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I'd need display: grid
!!are tables with flex a good idea? sure?
@crl Absolutely not
@crl Certainly
@crl Nope
There's no block scope in JS. — Teemu 5 mins ago
Isn't this wrong?
agreed? thanks, let's take this (a bit) risky choice
@crl that animation is actually pretty good (i.imgur.com/b7mfgcL.gifv). Not much of a challenge (did you forget who you're chatting to? :P), but it will be fun
hehe, eager to see, I suck at 3d
@Loktar @SterlingArcher Is there an offline place to buy electronics ?
like a shop?
function bind_change_events() {
  $('.cloned_field').on('input', function(e) {
    if ($(this).val().trim().length > 0) {
      var parent_div = $(this).closest("div.cloned-row1,div.cloned-row2,div.cloned-row3").find("input");
      parent_div.each(function() {
@crl what if all shops are connected to the internet?
Then they are all online
he wants a shop with no internet access, an offline one
i have a query in this line
var parent_div = $(this).closest("div.cloned-row1,div.cloned-row2,div.cloned-row3").find("input");
if i want to group all div class can i put like this
undefined instanceof Object, just testing if it throws
@crl "false"
!!afk shoving my face
here's my 'rangy': don't know why they made a whole lib for that
// range() // get current selection range
// range(null, true) // clear selection
// range(element, true) // select element
function range(content, select) {
  if (!content && !select)// get range selected by a user
    return window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
  var _range = document.createRange();
  if (content instanceof Node)
  else if (content){
    _range.setStart(content[0], content[1]);
    _range.setEnd(content[2], content[3]);
  if (select){ /* apply range to the selection */
ugly of course, but does 3/4 things in one function, that's fun
@Abhishrek shops like hardware?
Some computer stores I bet -- or Best Buy, or local shit. not entirely sure
favorite part of my day, a company told me they are open source and we need the source code, they said oh only our latest release is open source and you have to pay for any past open source code
ummm doesnt that break the open source model
@SterlingArcher vOv same problem here hardware stores got confused when I said LED they gave me the LED bulbs -_-
at that point, I just walked off :-|
such disappointment :-(
@SterlingArcher I approve
var td, ...;
for (var i=0;i<a.length;i++)
  for (var j=0;j<a[i].length, td = a[i][j];j++) // this is okayish?
@crl add some spaces and it looks ok to me, though personally I prefer to store terminating condition variables, since the inside code can change the length
how would it look like then?
  if (isLeftLimit){
    left = e.target.previousElementSibling; right=e.target;
  }else {
    left = e.target;                        right=e.target.nextElementSibling;
How could I make this less ugly?
uhm, don't have multiple statements in a single line
ignore this sorry, so how merge thses assignments? in 1 line or 2, not possible, ok
can I somehow tell chrome to throw on multiple definitions of an object property?
the browsers that do this by default are too crappy to tell me where it is
left = (isLeftLimit ? e.target.previousElementSibling : e.target);
right = (isLeftLimit ? e.target : e.target.nextElementSibling);
@crl like that?
why not yeah, it's a double if tho, but clearer, yeah ok
A double if?
Mention these things D:
micro optimizations, but useless, so I'm using your way
if (isLeftLimit){
    left = (right = e.target).previousElementSibling;
} else {
    right = (left = e.target).nextElementSibling;
I'm listening to the soundtrack from pro skater 2. All I wanna do is see how long I can bust a manual so I can wallride to the roof
@nderscore hehe
recognize the golfer
Aaaaand back
@SterlingArcher Momma said knock myself out.
@crl hey now, I didn't reply with this: left=isLeftLimit?(right=e.target).previousElementSibling):(right=(z=e.target).n‌​extElementSibling,z)
Mongodb is doing something very bizarre...
@corvid It's probably a PEBKAC.
lol, dem feminists hijacking a cocacola hashtag twitter.com/WomenOnGuard/status/679407835697053700
not that I don't think tasers are a bad idea. I think all women should protect themselves
Wouldn't it be nice if they didn't have to though
Wouldn't it be nice if there was world peace?
yes. the answer to both questions is yes, but we live in a fucked up world
The solution is simple. Kill EVERYONE.
Nah, just kidding. People just need to grow up.
skynet pls
@ndugger "I'm sorry Nick, I'm afraid I can't let you do that."
qldeb generates debian packages so fast now
$ find . -name '*.deb' | wc -l                                                                                                                                   [10:27:56 PM]
$ find . -name '*.deb' | wc -l                                                                                                                                   [10:28:41 PM]
$ find . -name '*.deb' | wc -l                                                                                                            
About thirty seconds? Nice!
to generate ~100 packages, yeah
That's not bad at all.
definitely, I'm quite happy with the result
Now I have to figure out how to reverse engineer Linux's wpa_password so I can generate the PSK in C# : /
@FlorianMargaine Yea
I'm downloading the tarball right now to see if I can dig through it.
@Trasiva you know that in linux, you can have the source instead of having to reverse engineer, right?
@FlorianMargaine I...am not a smart man today. :(
..seriously? It's just sha1?
@FlorianMargaine Yea, I just saw that now.
Doesn't look horrible overall.
a day of terrible reverse engineering is now enlightened by the beauty of open source :)
@FlorianMargaine Indeed. Now I just have to pull a Scotty.
Also known as "The engineering scam".
@Trasiva also, googling "c sharp pbkdf2_sha1" yields some results, so you might not have a lot of work after all.
@FlorianMargaine Yea, I did look that up already.
