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Encrypted Media Extensions draft from Google+MS+Netflix; allow encyrpted video/audio playback thru license/key exchange http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/tip/encrypted-media/encrypted-media.html
Guys, question about extjs...
is it possible to have a grid with live search, but have it display only the results on searchfield text change ?
i implemented to live search grid in the examples, but I want it only to display the rows that meet the search criteria
the one in the example just highlights the results
ack, someone changed the room topic
nevermind, just solved it
@MattMcDonald Find them, beat them into a pulp.
hi all
any one ever use blogengine or asp.net?
@Raynos Do you suspect using variable names that do not share the first-letter of any of the key-words is a long-term sustainable JS Engine optimization hack? Reasoning being that v8 and spider monkey scanners check those letters for keywords, anything else is obviously not a key-word. It may not be meaningful for maintainable code, but more-so for minifiers.
Is there a de facto or commonly used JavaScript unit-testing framework? For example, like PHPUnit for PHP.
if there is one, i bet it's called JSUnit. that seems to be the naming convention.
though apparently there's two JSUnits
QUnit seems to be the de-facto choice
Q? who picked Q?
it was made for jQuery
JUnit was made for Java, so follow the letters
@MattMcDonald Thanks. I'll definitely check this out.
@cHao as in Q continuum ?
@Incognito I suspect that the tokenization step is incredibly neglible and should never be hand optimized for.
@Incognito however by all means, you can have minifiers not share the first-letter of any of the key-words. That's it though, it should be done in a minifier and not in actual code.
@CharlesSprayberry mocha
@MattMcDonald QUnit is mediocre >_> I would say Jasmine is more popular then QUnit
@Raynos Why, afraid we all end up back in polish notation? :P
@Incognito because this is a horrible case of micro optimizing, if I've ever seen one
It's like not using * but using binary operations instead
Sure it might be marginally faster but * is more readable
I'm basically debating implementing v8/src/scanner.cc in JS
Make this whole v8 thing eat its own tail and jump the shark.
I see
thats silly :P
Anyone here have some experience with Bootstrap?
Q: How to display a thumbnail in the hero unit with Bootstrap?

George EdisonOn this page of the Bootstrap documentation, an example is provided demonstrating the "hero unit" which typically is placed at the top of a page and announces something important. I am trying to incorporate this into a page but I would like to also display a thumbnail beside it. Here is what I ha...

I'm having a bit of trouble getting the hero unit to display a thumbnail.
1 hour later…
Wow. Node.JS is... awesome
Time to find proper ASP.NET packages: 1 hour
Time to install said packages: 3 hours
Time to set up Visual Studio: 10 minutes
Time to get first sample website going: 1 hour
Time to find, install, and test Node.JS: 5 minutes
Compared with ASP.NET, damn near everything is awesome.
@RyanKinal true, that. But I was even talking about the nice, slick, intuitive MVC installer. (which is nice. it just, as mentioned, takes an age to complete)
Fair enough :-)
wassup my friends
2 hours later…
ANybody home ?
@ThomasShields .. time to debug node.js ..endless!
time to Debug ASP.net a bunch of minutes [ if you know how to lol ]
Q: What is the best technology for a TRULY portable REST client

RivieraI develop a suite of productivity tools, for Mac, iOS and Windows. They all communicate with a sync server via a RESTful interface (using Protocol Buffers), but as we add new platforms, we realize the pain it is to recreate different versions of the same code just to communicate with the client, ...

RT @LeanBackPlayer: Released the first version 0.1.0 of the LeanBack Player - @html5 LocalStorage Extension for desktop browsers via htt ...
Q: Get Ajax calls to reduce database queries

JohnI am hereby providing a detailed description of what I need and what I have done for this issue of mine. I am open to any workable solution around what I have done or maybe new suggestions. I need to make use of user data that is retrieved using the following: $user_data = get_user_by('login', ...

