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@Neoares proves the pc master race :p
" I want to brief answer and answer in source code" :thumbsup:
Any decent comparison of D3.js vs Chart.js vs Highcharts?
@Cerbrus : nice link
( talking about that whathaveyoutried )
@feniixx google ?
Well maybe I prefer you opinion about them
Decided to start sitting in the JS chat from now on :)
very bad decision
Awe snap.
@KФ ready to get rid of productivity?
@KarelG: it's nice, yea. But SO blocks it if that's the only contents of the post :P
Nah, I'm going to keep up prodoctivity. I'm actually working on a JS version for this: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/64764/…
Or trying to at least. Looks fun, but not so easy.
Is D3 easier than Highcharts? I mean it's implementation?
@feniixx I heard D3 is better
and it is also open source
Suppose, I have my git repo cloned on two different machines. I normally sync my development in both of them. Some day I wouldn't have pushed by commits to my repo for my machine A, but continued working on machine B on the same branch. So from B I commit & push...
is this a good use case for a rebase for code in A? Assuming there are commits in A I really don't need...
A: November 2015 Stack Overflow Community Moderator Election RESULTS

Ali JamalThank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You

NAA much?
@Mr_Green The thing is that most D3.js is more a data visualization tool, and I only need a charting library, check out this ruoyusun.com/2014/05/26/what-d3js-is-not.html
our teacher told us to google ascii porn. I won't use search-engines anymore.
Your teacher told you to google porn?
*ascii porn, yes.
but still
or how he calls porn: animal videos.
why does this work:
fileStream.pipe(es.through(function(data, cb) {
	fs.createReadStream(data.path).on('data', data => this.emit('data', data));
})).on('data', console.log)
but not this:
thats harassment
yeah, enough world for today, I thought. :D
fileStream.pipe(es.through(function(data, cb) {
})).on('data', console.log)
are jquery questions allowed here?
yes but answers are not
just joking.. please ask
haha, cool, just thought I'd check first
so what I’m trying to do is add the correct href value to a bunch of images
but how do you put a predefined function into $(‘.selector’).each(); ?
People Give Me Negative For Answers — Ali Jamal 46 mins ago
man man
@Flobin if you have checked the docs, you already know the answer
@KarelG I have, but clearly I am missing something then :/
@orgertot Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
If you know something abot handlebars / emberjs i need some help over here :/ github.com/emberjs/ember.js/…
@KarelG what were you referring to?
a sec, writing example
pEOPLE gIVE mE pOSITIVE fOR aAnswers. — Mr_Green 1 min ago
@Mr_Green don't play his game
// this is with anonymous function
$(' ... ').each(function(arg1) {
    // do something like arg1.tada

