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getExtension(path) vs findExtension(path) or something else?
You're super!
You remind me of my failures
@m59 that's getting something from what you already have, not searching for it
If I could go back in time and punch you I would
@Zirak spectacular and firey?
@Loktar idk, i saw it here: github.com/webpack/css-loader/issues/12
@SterlingArcher You have no physical form
@nick awesome :-) where at?
@ssube extractExtension(path) ?
You have no physiological form
that implies mutation :)
with this in the my webpack.config.js:

module: {
    loaders: [
      { test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader' }

and this in my entry:


I get

ERROR in ./~/css-loader!./src/web_root/scripts/sams-profile/css/base.css
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ./semantic-ui/dist/semantic-ui.css in /home/njones/projects/plugins/sams/src/web_root/scripts/sams-profile/css
language SUX.
@NathanJones where is base.css?
@SterlingArcher You have no sexuality.
Is that your file, or one of theirs?
@m59 don't use synonyms just for fun. Follow the material design naming: short and simple words
Your sexuality is more fluid than water!
 * Get the extension from an absolute or relative path.
@Loktar mine. all it does is (try to) import semantic-ui's css. idk if that's right.
Hi Benji
@ssube Cool. I wasn't trying to be fancy. I work alone, so I severely lack understanding of how other developer think about common stuff like that. get made sense to me, but it also sounds kinda async to me.
Time to grade 20 exercises, fml :D
Just making sure I'm not missing some better convention.
@m59 get seems to be the convention, to the point that multiple languages have get as a keyword (JS getters).
@NathanJones hah yeah, ok I just havent used .css with webpack in a while ~ is right
@Loktar my entry point app.js is in /src/web_root/scripts/sams-profile, base.css is in /src/web_root/scripts/sams-profile/css
For async, fetch is more common
that should look in the node_modules directory
inb4 you can't abort a fetch
you can't abort a fetch
stop trying to make fetch happen
@NathanJones hmm yeah man that is weird. I do it with less just like that
@import "~bootstrap/less/bootstrap";
@Zirak but s/ch/us/, and voila
fetch is happening whether you like it or not
change your config to what I posted
8 mins ago, by Loktar
module: {
    loaders: [
        { test: /\.jsx?$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader?stage=0' },
        { test: /\.json$/, loader: "json-loader" },
        {test: /\.css$/, loader: "style-loader!css-loader" },
with just the .css portion
don't need the json/babel loader obviously
I don't like that fetch requires two promises. One to fetch, and one to convert the data? Like the .json() method... I don't understand
and then just require it like require('base.css)`
and see what happens
It's a meme
That's so fetch!
Q: Mean.js req.isAuthenticated is showing fail?

komali have downloaded meanjs version@0.1.12.here i have used two servers for front end i hvae used angular with ionic its running in localhost:3000,for backend i have used meanjs.in that meanjs i have created signup,signin and articles.when ever i am using meansjs as a backend and front end it's wor...

help me out
@ssube I did it!
client.smembers("game-1", (err, reply) => {
	console.log("game keys", reply);
	reply.map(x => {
	client.hgetall(x, (err, reply) => {
			console.log("hget player", x, reply);
module.exports = {
  entry: './src/web_root/scripts/sams-profile/app.js',
  output: {
    path: './dist',
    filename: 'bundle.js'
  module: {
    loaders: [
      { test: /\.css$/, loader: "style-loader!css-loader" }
  resolve: {
    modulesDirectories: ['node_modules']

// app.js

// css/base.css
@import "~semantic-ui/dist/semantic-ui.css";
Hash: 84f036c082d1f45bf28f
Version: webpack 1.12.11
Time: 446ms
    Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
bundle.js  11.9 kB       0  [emitted]  main
   [0] ./src/web_root/scripts/sams-profile/app.js 26 bytes {0} [built]
    + 4 hidden modules

