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@DieVarDump: the tests are long!
anyone know where I can find a list of snippets to use to ensure cross browser compatibility in JS ?
like I should use element.onclick = function() {} to add a cross-browser onclick event, etc etc
I can't find a page where all these snippets are
i have a little question
jsfiddle.net/wangS in this example when you click "first", it alerts text but when you click "second" nothing happens. why?
two same id's -> generally a very bad thing
not valid
id's have to be unique in your markup
oh changed to class and it works now :D thanks
That is how it should look like.
Damn, too late. :(
thanks anyway :)
if you want same onclick behavior for multiple elements , it would be better to use event delegation
instead of attaching events to each tag separately
ok. i'm gonna try that.
@tereško: about event delegation, how to do this in vanilla js?
I'd use this in pojs : jsfiddle.net/wangS/2 but if I have more elements, I'd loop through them all and add an event handler
which looks ugly :/
lemme dig up some example
I should wrap it all in one div and listen to events on the surrounding div?
RT @bocoup: We are proud to be working with @facebook on the W3C Mobile Web Platform Core Community Group: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2012/02/27/helping-improve-the-mobile-web/
RT @tobie: Super excited to announce Ringmark, the mobile web test suite we developed in collaboration with @bocoup: http://rng.io
@FlorianMargaine exampled
alright, what I thought, thanks ;o)
btw, this kind of snippet to use targetted element, is there some online resource with all those quirks?
@tereško how about this? jsfiddle.net/wangS/7
Wait a minute.
e = e || window.event;
Isn't that assigning the passed argument e to the global variable e?
I don't believe so. But I've been wrong in the past
@Kobayakawa: use $('#outer').on() instead
@OctavianDamiean it's declared as a paremeter, and tehrefor local
no, e is implicitly declared in the arguments
I see.
btw, thanks @RyanKinal, this is what I was thinking about, and you answered greatly :)
@FlorianMargaine :-)
wow, have you got any more complicated "simple example"? :p
oh wait
that's the snippets?
what ?
english , use it
nah, sorry, I thought it was the answer of something I asked early
but it isn't
thanks btw
13 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@tereško: about event delegation, how to do this in vanilla js?
yes, but look at all the event delegations' examples that were printed in the mean time :-)
only "delegation example" i see there was by @RyanKinal
but your fiddle shows some methods I'd like to see too. The snippet to add some basic functionality (addEvent, etc)
@FlorianMargaine Have you read over javascript.info ?
and mine to :-)
hm, no
It'll describe many of the problems I see you facing day-to-day in here.
oh :)
Some of it is basic, but it's one of the best written guides I've read.
any pdf version of it?
@Incognito +1
Easy graphics to explain event bubbling too:
RT @facebookhtml5: Announcing Ringmark, a Mobile Browser Test Suite: Introducing Ringmark As part of our work on the mobile web ... h ...
well, actually, I knew about event delegation, just never made the link between the name and the code
also, my brain is often kind of on "off" when I'm chatting.
looks like they don't use semicolons on javascript.info :-)
No worries. That's just an implicit demonstration of the specific rules of SCI.
Anyone here use the tmux multiplexer? The keybindings are enough to drive me mental.
I do use it
The keybindings man
they suck.
Better than screen, but they suck.
I don't use ctrl + b though, ctrl + a is better for me
I can't remember basic tasks
I'm used to it, I guess
Do you have a custom conf?
wanna see it?
All I know is I'm like "oh, I'll add a new one" C-b N, and it's like, "lol wtf are you doing man?"
it's mostly about colors though
basically, there's not many commands to remember
I thought tmux had persistence... last time I closed it I know I had a really weird layout going.
c is to create a new window, n p & l are to navigate between windows (l means last), x to kill, and " or % to split panes
Maybe I detached wrong?
did you use d ?
it does have persistence
you can tmux ls to see what sessions are up
