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@Loktar not anymore
@KarelG come on guys im super serial
$35 on top of my plan gets me unlimited unthrottled
hah nice!
Few friends of mine in CA are still capped.. they have to schedule new release downloads.
yea our isp's are kinda shit
not as bad as some of yours, but bad.
and no Google here
undefined is considered falsey, right?
answer on your question : true
overall you guys I think have the worst, but on average I think yours is still better due to high tech areas surpassing ours
I need to tell google to run a line up to where I live
@rlemon Sometime talk to Aussies about their internet. It's pretty shameful.
@corvid these are falsy: false, null, undefined, 0, NaN and '' (empty string)
I get okay speeds, but I pay >$100/mo
It's 30/m more for 940 down here
Which is new
and I want it
for like ~$120/mo I get this:
@rlemon don't you have a data cap?
but I pay extra for that
Late comment but AFAIK anything which converted to Number is 0 or NaN is falsy. Which might be why +'' is 0.
8 mins ago, by rlemon
$35 on top of my plan gets me unlimited unthrottled
@rlemon wait, that's your home internet?
@rlemon psh, you can't expect me to read
@AwalGarg yes
jesus fucking christ
slow, I know right?
Faster than 93% of Canada lol
you're in India, it doesn't count.
93% of canada is uninhabitable tundra
@rlemon you moved to hamilton or did your test just resolve there?
@Incognito test
still in Kitchener
@canon that's the good part.
@Incognito nice to see you
long time since you've been here
I share the pain. I'm in the province of Québec, Canada. We get poor internet because there are not many people. Companies don't think it's worst spending.
Yeah, it's been a long time since I've been here
> You can perform this action in 1 seconds.
no chat, your rate limiter should learn to count
bon aprèm
il est 9h du soir passées par ici
bon apetit la francis charlie hebdo cheese wine
Haha, 15h30 au Québec
bon bon au croissant grenouille
hon hon hon
@Nick You're supposed to at least try to say it in French x)
I should really know french, I live in new brunswick
I did
Cheese wine? x)
pls no fb pics, always lame
@FlorianMargaine what is the french word for "cookies"?
@AwalGarg cookies
honestly, all I remember from french class is "puis je alle a la toilettes"
@rlemon and it's not even correct
@FlorianMargaine it is in "Canadian French". this is what I learned in school.
soupe aux choux, not soupe à les choux
@FlorianMargaine for "chocolates"? (don't fucking say chocolates)
@AwalGarg "chocolats"
^ nope
^ linked by Madara, yesterday
I posted it months ago
I'm really lucky, my GF is really fit so she never asks me if a dress makes her look fat :)
I'll scroll back for months in the history next time
although if she did, I'd say "no, your fat makes you look fat" and run :D
My girlfriend never asks if a dress makes her fat because she's not insecure ._.
@Cereal Guess it's "Classic SciFi references day" here
@Cereal you'd better!
!!google which country produces the best cookies
@rlemon yeah well I did your mom months ago and still do today
my girlfriend never asks if a dress makes her look fat because she doesn't exist
@rlemon "Puis-je aller aux toilettes?" is a bit too formal. You'll see it written in books, but we say "Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?". It's like the difference between "may I" and "can I" I guess.
@FlorianMargaine is that why she stopped calling me?
google gone mad
@SomeKittens the dress? she's always nekkid?
@rlemon no, that's because you didn't call her
user image
Ok meeting time lol
!!afk demo
@Cereal that's one of my favorite short stories. haven't seen a comic version of it...
@JacqueGoupil I do not say it is correct, but in my elementary school, it is what we were taught to say
who the hell would call her xD
I hope that photo is real.
@FlorianMargaine the joke is I'm married
@SomeKittens I know, I'm messing with you
@rlemon And we were thought to say "May I go to the bathroom, ey?" :)
@FlorianMargaine FITE ME
I have 2 dogs at home.
not a dude. kittens
you wouldn't stand a fucking chance
@JacqueGoupil up until I translated it (4 minutes ago) I thought that is what it meant. (pre edit)
Some kittens vs 2 dogs
kittens run!
one of my dog is faster
the other is just way too slow
I run faster than him
and I'm fat
Force-sensitive kittens
@SomeKittens Flawless victory!
