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well maybe not that one you can travel around the milky way
@SuperUberDuper All games suck?
yeah they boring
Interesting. What're some examples of good games from the past, and boring games released lately?
Minecraft was a pretty fun game (from today)
I liked simplicity of mega bomerman
simplicity of red alert
Because it's a matter of wonder that a few years back everything was great, and now 100% of everything is horrible
simple tactics
flight simulator X is not bad
Declinism is the belief that a society or institution is tending towards decline. Particularly, it is the predisposition to view the past favourably and future negatively. == American Declinism == The United States of America in particular has a history of predicting its own downfall, beginning with European settlement. So called American Declinism has been a recurring topic in US politics since the 1950s. Below is a list of Declinist literature: The Post American World That Used to Be Us Time to Start Thinking == See also == Psychological biases == References == == External links =...
Have you played Terraria? Limbo? Missing Files: Tanguska? Frog Fractions?
yeah I hold that view
I think it's because it can be hard to find the good games out of so many choices but, over time, the good games stand out and become well known. That wat it always seems like some gems in the past and a bunch of shit today.
and what @penne12 said.
Then you don't know if all games now suck
It's a quirk of human nature to think that everything's getting worse
they suck because they make you a loser
Then again, we live in an age of iaps & DLC
Your arguments are boring, I'm going to find something interesting
go play a game
Try the iOS game badlands (it's amazing on an iPhone 6s with 3d touch)
I got bored of it in 1 hour
a distinguished gentleman like myself plays PC games
ok time to sleep as I have client tomorrow 10am
Badlands is really awesome though - it uses the pressure of your finger to move your guy up and down through puzzles
yeah but its nice for 15 m
then repetitive
Mini metro is also pretty cool
also, does action bubbling still work in ember 2.1?
havn't used it since then
@penne12 welcome to js chat btw, all the best devs hang out here ;)
you'll get lots of quick answers here
and the occasional profanity
which is not a +
there are some truley awesome devs in this room
and some thoroughly average ones too (hi)
and some where there "awesomeness" has gone to their head
yeah @Zirak
@SuperUberDuper fuck the occasional profanity
ok, so I can't get my action from the navbar to the controller
Solution: Get rid of the component
How do I render a component in ember?
1 hour later…
yay the SPCA is bringing animals into work next monday!!!!!!
@SomeKittens IMHO git stash is a horrible thing and no one should use it.
It's everything a commit is, minus all the integrity tools Git has for commits.
Just create a new wip branch, commit and carry on
@MadaraUchiha It can be useful, especially if you have pre-commit hooks or something like that
@SuperUberDuper See, the fact that you use this room for "lots of quick answers" is where your thinking is wrong.
We use this room for discussion about JavaScript, occasionally, users come here and ask for help, and most of the times we're nice people so we're willing to help out
and most often that help is searching for an existing SO answer
I guessed that
But we do not appreciate help vampires, or people who repeatedly abuse our kindness to get quick and dirty solutions without even attempting at learning themselves (which is a longer version of "help vampire").
Ok guys, how do I log a message to the console? (jk)
@penne12 console.info().
1 message moved to Trash can
@penne12 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
@penne12 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
vampire = function(){
	this.suck = function(person){
nicePerson = function(name){
    this.name = name;
    this.time = 5;
Anyone know what I did wrong with that code?
Pls help?
@penne12 what?
you need to do something like
function vampire(){...}
I see! Thanks :D but I don't know how that works. Please spend more of your time to help me since that would be nice (this is satire)
you call the function by:
What if I want multiple vampires?
you can call the function many times
That is cool
i feel like you did 0 research
What no
how did you try to figure it out?
Not at all....
Defiantly tried my hardest
I asked the question on this site
google works wonders
(Sidenote: Satire! This was a joke, not an actual question. I posted the question here and here only, because of help vampires as a joke)
where did you post it?
Self-referential humor or self-reflexive humor is a type of comedic expression that—either directed toward some other subject, or openly directed toward itself—intentionally alludes to the very person who is expressing the humor in a comedic fashion, or to some specific aspect of that same comedic expression. Self-referential humor expressed discreetly and surrealistically is a form of bathos. In general, self-referential humor often uses hypocrisy, oxymoron, or paradox to create a contradictory or otherwise absurd situation that is humorous to the audience. Self-referential humor is sometimes...
@phenomnomnominal the only ajax problems you've ran into are: "run", "existence hell", and "CORS", and "500" right?
@3.14159265358... I don't even.
you don't use it?
Nope, I only do pure HTML pages
none of this fancy bullshit
@phenomnomnominal you're no fun
i'm writing an ajax talk
Oh, I didn't realise it was 2006
@phenomnomnominal it's not, but people are still talking about it
aren't they?
I haven't even thought about AJAX in years.
It's just something you do
I'm using ajax pretty often
(Look at how fast everything loads)
@penne12 what problems have you ran into with ajax?
any others?
just cors?
i've ran into a few more bugs
Patch support in Angular/JQuery
x-browser issues 5 years ago
And this isn't a problem, but the syntax is pretty ugly
i'm looking at the ones people run into now
for writing proofs on them
Hey @SuperUberDuper!
Oh yeah, firefox is a bit weird on my CORS
compared to every other browser
what's wrong with patch suport?
A: Does the jQuery ajax call support PATCH?

