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Is there somewhere a complete list of the operations that are allowed to pause script execution ?
> Document.getElementById("I'd here").innerHTML = sha256;
How does one get the idea that "I'd" is right there? o.O
Fatfingers ' while typing. Code doesn't work. First reaction: post on SO.
Wouldn't be the first time
stackoverflow.com/questions/33871051/… Basically "How do I indexOf", answered by ~79k user.
No need to downvote the answer, though, even if it's not interessting, it's still OKish
wow people still ask that
That guy should just have closed the question
Well the answer is not useful, it just echoes something that's already on the site
He's still editing it. Like the question is not going to get deleted.
Someone upvoted that question -.-
And 79k guy: "well, answered a help vamp so deleting."
mr. alien is still around? o.o
i like the response to your comment "Google before you ask, please" @Cerbrus
- "Whats the URL :) Yeah I did "
@AwalGarg I don't think so
he isn't visible these days
@Mr_Green he just answered a terrible question with a useless answer
he is a repwhore
one more cv pls
Q: Traffic light code not working

Max COUSINSI need to make a traffic light that cycles through the colours by clicking a button. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <button onclick="nextLight()">Click here</button> <img id="demo" src="traffic light red bright.png"> <img id="demo" src="orange lights up.png"> <img id="demo" src="green light l...

after 3 years, I crossed 15k.. so happy :D
congrats @Mr_Green :)
@DenysSéguret done
nice nick "max COUSINS" is there a cap to how many cousins can you have?
Oh, I hadn't noticed that randal was the author of that article well visible on reddit... Congrats @SomeKittens
second starred thing
reddit one
Fiber launched this week as Google's first Angular 2 application:
hi guys
($.trim($('#txt_scr').val()) == "")

to find text empty is this correct
($.trim($('#txt_scr').val()) == "")
@Mahadevan I would check the length if it was me
or just whether it's truish
if (!$.trim($('#txt_scr').val()))
(assuming you need to support IE8)
oh ok
so no need to put =""
Didn't know js treated empty strings as falsey
it is getting confusing :(
deny's expression evaluates to the opposite of yours
Yeah, depends on the exact goal
Hi. Does anyone know how do I change the background color for NG expressions ?
(Couldn't find it)
if i put like this still not working
i have an empty text field