Is it possible to include content of another html file with javascript?
I have seen the ajax way but as some people said it is not very SEO friendly
there is no other way :)
So having a page with equal header/footer is not bad when not using server side technology
I am making a moblie web app
it only fetches json from server
I am making it using only javascript, css and html
So I wondered if there was a way to not duplicate code for header/footer on the pages
just do it on the mobile app?
usually, for this kind of app
you get the least possible from the server
What do you mean?
and you get only the raw datas from your server, the least bandwidth you use, the better
RT @opera: Opera Tools for Web Developers: http://my.opera.com/karlcow/blog/2012/02/16/opera-tools-for-web-developers via @karlpro
RT @phonegap: Let's try that again: Are you interested in the open source Apache Cordova project? Check out the brand new website: http: ...
I mean you do all the html/css/js on the app
and then you get your datas via ajax
But still the code will be duplicated
and on a mobile app, you don't give a shit about SEO :)
the header and footer
I don't get you :)
If you have an index page and a contact page
Then you have a header with your logo etc
you want the same header to be on both pages
\then you would have a duplicate of code
I wondered if tehre was a way to put the header in its own file and include id
4 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
and then you get your datas via ajax
oh, that
@Bob : you want something like include() on the html side, right?
I don't know if shtml is supported on phonegap and alike...
but I think you should be using ajax to retrieve your local html files :)
but what if this app is used through the web also
It is packaged into an app
and it is also available on m.something.com
would that cause SEO problems?
or any other problems
your headers and footer have almost no value for SEO matters
but you wouldn't get your datas via ajax, indeed
but that's another app.
I am not sure if I understood the last part
1 hour later…
Anyone who knows how to make an icon available so that when you save it to homescreen the icon will be used?
<ul> <li class = "selected"></li><li class = "selected"></li><li class = "selected"></li><ul> when i click on the li the remaining class for li should be remove except the on clicked please help in jquery
I am able to get it working on iPhone, but not Android
I have added this
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
And it works, but when I press a link it opens the browser again. How can I disable that?
@FlorianMargaine i think
for that you would have to make a database yourself :P
and mantain itself explicitly
there will be a database, Redis
so in that case you will have to write the session management yourself
read the connect module its barely 300 lines
actually, I've not tried what's on the question, it's rather an "ask for advice" question
make it support your django based session
no need for this if it already does by default... and the least I code, the better I feel :p
@FlorianMargaine i doubt
they will allow sharing of sessions
test it out ^ ^ ?
well... I'll have to, but I wanted to have an answer before taking a lot of time to setup my stack
making sure it works, you know
I think it'll take hardly 5 minutes
for node part (x
and redis
i am not so good with PyThon so nooo clue how much for django
django is not much longer
if not even faster :p
but for node, it depends on the setup
I wanna try this out on my mac
but... it's kind of bugging.
sometimes i love Ubuntu & windows :-)
when adding the mobile web app capabale meta tag
and save it on the home screen
doesn't the history.back() work?
posted on February 22, 2012

It’s time for the browser stats for January; as always according to StatCounter. Your donation for keeping this series up and running would be much appreciated. Four classes Here are the aggregate numbers for the four device classes. I explain them and my methods here. Due to some very small market shares I use tenths of percents here, even though I don’t like it because it su

Not a single Memory leak so far in my comet server :D :D :D [ i agree comet means nothing but still i learnt a lot making it :^^:]
now lets add websockets :-)
    <ul id="information-list">
        <li class="information-row">
            <img src="images/test.png" />
            Start here
I am trying to get the image and the text vertically centered in the li
how do I do that?
I have tried but not succeded
Can anyone tell me how to sort a table in javascript/jQuery that contains multiple tbody tags ?
@Bob ever heard of padding ?
use it x)
Is that okey to use?
So I just pad until it looks beatuiful?
What would you pad?
Can anyone tell me how to sort a table in javascript/jQuery that contains multiple tbody tags ?
A table should never contain more than one tbody
It's invalid
Nope, W3C permits having multiple tbody tags inside a single table
You're right. My bad.
@Bob I was talking about CSS padding use some math.
@Ryan: No problem
padding = (Height of LI - Height of Container )/2 on top and bottom
var ID = (obj.id == undefined )? ++no_of_chats : obj.id;
what can possibly be wrong in that line ?
other than readability? :-)
Strict comparison?
Also, perhaps typeof obj.id === 'undefined'?
Or maybe just check for falsey, as long as obj.id will never be 0
it cant be
var ID = (obj.id) ? ++no_of_chats : obj.id;
Maybe no_of_chats isn't defined?
Maybe obj isn't defined
@Abhishek var ID = obj.id || ++no_of_chats; will do, no ?
i am pretty sure its defined
There are a lot of things that could possibly be wrong with that line :-D
You could also do as @DieVarDump says, and use a short-circuit OR
But if id can be 0, it'll fail
But he's said it can't be
huge fail on my side :-|
lol ... wrote a wrapper but forgot to update it .. updated the function instead :(
@DieVarDump Yeah... that quote isn't actually true. I am, in fact, learning it now.
The existence of $ as well as $$ pissed me right off.
But I sort of understand it now.
The purpose is not the same
It comes from Prototype.js i believe
I have a 3years background on mootools
So if you have question i may can help
@RyanKinal i somehow have 0 memory leaks on server even after 10k messages /s and this being my first comet server .. hell i feel good :D
so maybe i got overexcited and totaly forgot my wrapper D:
anyways @RyanKinal did you saw the Windows Phone Demo ?
It just seems unnecessary. I know that $ is basically getElementById (combined with some wrapper stuff), and $$ is basically querySelectorAll (again, combined with some wrapper stuff), but it seems like it should be able to detect differences in query.
@Abhishek Pretty cool, I suppose.
@Abhishek Nice
Its a really great teaser for those who have androids ;-) / iOSes
Well whats the big deal its 1 linux connected to other :-|
Hum it's one linux booting on an other
Q: Change URL on select change