I don't know, it was like 48 hours ago, for all I know I closed each tab and I'm whining over something I caused.
and tmux a -t sessionName to reattach yourself to it
I had no sessions running
did you reboot?
it doesn't have persistence over reboots (just like screen)
Yarg I'm awful with this, I have sooooo many sessions going.
0: 1 windows (created Wed Feb 22 10:44:42 2012) [180x82]
1: 2 windows (created Wed Feb 22 10:45:20 2012) [180x82]
10: 1 windows (created Mon Feb 27 10:32:22 2012) [180x82]
2: 2 windows (created Wed Feb 22 10:45:30 2012) [180x82]
4: 1 windows (created Wed Feb 22 10:46:50 2012) [180x82]
5: 2 windows (created Wed Feb 22 10:47:35 2012) [180x82]
8: 1 windows (created Mon Feb 27 10:25:28 2012) [180x82]
9: 4 windows (created Mon Feb 27 10:31:41 2012) [180x82]
use tmux a -t 9 for example
ctrl + a T is quite helpful sometimes :)
So how do we kill a session?
tmux d -t #?
tmux kill-session instead I think
I usually don't do this...
if I want to kill the session I'm in, I use exit in it
:exit ?
Ahhh, C-b C-z
Nope, that's a lie.
@Incognito: no, just plain exit in the command line
it exits the window, and if it's the last, it closes the session
You get that list on C-b ?
c-b is the default for tmux
my tmux.conf changes this to c-a
this line in tmux.conf does this: set-option -g prefix C-a
Figured it all out.
The keybindings are lamesauce.
btw, commands I use on a daily basis: tmux a (I have only one session), C-a c (create new window), C-a l (last window), C-a # (goes to # window), C-a d (detach from session) and sometimes I use C-a % (split pane horizontally) or C-a " (split pane vertically)
also, C-a t is nice :-)
I might remap c-b to c-a, but mehhhh.
and when I use panes, C-a alt-left arrow or right arrow to resize panes
well, that's a quick fix, but really rewarding :)
especially since the keys are so far away from each other
(ctrl and b)
I really hate C-b :"split-vertically" for one direction and C-b % for another... wtf is that?
you can use "
and it actually makes sense
when you look graphically at the characters
Actually makes me rage.
but it's really nice once you get used to it :)
I mainly develop on tmux + vim
Oh I like tmux
I just can't stand this binding
you can remap it :)
Yeah, that's the bigger problem: to what?
It feels like I should be using emacs or something with all this meta-key binding stuff.
Eh, not a mac fan, it's basically expensive closed linux.
In white.
it's not really limited to ipad, just say it's a tablet instead
I'm waiting for a $150 tablet that doesn't suck. I've seen a few near that price but they're awful
I want to torrent all the books I own onto it and read them that way
the Blackberry playbook is actually good
I don't think half the books I own can even be found online mind you...
@FlorianMargaine playbookmoon.ca
They're not doing this to be funny either.
But they are
not talking about this, the BB playbook is actually the cheapest long-battery tablet you can find on the market
No, the kid who runs it goes to a school a block from where I work, they're doing fund raising and other stuff.
the drawback is the apps you can find, though
wow :)
They're going to get trolled hard soon enough
I just want a linux distro on a playbook, not android or some other locked down drm nonsense, just give me an os on my computer, I don't care that it doesn't have a keyboard it's a damn computer, give me an unlocked os.
well, they're canadian. Maybe RIM funds this?
No, rim's about to go bust in all likelyhood.
Their stock's at a 5-year low.
btw, if you want linux, it'll be hard. You can find customized ROM of android though, like from the Cyanogen team where no DRM and stuff is.
(when I mean linux, I mean debian-alike)
(ofc, android is linux)
I just want to run normal software.
Why not?
It's a computer.
You can install linux on a coffee maker.
it's just not configured for touch based interface
but there may be, sure
The only reason you "can't" is because we have all this value-added magical garbage.
Touch interface is just another keyboard and mouse
Anyway, time to get real work done. Cheers.
RT @erikjmoller: Opera mobile 12 out now with WebGL support! http://goo.gl/r0qCw Check out my mobile WebGL demo on your phone! http://t ...
RT @erikdahlstrom: get the new Opera Mobile from the Android market and then head on over to http://shinydemos.com for some fun demos
Q: How to detect jquery exist or not in browser?