when i check the field whether it has any length it says 1
@Mahadevan fiddle
Found it: ( for those of you who are intereseted)
@Mahadevan why dont you check the length instead of =='' ..
Try that
@Phoenix It's not the size of == that matters, it's how you use it
i tried using length not working
($.trim($('#ipt_tstdt').length <= 0))  less than 0 do something
@Mahadevan it doesn't work cause you $.trim the result of length<=0
@Mahadevan $('#ipt_tstdt') returns an array of the selected objects, which in this case is always 1
Wait wat? What are you trying to accomplish?
$('#ipt_tstdt').length <= 0 returns true if it isn't there otherwise false
trim of true or false, I have no idea what that will give you
actually trim will see whether we have any space
in the text field
@Mahadevan You are passing a boolean into trim
define "will see"
@Mahadevan Is that mentioned in the documentation? Because i'm pretty sure that's wrong
that doesn't make any sense -- what do you actually want to do? trim's argument should be a string, not a boolean
sorry for the wrong info
once you have the field, you probably mean to call .val()
this is what i want to do
if(($.trim($('#txt_txtDesc').val())=="0") ||
                            ($('#txt_scr').length <= 0) ||
                            ($('#ipt_tstdt').length <= 0) ||
                            ($.trim($('#ipt_acdem').val())== '')
$.trim($('#ipt_tstdt').val()).length <= 0
i have two drop down and and two text field
i need to see if all the fields are empty if yes then i have remove jquery validator
@Mahadevan then what I wrote is what you're looking for I think
Though it is also ugly code
@AwalGarg new domain: dpsv.margaine.com
any suggestion @Neil
@AwalGarg what's wrong?
ah :)
already reported
I'll fix that tonight
there are 2 bugs there, actually
the width is 50% instead of some manual px
and it should word wrap
@FlorianMargaine Is it possible that the list of files be listed like the output of ls -F?
@AwalGarg what do you mean?
(technically, everything is possible)
@FlorianMargaine I want to know whether the entry I am clicking on is a directory or a file before clicking. ls -F adds a / to the end of the entry to show it is a directory, among other stuff.
I'll have to clean up my branch tonight, but then it's gonna be pretty interesting. Every PR will have its own website to test on
@AwalGarg there's the "Type" column for that
but sure, I can add the /
@FlorianMargaine oh, not exactly intuitive IMHO, but pretty good!
@AwalGarg yeah, the UI definitely needs some work
@FlorianMargaine You can give it a terminal like theme :D
@AwalGarg no, I like white theme
A white terminal like theme?
ah, I misunderstood what you meant then
I want to add new features like search across the files too
something like github's t would be fun too
so tonight I'm going to pick up the materials to make my forge
and next weekend I'll attempt to make a knife
@Neil any suggestion
@Mahadevan Check the room you created for us
@rlemon Wow, that's neat! Make sure you take tons of pictures and / or videos
@SomeGuy I'll attempt to record the process.
@FlorianMargaine I was only looking for dpsv.margaine.com/packages/stable/sudo/1.8.10p3-1+deb8u2/… :D
@AwalGarg hehe
@SomeGuy youtube.com/watch?v=xv9nnEhgfuY tonight I'm going to make something similar to this
after the grep-like feature is added, this will be much better
but basically, this is why I've wanted to have something like that for a while :)
@rlemon wat
I wanna try to make two things, 1) a knife. 2) a herb chopper
@AwalGarg which one looks better
 * 	class NodeType extends Node{
 *		@prop.ofType(OtherNodeType)
 *		first = new OtherNewType();
 *	}
 *	def('NodeType')
 		.ofType(OtherNewType, w => new OtherNewType())
Both look terrible
4/10 for effort
@Zirak suggestion ?
@Zirak did you see dpsv.margaine.com?
@Zirak wow you are quite a lenient grader
@Abhishrek Stop thinking, it makes you go to weird places
@FlorianMargaine You did the thingie!
I believe I did, Bob!
@Zirak I am absolutely dumb.
A little example would be nice :-)
@Abhishrek "NodeType" extends.. "Node"?
isFile: true
isFolder: false
@AwalGarg well BaseNode if you will
You have both Node and BaseNode?
What do you do for non-text files?
@Zirak it was just an example
I haven't started writing code yet.
Then start by writing code that'll use these, and then write them
That way you'll know what you need before you invent things
@Zirak haven't handled them yet
It's pretty neat
Programming Futures, psychadelic, man
thanks, I really like it. The UI has some bugs, but it's pretty usable
I go to localhost:8080 without writing anything and click around randomly, bashing my keyboard to understand what I really want. Nothing works :(
the last time someone linked localhost:8080, I found out I had a server running in the background on 8080
didn't do anything, and I didn't remember setting it up, but it was there
what do they mean by consecutives?
ever since I made that nginx manager thingy, I have servers running on just about every port (well, had, now that I use fedora on which it doesn't work :/)
@emporio Numbers that are increments of one another
4, 5, 6 are 3 consecutive numbers, for instance
@Neil incremented by exactly 1 ?
@emporio unless otherwise stated, yes
@emporio The question is weird
but look at test case 3
and compare to TC 5
Test.assertEquals(LowestProduct("1234111"),4,"Numbers should be consecutives");
consecutive prime numbers would be prime numbers such that no other prime numbers can be found inbetween
both are consecutive with 1,1,1,1
yes TC 5 is not seen as consecutive
Nevermind why there's assertSimilar and assertEquals, but what does that test case even mean?
What's that 4?
fuck me sideways.. I left the fucking cable I need to do my work at home
I'm so not impressed with myself right now
@rlemon 3 hour lunch?
I may just do what I can here and go home at lunch and work from home
it snowed / freezing rain last night
roads are mucky, and it's a 35 minute drive each way
@emporio lowest product of consecutive numbers in the string 123456789 is 24 because 1*2*3*4 are 4 consecutive numbers
@Zirak makes sense
@Zirak that is the answer that is expected if the numebr are not regarded as consecutive
1 min ago, by Zirak
What's that 4?
@emporio So what's the 3rd argument?
@Neil but what about test case 3? There we have 1,1,1,1 and the answer is 1
I think the 3rd one is expected, and the second is some weirdo crap
yes with test case 5, we also get 1,1,1,1 yes it's not regarded as conseuvtive by the test case
@emporio maybe because "1" could be considered a set of consecutive numbers of 1
@Zirak third argument?
Test #3 is the oddball here. You should ask for clarification.
not 1*1*1*1, just 1
@emporio After the 4, they pass a string. What's that string?
@Neil That's invalidated by #3
You have four 1s in a row, answer is 1
@Zirak the 1s aren't consecutive
yes but not for test case 5.. that's messed up
only one would count in that group of 4
Only one would count towards what?
oh I'm confused now
there have to be four numbers?
@emporio where is this from? your uni? some $random internet street?
from CodeWars: www.codewars.com/r/hFSZoA
that serves me a redirect. login required?
hey there
@0bj3ct Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix thank
Hi persons, the company in which I work just offered me to get me some books on the Amazon. So I would be very greatful if you can reccomend something cool that is connected with development/JS/data structures etc. Thanks
@Abhishrek hangouts
so how is '1234111' not consecutive but '2345611117899' is ??
when sorted that is
The question isn't clear enough, you're right
@Zirak so it's a bad test??
It's a bad question
then I will hit solution
If you can, ask for clarification or look for answers
yeah i will check the discourse
@rlemon cool - may want to check out mapp gas, and o2 & acetylene
proof once again that you can't build a program that spits out the right answers when you're given only sets of inputs and their corresponding outputs
well it makes sense actually
> Convenient
@jumpstracks I'm just going to use propane / natural gas for now
I have lines / access to both
lol i solved it eventually
like so
@rlemon gotcha - if need more heat, injecting more air can help
@jumpstracks first burn I'll likely use some of the old propane tanks I have left from before I move. past that I'll probably use Natural Gas because I already have a line run to the workshop
I'm only building the forge to withstand 1200c
so natural gas should get me there
I can provide you some
@rlemon I was able to melt steel using veggie oil and air :)
if I wanna cast steel I'll make the arc forge
ya saw that
right now just wanna forge some knives from scrap
cool. if you don't already know check out tempering and settling the metal
that' stuff is cool - saw a show where they examined Damascus steel and found atoms were better aligned than modern technology can do
Thanks for that Oliver, my research up to know also suggest that I will need the # in url in my ajaxbased app/webpage to have any chance of adding meta-tags also, as they are only read on page load if I remember correctly..
And now, to add meta-tags, like open-graph for facebook, I will need to add them dynamically, or in some link this to my url changing, so that way I would show the correct page..
But this is perhaps why you say I need the #, is it correct that when using # in the url, I should then redirect, or parse as you said, the # url, if it is googlebot it will used some escaped fr
good word to google :) thx ;)
What does it mean if you8 can't see a draggable element while you are dragging it??
it means you have no dragImage
I mean... the drag works. However I can't see the element I'm dragging... no visual effect
Thanks :D
do that event.dataTransfer.setData("text", "some fake data"); in dragstart
Good morning
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was laughing so hard when the PC party had the consent forms
@crl I don't think this has anything to do. Because you can drag an element even if you write no javascript code. If you simply put the attribute draggable on a DOM element you will be able to drag it, although you won't be able to do anything useful without javascript code
@ErroreFatale yes wasn't that obvious?
My problem is that I can actually drag the element, but I don't see it while I am dragging it... no visual effect
do a fiddle
Can someone explain the difference between these two sets of Angular code? One works, one doesn't, but I am not sure what the "under-the-hood" difference is.
  transclude(function(clone) {
(the first one, is the one that works)
@Austin maybe I can helpeth
@emporio I would appreciate it! I am still entry-level with Angular, so they both look the same but obviously are doing something different behind the scenes
I am interested in the answer to that one also ;) hehe :D
I would say that basic jQuery may be disallowed in AngularJS
they want you ot use jQuery in a certain way
otherwise what's the point of using their framework?
and secondly, that's not the way to use transclude() as far as I know
transclude needs to be used with a directives 'link:' property
and in a certain way
Got that second idea from this: stackoverflow.com/questions/21092885/…
for reference
well if it's been upvoted there then it must be good
but yeah, you would need the other elements like templateUrl:'templates/my-transcluded-directive.html' and transclude:true,
are you using those?
sup folks
today, I learn Angular
@ShotgunNinja sup
can you make a plnkr?
I am trying to understand what Angular is doing different between those two transclude routes
in a conceptual way
Shouldn't be context specific?
I don't think route is the best word for it
true... :/
well in the first you're using a clone to present whatever you're cloning
this has benefits because you aren't manipulating the original data
in the second, you are applying the transclude method
ohhh, so we are doing manipulation in the second use?
@SterlingArcher it was an awesome episode :D I'm thrilled for the next one
but I can't see how far the transclude method goes in your case
@Austin naturally
It is just one level... So conceptually, what is the transclude() doing to the transcluded element in terms of manipulation?
in use 2
depends how transclude() was used
Gotcha... so there isn't a generic list of things it does?
in case 2, transclude would be manipulating the directive it's used in
Q: Is there a point running request animation frame at 25 fps