ERROR in ./~/css-loader!./src/web_root/scripts/sams-profile/css/base.css
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'semantic-ui/dist/semantic-ui.css' in /home/njones/projects/plugins/sams/src/web_root/scripts/sams-profile/css
 @ ./~/css-loader!./src/web_root/scripts/sams-profile/css/base.css 3:10-105
(see full text)
es6 imports or die trying
@NathanJones the code dump is real
i thought crtl + k would collapse it
@SterlingArcher hell yeah
:) thanks for baring with me
I'm on node 5.4.1 btw
Either sounds awful.
now for your pubsub, you'd have a channel for the game and each player (maybe)
when a client joins, listen to those channels
And the channel is those keys?
when a player joins/leaves, each client in the game listens for/drops that player
yep, channel roughly is the key. Your client will do some optimizations, hopefully
hopefully lol
At least now I can do my proximity math
if you do sockets or batching right, since your game is pretty slow (not like a shooter with 64 people and vehicles), you should be able to send any player updates out to all clients in the game
Q: How to make Schema using mongodb(mongoose schema)?

komalI have Mobile List with models and rates.i want create schema for this i am neww to mongodb and mongoose any one help me out i have added my requirements. Categories : nokia sub Categories :Nokia Lumia 730 -7,000, Nokia 225 -5,000, Nokia Lumia 1020 -6,000, ...

then do the visibility/proximity on the client-side
that will allow cheating, but you can move it to the server later
(you can always send less data later)
@Loktar could i be missing a package that i neglected to install? if i'm running webpack globally, do i need to install the loaders globally as well?
@Loktar can i see an example of how you're using webpack with bootstrap?
@NathanJones why are you running webpack globally?
@Loktar jsfiddle.net/Lemony_Andrew/4gd1hwf3 Are you sure? It looks like it worked for me
so much kick spam in here :p
@ssube how would you run it if it wasn't installed globally?
by global i mean installed with npm i -g
Does virtualbox create a host-only adapter for each VM or share one?
@ThiefMaster I used to be a cow
dude looks like he is having a stroke while drumming
he's so good though
i can't tell. im not a good consumer of modern music
@SterlingArcher really? didn't hear anything impressive
@ssube don't modules that are run from command line have to be installed globally?
and his technique is pretty lacking
too much wailing
maybe just for show idk
His technique on "adapted songs" like dubstep and songs that don't have real drums in incredible
@SterlingArcher yeah that's better
but still
pretty average
it may sound cool
but as far as drumming goes...
@NathanJones that's intense
@Mosho iunno, most people can't do such a fluid push pull technique
@SterlingArcher it's not that hard, though I haven't seen him do it
just like double bass
takes practice, but not too much talent for lots of styles
not trying to sound condescending
youtube.com/watch?v=RLoq5xr4AJs it's how he hits the snare so fast with one hand
No I know
I'm not a drumming pro, but it flows so well in his videos
oh you mean that
I thought you meant blast beats
that's much easier, and quite basic
but yeah he does it pretty well
blast beats?
@SterlingArcher what @NathanJones posted for example
Oh, speed playing?
@SterlingArcher That video shows nothing
30FPS is rubbish
@SterlingArcher two hits with 1 stroke
Your mom shows nothing
@NathanJones you can work around that, but usually, yes
@Mosho just like your momma
@KendallFrey I know your internet sucks but turn the quality up on this one
@BenjaminGruenbaum Going to that thing on Wednsday?
also, if we're talking about awesome drumming, i have to post this: youtube.com/watch?v=lIvVL3bqvVE
Honestly iunno how to check fps. It's just high quality h20 video
I hate tag spam
@SterlingArcher There is no option for 60
but watching at 1/4 speed revealed it
is there an option for 11?
screw fetch I just want observer things that don't require a masters in CS to understand
@Neal thanks, startup in Hong Kong actually
quite a different experience
Sweet, my reach hit 300k today
!!> var i=0; 'foo'+i===0&&'test'
@crl "false"
@crl I'm not aware of any language where 'foo' + i would produce a number. Typically the left-hand operand's type is used.
@SterlingArcher not bad at all
@ssube meant to do 'foo'+(i===0&&'test')
my dream is to play this
I think I can do it eventually
as a hobbyist
I love Tool
@Zirak I have to, I helped organize it :P
Although the line up sounds pretty nice :P
I'll try and come
Best place to learn JS?
@xZ4FiRx Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ignored my GH post D:
@xZ4FiRx codeacademy or whatever @AwalGarg prefers? here?
@xZ4FiRx google
here, Is emulation of platform(DOM) objects nothing but the capability of modifying the property attributes of any DOM object?
@SterlingArcher they're not my favorite tbh, but that song has intense drums
@overexchange please rephrase that
this slide talks about it. This slide is from googletechtalk about ES5 new features
holly shit, on chrome dev tools, trigger the color picker then hover in the page, it's fabulous.. well more a html room amusement nvm
@SterlingArcher ?
@Zirak awesome, cc @Mosho @MadaraUchiha
A recent "thing" in the chat has been "the most ES6 way to do X"