mannyI am using both Jquery and Mootools in my page with noconflict option, some of the pages will have mootools, some of the page will have only jquery and some will have both. So how do i can detect i have only jquery in my page something like if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') { } or if (jQu...

if the pages does not load in under 3 seconds you have jQuery, if the pages takes longer than 6 seconds to load you have both.
why use both libraries? seriously?
I so badly wanted to tell him if he needs BOTH libraries I hope he is not getting paid because he lied on his resume when he said he knew javascript. or how the web works...
that was like the one earlier; "I have performance issues with my JS",
answer: "User jQuery and this jQuery Plugin!"
post the answer, I'll upvote you :-)
nahh i'm not even going to troll him.
well, also explain why
he maybe doesn't know why it's bad
I think we all need to learn the hard way.. write a garbage app that works for a bit, but you don't know why because you pasted a few scripts together than took just as long as it would for you to write them to debug and try to figure out why they don't play nice together.
only to stand back, look at the finished product, and think "WTF was I thinking this would have been way easier without <insert favorite library here>!"
i'm not anti-library.... but I do think SERIOUS consideration needs to be taken before just jumping into one.
@rlemon : when i work for ubisoft, they force me to add the "ubibarre " on top of the websites. This barre works with jQuery when my websites are done with MooTools. The two are loaded... I'm not sure it's his problem, but you sometimes have to load both libraries
thinking about jQuery? :-)
well, gotta go
@DieVarDump and I can almost guarantee you that of both libraries 50-60% of their functionality was used? (if the topbar was jQuery and that was all jQuery was used for I can assume even less)
Oh yes i agree, but they do like that.
i'm not gonna Raynos ragefit on libraries... just people who buy a dumptruck to move an anthill.
aaw, man. hate providing companies with "What are your salary expectations?" - especially when it's in another country. takes too much time from coding =(
I'll move to Canada in one month... i don't even know how much devs are paid here
@DieVarDump really? me too, except I'm going in like a week
Where do you go ?
@DieVarDump toronto area will be first stop. you?
@DieVarDump yeah, you know french, that'll work. well, i know swedish and german! ;)
@DieVarDump depends... what type of dev? what level?
php / javascript / html / css
@DieVarDump you never have to load both libraries
Salary expectation = 25% more than what you actually want to make
@DieVarDump if you, you just have to find the idiot developer (maybe yourself) and kill him (maybe kill yourself)
@DieVarDump well then I would say for entry level expect 30-40k a year. again this depends largely on your ability and the company you get into..
@Raynos I'm an idiot, it's not new. But i wasn't aware that i had to load a barre, until the first site was almost finished. We hadn't time to rebuild all MooTools into jQuery
@Joel easy to do, just tell them what you want
Q: Communicate between a Rails app and a Node.js app

donaldThis question follows a previous one: Shall I use Node.js Instead of Rails for Real-time WebApps? The question: What's the best way of communicating between a Rails app and a Node.js app in order to take advantage of both technologies? Thanks

