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doing excel shit
Angular is gross
Angular 2 is far less gross, but I still twinge a bit
How does angular 2 differ?
they made it less like 1993 java
now it's like 2004 java
angular is a moped
bleh angular
What would you guys argue was the first high level programming language? Would it be a widely used language, or just the first concept?
as in, historically?
One of the DARPA languages from the 70s/80s, probably.
@ssube erm.
Yeah, I know FORTRAIN was developed in 195...7?
@FlorianMargaine ?
yeah, FORTRAN was born in 1956, Lisp was born in 1958
But I know the germans made a language in 1940s that was never widely used
@SterlingArcher They tried their best to get Poland and France using it, but...
is there a way to directly include a css file from a module installed in node_modules in webpack? i don't want to create a local css file just to include what i actually want.
@ssube Lisp is older than that, and I'd consider it a high level PL
@FlorianMargaine lisp doesn't make you do memory management, does it?
huh, that's surprisingly early
hi all, I am trying a simple jQuery function and want to know what is causing the issue:
I have a textbox named 'colorMe' and a button named 'changeColor'
var colorMe = $('#colorMe').val();
	$('#changeColor').click(function(e) {
		$('body').css('background', colorMe );
why would a textbox have a click event
the button does...i typed it wrong
I edited it
the body background should change to the color specified in the textbox but nothing happens...not even a error in the console
Did you log "colorMe"
like background:red
have you tried adding a console.log ?
why do you grab the val outside?
shouldn't you grab it inside your click event?
or are you doing an onChange or something to update the val?
that code as it stands will just grab the default initialized value of the input
that was it...outside of scope....well...that was embarassing
well whatever, that kind of stuff happens to everyone
y u no log
JS scoping has screwed everybody at some point
haha ^ truth
JS Scope took me on a lovely date once... didn't even screw me... just never called me again :(
man that's why I love let/const just makes things so much easier
@SterlingArcher i forgot to log...lazy coding....once I logged the empty log prompts made all the sense in the world
Anything Goes
eh I only log when I use fiber.js
printf debugging is the only kind that works in prod
has anyone here successfully used semantic-ui with webpack? i can't get webpack to see the node_modules folder.
@Loktar if you rely too much on fiber.js you'll end up with some serious bottlenecks in your throughput
@NathanJones "see the node_modules folder" how?
@rlemon I thought fiber helped ease throughput?
@ssube too much of a good thing is a bad thing
@rlemon is that why you migrated to squatty.js?
sadly my foot caused a collision and for the next few weeks I'll be using vanilla-throne.js
My entrypoint just has require('style!css!./css/base.css');, and base.css has @import "~semantic-ui/dist/semantic-ui.css";
but I get this error
ERROR in ./~/css-loader!./~/style-loader!./~/css-loader!./src/web_root/scripts/sams-profile/css/base.css
Module build failed: CssSyntaxError: /css-loader!/home/njones/projects/plugins/sams/node_modules/style-loader/index.js!/home/njones/projects/plugins/sams/node_modules/css-loader/index.js!/home/njones/projects/plugins/sams/src/web_root/scripts/sams-profile/css/base.css:5:1: Unknown word
    at Input.error (/home/njones/projects/plugins/sams/node_modules/postcss/lib/input.js:61:22)
    at Parser.unknownWord (/home/njones/projects/plugins/sams/node_modules/postcss/lib/parser.js:457:26)
Are these poop references
@SterlingArcher shhh
@SterlingArcher just let it slide
@NathanJones that ./~/css-loader!./~/style-loader!./~/css-loader business looks odd
why do you have ~semantic-ui?
rather than just semantic-ui/...?
typically with webpack, module requires are module/dist/target.ext and relative are ./dir/target.ext, but I'm not sure if that carries over to CSS
@ssube because it seemed to work here: github.com/webpack/css-loader/issues/12
I get the same error without the tilde
ah, so it is a CSS thing
have you set up the CSS loader? What's your webpack conf look like?
I installed css-loader and style-loader, but I got this error: npm WARN ENOENT ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/njones/projects/plugins/sams/node_modules/semantic/package.json'
@ssube so I don't think redis likes me lol
client.sadd("player-set-1", toRedis(socket.request.session.player), reply);
This should push a stringed object to the player set
!!Should I finally give in and buy Diablo 3?
@ssube i don't know why it's looking in /node_modules/semantic, but package.json is in /node_modules/semantic-ui
@ndugger Absolutely not
@SterlingArcher that is mean
@Neal do you live in new york ?
That comma between object strings does not appear to be liked
my webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  entry: './src/web_root/scripts/sams-profile/app.js',
  output: {
    path: './dist',
    filename: 'bundle.js'
  module: {
    loaders: [
      { test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style!css' }
  resolve: {
    modulesDirectories: ['node_modules']
@rlemon lmao
@Loktar you play D3, right?