Ray ToalThe $.ajax method does support HTTP PATCH. The problem you are seeing is that the ajax method looks for PATCH in the Access-Control-Allow-Methods response header of the options preflight check. Either this header is missing from your response, or the PATCH method was not included in the value...

Wait nvm, that's CORS
Did I mention that cors sucks?
what does patch do?
it's like put (or post)
but patch
aww, never heard of it
what does it do exactly?
It's for patching (updating) a record
Q: Angularjs PATCH - undefined is not a function

VishwaKumarI am trying to use angular $http.patch() function to call a API URl As recommended by these answers - 1 and 2 i have set Content-Type headers to application/json in the config. But still i get the error: undefined is not a function I am missing here something? Below is my code where the e...

That's the problem
Patch should be used instead of put (most of the time), but it's not used often
aww, for software patching
not that
Hey guys, I'm working with angular for the first time. I have app built with socket.io and sa mentioned before - angular.
Now when I want to push new object into array that I want to display via ng-repeat it disappears
Q: what is the main difference between patch and put request?

user3276063I am using a PUT request in my rails application. Now, a new http verb, PATCH has been implemented by browsers. So, I want to know what the main difference between PATCH and PUT requests are, and when we should use one or the other. Thanks in advance.....

Is there any way to save this element so on refresh/ new socket is stays the same?
i've never used patch, and put yet
What do you mean @NotAJohnDoe?
@NotAJohnDoe localStorage?
Hmm yea, I might copy the controller code
And i have ng-repeat for "deposit in deposits" in html
I would like to have these saved so when someone new connects he still sees these objects listed and overall that I can have more than one (now it shows only the first i send)
i never knew what patch, and put do, thanks:
Q: what is the main difference between patch and put request?

user3276063I am using a PUT request in my rails application. Now, a new http verb, PATCH has been implemented by browsers. So, I want to know what the main difference between PATCH and PUT requests are, and when we should use one or the other. Thanks in advance.....