// this does the same, but with predefined function
function myFunc(arg1) {
    // do something like arg1.tada
$(' ... ').each(myFunc);
@Flobin ^---
@KarelG that's what I thought I was doing...
sometimes I do troll when I am feeling bored @AwalGarg
well, except that I had $(' ... ').each(myFunc(argument));
where the argument changes
@Flobin either you can use an anonymous function, or bind. Please lookup how JavaScript callbacks are used and the various constructs for the same.
@Flobin you're using it incorrectly
you have to understand how it works under the hood. Either use bind or use an anonymous function which pass the reference to to the function with that 420
I'm a bit of a js noob so I'll try looking that up
hi all
@KarelG exemplary copy paste skills :P
if either of you have any links to tutorials/docs/etc., I'd appreciate it a lot
but in any case thanks for the help already
@AwalGarg sometimes i reply directly without reading the comments after those i want to comment on :/
@KarelG he is clearly trolling.. I don't think any console is needed there.
i need help on else if condition using session storage
here is the link
@KarelG heh, no worries. @Flobin are you following any particular book?
no, just trying to build something myself
        $(document).on('click', '#btn-Next', function(event) {
          if (($('#txt_scr').text.length == "") || ($('#txt_txtDesc').val() == "") || ($('#ipt_tstdt').val().length == "") || ($('#ipt_acdem').val() == "")) {
            console.log("This is second if:", otherObj.storedValue5);
            $(".txt_txtDesc").rules("remove", "required");
            $(".txt_scr").rules("remove", "required");
            $(".txt_date").rules("remove", "required");
            $(".ipt_acdem").rules("remove", "required");
else if part is not working as expected
@Flobin you started with jQuery first before javascript right ? :p
if the field was greater value than zero some condition enable
@Flobin That's ok. A quick read of javascriptissexy.com/… shall help you out if you understand the concept of first-class functions well. Else, first google "first class functions", then read the above.
@KarelG actually no
@Mahadevan can you elaborate why "it is not working as expected"
ah frig, I have to brb
yes sure if i type any values in the text field
and if i click button
@BenFortune nice find. i was looking for a new one since my current one got broken after short circuit (heavy use + faulty adapter)
should apply for that field
well, if the first if(...) is true, the else if (...) won't be checked of course ...
it jumps directly out the if control flow at the end of if-body
oh ok
so can i just put else
instead of else if
because if user start fill any of the field
else is also a part of the if control flow
how this can be validate then
initially what is happening is when the user click next button without filling any field i am geting message please fill the fields
so if the if( ... ) is true, then else will be ignored. If if( ... ) is false, then it will check the next condition else if (...). If it's false, repeat till else got reached
just a simple if( ...) instead of else if ( ...) ?
so need to put one more if right
i think i am very poor in if else condition :(
it's however one of the basics of programming ...
ok @KarelG as you said if the first if is true then it come to second else if ok agreed but here in my sistuation i have text field where initially the fields will be empty if the user click next button no error msg but if he fill one of the field and he forgot to fill other text field and drop down then if he click submit the rest of field should get validated I am confused here
actually for that reason only i was trying in if and else if
ah that kind. All form fields must be entered ?
@ not getting
@KarelG not getting
use either HTML5 validator or a separate function... or it will become a mess
here i am using the powerful :) jquery validator
that plugin provides the validation itself already. Please use it or you're reinventing the wheel
actually this was validating perfectly but as you told if it was true this was workign if i type the value in the text field then only issue was coming
guys :(
myUpload = newForm.get('inputRequired');
It is formData object, yet using get on it fails?
no browser implements the said interface properly. Why do you need to .get on a FormData object anyways?
So, what is it? java or javascript? Java is to JavaScript what Ham is to Hamster. They're unrelated. — Cerbrus 1 hour ago
@Cerbrus. It serves no one any good to lampo a user for a simple and common mistake. It is more than evident in the question what language the OP was asking the question about. Try to keep comments professional and courteous. Remarks such as yours do nothing but detract from the overall quality of this site. Thank you. — Blindman67 41 mins ago
@Blindman67: if you feel my comment was unconstructive, flag it as such. You're doing exactly what you're criticising me for, in your comment. — Cerbrus 2 mins ago
What s "lampo" supposed to mean, even?
!!urban lampo
@Cerbrus lampo It's like a Lamp with a "o"...
Caprica Six 1 : Cerbrus 0 :P
haha lamp with a "o"
made my day
Other definitions imply homosexuality or something like that
1. A habitual lier
2. one who often lies about his skating skills
3. has bad taste in women
4. often hangs out with one or more men of the Negro specie
5. always eats bagels and milk
6. thinks he has O.C.D. after watching Andrew Reynolds on epicly later'd
7. a queer
8. whole family from rio grande river
9. dad often pressure washing
10. never has food moocher
Some of those are awfully specific
Just don't use this word. It is simply useless. Otherwise I have to grab my normal language to gangster language translator...
number 4....
Hi, how to check equality of two jquery objects holding dom element?
"to lampo a user "... So, I'm making the user eat bagels and milk? xD
@Cerbrus : still, i have revised the question and it was visible that he's talking about javascript. you could have mentioned that the tag is not right. Although his comment is quite ...
@Cerbrus Or lieing about their skating skills
holind the same dom element
Don't diss that heelflip
@KarelG His original question doesn't mention JS anywhere
he appears as a man with a high hat
Only in the tags
While "Java" was in the title
And since JSON can also be used in Java, there was no way to tell if the guy meant Java or JavaScript
he mentioned F1.js
Those could just have been JSON files
missed the title
sorry :)
(No var x = )
i dislike the revision mode lately ...
the old one was more nice, like git --diff appearance
easy to spot changes
Old one?
Did you select a different tab in there by accident?
Hey guys! In jquery, i am able to check if a draggable div has been dropped on the correct droppable div. However, if I try to do it with 2 or more divs, it doesn't work. Any ideas? Pls see the following question: stackoverflow.com/questions/33937854/…
@nicki Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AwalGarg I want to check the value in the formData...
I can likely access it another way, but i've been fighting this on and off for a day now and getting tired of it
Q: What should we do with this JavaScript code coverage question?

Madara UchihaI wanted to ask your opinions with regards to a specific question. Are there any good JavaScript code coverage tools? The question was asked in '08, most of the answers there are from 08~09 and are severely outdated. The question is currently closed and locked due to its mostly subjective natu...