To the victor goes the belly rubs.
@SomeKittens I wish my dogs and cat were like that :(
@FlorianMargaine see, I've already got spies
@Nick Record on your game right now for me is 34.
@Trasiva I don't actually expect people to play it...
@Nick It's a little buggy though.
Yes, it absolutely is
I made it in 18 hours
Most of the time spent was figuring out sin/tan and getting the rotations, bullet paths, and hitboxes right
/me wishes HS trig was taught through game design
It's still fun.
I might have paid attention
@SomeKittens I might have actually remembered some of it had it been.
Instead, I slept in class, programmed the formulas into my graphic calculator, didn't turn in most of the homework, and walked out of the class with a B.
@Trasiva yup, same deal here
to be fair, I learned more about programming in that class than any other
I failed algebra 1 in high school
and I never completed algebra 2
i smrt
!!afk picking up another rockband guitar controller and going home
(We're gonna play rockband in the office tomorrow)
I spent most of my time in math class making games and little apps in TI-Basic
@SomeKittens We actually had two programming courses for Juniors and Seniors to take at our school. Probably the only classes I paid attention in and put forth any effort.
I've had people come up and thank me at parties because my calculator apps made it possible for them to pass math class.
@nderscore Man, I used to charge people to put MirageOS on their calculators and then give them my games.
@Trasiva We had a stellar IT course
it was awesome
just not programming, really
@ShotgunNinja I know, right? They weren't that hard to write either. It was just basic, but people thought it was like...Matrix grade stuff.
@SomeKittens Same here; ours was commissioned by Gateway Tech College and included courses in DBA, web dev, hardware & software maintenance, and system admin.
Anyone have experience with ng-doc, ng-docs, or docular?
I also got involved in FIRST Robotics as a team programmer
and I fiddled with openFrameworks in high school
@Plummer we looked at ng-doc a bit then decided against it
all that combined meant I was doing a lot of programming, even if the course work didn't really include all that much
I was totally a little asshole script kiddy
@phenomnomnominal did you go with something else or decided against an inline documentation solution?
@Plummer we decided against trying to maintain inline docs
I almost got expelled a few times for getting onto places on the network I wasn't supposed to
But we were already on TS
Our coursework was focused on certifications, so I've got a pile of those.
in retrospect, would have been better if it was all programming but hey, I had an awesome time.
yeah, lol
I just focused on learning. I knew I wanted to be a programmer, and I'll be damned if that's not what I tried to do every day.
@phenomnomnominal did you not do any documentation use a different solution?
I learned how to take apart, clean, and reassemble computers
I learned a bit about web development and databases
I built and programmed robots
2 mins ago, by phenomnomnominal
@Plummer we decided against trying to maintain inline docs
and I tested out rapid application development with my TI-83+
@ShotgunNinja People said I was "good with computers" so I did computer-y stuff. Wasn't until college I realized how awesome programming was
Ah, I realized it much sooner
I made trivia in Powerpoint at college :D (I am still a fresher, btw)
@phenomnomnominal Inline docs, but do you still document in a wiki or something?
oh, yeah, we have a wiki for very high level stuff
@AwalGarg is a freshie?
I hardly attend the programming classes. They are all crap, and I just want to kill the professor.
we're also trying out the whole code owner thing
a named person to go to for different parts of the code
anyone knows a debian package that has some binary files?
@ShotgunNinja why yes, I am
like images
@AwalGarg, you should try to find a better professor, or just hang out with us and learn
Hopefully there's more than one programming professor at your school
Dudes on this project are like, "Can't we just use Sharepoint"
Wait, a HS freshman, or college freshman?
And then I die a little inside.
@AwalGarg drop out, start working
@ShotgunNinja I am not the one who gets to chose my professor :D and I do hang out here a lot
@nderscore I am looking for the "work" part...
