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@SomeGuy I've finished reading David Poole's book. I guess that's enough for me.
Considering I don't really like Mathematics.
@littlepootis How was it?
@SomeGuy yeah, I'm sometimes considering going back to university
still need to do a masters degree and something new and nice wouldn't hurt
Machine Learning and so on
@SomeGuy A really good one. It's my first LA book.
@GNi33 I think it's a good environment to learn things faster than you otherwise would, assuming good teachers / subjects
@littlepootis Neat. I'll check it out sometime
@littlepootis read Cormen's intro to algo and do the coursea course.
Maybe the art of computer programming, and CISP
Ooh, @BenjaminGruenbaum, have you tried the nand2tetris course?
SICP I meant
I've been having a ton of fun with it
@SomeGuy I should do that some day
@SomeGuy isn't he the one who introduced you to it? :P
@SomeGuy I'm pretty sure I'm the one who recommended it to you - yes, I did it like 3 years ago - was a lot of fun. Used Node 0.8.
I still have that code somewhere, have a lot of tests if you'd like
@BenjaminGruenbaum you read all of AOCP?
@FlorianMargaine Is he? I don't remember :P I've known about it for so long that I have no idea where it started :P
of TACP is the acronym maybe?
For anyone interested in learning how computers work: twit.tv/shows/security-now/episodes/233?autostart=false Also ep 233, 235, 237, 239, 241, 250.. etc..
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hah, nice! Sure, I don't mind having the tests
May 19 '13 at 23:04, by Amaan Cheval
I looked at NAND2Tetris when I was in 9th grade, I think. It was disappointing that I didn't understand anything at all
@littlepootis They run the bots through the pipes.
It feels weird that I didn't actually know shit about sequential logic back then
You'd think I'd have tried to learn :P
@FlorianMargaine I read like two thirds :P
@SomeGuy are you writing it in node?
that's a lot
how many years to read 2/3?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm still on the HDL parts, so I haven't decided
But I was thinking of using Python
Might just use Node, though
I started nand2tet a few months ago. It was fun. I was watching the logic gates videos. Then I received an SMS from my college saying JEE notification has come.
Cool, thanks
yeah I got skillz, waddya gonna do bout it ^
Lol explained for nothing: stackoverflow.com/a/35017067/3119231 :D
@SomeGuy pst
@ton.yeung Uh...is that actually accurate?
@FlorianMargaine What?
@SomeGuy lisp
@ton.yeung Ah, yea. That makes sense.
@FlorianMargaine Haha, that's actually not a bad idea. Learn a language while building a computer? :P
@ton.yeung I was going to say. Excuse me, I'm going to go demand a big raise riiiight about now, haha.
lisp is darn useful
hey guys, how is everyone doing ?
I have a question
@ton.yeung yeah, but they're not that useful unless you do a lot of work on the client
comprehending it led to a better adaption on other languages
!!tell Lamar hi
@FlorianMargaine Why did you learn Lisp? What was your motivation?
Oh wait, Cap's down.
@ton.yeung Moving is in the cards, but I'm not moving until I have an actual job lined up. I got burned last time I tried that.
@Trasiva Down on me, maybe
u're into droid sex ? :o
@ton.yeung I just wrote myself a memo on Inbox to do that tonight. Things have been hectic the last week, and this bug I've got is kicking my ass almost as good as @Cereal does in SC II.
@rlemon Holy hell
You know sc isn't hard if you put some time into it
@ton.yeung Starcraft.
have anyone uses Parse Cloud Services as Server to host web socket communication? @Trasiva
@Cereal Yea, I know. But I'm having fun pushing the ladders (not that I'm succeeding much) in Seasons.
@Trasiva I've actually been playing gw2 lately. Waiting for the season roll in sc2
@Lamar Never heard of it.
@Cereal I should take advantage of the in between window to practice.
I should make the meta tag more pronounced in the dark theme
so hard to tell it is a different tag type
[tag: and spaces are not allowed
[tag:your spaces fail]
have you use web socket tho.. (if yes) where do you host it? @Trasiva
@rlemon what framework would trump be if he were a JS framework?
@BenjaminGruenbaum YUI (bloated, from money, opinionated, and deprecated. )
@BenjaminGruenbaum Mootools
I'm thinking jQuery (It's not a framework, but people claim it's great and does everything because they don't know any better)
@SomeGuy I was learning many languages at the time
@rlemon Space fail and bracket fail. I'm gonna just sit here and slowly die.
Lisp ended up being the one who stayed
"Stayed" is an overstatement
@Trasiva rip
@BenjaminGruenbaum ?
@Cereal You're failing almost as much as I am.
The delete button on the new mobile ui doesn't work
@Cereal I'll deleted your button.
@FlorianMargaine it significantly declined in popularity.
@BenjaminGruenbaum did it ever gain popularity?
@MadaraUchiha It's perfectly valid. Dev time is lowered, scalability is pretty damn good lol. It's nothing at all like using jQuery to do your entire DOM, I know you played with it once or twice but it was clear yesterday you weren't sure what your complaints were. I'd suggest actually using it if you're going to keep spreading opinions about it :P
I was talking about the languages I learned, and which one stayed for me
so before the holidays I made a manual patch with the understanding I'd "document it and put it into the main build". now I cannot remember what the change was (besides it being a change, and ofc what it fixes) and I need to put it into the build. :/
Is there any reason why you cannot use a literal value in a mongodb aggregation? Eg: { $multiply: [60000, '$times.dinner'] }
Hmm, mongodb and mongoose for nodejs is kind of interesting
@rlemon made it where? the machine code?