Would appreciate your feedback here guys ^
@MadaraUchiha edit the post, that the backtick appears after the 09
@KarelG Thanks, corrected.
@MadaraUchiha first, gratulation to your blue nickname.
// off meeting
@Maurize Thanks :)
Thanks for your reply :P
!! afk lunch meeting in a 2 star restaurant + group work. So i'm back tonight only (GMT+1)
2 star?
To me this deserves the same treatment as the book listing question. Its off-topic and has long ago run its course. Phantom delete it, please. – Gimby 3 mins ago
People need to answer more and comment less
I'm doing my answer
I wish there was a mod superpower to extract comments into answers.
so people can vote
We have the opposite power
@Maurize TBF I tend to agree.
Nuke it
Unless we get some serious volunteers to maintain it for the initial few weeks, then release it as wiki
I don't see a point in trying to CPR a clearly dead question.
@rlemon galaxy tab E on sale at staples for 249
I've been reading up on bind() in regard to something I've been trying to do, but evidently I am missing something... can anyone tell me why the bind near the end of this doesn't work? gist.github.com/Flobin/a5ace8bf2a7dd099110a
@Flobin The first argument to .bind() is the this inside of the function.
The rest are the arguments.
So you want .bind(null, 480)
and by "on sale" I mean, it says its on sale in the flyer Iwalked past
but it's the same price on amazon
@MadaraUchiha ah, thanks
(still doesn't do what I intended though)
@ivarni Mjolnired
Whaaat, 5 dollar pi!
@Flobin Ah, because you use this inside of the function
So you can't .bind(null
In fact, you can't use bind() here at all, because jQuery needs this to be dynamic when using .each()
oh, hm, well frig
@Flobin You could always just not use jQuery, you know
is there any way to do
swipebox.each( addImageToHref(480) ); ?
(the above doesn't work)
@MadaraUchiha true, and I think I know enough js to actually do that
@Flobin swipebox.each(function() { addImageToHref.call(this, 480); });
@Flobin No time like the present when it comes to learning new things :)
@MadaraUchiha: answered.
@Cerbrus Thanks
Np :-)
It's good to finally see something happen to that question.
All of the related products links in the pi swag store link to the pi zero cable bundle ._.
I bought elite dangerous and now I have the compelling urge to buy a flight stick/throttle and an oculus rift
@Cerbrus purge!!!
Q: Feel happy after solving this :)

Rahul DavdThis is written in Javascript 1). Number("1")-1===0 What will be the result? And what is the meaning of this? and 2). "1"--"1" What will be the result? And what is the meaning of this?

@ivarni: For some reason, I still mess up "'s"
@BoltClock You literally closed it from under my finger.
35 seconds. Not bad
"1"--"1" --> "Uncaught ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side expression in postfix operation(…)"
Tried to be friendly.
@Cerbrus I assumed you know the difference so I just went ahead and fixed it
lets see if we can finally smash this
I know the difference, but for some reason... Ugh
Feel happy after closing this :)
I need the data from the prior $.ajax call at lines 35-36 in the next $.ajax call
BTW @Cerbrus if you know more questions like that one that need some love/napalm, feel free to reach out either by flags or pings
Hm, double feelings about having active JS moderators
<3 : Posts get closed quickly
</3: Posts get closed quickly
> flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention
Yea, I'm kinda hesitant to flag
@MadaraUchiha thanks!
sorry, late response
406 helpful flags (1 pending :P)
Q: Feel happy after solving this :)

Rahul DavdGoing through an online Test for Javascript on http://www.javatpoint.com/directload.jsp?val=227, I found these two questions, which i was unable to solve. Anyone solve this. 1). Number("1")-1===0 What will be the result? And what is the meaning of this? and: 2). "1"--"1" What will be the res...

at least he tries.
Yeah, but tbh this is the sort of question that is just not going to get anywhere
@MadaraUchiha feel free to delete
I have better things to waste my time on
@BoltClock No point, will be roomba'd very quickly anyway.
Heh, I should mention having pending flags more often ;-) (Stop spoiling me!)
why do I have -3 votes on my answer Q_Q
Do you guys want me to post this as a question rather than just asking here?
it's only my opinion
@Neoares Votes on meta represent agreement with your opinion.
Many people don't agree with your opinion.
Many: 3
@Cerbrus Stannis.
I disagree with the answer: It's impossible to improve that thread without completely replacing the answers
but I feel like I need to delete the answer :(
Dont worry about it, it's only meta
And to do that, the question would have to be re-opened
@Cerbrus I know, but I was not gonna answer the same as you
Which goes against SO's standards
So i choose a different one so people could vote :P
Don't delete that answer, though
but.. FeelsBadMan
PARTY IS OVER @rlemon IS HERE!!! :(((
@Maurize No, the party is just getting started.
@Neoares Maybe reword it to: Another option could be to <your answer>, perhaps with a disclaimer that you don't think that it's the best idea in a comment
Alright guys, I'm getting off the bus, ttyl
See you later, Aviator!
np we only obey orders from mods
omfg I'm blind
I did enter 'n' as the value
That way, you can have a good answer people can vote on
it works!
While separating your opinion form it

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