@ndugger I have played, I but not for over a year or 2 now
@Loktar Yes, along those lines. what I was actually going to do was have multiple sections of a page have different React components rendered inside of them(after some other things have been processed). The way I thought it out was rendering the component and saving whatever would be rendered normally on the DOM, and later append that to a element of my choice.
@Abhishrek Yes. Yes I do. Why do you ask? :-)
sets require unique values
use the player ID in the game set
keep the player details (the mutable stuff) in the player hash
@Neal I will be in NYC this weekend :D
client.sadd("game-1", socket.request.session.player.id, reply);
That's why I'm going this
@Abhishrek fun fun. make sure to see ______ !
Oh, you mean don't sadd player, use the hmset?
@Neal whats _____ ?
@Lemony-Andrew hmm I mean that is possible to do.. but if you need to do anything with react after you need to move them back to where react expects them to be and then, move them again
@Loktar I'm considering getting it, finally. Talking to a coworker, he says they've patched it to much, that the gameplay is almost back to how D2 was
@Abhishrek generic random site that exists in NYC
oh nvm I figured out :D
@SterlingArcher something like that. Game should use sadd/srem, Player should use hmset
@ndugger eh gameplay being like D2 doesn't really change the atmosphere ect.
it didn't feel like a diablo game when I played
@Neal want to go out for a dinner on sunday ? // I will have company too :P
That makes more sense. That's why sadd is throwing issues
Well, the graphics are entirely different, so I could see what you mean, but it was the gameplay that was always loved by me
and you will be like the 4th stackoverflow person I am meeting on this trip :D
Come to Minneapolis, the land of dreams
@SterlingArcher so when a player moves to a new square, you can just hmset x 30 y 22
and bam, their position changed
any other players subscribing to the channel will get an update
@ssube any ideas on how to get webpack working?
you can even make the zombies a "Player"
@Loktar o/
@NathanJones I've never had to specify moduleDirectories. Have you tried without that?
@ssube just tried it. same error :(
@Abhishrek Ha prob not. unless you randomly happen to be in brooklyn. Have mi wife and son to be with :-D
@NathanJones I'm not sure. :\ Loktar is better at webpack than me.
@Neal I am staying near Times Square
It looks like a paths things, make sure the modules exist locally and all that
@Abhishrek I work in times square. can meet up if your in tomorrow (daytime)
@Loktar The thing is, I'm working with a GUI where a lot of things are swappable, draggable and very dynamic in movement and placement. The amount of interchangeability between areas in my app is much more easily expressed, in my mind, just directly working with the DOM, but the views that I want to be rendered inside the frames would be more easily made with React. React wouldn't care if I render a react component inside of a DIV and then move that div directly into another, right?
Err I will reach NYC on Saturday Afternoon :D, better luck next time (btw any cool indian restaurants ? cause i am dying for that food)
@Abhishrek lol not sure. I only eat kosher so i may be useless to you :-(
hey Neal long time no see
!!should I feed Sterling Indian food ?
@Abhishrek By all means
@nick Still havent.
Hows it going @nick?
hey @Abhishrek
Getting the number for you to call in the next 10 or so mins
talking to my boss
hey, nick is back
whats up @NathanJones
I need to call o_O ?
@Lemony-Andrew yeah it does care :/
What are we calling in for @Loktar ? Can I join in? :-D
@Abhishrek yeah is that cool?
its a 888 number
Yes it is!
@Zirak K9 runs my shitty headless bot
your adapter wasn't working for me. so I got rid of nightmare and went to straight phantom
@NathanJones oh are you talking about the node_module issue?
@Loktar yes
I thought k9 was a porn filter
@Loktar i'm not familiar with webpack, so i'm not really sure if including a dep like that is the right way to do, or if i can just include it in html.
are the deps built with webpack at all? Or just static css/ect
I mean you can still include them with webpack, with an import or require
static js/css
even if they are static resources
@ndugger oi
I missed you
@Loktar did you see the start of the convo? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/28282834#28282834
@NathanJones yeah if they are just static you would include them as a static file
it looks like a path problem but is beyond me
@Neal its going well thanks, got a job last month finally
oh that helps @ssube
after a soul crushing 1 month of looking
I never do my requires like that, I end up using the loader within the webpack config
@ndugger I missed you too
not sure if that would make any difference at all though
I need more nicks in my life
module: {
    loaders: [
        { test: /\.jsx?$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader?stage=0' },
        { test: /\.json$/, loader: "json-loader" },
        {test: /\.css$/, loader: "style-loader!css-loader" },
webpack resolves module paths differently in JS and CSS, so it would make some kind of difference
nicks are the best people
then I can just do
// App styles
guise just use systemjs + jspm
@@JanDvorak You still alive?
I've also never really had an issue with @import within css files either
@import "~semantic-ui/dist/semantic-ui.css"
what is ~ within the import?
when naming functions, what do you think the semantics are of find vs get?
Say you were extracting the file extension of a string
@Zirak double @ is a blind ping I think
It's a super ping

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