@ssube patched a device manually
@SterlingArcher Thats what I have at work - is it bad?
device is somewhere now
@BenCraig too early to say. Right now I'm reading the model schemas, and seeing how operation methods work
like findbyid and shit
@rlemon Hahaha shit
@rlemon ouch
@SterlingArcher why mongo?
stay away from that
@FlorianMargaine Why?
@rlemon : i got the beagle board today with a sound cape. But somehow it is not able to detect it. I have checked everything: power, connection, placement, ... Could it be that the cape is faulty ?
@FlorianMargaine yes, it used to be very popular at universities at one point.
@FlorianMargaine not an option -- it's work
@BenCraig because it's shit
Thats not a helpful answer
@KarelG link to the cape? and what BBB version
how is it shit
@SterlingArcher ew
@SterlingArcher oh :/
I keep hearing it's shit but no real explanation as to why
41 secs ago, by Sterling Archer
@FlorianMargaine not an option -- it's work
Are there any reasons besides "its shit"
no better than "jQuery is awsome!"
@KevinB mongo?
Not my game
It doesn't perform well.
real work, my job
I just lost
if you don't need speed, or a relational db.... I suppose mongo is okay
@KevinB There's no consistency, the data on disk ends up bloated, and there are network-region bugs that can lock multiple nodes.
@rlemon or integrity
If you have a small amount of data that you can lose without worrying, then Mongo is fine.
@ton.yeung eh, maybe, but I think for data mining a relational db will suit me better
Especially when a lot of joins are required
Queries are generally slow, because the query shaping algorithms choose the wrong index fairly often. Writes still lock a large amount of the DB, causing performance problems.
@ton.yeung In our benchmarking, Cassandra can handle a lot more writes than Mongo.
plpgsql all things
A meme-filled technical explanation of the things that can go wrong with Mongo: aphyr.com/posts/284-jepsen-mongodb
Mongo reads aren't much faster than other DBs.
This makes more sense than its shit
@ton.yeung secondaries can still lock each other if they run into significant writes, which tanks performance on the entire cluster.
The built-in map/reduce can't really compete with real map/reduce, either. It's not terribly quick.
holy shit the amount of words
i can understand those arguments, but, they don't seem to really apply to my usecase. I don't care about write performance, and i don't need sharding, so i don't see a downside.
@KevinB you don't care about making sure all your data is saved?
Of course i do, but all i see is fear mongering.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you just discovering lil dicky?
@rlemon audio cape + wiki and the BBB version is the recent one.
The only data loss cases brought up thus far seem to be related to sharding and network issues, neither of which affect my case.
@KevinB I'm using Mongo in production at work, and it's kind of a mess. Other DBs are just as easy to set up for small projects, so I'd strongly suggest going with one of those.
@KevinB No, Mongo doesn't provide ACID or transactions in any sense.
Mongo was kind of a bitch to install
@ton.yeung i use pgAdmin
When you write data to it, it tells you the data was received, but provides no guarantee that it has been saved to disk.
But the mongoose module seems rather intuitive for node
That's in single-node mode.
@KarelG does the BBB come with Angstrom installed or Debian
again, that's data writing, which is somehthing that might happen 3-4 times a month
they changed a bunch of shit with that release. not everything is documented yet
I'm dealing with the transition myself. broke all my software
not "broken"
but different from how it was, and now nothing lines up proper
not saying that is why the cape doesn't work
just tossing it out there
filter: blur <3
should i add a debian core to the SD card myself ? :P
and boot from it
they changed some eeprom crap too, and uboot changed
I now that much
I'm chasing the uboot issue right now
if you can figure out how (with the latest release) to get it to boot from the SD by default let me know
there is a hardware switch (deadman button) to boot from SD
and hardware modification isn't an option
@rlemon well, last week, but yeah.
yes, just read from the doc that there is a switch. but it's indeedly annoying
10000 and all that :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum ohh boy are you ever in for a treat. youtube.com/watch?v=BKxgfLImycw
he just keeps going.
rap people call them "bars", I call it rhyming :/
MAybe i can return the BBB and ask for a previous version ?
would be a safe bet
Given a date object, is there an easy way to get the number of milliseconds since the beginning of the current day?
@KarelG the change happened late last year
@rlemon Because rappists are renowned linguistic experts.
everything will catch up
@ssube depends on who you listen too
most of them are linguistic experts. unfortunately those don't make it to the radio.
a few of them are
the others just ride along with it
ok. Thanks for the info. Let me know if you solved the boot issue. Could be useful for me too
the few that are tend to be crazy good
i'm a hobbyist, not a master
@ssube if you listen to a lot of the 'underground' guys, who are not all about "fuck bitches get money" it's pretty good stuff
more on the lines of just hiphop I suppose
@rlemon yeah
but they are rapping
a lot of those guys are getting pretty mainstream now, though
lil dicky is the @FlorianMargaine of rap
they've both been in their respective games for around the same amount of time
and they both own it
@rlemon awesome, I'll look at it after work :D
save dat money is priceless.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it is a "two part" (one video) -- watch the window in the background during part 2

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