NixI've made a method, which inserts a new query parameter, when the value of a select changes, then reloads the page. I've had enough of URL jQuery hax, so I figured it would be a great idea to put the query parameters in an array, and manipulate it that way. I'm a little unsure whether or not this...

and giving people the ability to use all mobile features
on a desktop
@DieVarDump i think Win8 should have that aswell
sms sending, calls, agenda...
Sorry .. right now i am being a microsoft fan ... [kindly do not rant]
[insert ill-conceived rant about Microsoft]
@Abhishek well, i was thinking " hey, Windows phone 7 is not so bad. ". But i tried the browser... and cried
@DieVarDump i love the UI
and give microsoft time xP
IE 10 so far has been really impressive
I love the UX
ie 10 yeah
Ui + Ux
atlast microsoft realized people need stuff that works .. not that looks like glass but eats ur pc like a pie
@Abhishek really? They didn't have enough time compared to Google/Apple? (flaming war /o/)
@FlorianMargaine .. win 8 still pawns chrome os ;)
... both are completely unrelated?
one is a full desktop os switching to tablet, the other is a minimalistic os for cloud only
one is made by a company with dozens of years of experience in making os, the other is the first os of its company
really... how can you compare win8 and chrome os?
@FlorianMargaine Android is an OS
So Chrome OS is not " the first "
But, i really think that Microsoft is in a good way
And works hard to make things get good
yeah, sorry, I thought "desktop os" :)
@FlorianMargaine Win8 is pretty flexible
i have been testing it
well, microsoft sure is on the good way
you should test it :-)
but I don't think it's fair to compare win8 with chrome os, that's it :)
its impressive
// minus the metro on PC its rather insane
// but on a tablet /phone its awesome
well, for now, I have a mac... I don't really want to mess with it as I don't have that much time
@Abhishek they made some things really ridiculous
Like the text that skew a little when selecting an item on some settings
it's " branlette " in French
nothing utils in that
Like all iDevice, but by Microsoft
@DieVarDump : are you french?
I am
Like you, but from Lyon
I wasn't sure what you meant by "branlette" in your explanation
btw, it's "fapping" in english
I have a quick question if anyone has a moment :p
we're talking about fapping, don't you see?
It's an important topic, I can wait :)
what's your question?
Put some style things that really are useless and " beautfill/really well done "
we may or may not answer, depending on our mood
Is it typically bad practice when using ajax to update a page every x seconds in order to produce a live effect on a site within asp.net mvc3 razor.
it's called long-polling ajax
also sometimes called "comet server"
and nowadays, websockets is the hype thing about this kind of thing
@jhartzell even though i am writing a "comet"
but not supported in every browser, unfortunately
i would still suggest having a look at websockets
@FlorianMargaine .. thats the only reason i am wasting my time wirting a full proof comet
websockets, gotcha.. Will definately look into that.
@jhartzell You're on a chat that use this method :)
so far it nicely scaled about 8k peers :-) :-) :-) :-)
why don't you help socket.io instead @Abhishek ?
Ajax request every x time to view messages
Any particular websocket reads you can suggest before I mash google? Haha
Yea thats what I figured but I just had an awkward feeling using ajax so much
@FlorianMargaine there code is already being re-written in engine + it will take much longer time , once i am finished with this for production i will have a deep look at socket.io
ok :)
@jhartzell : you'll have to fallback to long polling ajax btw, websockets are supported by a limited set of browsers
Ahh ok
there is socket.io that supports this
it uses websockets when available
and fallbacks to long polling ajax if necessary
(actually, it's reverse order, but well...)
Alright awesome, looks intimidating but I will look deeper into it :)
socket.io is only available for node.js, though
so I think you're going to use long polling ajax :)
setInterval() is your best friend.
@jhartzell But, really think of read about Nodejs, how it works, good practice etc... before beginning !
