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what are you making with it lemon?
you gluing them back into logs?
hello all
@CGN007 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: How to display a kendo template inside another?

CGN007I've a kendo popup template for add/edit. I need to display a list of product with a check-box inside a list-view in that template.I found this link to create a list-view of check boxes. How do i use this inside another template. ****Looking for something like this**** Html <script type="tex...

can anyone help here
@HatterisMad going for a chessboard pattern
but subtle
chessboard pattern in what though haha
so do this right, then cut it up short wise, and glue it back together opposite so you get the chess board pattern in the wood.
then I'm taking that wood and making a clock
you have a pallet jack at home????
this isn't mine
that is just a picture I found online
mines much smaller.
it will be a desk clock
I wish I had a pump truck
that would mean I'd have the room for a proper workshop
i was gonna say.... you might have an obesity problem if you are buying supplies in pallets
well I am
and they are a bitch to get rid of
(I'm finishing a basement, so)
the pallets are a bitch to get rid of?
I don't have a car big enough to transport them
so I have to cut them up first
fire is your friend
I live in the city
fire might be your friend but it also might not be your neighbors friend after you are done with those pallets :D
I'm surprised no one has called the fire department on me for running my forge
it creates a lot of smoke in the winter (probably just steam)
one of my friends also has a forge.... and they have a trailer
so probably seems like white trash cooking meth
which would be funny if he wasnt on parole for manufacturing and selling drugs
i have a small gas forge which is mostly okay (makes no smoke, makes no noise, no sparks)
then.. then there is my coal forge.
I have a hair dryer running it :D makes a lot of sparks and smell and smoke at the start
you should have a black smoke competition with @jhawins
the idea with the forge is once it is upto heat it makes no smoke
just sparks
but the coal smells like shit
this is indoors?
open room (garage with the door open)
so I'm not like gassed out, but my clothes smell like I've been cooking over a camp fire
i bet your girl loves it when you come inside hahaha
she actually likes the smell
I however do not
I love camp fires, but hate the smell they linger when you get away from them
(I don't mind the smell while I'm around them)
meh I thought color picker would give all change updates actions in the picker jsfiddle.net/crl/s2k6nrnx :(
does for me.
trying on ff
i get a constant stream of chagen events while picking a color
chrome osx
wow, they did it well there
well, I mean you can cancel those changes they are not real changes, but I wanted to make live changes on the page with that
no cancel button on the osx one.
I can't decide if I hate TypeScript or not
nice, so I drilled a hole in some wood, filled it with clear epoxy and pushed a rgb led into it (defuse the light and make it flush with the surface)
worked out PERFECTLY
now... how to get my hands on lots of epoxy for cheap
@rlemon recommend drying the epoxy with a heat gun to get bubbles out
otherwise LED can heat up air pockets and cause things to explode
thanks for the tip
np bby , ilu :*
they won't be thick layers and in reality the leds will likely be mounted behind the layer of epoxy
That's what happened to MA370.
just wanted to see how they looked
@rlemon are you just using 1.5V LEDs?
also, what type of epoxy? just two component?
@Codeman 4pin rgb
3.5v, but you can push them to 5.5
lemmy find a link.
ohh and the epoxy is just two part gorilla shit I use for knife scales
had it around
for the price they are REALLY good leds
outside of dx.com I can't find full colour leds for less than $1.51/per/100
dx.com, ~$0.27/per/whatever
if I wanna buy <100 from digikey the same led (1) is exactly the same price as 10 on dx.com :D
woa, I just noticed. I got them cheaper. I bought 11 units. so that means I payed 23 cents a led
:goes and sits in the corner:
really tho, playing with leds is fun
I can't explain it. it just is.
