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Uhhh, who brought their bot in here?
me if there is a problem i will disable it
isn't possible match the second one only using regex, without extra work? — Fátima Alves 2 mins ago
seriously... extra work...
@NBOT Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!tell Jack sandbox
@Trasiva Invalid /tell arguments. Use /help for usage info
@Jack Please go and play in the Sandbox
bots figthing...
It really looks like you should do that in the sandbox
@ssube Yea...can we just fix this?
@JackSmith if you're playing with a new bot, take it to the sandbox
I told him that, and then he starts using his bot to emote slapping, lol.
@FlorianMargaine SterlingArcher is afk: vape then meeting then bcrypt
@JackSmith If you want to run a bot here, you should talk to the ROs/regulars first.
We've already got a bot and don't want to kick off infinite loops or anything
@ssube Thanks for cleaning up that mess. I figured it was better I let one of the ROs handle it before I got another temp ban, lol.
Can we assign JS runtime value as style property value?
                         <tr ng-repeat="row in rows">
		                <td>{{ row.name }}</td>
		                <td>{{ row.marketValue | currency }}</td>
		                <td>{{ row.cash | currency }}</td>
		                    <div class="legend" style="background-color: {{ row.legend }}"></div>
you probably will need ng-style if that's a thing
style="background-color: {{ row.legend }}" as shown above
@SterlingArcher or really, just use something like github.com/ncb000gt/node.bcrypt.js
@Trasiva Yes, it is, so you can relax now.
@ssube you allready have a bot
@DenysSéguret people expects that regex is doing magic.
is it on? @ssube
@ssube I'm calm man.
!!tell jacksmith hi
@jack Hello
@jacksmith Hello
@CapricaSix yes i am here
...That's our bot.
!!tell Trasiva hi
@Trasiva Hello
so @CapricaSix is your bot
o nice :)
should have just continued communicating through the bot, see how long it took
lemon is the bot and the bot is lemon
@Trasiva Yep full size
it's like a hand puppet but with boobs
A Buppet?
@Quill you mean ng-style="'background-color': '{{ row.legend }}'"
yeah, not sure if that's a thing but if it is, you'll need ng-style
how can I use modernizr to check for localstorage quota being available?
> "It took us nine hours to fly home from Jamaica to England. It took the Americans only three hours to get home. This seems unfair."
@KarelG This list pops to the internet from time to time, but it was fake from the start
@KarelG that's because we have faster planes in America
not bogged down with all that tea
@Loktar you have an OR dev kit don't you?
he does
Is it going to be on sale when you get the production one?
!!> var o={x:1,set x(v){console.log('setting x', v);this.x=v}}; o.x
@crl "undefined"
He has a DK1 and a DK2
explain please
can I use NPM to download custom modernizer, or do I have to build it on the modernizr site?
@crl recursive setter you never invoke
oh the key must be different, hmm
sucks a bit
if you want a setter for x, make the actual property _x
that's what I was thinking yeah, thanks
class Xer {
  constructor(x) {
    this._x = x;

  get x() {
    return this._x;
what a useful getter!
not sure where I got that from, maybe C#, but it's an old convention to mark private fields
@ssube it's an old convention in js too
as well as php
or python
or most languages out there, tbh
a getter for ap rivate var is pretty normal
TIL they have device vending machines all over campus here. You swipe your badge, get to borrow an Arduino or a Nexus 9 or a new Nokia for a week to play around with it. Pretty cool :)
it wasn't super common in C++
I think I ran across it in C# first
I just need to set another prop when setting a prop actually, so trying to use a setter
@Cereal when you have getter support, it's useless code though
@FlorianMargaine what do you mean?
@ssube doing this instead of class Xer { constructor(x) { this.x = x; } }
@Codeman I wonder how many times they're returned with dickpicks on them
if you need to add a getter later on, you can do so without breaking any code
@FlorianMargaine makes inst.x read-only
inst._x is visible because JS
but the real name is readonly
@rlemon probably wiped :P
again, lisp is pretty good there :D
but it's not actually making this._x read-only, so Xer can update itself, but you can't from the outside
it's the best you can do for private in JS
besides dumb closure tricks that do evil things
@crl "true"
(defclass foo (parent-class)
  ((field1 :reader bar)
   (field2 :writer baz)
   (field3 :accessor qux)))
this is how lisp does it ^
hmm not good
(accessor = reader + writer)
class Foo
  attr_reader :bar
  attr_writer :baz
  attr_accessor :qux

