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morning from NY!
is there a way to listen to a page for any ajax requests?
I don't remember how to do it, but I think you could do var d=document.createElement('input'); d.type='date'; d....//<trigger it. Someone know?
or maybe it must always be in dom..
do you want to validate it without dom element ?
not validation, just triggering programatically the modal thing (of <input type="file"> let's say)
for the modal window of File type input , there is this trick of <label for="fileId" > <input type="file" id="fileId"/>
Now you can $.click[] the label , and the modal will opeen
I know it's working cause i've done it.
@SuperUberDuper setInterval(ajaxRequest,1);
I just dont remember if it's the ID or the Name prop.
@SuperUberDuper You can use WebSockets too.
But WebSocket sucks, setInterval rocks
@littlepootis ???
@RoyiNamir context
I see many many pluralsight / lynda / tutsplus videos. ( computer stuff learning)
almost 99% uses MAC.
American hipsters
@Zirak mmmm'kay
it's been a week since I ran pacman -Syu, I'm too scared to run it now
@RoyiNamir I remember it used to work too... but jsfiddle.net/crl/h2tw7v7o
@Zirak what sucks with aur is there's no yaourt -Syu :/
Use pacaur
you rock
It's a pacman wrapper which also supports the AUR, so it pretty much replaces pacman
@Zirak how does it handle aur updates?
Like a charm
is it a security issue?
I mean it's a git repo, you'd have to store the git commit somewhere
pacaur -Syu updates both pacman and AUR
@FlorianMargaine Nah, it's a PKGBUILD
yeah, but the first random pkgbuild I found has pkgver=0.0.0
@crl I meant something like this : jsbin.com/zazukilasi/edit?html,js,output
ah it works, but normally it's the same than what I did, checking
@KendallFrey omg
hey @SterlingArcher
how was last night
how terrible was the code you wrote while drunk?
lol I thought I did something amazing.. and I checked my commit... it was a function with an if statement lol
@RoyiNamir actually just this jsbin.com/zazukilasi/edit?html,js,output (no need for label)
you'll have to send me the link to your repo for me to yell at you again
We have 2ft of snow, and another foot is projected today
in IE(8/9) , imho it doesn't work. I know because I've created
"please upload file" label in our site ( ie8+) and it didn't work without that patch.
github.com/RUJodan/SourceUndead/commit/… it doesn't look too bad @FlorianMargaine
Aside from committing some logs that aren't needed it seems like a solid function
I hope I tested it. I don't really remember
well now it works.. jsbin.com/fokace/edit?html,js,output no idea why it failed
not working here.
(chrome 47)
/seen BenjaminGruenbaum
^ what's "/seen" ?
@RoyiNamir uh, too much IRC I guess
should show me the time when the user was on last time
First time I spot someone attempt that
I'm having caffeine withdraws, and It's only been like 16 hours since my last caffeine... I have issues
too much snow here.
Not enough snow here. I want massive snow drifts, blizzards, and people that got locked out and froze to death in the snow.
at least it's not sticking to the power lines like last year
I've heard the storm is pretty bad in the USA
we're used to snow. it's not a disaster or anything. just an inconvenience for a few days
at least here in baltimore/washington area
@RoyiNamir the US is so large, that the storm is only affecting a very small area
I won't see any of the storm.
the DC area is getting hit pretty hard, though
!!afk need to fuel my caffeine addiction
Happy bday @KendallFrey
Sorry, was AFK since yesterday morning. Was at a party all weekend
D&D with your folks?
That's a decent amount of snow
You can stop accumulating it now
How can I select every thing except "this" in this regex101.com/r/wX5tG0/1
8 more hours of snow predicted
@Shafizadeh You already have
yes, but I want other URLs get select too - Not just first URL
!!afk time to go shovel again :(
Well, you're explicitly looking for an underscore
That's what my deck looks like too @Luggage
You can pretty much replace everything after the [n]: match with ([\S]+)
I want to select all this pattern {[anydigit]: url} the first of line before underscode
@Zirak emm, I think this it fine tnx
And that \n is unnecessary
Ah ok
In the beginning of the regexp
@Luggage Dammit, that's the kind of Snow I need in my life. Minnesota needs to get its shit together
@ndugger Luggage is afk: time to go shovel again :(
10,000 cancelled flights :o
@ndugger move to Canada
@Mosho How can 100,000 flights be cancelled if there is only 10 flights in world how?
wat moved to Trash
mod pls
I thought you gave him an echo command >:(
dangit didn't see the moved wats
@Firedrake969 now I can only imagine him/her/that giving cunnilingus
@Zirak well, using ([\S]+) wasn't useful in my case
In this regex what happens in output when you remove ^ from the beginning of regex? "test" goes in the first line ..! Now I need ^ in the first of regex, also I need to put "test" in the first line. Is there any solution?