iGoogleIs it worth using request animation frame if I am forcing it to go on 25 FPS. This is why I am asking: Normal RAF behaviour: a1000ms / 60 fps = 16.66a That is a standard refresh rate of most monitors. Dropping FPS to 30 : 1000 / 30 = 33.33 that is exactly half of 60 and that means that every...

too broad / opinion based?
transclude makes it possible to inlude elements that are contained with a div
and a templateurl may be provided if necessary
@emporio you can edit
@crl I can edit?
< yes, there
So my edge case (hard to plnkr it), was this.
I had a div (.replaceMe) that was replaced for an input. The transclusion was on a custom element which contained that input. My edge case, was that the custom element had an additional directive on it. Doing the clone version fixed this.
@crl I have more rights now?
So I am trying to see how the transclude() manipulated it, to break it.
@Austin try to make a plnkr
you know plnkr?
@rlemon <3
> xxx: (and the oscar goes to) fucking-coffee.sh - this one waits exactly 17 seconds (!), then opens an SSH session to our coffee-machine (we had no frikin idea the coffee machine is on the network, runs linux and has SSHD up and running) and sends some weird gibberish to it. Looks binary. Turns out this thing starts brewing a mid-sized half-caf latte and waits another 24 (!) seconds before pouring it into a cup. The timing is exactly how long it takes to walk to the machine from the dudes desk.
Wow, that's actually incredible
also demonstrated as a fake
or at least proof of wasting a lot of time at work
@Austin probably the way transclude method had been used
which is why it broke
which I am for, btw..
I wanna see what happens if the guy gets interrupted on the way there
no one would interrupt this kind of guy
he doesn't respond in english, he just murmers the characters for a unix forkbomb and walks away
!!afk restart updates
@SterlingArcher That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
hangover.sh epic
transclude example

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