@rlemon I was asking 'cause the 3.5V ones probably put out more heat
I would leave it running for a week or so and see if the heat degrades the epoxy
@Codeman these get warm
I've had them running for a few hours
yeah the 1.5V ones aren't as bright but they don't put out hardly any heat
and epoxy is an insulator
I'm used to dealing with cree lamps
so these are kiddy as far as heat
Drill from behind until JUST before the face, so the LED is only visible when it's on and looks like plain wood otherwise.
cree lamps need their own heat sync
but they also put out a shit tonne of lumens
@Luggage ooo good idea
but I'd probably just try to use wood filler + expoy + the stain I'll be using in the end to make up a over coat that looks almost real :D
@rlemon yeah I'm just wondering if there's enough heat to degrade the epoxy. Could be a fire hazard with no sinks
or a thin facade over plain holes
or veneer?
is that the word?
veneer would be too thick to show light through
they are pretty bright
all three of these are running on the same output
so they're splitting one 3.3v output cross 270ohm resistors
(220 is supposed to be for one, this is all I had on hand)
now ofc that is a lie, I'm not splitting the output, I'm pulsing it to each
but still... bright leds. if I didn't have to turn them off to light the others they would be brighter I suspect.
you kids and your arduinos
back in my day we did it with 555's and MATH!
lol, I have the 555's
I've done that before
I'll take the arduino every fucking day of the week
555? pfft, I just wired up a bunch of capacitors
(my HS engineering teacher was a hard ass and made us do everything by hand, in the most ridiculous ways)
we used water in a series of buckets in my day.
yea I'm pretty sure Luggage tops all of us with age
you old fart.
i'm not even 40
@rlemon we had to use 555's to demodulate a PWM sonar sensor. That was fun.
@Codeman in grade 12 I built a microcontroller
it was huge
haha, that's cool :)
but it ran my robot (fire fighting robot)
I didn't build a microcontroller til year 4 :(
that's a macrocontroller
@Luggage :D
really was, it had the roughly the same specs as this: parallax.com/product/bs2sx-ic which is similar to what the other students used
I know this doesn't make sense, but I think I need to store "high ASCII" characters in a UTF-8 text file
the teacher at the beginning of the yea said if you didn't use the basic stamp, and built your own and it worked.. just worked. 15% on top
he didn't care how ugly it was
@rlemon did you do the memory controller and instruction translator and such?
he saw it a great achievement that it worked.
did I ever tell you guys what we named our rats?
@Codeman fuck no, I used a microchip.com pic16f, wrapped the other shit around it and wrote like 100 lines of ASM
he accepted it anyways
did you mine the silicon?
15% mofo :D
@rlemon lolz
yeah, instruction translator and memory controller were the biggest PITA of my MCU
now the bot was pretty badass.
it navigated a maze, found a candle, put it out, and exited the maze
took 9 months to build with a partner
and we didn't know the configuration of the maze
so you had to do some basic pathfinding
all right turns, and an early lunch.
the one tip off was that hallways and doorways were different widths.
so we just scanned for that
let the next developer optimize it
once you can differentiate rooms from hallways it is pretty easy to navigate
i sometimes have trouble with that task
I mean, we knew some stuff.
isn't there an algo to navigate a maze only using right turns?
like, there were 5 rooms. 1 candle in one of the rooms. we knew the dimensions of the doorways and hallways
or left
we implemented a shitty A*
like really shitty. basically if it didn't find the candle in the first two rooms we were 50/50 fucked
but only if it's an acyclic graph
our options for programming (due to what the teacher could read): asm, hex, basic
like, he was one of those old school crazy genius geeks who could actually make sense from raw hex
@rlemon you should have used JicamaJS
I know one hex instruction
from my OS days
@KendallFrey I remember the funny ones for Motorola ASM
I work with a guy who can make sense (not in real time ofc, but given a few minutes can tell you the bits) from looking at the wave outputs of a serial comm
SEX, ABBA, ABS are all fun
@Codeman Sex is fun? Who knew?
you didn't
@Luggage 5318008
we had to program a 10*10 led display to scroll our names in grade ten. he joked on the first day about making us write the entire thing in hex. had us running a line of light after two lessons then let us use qbasic
he was an ass, but holy fuck was he smart.
and actually taught us a lot
so smart he landed himself a job teaching tenth grade
i can make that joke.. family of teachers.