@Neal fun :D
@Shafizadeh I don't understand your question
Give a regex, input and expected output
@Zirak I want this output puls ^ in the beginning of regex
Maybe (?:\r*\n*|^)
You don't need the \r in js though, strings are normalized to only contain \ns
ah, good point
Anyway, just |, either a newline or beginning of a line. Good enough?
Does anyone know how much performance improvement should be expected when using the Closure Compiler with ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS? I'm trying to optimize a voxel renderer
@Zirak Actually I need those two group in my regex ... also I need to bring up "test" in the first line
I think it's somewhere along the lines of "none" but I'm not quite confident about that.
@Shafizadeh huh? regex101.com/r/wX5tG0/5
@Zirak ow .. lemme check plz
@oldmud0 Not much. CC does optimise some things, but you won't see a huge improvement.
new york is in snow :D
@Zirak this selects URLs in everywhere .. I just need to select them if they be in the beginning of newline
/\n(url matching here)/
I have a question on how to use an specific node .js framework, I don't have code to show. SO is not the place for it right? Which SO site should I refer in this case?
@Shafizadeh yeah, change the first \n* to a \n+
you could've solved it
It's not my renderer, actually, it's a prototype renderer from someone else who wanted to make a Voxlap-like renderer on the browser. The code is small, but I think Silverman (the creator of Voxlap) got his performance from the fact that it was partly made of handmade assembly
@Zirak normalized by what?
@KendallFrey shrug, you won't see \rs
in what?
I think I'm addicted to programming... I keep telling myself that I need to take a break, but I keep doing it... what the hell
Strings, unless your put them there
@Zirak ...just like every other character
@KendallFrey Input from elements?
Multiline strings?
@Zirak elements meaning the DOM?
That would mean the DOM normalizes the strings
Sure, whatever
I am just checking using a button
*I am just checking if the function is getting called or not using a button
@GandalftheWhite You forgot to make a small example
!!tell GandalftheWhite mcve
@GandalftheWhite If you would like assistance, please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example
@Zirak Well, That's perfect now :-) thanks
I want to use voxel.js but the problem is that it is very Minecraft-oriented, which makes from a hard transition to how things were with Voxlap
@littlepootis Don't have a meltdown over it hahaha
@KendallFrey took me forever to realize I needed heat shielding now
I just visited a site and got an e-mail a couple of minutes later about this site. I never gave out my e-mail address or logged in or anything. I noticed that there's an embed of a Google Map on it and upon inspecting the page (Developer Tools) there was an iframe with my name and e-mail on there. I thought this was not allowed/possible... WTF?
@AlexandreReiffJanini Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AlexandreReiffJanini Interesting. Link?
@rlemon hah yep
@AlexandreReiffJanini The iframe's just google.com/maps/api/js/master?pb=!1m2!1u23!2s5!2sen!3sUS!4s23/…. , they can't access the iframe's contents
If you can figure it out yourself there's a hefty reward if it's google related.. google.com/about/appsecurity/reward-program/index.html
@Zirak Yeah, that's why I'm a little freaked out. How did they get my address?
It's probably not related to the maps iframe
If it makes you feel a tad better, I haven't gotten an email from them, visited it ~15 minutes ago
I know it's not good practice to "parse" html with regex, but what I want to do is pretty simple. I'm just trying to remove all whitespace after the close tag >
Is that a bad thing?
This worked for me />[\s]+/g
@Zirak I really wish it did. I'm kinda freaked out by this...
Are you sure you didn't give them your email, now or somewhen in the past? Even check your history, maybe if it's a shared computer your little sister or someone did
Maybe they did some spooky magic and got your IP address then found a link between that and an email on the public domain, or even from ads
Check your cookies, localstorage etc; there's a Resources tab in dev tools
@Zirak No, pretty sure I never gave them my e-mail. Don't think I ever visited this site before. I'm the only one who uses my computer... Just checked my history. E-mail arrived 36 mins after visit.
They did get my e-mail from somewhere. I'm just curious how the did it...
Did you visit any other, different pages there?
@Zirak No. I got there from a Google Image search. Looked at the page and left.
Also, AdBlock is running.
@Zirak Nothing stands out from the Resources Tab. There are cookies from Facebook and Google, but no plaintext e-mail, as far as I can tell.
@rlemon jsfiddle.net/Lemony_Andrew/qvgehbL8 how do you like this small code?
if you do at all lol
Thank you for your time. I'm intrigued and will look into it some more. See you later!