It can be very hard to maintain if not thinking at the start
@FlorianMargaine , i would actually use setTimeout() for it
why? :)
I'd think setInterval() is the best candidate since it's exactly what it's was made for, but I'm interested in other opinions... so, why?
Because, setInterval don't wait for the current action to be done
So, sometimes you have a DOM manipulation to do, or maybe drawing on a canvas
or just getting the ajax request back
if you're using setInterval, the first function can be not done
when the next come
yep, ok
And the result treatment
yep, got it
I like to use setTimeout(function() { .... ; setTimeout(arguments.callee, 200); }, 200);
when would you use setinterval then?
@FlorianMargaine because setInterval() will keep on pounding the server even if it is under heavy load
Yea, I typically use setInterval all the time
@FlorianMargaine I think i almost never use it. Maybe if i'm really sure that it is impossible that treatment interfer, i would use it
hey btw, nice use of arguments.callee :)
is it supported by most browsers?
Warning: The 5th edition of ECMAScript forbids use of arguments.callee() in strict mode.
I guess we need to use named functions, @DieVarDump :)
I wish that there were more development jobs around my area hehe.. -- way off topic
(function() { setTimeout(function longPoll() { ...; setTimeout(longPoll, 200); }, 200) }());
so it's better to use setTimeout over interval due to the DOM aspect?
most browsers yes. But if strict ES5 do not want arguments.callee, then i'll stop
@jhartzell Due to the fact that you're never sure how many times it'll take for your action to perform the request and treat the result in the client browser.
@jhartzell it's better due to the fact that you don't know how long your code inside the interval will take (lot of considerations, network latency, DOM manipulation, etc), but it will still keep going with its timer
ahh ok, great to know!
Are you guys php guys or asp?
and so, an easy way to replicate setInterval's code without this problem is by using :
(function() { setTimeout(function longPoll() { ...; setTimeout(longPoll, 200); }, 200) }());
Is ASP microsoft crap ?
So i'm a PHP guy
I'm more like php/python/node.js
I've fallen in love with using C# for development, I tried php just wasnt my flavor I guess
I was going to say javascript, but it's can be considered "low-level" when people don't know node.js
web development*
@jhartzell : C# is great. ASP is not that great.
Any reasons to support that opinion?
Never tried C#, but i heard a lot of good things on it. So, while i didn't test, i just can consider it's good
For ASP ?
MVC3 is great, one of the most rapid production platforms in my opinion
Well, Razor view engine I guess I should say as MVC is just a pattern
Just the " If / Else / End If " things make me puke when i see ASP code
now are you talking about ASP or ASP.NET because there's quite a large difference between the two.
We always said " asp ", no ?
windows is taking a deep intrest in node.js
so can we expect node.net ?
You didn't say "ASP.net "
I know... but... like you said, the difference is large, so when the name are so close, it's good to be strict (like ES5 :o) when naming
it's good !
@DieVarDump My fault, I did mean ASP.NET, I had figured that would have been implied with the C# comment following, my fault.
:feels a burning hatred for ASP.NET:
Long time i didn't write ASP.NET code
But, just the Object.PropertyName with an uppercase first char on the property...
@RyanKinal Why? I'm starting to hear this from a number of people and have been using ASP.NET for all my clients for quite some time now and love it. Any particular reason you're opposed to it? PHP fan I assume?
@DieVarDump I think I'm just a big fan because of how well everything flows I guess.
@jhartzell Well, it probably stems from the fact that my company uses Webforms, rather than MVC. But there's a very small subset of ASP.NET "controls" that I have any desire to use (for various reasons, including generated HTML and ID mangling). Viewstate is crap. Generated JavaScript is huge.
And, most of all, it results in "ASP.NET developers" who don't know a damn thing about how the web actually works.
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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