Its my first angular app and I'm struggling for hours with this
@NotAJohnDoe do you mean this user, when they come back to this page, or another user?
Because if it's the latter, you need a DB
Well, bot hactually
@phenomnomnominal so what is the correct approach to this
have a database
put stuff in it
fetch it from the db on page load
Well actually I have database. I'm taking data from it and sending via socket.io :P. It's updating very often
okay, when you add something to the DB, do you broadcast an event out to all users?
I'm emitting an event
then I'm not sure what bit you're missing?
It only shows 1record and only for people already being on site
I want to add few objects into array via socket and display on page via ng-repeast
for everyone
1 object at a time, when database is being updated
1 hour later…
hi , i have a string like this , <b>D</b>anbury, CT i want to remove b tag or html tags from the string and o/p shd like Danbury, CT i tried with text fuc it's comng only D , can some one any idea !!! ?
I am using fckeditor to copy data from word and paste to fckeditor .when i am trying to copy paste image from ms word it do not show the image preview .it shows only the image covered area like a rectangle only. How can I prevent from this issue.
@RNmalek Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi all
could you please check this is correct
var text_scr = $('.local_Field').val();
$(text_scr).focusout(function() {
    if (text_scr.length > 1) {
        $(this).rules("add", "required");
what i am doing wrong here
For starters you've not explained what the problem is
second, you're attaching (or trying to) an event listener to a string
hi the problem is i am not getting the alert
when i checked through google to find the length of an object it was mention like this
What do you think .val() on your first line returns?
it will returns value
i have modifed slightly here
        var text_scr = $('.local_Field').val().length;
            if (text_scr > 1 )  {
                alert("getting issue");
Exactly, but then you try to call .focusout on a value
You want to call .focusout on an element
just give me an idea
I am
i have an two text field and drop down
for all the field i have the common classname call localfield
where i need to get the length for all the field
so if the length is greater than 1
i am executing one condition
but this is happening
slightly confused here
kindly help me
Like I said, you want to call .focusout on a jQuery object, not on a string from .val() or a number from .val().length. You want the eventhandler attached to an element or a list of elements. Once you've got the eventhandler attached properly you can access the element using $(this) inside the eventhandler and probably somehow get the value from it
ok thanks let me try :)
hi @ivarni
i am trying like this now
 var text_scr = $('.local_Field').val().length;
                        if (text_scr > 1 )  {
                            alert("getting issue");
instead of this
i am using id of the text field
Some people just want readymade answers. :P
@Mahadevan If you look at jsbin.com/gunelopuve/edit?html,js,console,output do you understand the difference between what gets printed to console? You have to read the value of your input after the focusout event instead of reading it before attaching the eventhandler
oh ok @ivarni
!!> console.log("hi");
@underscore "undefined" Logged: hi
!!wiki google
@underscore The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
Google Inc. is an American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. These include online advertising technologies, search, cloud computing, and software. Most of its profits are derived from AdWords, an online advertising service that places advertising near the list of search results. Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University. Together they own about 14 percent of its shares but control 56 percent of the stockholder voting power through supervoting stock. They incorporated Google as...
Just spotted this in a codereview: var module = process.argv.slice(2)[0];
it's also doing process.argv.slice(2)[1];
i wat even dont
help help
plnkr.co/edit/C03tuFCSNKyzoednyoHf?p=preview the bold/italics button osn't working here
ah I need a button
but why ?
hi all
@BenjaminGruenbaum You may enjoy this math.stackexchange.com/questions/820686/…
@SomeGuy BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: going home
Then again, you may already know about all of those
i have a query on getting the length
         var text_scr = $('.local_Field').val().length;
            if ($(this).val().length >= 1 )  {
                alert("getting issue");
actally rules was adding now perfectly
but if i add one more id for example #txt_scr
@Mahadevan: Don't you have colleagues you can ask this kind of stuff?
for example if i add html drop down id with that
happy new morning netizens
I need some help regarding google cloud
anybody here who used it maybe
@penne12 what dude?
Anyone think its better to use the native Custom components api than polymer et al? Apparently Atom thinks so..
man this chat room kept me up way too late last night, thanks guys )
Is there anyway I could use background color as text's color
@Zirak Haha, yeah, I've played it. It was great
           var otherObj = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('storeDate2')),
                txt_otj = $(".local_Field").val().length;
			if (otherObj.storedValue7 === "cu") {
                    $('.local_Field').each(function() {
                } else if (otherObj.storedValue5 === "ug"){
                    $('.local_Field').each(function() {
                        if (txt_otj == 1) {
can you please tell what i am doing wrong in else if condition
i have text field and drop down if select any value from the drop down or if i type any value inside the text if condition should work !.e rules has to add
some how i am not getting this
kindly please guide me here
any guidance please
why dont you post a question?
or a fiddle.... :)
I have a plunker
please check this
this was updated one
kindly please check
k, checked
I would kindly help you, but ATM I can't
sure @Neoares take your time
ok @Mahadevan can you, somewhere in your plnkr explain exactly what you expect? :)
actually i think this particular line is wrong i guess
 if (txt_otj == 1) {
your selector is ok ? (class : $('.***'))
@Phoenix why don't you guys just help ?
If don't then why not stay calm and quiet ?
Once again,
1 hour ago, by Cerbrus
@Mahadevan: Don't you have colleagues you can ask this kind of stuff?
@Cerbrus sorry they are all in the other meeting they will come in the evening :(
that was reason i am asking help here
@Cerbrus You already know the answer to that, though, don't you now? ;)
@Mahadevan: You're asking quite a lot on here. That isn't necessarily bad, but it comes across as if this chatroom is the first place you go to when you run into a problem.
@Mathematics i'm sorry bro i'm not your live support guy
This is just my observation, though.
got it @Cerbus i will try to reduce actually i am trying but still not getting the result then only i am posting here
@Julo0sS i have updated plnkr.co/edit/6paxaANdcxJi9KpHMMhU please check
As long as you're trying, first, it's fine by me :D
Sometimes people needs to take off the bandage from the eyes...
@Mahadevan what kind of indentation is this
thanks @Cerbrus i am trying
@AwalGarg Also, nope, I didn't :P
@feniixx hm?
@Mahadevan why don't you make your js checks before posting your form?
you mean to say .sumbit()
yeah, just submit when all your js stuff is done
@Cerbrus Math guy seems to be asking without trying to figure out problems
well let me try @Julo0sS
@Phoenix who said you are ? who asked you by name to help ?
how do you know your js function supposed to store data in session has finished its job when your form submits and goes to second.html?
@Julo0sS in the script.js i have the following code
// Code goes here
function storedata2(){
	var storeDate2 = {};
	storeDate2['storedValue5'] = $('input[value=ug]:checked').val();
	storeDate2['storedValue6'] = $('input[value=pg]:checked').val();
	storeDate2['storedValue7'] = $('input[value=cu]:checked').val();
	sessionStorage.setItem('storeDate2', JSON.stringify(storeDate2));
yep,i saw that
and i am calling the function
<button class="btn-next" id="btn-Next" onclick="storedata2();">Save & Next</button>
actually in plunkr i am getting an issue it was not posting as expected
it was showing
  "statusCode": 400,
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "message": "files is required",
  "validation": {
    "source": "payload",
    "keys": [
@Mahadevan got this :
TypeError: $.data(...) is undefined
settings = $.data( element.form, "validator" ).settings;
just a sec @Julo0sS
can you please check this link
@FlorianMargaine you wrote dpsv in php? Is the source viewing part isolate-ably separate from the source finding and fetching part?
@AwalGarg in short, kinda
oh, node, ok
@AwalGarg I download the sources index separately, but I fetch the sources themselves lazily on demand, via the API
Q: What makes an object (javascript)