@Zirak May please tell me why (?:\n+|^) isn't a group in this regex? (?:\n+|^)\s{0,3}(\[[0-9]*]:)\s*(.*)\n? ... I thought all parentheses are groups
@Shafizadeh Google
eem, well please tell me what should I search? :P
lookahead and lookbehind
ok tnx
Just a regexp reference sheet
@Shafizadeh it is a group but non capturing because of the ?:
@CSáµ  Going forward, don't do that please. He should find that out for himself.
just came in...
do we need garlic?
@CSáµ  Ah, I see ... tnx
@Zirak You helped me 1 hour ago, I don't know why now don't help me and even tell others to avoid of helping me
@Shafizadeh Because you should be able to solve things yourself.
I can ... But somethimes people can help to each other ...
Like you ..! The beginning of that regex is what you wrote for me
@Shafizadeh And sometimes helping someone is directing him to the right path, and not telling him the solution.
ok maybe ^
anyone here who works with babel using babel 6 yet, or babel 5 still?
> "dependencies": {
"babel": "^6.3.26",
"babel-cli": "^6.4.0",
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.3.13",
@Loktar we use babel 5, 6 was unstable a month ago
@Loktar I started using 6 in my private stuffs
there is a decorator plugin that works for babel 6, and that was the main issue I had with it
they did, however, change all of the runtime file names so if you use the optional "runtime" transform (as you should) and build using babel 6, it won't work with babel 5 runtime
yeah a component of mine is using 6, but it seems like a hassle
Yeah, quite a few API changes from 5 to 6 it seems, updating isn't easy if you've got a lot of other stuff that depends on the API from 5
@KendallFrey NOOOOOOO
forgot a parachute
lol remember when he died
works :D
not quite to mun. I can get like 80% there but run out of fuel
that's a ... unique heat shield design
@KendallFrey :D top and bottom
then I can enter from the front or back
why would you want to go front first
that extra shield is just dead weight
Good day! Has anyone ever used StreamTokenizer?
How do you 'stringify' a react dom object?, to see how it looks like (its children..)
That is the jQuery of rockets.
Hi! I finally was unbanned.............................. #readingChatYet
3 feet of snow here, now :(
there's -1inch here
Guys, I don't understand why the code doesn't work. I put image into a canvas, then scaled image and put it to the second canvas. But whenever I want to get a pixel from that canvas, it doesn't work... can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Here's a live example: https://jsfiddle.net/vwf5xc8v/1/
I'm really stuck with it for about 6 hours and it's frustrating me :(
@crl Guys, I don't understand why the code doesn't work. I put image into a canvas, then scaled image and put it to the second canvas. But whenever I want to get a pixel from that canvas, it doesn't work... can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here's a live example: jsfiddle.net/vwf5xc8v/1 I'm really stuck with it for about 6 weeks and it's frustrating me :( (source)
ew sorry, a bit longish
It's not too long, the code works, but I think there's something I need to put, like updateCanvas() or whatever
@PDKnight But... the image isn't on the jsfiddle. I'm going to interpret the code...
he's reading myImg by its id
Yes, but which image?
the one in html
I know,
but the URL is wrong, not?
yea! lol
And he should make the loop performance better because length is having to be read multiple times...
what's wrong with it url?
it's a bit shitty that react has React.DOM and ReactDOM
@PDKnight figure yourself
@PDKnight I don't know ¯_(ツ)_/¯... probably because you're taking the wrong logo image dir. I'll check this...
hint http://jsfiddle..
oh that's jsfiddle logo, sorry
I seen now, X_X... yes,
yea I used it once for a canvas too
you need to put an absolut epath to confuse less people
next time
okay, I will
Has anyone in here right now worked with creating context menus in a chrome extension? I have a question
Basically I have this code which works for showing an item on the context menu whenever there is a text selection, but I want that item to be based on the text selected
@McAdam331 I know to do contexts menus with JS, multiple styles, if prefer... ultimately I created a like Metro-Ui. I NEVER DID extensions, but you could do the same.
it's says I can't use absolute path because of CORS
Well, Pro, you might still have an idea of how to do what I'm trying to do? It may not be exclusive to extensions.
@PDKnight Nah, the URL is okay for a while... and your error looks to be "YOU'RE not getting canvas context".
@McAdam331 Cold you use oncontextmenu, preventDefault and stopPropagation?
I'll try something
Maybe? I'm very new to this so I'll look up those functions and see if they can do what I need. Thanks!
@McAdam331 1. When you right click the page, you must call [Event].preventDefault()...
Well, this is a bit messed to explain in-chat,
I use weird and messed ways to make context menu, but
Hmm. Maybe that's what I should be doing, but I'm not. The code gisted further up runs on install time, and basically adds a menu item on the contextmenu when the user right clicks, which is great, but I want that menu item to do something with the selected text.
know that calling the [Event].preventDefault() you hide the current browser context menu.