Ruby ~
and you still wonder where it took inspiration from? :P
@FlorianMargaine any reasonable language would just have a private or readonly keyword and solve the whole thing
can you still access the fields, no matter if there's a reader/writer/accessor, in ruby @Cereal?
JS is too mushy
!!urban mushy
@crl mushy Overly sentimental or affectionate in a cliche'd way
const isMushy = true;
@FlorianMargaine Inside the class yeah. Outside, no
@Cereal sucks
I mean, you can
because you can do anything in Ruby with enough punctuation, except respect women
@Cereal but it requires 10 lines of code?
var o={x:1,y:1,set v(data){Object.assign(this,data,{dirty:true})}};o.v= {x:3,y:3}; // makes sense or I'm crazy?
does it have the same concept as Lisp, where you can set private things, but it's still relatively easy to access them because we're adults?
class Foo
  attr_writer :foo

a = Foo.new
a.foo = "Hello"
# => "Hello"
not bad
similar to Lisp, yeah
I wish I knew how to javascript :\
using a reflection method and magic string to get a property
@Cereal is there metaclass in ruby?
ruby is the worst
in Lisp you can have custom metaclass that let you add properties to the fields, for example
class Foo

  class << self


if e.g. you want to add readonly
I don't like too much metadata on vars/classes but it's powerful
metaclasses are unfortunately easy to abuse
groovy uses them heavily and it's their biggest performance problem, since you can't optimize anything
@Cereal that shoft class of left bits :))?
Q: class << self idiom in Ruby

randombitsWhat does class << self do in Ruby?

yeah I guessed it was a rubic thing
That's just what came up when I googled ruby metaclass
(defclass foo ()
  ((foo :writer foo)))

(let ((f (make-instance 'foo)))
  (setf (foo f) "Hello")
  (slot-value f 'foo))
lol I can even call my setter 'set'
@Cereal the equivalent ftr ^
I wish there was a way to loop on YouTube. It seems like an oversight.
!!tell Wax google youtube loop
but download music when you like it
@crl The power of Google, thanks bro.
@Cereal nah
(:required et al are not things you can do with normal fields, usually)
I keep my cool electronics forever
I'll ask someone smarter than me
@ssube what's a metaclass in groovy?
@Loktar ih8u.
CLOS is really cool tbh.
it's all objects down the rabbit hole
until it's turtles
@FlorianMargaine roughly, a hashmap of methods they inject between the actual class and Object: docs.groovy-lang.org/latest/html/api/groovy/lang/MetaClass.html
(by "it's all objects", I mean that even fields are objects. And the classes of the fields are objects too.)
it's a really weak attempt to attach reflection to each object in Java, essentially turning it into Lua but slow
@ssube ah, that's like decorators?
however, they use the missing property getters/setters to support such useful things as plurals
and prefixes, in some cases
so this.x, this.theX, and this.Xs will all point to the same property
it's fucked
it also, with this method, does dynamic (runtime) overload selection
which does not work very well when your type system has generic erasure
@ssube aka virtual dispatch?
@FlorianMargaine a step further. Rather than taking the target's type and finding the right method, it takes the argument's type and finds the right target method.
@ssube that's virtual dispatch to me
virtual dispatch is an inheritance thing, isn't it?
not sure. Multimethods in lisp also do this (the pickMethod thing)
(again, CLOS)
in my experience, virtual dispatch is "what type do you think this object is? ok, we'll call .x for that" or "this object is X regardless of what you think, we're calling X.x instead of the Y.x you expect"
there was a cool reddit post lately
where it turned it into compile-time dispatch
this is "what types are you passing to .x? hm, we should probably call .y instead"
they also use it for this:
class Something {
  def targets
  void setTasks( a ) { targets = a }
  def getTasks()     { targets }

