm the one at the keyboard every single time
catgocat, Lisbon, Portugal
809 4 13
I don't hunt and peck, but I can't type with more than two fingers at once.
that took way too much effort to remember
hasn't been active since last august on github
his domain is also expired
howdy folks
@FlorianMargaine never
@Abhishrek good! that's a start
I look at my keyboard all the time in KSP. I mean to just move slightly to the side and end up yawing because my finger is on the wrong damn key
happens all the time
I get angry
@rlemon Hangouts tonight ? / tomorrow night ?
tomorrow maybe
Hello, all! Remember how I said my internet in the past was bad? Well now it's ridiculously terrible. I "pinged" google and the stats were:
Pings: Min - 422ms, Max-1195ms, Avrg: 811ms. 25% packet loss. Wow
got woodworking to do tonight
You have a terrible ISP @Lemony-Andrew
try switching your DNS servers to and
@rlemon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Abhishrek yeah, this is just abnormal behavior. I'm really surprised it got this bad.
@Lemony-Andrew Try pingtest.net
@Lemony-Andrew Check your incoming wire? I had that happen when the wire was damaged a ton
@BenFortune teehee
@BenFortune it'll be a while until that loads lol, but I'll do it
Seems to help when I have routing issues.
@SomeGuy I feel like that may be the problem. I'm leaving my house in like 3 minutes so I can't yet haha.

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