For example, what is the most ES6 way to create and iterate a range of numbers.

Those are short, fun, and people seemed to enjoy new wacky ways to make that range
BTW, if you're still up for giving a lecture we can try and work things out.
Also, I'm meeting with Sergei on Sunday about YGLF, so if there are any speakers you'd love to see this year lemme know.
Sorry, I'm insanely busy right now, might not even be home for the weekend. I want to, but I won't be able to write something decent
@BenjaminGruenbaum a pair of 1200 watt subs, plz
@SterlingArcher yeah I saw that, sorry :P I didn't ignore it I just didn't have anything interesting to say
@Zirak Don't worry about it.
@SterlingArcher I think it's meh. But if you want write something up and see if people participate.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Tell me when the next one is and I can try conjuring something up
fixed my webpack thing. I had @import ~semantic-ui/dist/semantic-ui.css, should've had @import ~semantic-ui/dist/semantic.css in my base.css.
Welp, I tried. lol
@Zirak every month
@SterlingArcher thanks for trying <3
Every month!?
how it feels to when a stupid issue is finally solved: youtube.com/watch?v=GNrzbz6z9HQ
Do I have to go by some topic?
@Zirak triggered?
lets go
Hi Bartek
ba ba da bababum
@SterlingArcher hi
I think I'm going to go to Meet.Js on 1st Feb
@Zirak every other month I think
I've been skipping them always having excuses but now I am a Professional Java Script Developer I guess there are none
@BartekBanachewicz it's always a good idea to network with Professional Enterprise Developers.
aka "chums".
@BenjaminGruenbaum So on February I can spout whatever I want
@BenjaminGruenbaum frankly though last time I was there all those people were obsessed with "but how will this code feature make us money"
I was like "oooh this is shiny" and they were "where's the business value"
Nvm figured it out
@Zirak you need to make something really cool
I'm not kidding this was the actual question made.
@jhawins it's neal.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll think about it
@BartekBanachewicz they're mostly right by the way. Although that's a shitty mindset for a conference.
Good mindset is "how shitfaced can I get" and "how much ranting can I do about X while people are listening"
oooh I could totally go there and rant about node
@nick whoa. living there?
@BartekBanachewicz you have to actually know how to node for that, how sure are you of your abilities in node?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't really develop apps on it, but I'd say my understanding of its internals has vastly expanded lately
If there is a max character limit set for a field, is that supposed to be counting spaces?
Well yeah, probly.
Some of the questions people ask lol
I need something to return 'button.active' if i is 0 and 'button' else, in the smallest reasonable amount of code
ternary but.. well
5/7 would drunkenly mistake my real keyboard for waffles
@phenomnomnominal the people love you github.com/JavaScriptRoom/culture/issues/13
@BartekBanachewicz good luck then
-1 there need one
@SterlingArcher That'd be such a confusing prank
Come back to your desk and you have a waffle for a keyboard
And shits plugged into it, and somehow it works
From: Jordan
To: Helpdesk