@ShotgunNinja My problem was that programming was hard. I tried a half-dozen times to get into it but since I wasn't a natural I went back to the things people said I was good at.
@SomeKittens So what do you do now?
@ShotgunNinja fight dogs
@ShotgunNinja I was forced to learn to code at college (highly academic family, failure wasn't an option) and then figured out how to learn.
@SomeKittens great writing
My problem now is that I don't get to push my limits and get to use the newer stuff at my current job.
@jumpstracks In the link? Yeah. Every programmer (heck, every student of anything ever) should read that.
@Trasiva what's keeping you there?
Ahhh. I kinda wished I had a highly academic family; my mom gave me the push to do something productive, and programming seemed the most fun.
Half the stuff I'm using is pretty deprecated and can be difficult to work with.
but she doesn't understand anything I do
@ShotgunNinja I get more comments about how I should finish college at family get togethers than I do interview invitations at meetups
@Trasiva Do you like the people? Good commute? Pay?
@SomeKittens Mostly the fact that I haven't found anything else. It's been really hard for me to get a developer job. Mostly I think due to the lack of an actual degree, the fact all my original work is classified while in the military, and then I was out of the developer game for almost four years after the military while trying to get a job.
My mom is in the medical field and can barely computer outside of the Linux box she uses for her MRI machine, and my dad is a pilot and a Republican, so I don't talk with him much
@SomeKittens It's a small shop, less than a mile to work, and the pay is great.
my stepdad is a sheet-metal fabricator and has been a PC gaming enthusiast since the 90s
@Trasiva ouch. Yep, that's always tricky. And you're not doing yourself any favors by working with outdated tech.
@Trasiva ooooh, that is nice.
@SomeKittens I know, and I made sure I stuck with these guys at least a year before I started putting my resume out.
A: encode an image with js or using jquery

Nijraj GelaniThe string you are trying to get is base64 representation of the image. Any file or file can be converted to base64. Read more about base64 at here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64 And as for converting an image to base64, that is already answered at here : How to convert image into base6...

@Trasiva more loyal employee than I
@SomeKittens where are you looking for work?
like, general area
@ShotgunNinja I'm not currently looking
oh derp
must've misread
though I live in SF Bay Area, so everyone ever tries to hire me.
please helpme out on that queswttion
@SomeKittens lol right
@ShotgunNinja Right now I live in Iowa. I've been looking with about a fifty mile range of here. I don't want to commute much further than that.
public meetups can be a lot of fun but there's too many recruiters.
@Trasiva corn.js
@SomeKittens Haha
@SomeKittens Right? I'm a member of a few Meetup groups in my area (southeast WI)
@Trasiva Do you still have a clearance by chance, or have you been completely out of the gov for over 2 years?
@SomeKittens :O
@Loktar I've been out four and a half years now. I wish it wasn't expired.
> Written purely in JavaScript, leveraging libraries like Node and React.
damn nice.
@ShotgunNinja what's the recruiterspam like out there?
The only benefit is my record is still 100% clean.
@Trasiva ah damn, was going to say I have a bunch of contacts in the local area for gov jobs at Stratcom
they are always looking for devs with a TS
where are you in Iowa...?
I am like 15 mins away, from the western border.
@Loktar Coralville.
@SomeKittens Mostly groups looking to fill gaps in Milwaukee or Chicago companies.
@ShotgunNinja fun. I hear Chicago isn't that bad.
ah damn you're a ways.
I'm right by Omaha
@SomeKittens The company I just started with has their HQ in Chicago
was going to suggest our JS meetups out here as well
but that is a heck of a drive lol
usually 60+ people turn out.
@Loktar Yea, you're just a wee bit too far, haha.
I'm a Wisconsin boy, though, and we have a fair bit of rivalry with Illinois.
I wouldn't mind moving honestly. The only problem has been saving up money to move.
so the company Christmas parties, involving both the Chicago and the Milwaukee offices, are a hodgepodge of Packers and Bears fans.
Especially since I just signed this lease back in August, haha.

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