I'm from the Kitchener-Waterloo area (ontario) and we have a lot of start-ups and a tonne of 'big companies' (not just RIM) - the pay scale greatly differs.
that was a good answer raynos gave. im trying to do same thing between rails and wordpress.
@rlemon opinions on software engineer (master), toronto, (flexible but used to) web/ecommerce (10+ years), .net (5 years)
@Joel like I just choose I wanted 90k, then I asked for 90k
@Raynos in canada?
@Joel no, where is your job?
@rlemon Well, Canada is known to pay much more than in France, and 30-40k is no " much more "
@Raynos i'm moving to canada, so the problem is that i don't have enough experience to be specific in any way (cost of living etc)
@DieVarDump I told you got entry level - that is out of school with no experience.
Oh ok. I work as a web dev since almost 4 years.
@Joel Toronto is EXPENSIVE.
@rlemon so i read =)
@Joel what type of job and what type of company were you looking for
big fish in a small pond or little fish swimming with the sharks.
@Joel research :P
@Raynos that's what's taking time
@Joel ok toronto is cheaper then San Francisco
@rlemon i randomly applied, and they answered right back with a semi-automated HR response asking for code and salaray
so I'd ask about 75k
I worked for D2L for ~5 years (back when they were a startup)
@Joel do you actually want the job?
If you don't want the job (you randomly applied ಠ_ಠ) ask for 150%
Unrelated but maybe someone has thoughts for me: pm.stackexchange.com/questions/4856/…
@rlemon D2L good place to work?
not back then, but from what I hear now they are much better.
@rlemon you worked in a startup? Was it good?
I was with them from <20 employees to >200 employees.
That's not a startup :P
then they got sued by a competitor and I jumped ship. They lost and got sued again and won and now I guess they have a good foothold.
a startup is <5 employees
@Raynos i wouldn't mind working with that they are asking me to work with, but it's not the coolest company (from what i can tell). i'd rather go for a startup to learn something new =)
@Raynos they were a startup before then. I got in at their first hiring blitz.
@Joel then go with a startup
@rlemon quite a trip?
@Joel ohh yea - but other than that they have a really nice environment to work in. An established product with a good vision.
I was a SQA and dev for Internal Applications team - I may be somewhat bitter because I was stuck QA'ing a core product for 18 months straight.
@Raynos trying to find one =)
@rlemon i guess you were the one knowing that position best, hard to find a replacement?
@Joel You'll want at-least 55 to live in toronto, your best bet is to actually live outside of toronto, rent is like $1400 for a 1 bedroom apartment, you can probably get $1100 in oakville for a bigger apartment and hop on a train for $300/mo
55 is your break-even.
@Joel I started the QA department. And saw the product I QA'd through 3 major versions.. so they i guess decided I would be the best person to take on the monolithic task of QA'ing the re-write.
@rlemon oh, that's a good link!
@Joel yup, and much easier than searching the google.
@Incognito thanks a lot for some actual numbers =)
@Joel look harder :P. Pro tip, startups dont use .NET
@Incognito do you live in toronto?
startup === risky investment. but could pay off big.
established companies === steady pay cheque, controlled environment, less stress
@Raynos Ancaster.
If you find a job in Waterloo (like TO) just live outside... Kitchener is fairly cheap to live in.
three bedroom in a tri-plex is $975/mo all inclusive for me. which is pretty standard. one bedroom should run you ~$700 all inclusive.
@rlemon lies. Ok not completely lies
however in waterloo add ~$200 a month,
@Raynos would love not using .net, better to learn something new!
@Raynos no, but I like to generalize things.
@Joel you kind of need existing skills :p
@rlemon Rim's pretty established, and they're doing layoffs. That's epic fail. Business make money first cut costs last.
Qua salary startups / companies are roughly the same
qua company lifespan, startups are risky
@Incognito RIM is only failing because they lost their drive to create innovative products.
@Raynos well, yes and no. i just need to know what they want, and then i'll learn what they want me to learn. right?
their last ~6 releases were the same cookie in a new package.
the only advantage established companies give is long term "career progression" inside a "corporate ladder"
if thats something you want
@Raynos of course not insta-experience, but that's what i do ;)
Something my grade 12 tech teacher told me: "Shit rolls down hill. If it's shitty at the bottom, it's your fault."
@Joel Ok Imagine I'm hiring for colingo. We build awesome stuff with node and the web
I wouldnt hire someone without confidence they have skills to get shit done in those technologies
WTF do they even sell
All I hear is "blablabla our customer service rocks"
@Raynos cool, web stuff! i've done server-side programming in jscript since 2000 and client-side programming in javascript since 1998. i'll look into node over a few days (and i have already started, last weekend) and get up to speed.
@Raynos Mes a uber jQuery developer. Skillset: jQuery, MooTools, BackboneJS. IDE: Microsoft Word, Frontpage. Asking Salary: $90K
@Raynos LMS - you may need to click "products" to see their .. well... products desire2learn.com/products/learning-suite
@Joel you caught me of guard by actually having some relevant skills.
@Raynos that is what i would say. done pretty much all the things you need on a website since there weren't that many tools back in the day
@rlemon 90k, fuck off
@rlemon what the hell is LMS
@Raynos They're right next to google in waterloo, I have no idea what they sell.
Learning Management System.
What is it with these shitty products that dont tell me what they actually do
CMS pimped out for ELearning.
@Raynos If you know what an LMS is, then you know what it does ;-)
They sound like a CMS for teachers to give to students.
@rlemon I know what it stands for
Basically: We made drupal give us money.
@RyanKinal managing learning is buzzword buzzword
I want real terms
<--- develops an LMS
not bullshit
90k seems pretty high. I'd go with 60k
A learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting of training programs, classroom and online events, e-learning programs, and training content. A robust LMS should be able to do the following: * centralize and automate administration * use self-service and self-guided services * assemble and deliver learning content rapidly * consolidate training initiatives on a scalable web-based platform * support portability and standards * personalize content and enable knowledge reuse. LMSs range from systems for managing tr...
It's a very specific term, actually
ok, well I have to give them credit. Their LMS compared to say BlackBoard or WebCT is like comparing a crop duster to a 747
@Incognito do you live on that crossroad?
@Raynos No, that's where google dropped the pointer.
having worked for them and seen all the competition I can say, as far as a product goes, they have the best out of their competition.
Did i really read Microsoft word, Frontpage ?
@DieVarDump read frontpage, assume someone is trolling for the lulz
I should make something called backpage, its goal is to make unreadable HTML.
ya man. Frontpage is so uber. I can almost do all my programming in it! I do use MS Word for my css though.
Ugh, I found out all the legacy code I inherited here was made in word.
Don't even joke about that.
I thought this word was extracted from sentences by navigators
@Incognito lol
one of my projects is to re-write a system that was written all in Excel (VB6) and Access
projects were all locked, no source files. (not like they would be of much help anyways)
Average #jQuery developer: Mes a uber jQuery developer. Skillset: jQuery, MooTools, BackboneJS. IDE: Word, Frontpage. Asking Salary: $90K
@rlemon rewrite it in excel and access >_> for the lulz
@rlemon oh, you mean a greenfield with a fixed spec that has all the flaws of the old system plus "nice interface"? ;)
@Raynos nice.
Hi all ^_^
@Joel lol
@Raynos you know first thing I did was to write another excel sheet to work with the old system to make it usable. my re-write is still undergoing.
FFS how hard can it be to find out the volume and average density of 1000 Camellia seeds
@rlemon LOL
Twitter's API docs on oauth tokens are as clear as mud.
seriously i've been on google for like two hours now trying to find this shit.
@rlemon in the seed(y) business too? =)
"just rest request here LOL what do you send? hell if we know!"
@Joel I work for dryermaster.com
@rlemon if i had been at the HQ, might have had a book or something about it
Field engineer + sole developer
@rlemon that is more hardcore seed handling than i do ;)
I know the average moisture content after harvest and shelling - but to accuratly be able to calculate throughput for the dryer I need to know it's volume/density per 1000 seeds (or per x grams)
Q: How to detect jquery exist or not in browser?