I just told my supervisor this'll take two days, when in reality it'll be like...half of one.
@Abhishrek Radio shack was the only place I could think of
also Microcenter
too bad Radio shack has pretty much shut down
yea, blame lance armstrong
@FlorianMargaine Correction, I don't have to do this at all anymore since we don't know the actual MAC addresses for each device prior to sending off. Woot! Another ticket gone.
!!> 100/'3'
@crl 33.333333333333336
@Trasiva you need the MAC address?
in the code I saw that you needed the ssid, but I didn't see any mention of the mac address?
@Trasiva that said, 1.5 days of slacking lost :(
near Christmas this is so important!
And actually, now that I look at that..
It's a constant, so I might be very, very wrong.
@FlorianMargaine Yea, I just found that. Trying to figure out why 20 though.
It's definitely not the psk length, because that's 64.
I've been thinking of it as Media Access Control.
@Trasiva aka the sha1 digest
Like the MAC on your computer, lol.
> SHA1 HMAC hash is always 160 bits (e.g. 20 bytes)
@FlorianMargaine Yea, I don't do...anything with hashing. Thanks Flor! I owe you a baguette.
@Trasiva that's cheap
@Trasiva are you using c# on linux or windows?
@FlorianMargaine Good point, I owe you something to be negotiated at a later time.
@FlorianMargaine Windows. I have to hash the passwords on the server (windows) prior to sending the wpa.config file to the device (linux).
@FlorianMargaine It really does. I just got AES encryption/decryption working for some of our more sensitive strings too. That was almost three weeks.
Hi @copy.
@Trasiva a js source: view-source:jorisvr.nl/wpapsk.html
damn ugly, but might be easier to port
@Trasiva lol.
@Zirak I don't have any project now
@FlorianMargaine Huh...that website you gave me doesn't output the same hash as my linux development VM, lol.
@Trasiva damn :/
fuck, I'm having a ridiculous problem with ui.router states, If I add a parent state in a file, and it's childs in another it works, but if I add the parent and the childs in the same file it doesn't work just for two cases, there's one case where it works perfectly all in the same file!, and there's nothing different between the three cases!
@FlorianMargaine It's okay, I still love you.
I must admit as a mac user im pretty jealous of win10
@FlorianMargaine Actually, I fucked up and missed a character. It works. I'm bad.
@Trasiva lol
@Trasiva did you look at the code?
if not, don't thank me yet.
@FlorianMargaine I did, yea. But I don't think I really have to sweat it that much since C# .NET already has a built in crypto with SHA-1
Hopefully anyways, lol.
@Trasiva worst case: the js code is like 50 lines, and you can copy paste most of it in C#.
@FlorianMargaine Most of that won't work as in in C#...we're using VS 2005 with .NET 3.5, lol.
@Trasiva ? most of the js code is bitwise operations, which I'm pretty sure work in .NET 3.5
I'm not saying "copy paste", but it's easy to port it I think
@FlorianMargaine Oh yea, porting won't be an issue. A lot of it will be proper variable declarations, but other than that...no problem.
Wow that HP star wars laptop is a sin
1k for dual core 940m
@Cereal Because Star Wars.
A sin
not sure if you've seen that. My son wants it pretty badly
@Loktar A flying toaster, I'm sold.
@Cereal Agreed
!!> 1!='1'
@crl "false"
Car Mechanic Simulator 2015
@Loktar that shoots bacon as well
What the hell is half of this shit
idk, it seems pretty cool though
they also made simple rockets which is like a 2d kerbal space program
@Trasiva what a waste of bacon
I'm on starcraft if you two are feeling adventurous
I'm going to start calling myself a Webmaster
Still haven't bought JC3 yet
I got it for free
They are now blaming the card design for Steve Harvey's Miss Universe mistake: linkedin.com/pulse/… lol
@Cereal bah going out to grab prime rib for Christmas dinner
@RahulDesai and it's totally valid
heh setting up PCs for another lan party with the kids, this time on Windows 98 for Christmas eve, just hit this issue lol support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/184447
Too much ram!!
luckily I have some 512 sticks laying around
cracks me up though windows 98 is like "woah you have too much ram can't even start bruh"
@Cereal I'm still at work, and then I have to take my mother to Wal-Mart.
@Loktar That's hilarious. Remember when 512 MB was HUGE?
lol yea
shit man I remember when that was large for an HD :P
I know!
I still have 2 40mb ones
Fun fact.
Did you know, you could actually install SC II on a floppy disk and run it from that?
Er, SC 1
install from a floppy?
how? The mpq file is too large? With a file splitter or something?
back when SC1 came out CD was already king so that is pretty interesting
@Loktar Sorry, not a floppy, zip disc.
ahh ok
yeah zip discs held like 100mb or so
@Loktar It's how we got around the admin rights issue at school, lol.
Attach zip disc to computer, run from zip disc.
@rlemon Haha, that's great.
My mother just asked me why she had to update her "Windows Explorer". I told her that she shouldn't have to update that, only to find out she really meant Internet Exploder.
So I inquire why, turns out her work needs it updated, for some reason the application she uses with work is tied to it somehow (shitty, I know). So I tell her I'll remote in to take care of it.
@phenomnomnominal Yes, I agree. But even Steve should have read the card carefully before he announced the winner. This card design maybe going on since forever, but I think this is the first mistake?
I cant blame him completely though.
I remote in to find out that the IT guy from the application started windows update...which apparently hasn't been run since July...of 2013.
I hate Windows.

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