new Something( tasks: 'tim' ).with {
  assert tasks == targets
(defmethod plus ((a fixnum) (b fixnum))
  (+ a b))
(defmethod plus ((a float) (b float))
  (+ a b))
that's what you mean, right?
where, based on the method name, it can be called as a property setter or an actual method (both something.tasks = foo and something.setTasks(foo) are valid)
@ssube fun :)
Reddit makes a good point. It's cheaper to go buy 4 monitors and pretend than buy an OR in canada
4 monitors doesn't include stereo
@FlorianMargaine the magic prefixes are one of my biggest complaints, besides lousy performance (from figuring out the magic)
@ssube look at the github link for performance related stuff
@Cereal the OR costs about as much as one good monitor or two decent ones
(turning this super dynamic thing in a static one)
@ssube It's about 1000 in canada after shipping and tax
@FlorianMargaine oh, I have no doubts that lisp is faster than groovy
I got my 144hz display for like 180
@ssube no I mean, by default it's just as dynamic
@Cereal $1000 CAD or USD?
but some guys did something to turn it in static (and not runtime) dispatch
@BenFortune Meh, I like my controllers better, but I am biased
This thing looks neat: originpc.com/landing/2016/omni @Loktar
which is $700 USD, which is a pair of $350 monitors, which are pretty low-end
that's their crappy 25" and you can get 2
if you're getting Acer monitors from Tigerdirect, sure, you can get like 9
@treblaluch Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
3 will be bright red, 2 won't work at all, and 1 will have gum stuck to it out of the box
I just went and looked up my monitor, I've severely underestimated how much Ipaid for it
mine is slowly crapping out, so I've done a ton of monitor shopping and decided not to buy a new one
too much moneys, not worth it
I like how reddit's like "I'll wait for the vive"
as if it's going to be any cheaper
hey i have two problems, i'm using heliohost.org, and my html and css isn't displaying correctly.. also it won't render anything when i use the url provided
it should render at heavyevil.tk/index.html
and it has css and image files which i uploaded, it's a template i downloaded
@GettingNifty name not resolved. go fix your host, it's not the code
@Cereal link to reddit's thread?
if only
@FlorianMargaine I've seen it in all of the ones I've looked at
@rlemon did they just make the most expensive PC they could?
@rlemon stop spending all your money on houses/women/cars
@Codeman not the most expensive
that would easily be 4K more
1 message moved to Trash can
@treblaluch Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@Cereal haha
I was just talking about that in IRC
the vive is speculated to be over 1k
it comes with the motion controllers
Sorry but i gotta ask this, Is there something wrong with my code?
can't seem to work on accessing the server side

var location= $('#loc_name').attr('value');
$.ajax({ url:"asset_management/add_location",
data: location,
async: true,
}).done(function( location ) {

return false;
var location  = ...; ajax({ ... location }).done(location=>...);
think of different variable names
@rlemon but you should know, it's location, location, location
writing code is like buying a house
hire someone else to make all the tough choices for you?
also that
choices should be democratic
Even better than flying cars or hover boards
Missing your smart bus would suck
because that shit aint stopping
But a subway like line for smart busses would be neat
@Cereal I think we call those subways
they might even have them already
under the cities
they call the smart busses trains
and the subway-like lines for smart busses are called tracks
@ssube A lot of places don't have subways
@Cereal those places are bad
You're bad >:(
All night long
Today is a bad day for technology, been putting out fires all day.
You know it's bad when IT support is asking me for IT support.
What do I know? I'm just a "coder".
@Waxi if people say that to you, you should find a new job
@Waxi tier support is supposed to ask development (or QA) for help
Haha yeah it's backwards.
we actually have ops and tier 3 sitting in the same area here
tier 1 is some call center we hire, tier 2 is upstairs, 3 and ops are around me, and dev is within shouting distance
@AwalGarg Yabadabadooo
As per the debugging, controller callback does not execute.
@Abhishrek that's not my password
@KendallFrey I'm having trouble installing bcrypt
@Abhishrek this world is a mistake
@AwalGarg you have worked with reactive systems haven't you ?
bcrypt depends on node-gyp, which depends on python
@Abhishrek why yes, I also implemented one recently
What is "bcrypt"
I tried to npm all 3, but bcrypt keeps failing. Do you know how to install it properly?
@AwalGarg good good
@SterlingArcher oi nerd
No, I've never used it with JS
if you wanna install it just use visual studio :->
bcrypt on windows :P
@SterlingArcher try a different one?
There's more than one?
@AwalGarg ping me on hangouts
I need your advice
When I googled "node bcrypt", that didn't show up until the fourth result
@Abhishrek And I need this world to end
You could try a different algorithm too
masterbait and leave the door open, with porn on speakers
it will end for you instantly!
Is pbkdf2 built in? It's decent
well it turns out password-hash is deprecated
@Abhishrek masturbation leads to rapture?
@KendallFrey nope masturbation in Indian house without stealth gets you killed
its like running rm -rf /
Actually I'm pretty sure it's like running touch usr
does anyone know why stack overflow isn't an SPA (don't lie to me)
@ajaxGuru why should it be?
@Abhishrek bullshit
less loading
@ajaxGuru is there too much loading right now?
@ssube ask awal to try :->

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