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I really want to try making a Dart backend next time I make an app.
@ton.yeung I agree, if you already have one, there is no point in reassembling the existing backend (unless it's really bad designed)
but for fresh projects, it seems to be a good thing. am I mistaken?
I really hope I didn't lose my domain name
@Ronin yes.
@ssube I actually did a MEAN-Project, using the yeoman scaffolder, it created a loooooooot of boilerplate, I still don't understand the role of most of them. meteor is easier for me so far
Your options are taking 10 minutes to set up a backend that does what you need (with the option to replace pieces later) or 5 minutes to set up a backend that does what Meteor does (with no options).
@ssube lol
Does the URL subdomain mean anything?
Like .com vs .io
You save 5 minutes up front, but at the cost of any flexibility later.
@ton.yeung ah, didn't know that. Because i didn't experienced it :p
so far
@SterlingArcher top-level domain? it's the country that runs it
Top level that's right
com/net/org are verisign, the two letter ones are run by countries
I've lost domains because the country's registrar stopped existing
So .io is popular because?
Well, .com is far cheaper than .io for some reason, and .io is mostly used by IT sites.
it looks like I/O
.io is hip
You're hip bb
When pinning tabs in chrome, is it possible to disable the distracting animated effect ?
fuck .io, too pricey
@Loktar my domain .io is only $32/y
.com is still king anyway
@SterlingArcher look it up
That's not --too-- bad
@SterlingArcher yeah that is 3 .coms
my company is a .sh
or like 6 .whatevers
wikipedia and stuff have a list of which TLDs go where
@SterlingArcher you never got a domain for it did you?
@Jhawins I did but due to financial struggles I lost it
I have over 100 domains, I can't have single domains pushing $30
@ssube I see, but considering I tested both, it's really quicker to develop using meteor. but yea, I agree on the flexibility thing. and also, I have an issue now and nobody can help me cuz noone uses meteor :(
But it's still available
@Loktar .love ftw
@SterlingArcher /me buys sourceundead.com
Is it bad practice to return a bound function from a function?
This reminds me, I never fixed the character encoding issue on my site... So I've paid 10$ for a domain name that only has this on it: dominopivot.com
@KendallFrey haha there are so damn many now its insane
@SterlingArcher If you want people to use your library this week, use .io. If you want people to take you seriously and spend money, .com.
I'm kinda tempted to get werenostrangersto.love
lol go for it I'll just change the name :P
@Loktar wait what?
@corvid absolutely not
I typed the work shit, and just laughed at the options
I think whatis.love is taken though :(
@towc lol I've been buying domains since the early 2ks
type that work shit Loktar!
@Loktar any reason?
@towc like you've never bought a joke domain
@towc ideas sound good at the time, so I grab a domain
@ssube, so u build your MEAN-stack barehanded or do u use some scaffolding engine (like yeoman, e.g.)
Oh, I think I'll use koalasin.space for something on day
@Ronin I have template projects that I copy/paste and start from. Tried yeoman, it's absolutely awful.
I went crazy and bought a ton of zombie related ones before the craze too
I never bought a domain as a joke, I just use jokes for domains I don't have anything to use with
zombiewiki.com, zombiebooks.com, ect.
@KendallFrey check for hug.me
lol Google domains is happy about "Shit.world"
@KarelG im.scared?
let requiredForRole = function () {
  return function () {
    // do logic in here to look up roles

Users = new Schema({
  'profiles.player': {
    type: PlayerProfile,
    validation: requiredForRole('player')
that is one of my fav joke ones, but can't think of a use for it..
@ssube can u give me some guidance on best practices or some good example projects (good concerning the architecture=
@ssube not really no :P
@towc you could for an animation even, just for the heck of it
@Loktar I could see it on one of our STD billboards around town lolol
@Ronin it depends on what you're doing, man. Pick libraries that meet a need, play well together, and have been around long enough to have tutorials and stuff.
lel ... hug.me exist
@Jhawins haha
guihacker gets like 50 visitors a day funny enough
the best tech for a project depends on the projects; that's why meteor and friends will never work
@ssube I'm pretty new on javascript, was forced to do some old fashioned asp.net webform projects the past 2 years... not even mvc
so I decided to change
and js seem to provide a bunch of advantages
when developing web applications
Yay got my domain name back
regarding the increasing number of js frameworks
it can. I don't think it has any huge benefit over other backend tech, besides letting you use a single language.
@Loktar this is wrong, right? guihacker.com.cutestat.com
Now I'll just spinup a droplet
(which isn't something I care about, knowing a few langs anyway)
china halts trading
I need to install Node correctly this time
7% drop in the market
@SterlingArcher what dist?
I'll be using the latest, so I can use ES6 syntax
@SterlingArcher what version you got now?
@SterlingArcher he meant linux distribution
@ssube he's on windows
Ubuntu I think
Is there a better option for a simple node server?