Lea FoxWhat makes an object a string? What makes an object a boolean? What makes an object (just) an object? What makes an object a function? What makes an object an array? When does the browser recognize each one as such, and why? I understand that each one has different methods that are allotted to t...

Eeeeh? What?
@FlorianMargaine yeah figured out that much :P your server doesn't reply with any header that can suitably tell me the backed :D
while it is downloaded, the API keeps sending back 202 to the client, and returns a 200 with the data when it's done
@AwalGarg this file could interest you github.com/ralt/dpsv/blob/master/api/source-downloader.js
Have you tried anything ? — Unknown User 14 secs ago
Hah, that comment on the question I just linked. That comment doesn't even apply to the question
@FlorianMargaine github.com/ralt/dpsv/blob/master/api/… well, IIRC, you can filter out a couple of predefined files listed in that "FILES" thing and rest are your sources
@AwalGarg all you have is the list of files
you have to figure out yourself what each file means, based on the extension
> you have to look at the extension of the files and figure out based
on this what to do.
and all of the files in there are useful for the sources
(well, except the .dsc, I don't really care about it. I guess I should.)
@FlorianMargaine what does dpkg do with them?
@AwalGarg what I do
hmm :/
@Cerbrus btw, commented on that with a few (hopefully) interesting links
The internal slots part of the spec might also help him
How to run multiple videos in loop?
Currently, I am doing like this stackoverflow.com/a/3800851/1577396
but this is giving a flickering when a video ends and next video starts
What to do to remove that flickering?
@AwalGarg :D
@Mr_Green Simplest and most reliable way to minimise flickering: concat your videos into one.
or use popcorn and fade one in and the other one out
@Abhishrek you slept like 2 hours?
@AwalGarg Yes
I only sleep about 6 at max
I do not follow any time schedule, I get tired I sleep - I wake up, I work
I am never tired for writing code :D Always tired to goto college/acad
@AwalGarg I guess 4 years later you will.
@Abhishrek 4 years later I will be the president of the multiverse and you will see a world where academics aren't a thing
@Neoares terrible
@AwalGarg why
haters gonna hate
what's wrong with asus
@Mosho where are thou?
@Neoares just messing with you, no idea about this stuff
@AwalGarg :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum art**
@Abhishrek wat?
Its wherefore art thou ? ** IIRC
@Sheepy thanks that is a nice idea
will tell the same to my boss
hi i have isssue can some one help me ovr here ...
not until we know what the issue is
i have list of city with <b> </b> tag

city =Ajm<b>a</b>n, <b>A</b>J;
i need to replace all <b></b> tag with ''

exped op : Ajman, AJ;
i tried with this

var r = str.replace("<b>","");
return r.replace("</b>","");
but in some case it's not working .
is it a proper way ..!!
can any one guide me on this !!1

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