Like, if I right click on word, I can see a menu item for "Look Up word" but I can't figure out how they found what text I selected.
Oh. Well that's not necessarily what I'm trying to do, but add to it.
I never created extensions, but you can read manuals about it... case you want to make adictional item to default browser's ctx menu.
You can't do that in pure-JS without being making extension.
hmm I might have just found something, sorry let me check.
@McAdam331 Sure, dd
Yeah I found it in the docs. I was just searching for all the wrong keywords. If you're interested, this explains it: developer.chrome.com/extensions/contextMenus#method-create in my title field I can use %s to get the selected text.
Thank you for taking the time though! Rubber duck debugging haha.
@McAdam331 yep ctx
damn that browsers don't support :
tick =() => {
    this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});
  } // for event handlers
Here's updated fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/vwf5xc8v/4/
And yeah, I still didn't find a solution :(
I've always been annoyed that npm shrinkwrap doesn't include devDependencies. Now, the ONE time I actually want it to exclude devDependencies, it refuses to do so....
The purpose of this chat is ranting right...
@KendallFrey After Curiosity killed the cat, did it go to Mars to avoid international prosecution?
@twiz npm shrinkwarp --dev
Yes, but this time I want the opposite and somehow its not doing that by default.
Actually, I think it's completely random. something very odd is happening.
oh... I guess it automatically includes the devDependencies of your dependencies... That's just outright stupid.
I didn't read any of the assigned books in high school.
Probably why I got C's and D's
I read all the sparknotes in high school.
Probably why I got A's and B's
function _(selector, props, ...cs){ // does the shit
  var cls = (selector||'').split('.'), tag=cls.shift();
  var e=React.createElement(tag||'div', props, ...cs);
  if (cls.length) e.props.className = cls.join(' ');
  return e;
@ndugger We all know the reason you got so many Ds
hmm, won't work for Components
In related news, I may have just finished a 4 hour long session of converting the bot to use require (built by browserify)
browserify++ gj
So I'm going to walk with my dog, in the meantime can you guys run arbitrary stuff on my bot, see where it breaks?
beer!echo thanks
@Zirak thanks
For instance I've yet to try eval
beer!> 4+4
@Zirak 8
beer!tell Zirak sandbox
@FlorianMargaine Command sandbox does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
!!tell Zirak sandbox
@Zirak Please go and play in the Sandbox
I am in the sandbox :P
@Zirak beer or !!?
@CapricaSix I forget how to use you.
@twiz Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
how do you check that a class inherits from another, damn Abhishrek asked this once
with .prototype, but will do else
@crl what does ...cs do?
destructuring a list
!!> var wat=(a,...x)=>[a,x.join('|')]; wat(1,2,3,4,5)
@crl "SyntaxError: expected expression, got '.'"
oh, that's pretty
@crl "1,2|3|4|5"
!!> [...[1,2,3], ...[6,7], 8]
@crl "1,2,3,6,7,8"
the 2 uses of ...
that's awesome!
=> is JS syntax?
lambdas yes
I can't believe :D
you wake up from 2008? :)
:D something like that
nah joking tat's quite new
:D oh, okay, didn't hear about it
I'm constantly amazed at how many JS devs have never even heard of the ES6+ features...
propably because they didn't have a chance to hear about them
It's been all over the internet; have you been living in a hole?
yep, still living there :D
I don't know where they're living, but they're most likely working for a large company that wont use ES6 for another 5 years...
Nah, I worked for a really, really old company that was stuck in its ways, but I was able to convince them to let me use ES6 with babel. As long as I could support IE8, they didn't care
what about compatibility with IE?
use Babel
Well then... 1 company down 488438939487485 bajillion more to go.
I like snow
such romance scenarios :P, can't go out of the house --- can't order food :P
Wow that's dreamy dude ^
what's the time in your country?
Im just trying out node.js and am getting this error when i try to start the server. Any ideas why?
    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module '../'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:337:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:287:25)
at Module.require (module.js:366:17)
at require (module.js:385:17)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/joellusky/Desktop/webRTC/server/server.js:5:15)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:432:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:457:10)
@Lemony-Andrew I am stuck in a place I book
NYC snow :P
and its half a feet of snow outside so don't even wanna step out :P
Wow haha, I've only seen snow where I live once
It's snowy outside here as well, but only ~10cm
@Joel maybe it cannot find module '../'
just trolling, ignore me:)
does anyone here have experience building a webrtc app?
I looked out the window at like 11am and my neighbors had apparently already shoveled all the snow they could find. Meanwhile, I haven't been outside all day.
I did some webrtc stuff a couple years ago... I'm probably no help at this point.
@twiz are you in the northeast?
I actually feel as though this storm wasn't as ridiculous as it was supposed to be.

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