@FlorianMargaine I use DigitalOcean for my server
add that repo to your package mgr
then just install
@SterlingArcher well, windows?
I thought it was just local stuff
both debian(/ubuntu) and RHEL(/centos/fedora) have super old node versions (like 0.10)
Nah, I develop on Prod baby
nodesource recently put out deb and rpms of 4.0 and maybe 5.0
yeah, do the curl | bash thingie of nodesource
@ssube 4.2 for sure, haven't checked 5, but they're usually pretty fast
# assuming you have a version of node installed already, albeit out-dated.
$ sudo npm install -g n
$ n latest
@SterlingArcher ^
@FlorianMargaine took them like 6 months to get 4.0 out
@rlemon my dumbass didn't write down my dependencies correctly, so I have no idea what node version SU was built on
we've been waiting forever
@ssube really?
@FlorianMargaine at least for the RPMs, yeah
seriously. n package is sweet.
the .deb are fast
it isn't official.
I don't follow the DEB packages closely, but it took some time there
but it is sweet
k I know, noone here likes meteor, but where can I find someone who can provide me some guidance on my issue?
we manage node through puppet(/yum) so we had to wait for nodesource to put out packages
@Ronin ask @corvid
then 4.0 promptly broke some tests
yeah, we're dependent on nodesource too
@rlemon do you know any good guides to properly setup a server?
thx @rlemon
@SterlingArcher define 'properly' ??
setup the user accounts you may need, install node, install babel/gulp, install the db..
I made a tiny querySelector-based library and I want opinions. If you're curious...
@rlemon how can I text a specific user here (in this case, corvid)
@ssube the delay for 4 might be related to the iojs/nodejs merge...
These are my OS options
My go to was ubuntu. But I hear CentOS is good too
@SterlingArcher ubuntu is fine.
it really doesn't matter for node
it's self-contained enough
I know next to naught about servers. Aren't I supposed to remove the root user or something?
@SterlingArcher you could try that and then everything would break
lol it'll basically be identical you are pretty much choosing nix/windows
@Ronin @usrname, there is not PM system
"remove root user"
start a server, log on, create a user for yourself, disable root SSH, install node/npm, clone your app down, npm install, pm2 run
Don't judge me, I'm a JS guy not a sysadmin :(
@corvid can u help me with my meteor issue (velocity testing) => stackoverflow.com/questions/34594721/…
sudo rm -R /root
@SterlingArcher whatever you do, don't delete ssh while connected via ssh
that shit doesn't end well at all
@Jhawins I'm not sure that'd break a lot
@rlemon I already disabled network while connected via ssh
@Ronin I suck at velocity testing, what I recommend is putting everything in a package and then using tinytest, which imho is far easier
@FlorianMargaine you'd get a "home dir not found" next time you did su
sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/*
Wait, how can I delete ssh without being connected via SSH?
@SterlingArcher magic
@ssube which isn't really an issue
linux can do anything, you just need the right punctuation
you shouldn't su as root anyway :P
@FlorianMargaine lol yeah. Not really.
Ok, make my server, create a user, give myself sudo?
@SterlingArcher that's a good idea, but I think ubuntu does that by default
I make a new group, give it sudo, add myself to it @SterlingArcher (then also add whatever else needs to be there for the webserver and shit)
@FlorianMargaine DO probably doesn't on their image, though
@corvid I see.. thank you
Mmkay, I'll make sure
just set a random password on root
@ssube probably
Now what am I supposed to do with root?
@rlemon interesting, I've never don't groups before
maybe it's actually "ubuntu cloud", not sure it does that either
@rlemon or add yourself to the sudo group, it's a sudoer by default
So I just leave root alone? I could have sworn I needed to change permissions or password or soemthing
you can disable root login on ssh
@FlorianMargaine but having new group names are fun
ssh root@new-server-ip
adduser sterling
# find the root ALL=(ALL) line, add yourself under it
vim /etc/sshd/sshd.conf
# find the PermitRootLogin line, set to false
@SterlingArcher Make a new user that isn't root
What would it do if you tried to remove "root"
Then make that user a sudoer
log out, log back in as yourself, go from there
Ok that makes sense
Just not let you I presume... But I'm sure you could accomplish it lol
This time I won't use SFPT though. I'll use a git deployment service because I remember adding FTP was a major pain iny my bhole
@ssube it's "no" in my conf
@SterlingArcher don't use any kind of FTP
pulled up to a red light and looked to my left https://t.co/bXvT6YJHfn
@ssube well I mean, I don't want to vim all the things lol
in the simplest case, just git clone/git pull on the server
git pull && npm install && pm2 run
@SterlingArcher boot up a VM and remove /etc/passwd from your filesystem plz
See what happens lol
Yeah, that's what I ended up doing @ssube
@Loktar OMFG! I just realized I can play "90's metal radio" on google music
life changing..
this is amazing.