mannyI am using both Jquery and Mootools in my page with noconflict option, some of the pages will have mootools, some of the page will have only jquery and some will have both. So how do i can detect i have only jquery in my page something like if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') { } or if (jQu...

> @Raynos, if you are not having any answer, try to get instead of simply posting your unwanted words.
How is that not a duplicate question?
I'm sure there's "how do I detect jquery" somewhere.
Or maybe the status quo is to just include it again.
@rlemon which do you know - the number of seeds or weight or volume of the input/output?
This is relevant:
Q: Websockets?? Blasphemy!

amanaP lanaC A nalP A naM AI just saw this answer here: We are testing web sockets on meta I know that SE has prided themselves on just using polling techniques for chat: Why is the Stack Exchange chat room using simple polling instead of other Comet techniques? Why the sudden change?

@Joel I know the weight of 1000 seeds (on average) - i'm just going to call the client and struggle with him (does not speak english :( hence my search)
posted on February 27, 2012

I’ve been going through my CSS tests last week, and thought I’d jot down some notes on how the browser treat vendor prefixes. It’ll bring some much-needed practicality into the discussion. This does not prove that vendor prefixes are either good or bad. It’s just one more data point to consider. Let’s take a look at the theory first. This seems to be W3C’

@rlemon sole developer you say? then i guess you don't have anyone who is willing to protect you from the outside world and making such calls for you? had that once, and it was just great =)
@Joel the engineers do bash scripting, and some know some c/c++ but very little and not enough to aid me in development. As far as a lackey to make my calls for me. alas we have only 9 employees so I am destined to talk to the Chinese
whats the best way to implement a profainity filter
9 employees - 3 work part time :P
... or well wtf is a profainity filter LOL
@Abhishek swear jar?
quarter a curse.
i wanna do that in the chat for my game lol
regexp it ?
@IvoWetzel PONG
Q: Profanity Filter using a Regular Expression (list of 100 words)

brunWhat is the correct way to strip profane words from a string given: 1) I have a list of 100 words to look for in an array of strings. 2) What is the correct way to handle partial words? How do most people handle this? For example the word mass. Then sometimes a partial word is also bad - assume f...

@rlemon try asking your chinese speaking client if they have someone who is learning chinese - they seem to really like getting some real experience
@rlemon tankZ ^_^

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