@Luggage his choice. he was on his was to retire in industry and got pissed off at the idiots working under him
he taught at UofW for a few years, decided that was too late and moved to HS to start it there
(his words)
ohh also, I'm not sure if this is common elsewhere. but in my HS teacher often taught every grade. not just one.
so he was "the engineering" teacher
that's common in the US, too.
all four years were with him. there was a few faculty for the more common courses like english and math
a 'science' teacher that may teach all grades (different classes)
but things like drama, art, music, eng, comp sci, etc.
all single teacher courses
also, i went to a 'technical school' and had an electronics teacher all 4 years
maybe not today, but 15 years ago.
well, a failed copier repairman. I liked him, but he was not a good teacher.
I still learned, but only because I wanted to.
I had three really good teachers in my time. one was grade 4, I had her for two years. grade 3 and then she moved on to grade 4 and I was so upset because I hated her in grade 3. ended up loving her in grade 4 and she just impacted me as a really good teacher. Then my HS drama teacher, she was a old theater chick (retired ofc, she was like 65) and eccentric as fuck. loved her. Then my Eng teacher.
also, I still haven't figured out a good 'color cycle' algo for rgb :/
if anyone has one, pls tell
I want a smooth transition for all colours
ohh, yea, I had plenty of good teachers. But my analog to your beloved hex programmer was not one of them
my worst teacher was grade 11 chem.
every.. fucking.. lesson.. (minus one lab every two weeks) was just her writing down notes and us copying them down silently.
it was painful
yea, that sucks. I had a decent teacher that liked to do labs whenever possible.
when we did labs it was fun.. but we didn't often do them :/
physics class was way more fun. labs every few lesson.
And she was one I had for multiple years. chemistry, physics.. other physics?
our physics teacher wore Velcro shoes, walked to school, talked to himself.
one of those guys who probably calculated the kinetic energy of his footstep
omg is github down???
for about an hour now
Oh. My. God.
@SterlingArcher if you're looking for code.
google cache
otherwise, fucked
I wonder if I can make pushes
might just be the webserver
not a huge deal, I was just gonna develop shit before I went boarding tomorrow
you still can
you can commit without pushing
push when they're back up
git is local until you push
git is all awesome until you push. Then it gets more awesome.
@Codeman here is the wood "test"
again, note that I will not be embedding it into the wood this way in the final result.
but it does defuse the light nice
are these indicator lights or 'provide light' lights?
saw this
decided I wanted to build just the clock portion of it, but with a spin (rgb leds)
mine are much brighter than his, so now I'm thinking just boring some slots where his 3 segment leds are and doing the 7 segment display that way
but I'll need to cover those/and/or fill them with something to defuse the light
so I'm just testing with some crap right now
Apparently Windows is incapable of accepting a NUL character in the clipboard
sounds reasonable.
null is a string terminator and pasting strings longer than where null is could be a security problem for careless apps
Yeah, I know, it still sucks
What use do you have for pasting null? I'm curious.
I'm editing a "binary" file with a text editor
I wonder how many/what companies are having trouble because of github being down
@Firedrake969 HOLY SHIT
haha, ok.
@KendallFrey ??
I know it's not super major, lol
It is super major
wrong order
It took long, because when I clicked the policeman, I got a popup telling me that I can select a skintone, now.
you know it
I try not to snicker, but I really hate apple.
I like snickers tho
I like apples and snickers
I likes apples, not snickers
your loss. I have a unix system, without fucking about with ubuntu unity or whatever other bs is about
but we've beaten this to death.
not my loss, I've used apple products plenty.
as long as you can do what you need to do
I don't enjoy their UX, but besides that I disagree with many of their business practices.

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