Re: Help my keyboard is a waffle
Working nicely dude! Made a tested push <3
@SterlingArcher that looks pretty right.
How quick is it?
I imagine with one or two players it's pretty much instant
Yeah, they log at the same time. super fucking fast
Especially with my socket tunnel
You could already see players in real time, but now I can do more than just broadcast a message. I can send more complex data faster
brb need vapeage
@Zirak @Mosho so apparently I'm giving a lecture on Rx and React... at a conference... in Facebook 0_0
Better get my shit together :D
nice, how did that happen?
@BenjaminGruenbaum make sure you pepper in the phrase "suck it"
The guy organizing the meetup asked me
As you can see from the DOM, suck it, React does..
I have strong unfounded opinions which makes me a perfect candidate.
I'm going to give a big flux sucks talk and diss facebook :D
challenge dan abramov to a duel
Why MySpace is better, by BenjaminGruenbaum
Don't use react, use custom elements + shadow dom, which is a broken, unfinished spec.
yeah, I saw
I honestly don't care, but don't want to write that there
Can we vote on @ndugger? :D
think I'll just remove myself
@SterlingArcher You want to remove me as RO?
@SterlingArcher sure, open an issue :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum that was fast
Anyone got ideas for why ReactDOM would try to load before React on the page? I get errors because ReactDOM tries to run first and looks for React, however the script tags are in the correct order and it was working before..
@jhawins your script tags are messed up, no other way.
You should be using modules instead of script tags anyway.
They're the same as @Loktars and they work. And it worked the day before :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, we have a reason.
What changed?
Idk :(
If it worked yesterday, something changed.
Show a minimal example
Time to check the diff
I updated to the newest chrome beta
whoops, already posted that
I'm the only one who's worked in this branch lol
@Mosho did you ever see the Mitch Lucker memorial show? ermahgerd
was it not working yesterday and just cached working version?
It works other places
And in prod
The problem is the second script tag executing before the first
If I run the scripts manually in the correct order it works.
is the tag executing before the first, or is the code that needs react executing first but tag second.
for example, a window load vs dom content loaded event conflict
@jhawins it doesn't do anything besides window.ReactDOM = React.__FACEBOOK_ENGINEERS_NEED_TO_GET_A_LIFE
or requirejs
@jhawins is it possible you did /> on a script tag? That fails sometimes
<script src="..." /> - hours of pain
<script src="..."></script> - works
Self closing script tag? ._.
@SterlingArcher never even heard of them :P
love LoG though
He killed the cover
nor did I know blythe had dreadlocks wtf
He's a monster
It's a jQuery thing. Nvm
I'll figure it out
also badass in real life
love him
Somehow jQuery is sending these requests even tho it's in script tags lmfao
I'm working in some uhh... Legacy code lol. Sorta
@SterlingArcher scratch being badass, thought about someone else :P
@jhawins lmao
jquery loading react
seems legit
@rlemon @KendallFrey
Is that new?
So I'm going to build this over the weekend.
but I'm using RGB LEDs
what should I do to control the colours? outside temp? time of day?
that's % charge?
no, time
I mean, cool :P
@rlemon % of charge actually sounds really clever
(To control the colors)
well I wasn't going to make it a dock, but I suppose I could
his 'dock' is just a usb charger embedded
!!afk gonna head home
@Mosho um ._.
blizzard tomorrw :D
2ft of snow predicted
@SterlingArcher Oh, right, heard about that
Bunch of my coworkers are travelling to VA today instead of tomorrow
checks weather report
@Mosho jQuery was hijacking script tags and being weird and it just happened to be included via script tag lol
we don't call for snow until tuesday
Anyway, moved it somewhere that can't happen.
and not much, 0C, so probably mostly slush
@SterlingArcher Omg can I come over <3
omg yes
lol VA is already in a state of emergency
its 24F here today
Don't come to VA. Roads are going to be crammed and super fucked tomorrow
I know VA drivers we suck at snow
Psh it's winter. Drive wherever you want if the roads are blocked lol
I would but my car is in the shop
No AWD for me :(
all the more reason
rental FTW
better add on the insurance, because I'm going to beat the shit out of this thing.
I don't get my rental until wendesday -_- but insurance is paying for my uber rides, I just bill them at the end
Damn that's sweet
Dude Uber is a joke here.

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