@Jhawins I may be stupid, but I'm not run commands I don't know what will happen stupid xD
@SterlingArcher which is why he said VM
sandbox it
@rlemon No I said in a VM to edit his main installation because it's not going to let him trash that lol
If you pee in a sandbox and then shut it down, have you really peed at all?
Aw yis, might be getting fibre at work
if you wanna fuck with linux
sandbox it is a good idea
Creating my droplet
@rlemon is there sound?
If you copied to /dev/null, have you copied at all?
@FlorianMargaine yes
@pootis good question
Yeah just go nuts in a VM till you get the hang of it. If you think it's all crazy complex still you've just never actually used it still.
I've made a server before. Just want to do the user thing right this time
Last time I was doing everything on root cause I didn't know
@pootis yes, that's why it doesn't run at infinite speed
not | cat > /dev/null
ohh speaking of, not really 'new' but it is for me. didn't realize I could use dd to make dummy files.
@KarelG omg bought
dd if=/dev/zero of=newfile.dat bs=1M count=1024; #1gb dummy file
@rlemon lol why
needed large dummy files
easier than finding some video or audio file
Just open the GTA V folder lol
Like 15 2gb files
and in the time I can do that, I can generate one :D
@rlemon even better: you can use loop devices to install a system in a file, and then run dd if=yourfile of=/dev/sdb, and your /dev/sdb will have all the system, bootable et al
yum install gta-v
> no package found
Yesterday I tried to play kept getting "zlib call failed" so I checked the checksums and somehow 8 of those files were corrupted :/. I had to redownload 16gb
@FlorianMargaine this is literally how I "clone" my work OS images
On windows it would be:
fsutil file createnew filename length
@JacqueGoupil iirc fsutil and dd differ in how they actually use the space
@FlorianMargaine (snipped ofc)
mount | grep '/media' | awk '{print substr($1,0,9)}' | while read drive; do gnome-terminal -e "dd if=$IMAGE of=$drive bs=4M" & done;
Anyone uses the request-promise package here? How to tell it that status code 302 is not an error and it should resolve it instead of rejecting the entire promise chain?
@rlemon you should add the conv=noerror,sync options to dd
it'll be slower but safer
I'll read up on it, thanks for the tip
dd just makes sparsefiles by default, right?
@AwalGarg Just wrap the promise
As in doesn't allocate the disk space
@MadaraUchiha no magical options key?
Or not much of it..
And I think fsutil tries to actually fill that space
By default, http response codes other than 2xx will cause the promise to be rejected. This can be overwritten by setting options.simple to false.
@AwalGarg just bluebird it
@MadaraUchiha nice, thanks
@Jhawins dd writes to disk
@crl Try.
does it explode? :) will
@ssube Oh yeah you have to set seek to your size and count to 0
It does whatever you tell it to do..
fucking jsfiddle, they pollute window
It'll be damn near instant if you just did it that way.
!!learn jsfiddle <>javascript stupid fiddle
@crl That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: nou
Alright I spent 20 minutes or so for making chat login by server work on the network level and not by putting a browser inside node. I get to the point where I can login, authenticate to the socket endpoint, and get the url at which the socket request should be made. but connection to the socket is hanging after the first message :/
@rlemon hahaha nice
@rlemon ^
wait.. did they add subgenres back?
@crl Command jsfiddle learned
@Jhawins dummy files take no time to generate as is.
I use dd more often to actually image drives
@rlemon Takes about 50seconds for me to make a ~100gb file.
@Loktar not that I see, this is just peoples radio names
@crl Command jsfiddle learned
Well. Real time.. Probably half that of actual system time
@BenjaminGruenbaum the screenshots
@rlemon ah lame, that is the only thing that pisses me off
oh they added Google Music family plans
I pay $14 a month for 6 people now
includes youtube red as well
for Canada as well?
Late reply, I checked. That dd trick just reads dev/zero and copies N amounts of zeroes to a new file. fsutil just creates a file with N zeroes. Same thing
idk :/
fucking youtube red :(
yeah that is crazy man
idk why it isn't in CA yet
the service I've been waiting for.. now it is here
for everyone but me :(
back to actual work :(
Ok, I've setup my user
@Luggage ping
@SterlingArcher give them sudo
Now I simply sudo apt-get nodejs and npm right?
@ssube already did
I got 3 months of YT Red + Google Music with my new phone. But Google Music's radio function is severely disappointing. It's like no matter what I choose it just plays 90s/2000s pop/rock like Nickleback or Shinedown or 3 Days Grace.
@pootis Hello
I'm trying to setup my DNS too but I have no idea how to connect it lol
@SterlingArcher then do su sterling and sudo -l to make sure it works
what's YouTube red?
if it does, turn off root login, log out, and back in
@FlorianMargaine Google's response to redtube
It plays Hinder on every station too lol
@Jhawins LOL sounds like it is trolling you
@SterlingArcher apt-get install npm then sudo npm install -g n then n latest (n installs latest node for you)
@FlorianMargaine ad free youtube
That isn't available in canada
@MadaraUchiha can also tell where does it store cookies by default if I pass {jar: true}? How do I just get that cookie object?
@Loktar fun :)
@rlemon awesome sauce, ty
@Jhawins nexus?
wtf that game @KarelG posted looks fucking great (store.steampowered.com/app/324190)
Yea it's funny yesterday I did "Hippie Sabotage Radio" and it started playing Bon Jovi. I'm not even shitting you guys I could prob screenshot it lol
@jgr208 LG V10
@SterlingArcher add the nodesource repo and install node
easier to use n
@rlemon what does n do that nodesource doesn't?
curl -sL deb.nodesource.com/setup_5.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
To enable ES6 syntax on node I just need the latest and a special init flag, right?
n is less typing :D
n is a version manager, iirc
@SterlingArcher you need 2015 presets
I don't understand why nodesource uses https for its debian repos :/
@FlorianMargaine cause https is better
@AwalGarg Internal cookie store.
@SterlingArcher wait, that might be a babel thing
You can pass a cookie jar yourself, and then retain a handle for that.
I still use babel because node 5 still hasn't landed enough es2015 for me
!!learn jsbin <>javascript smart bin
@crl Command jsbin already exists
I just had a life realization...
I'm unconfortable with the number of alternating is in possibilities
Cookies are just a header, man. I mean, isn't everything in life a header, if you really think about it?
@ndugger your framework has ~700 installs?
In a week?
@ssube but you receive cookies with the Set-Cookie header, and a different header for each cookie. And you send all cookies in the same header...
that makes things complicated
if it was a shared cookie table back and forth, it would be much easier to handle
!!afk food
!!afk food
wait no, it's not jsfiddle sorry type toolbar in console on chrome
@MadaraUchiha that's complicated. I found this secret sauce: github.com/request/request/blob/…. now need to find what format does it take the url in
!!mdn BarProp
@AwalGarg does it?
it's a little dumb, yeah
@ssube ofcourse
but not that bad since it's all delimited
It makes things needlessly complicated. Does that sound better?
@AwalGarg I'm not debating that at all
just that it's easy to work around
the impl is silly
they should make it multiple headers coming and going, IMO
then you can loop over all headers, send each one to a callback based on name, etc
guys, what is... window.toolbar? I'm on the mdn page but..
Sorry oddly offensive
it's finally happening!
@Loktar Hmm?
sorry guys, excitement got the best of me.
The OR thing?
with the multiplexed pipe of http2, they had only so many opportunities to finally fix cookies. they could have had the server ask for which cookies it needs (which is cheap on the same pipe) and thus prevent sending cookies uselessly for each request, which would have helped only so much seeing that these days cookies are often the size of an image.
yeah, Oculus Rift Consumer Version!
Been waiting for that for over 3 years
I'm waiting for warcraft IV
the current way cookies are transmitted itself is stupid considering the implied semantics and usecases of cookies
@AwalGarg you can't really change cookies, though
seriously... share state through headers which are for meta data? absurdness 101
@Neoares oh hell yes Warcraft 4 would be something that really excites me as well
supporting multiple incoming cookie headers would make sense
<--- my name
that's easy enough to add
from Warcraft Orcs and Humans :p
@ssube no, headers isn't the correct location for cookies in the first place
I need an acronym for the acronym 'wysiwyg'
@AwalGarg wat
a cookie should be a short token you pass to the server with each request, like auth
@ssube headers are "connection meta data". cookies are just state. and headers should not store state.
our auth setup here (which I think is really nice) is a custom header with the auth token
@Cereal you getting one?
@AwalGarg it should during transport at least
@ssube why not use the Authorization header?
@Loktar I spent way too much money on the holiday sale, so probably not
(between client and server)
Someday though
@crl headers only exist during transport (and its preparation), so I am not sure what you are trying to say
nvm, I've not followed well the discussion
@FlorianMargaine probably because most clients assume that's basic auth
@ssube oauth uses Authorization: Bearer <token>
We use an oauth flow and once you've logged in, take your user ID, some session metadata, encrypt it, and that's the token from then on
@ssube imagine this: say IETF never introduced a special cookie header. How'd you like the idea of adding a custom header to send passwords (your auth cookie is essentially a password) to the server?
@AwalGarg we use that and it works well
our API uses a Company-Authorization header for the access token
so do many other things, but that's not the point.
do you really think it is a good solution?
@AwalGarg but it's the question you just asked :P
@ssube and according to oauth, this token should be in the Authorization header :)

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